ENRE RE RERE i i anRE RTSREasife (--i i # i.zz §¥§ i =n 3Trffa qqu mET A`sset Recovery Branch # 816No816 3fiTqTFT qu Oppankara Street ffiiqng Coimbatorc` fin Pin 641001 RI ;I``:ARB/3() DAY S SN/()4/2()20L21 ()8-I ()-2()2() 13y Regd Post & C()uricr To: M/s The ultimate--S`b`l`utioii`s~~`+` ` -` N() 17 2ND CR()SS SRP NAGAR 81 IARATI 11 PARK SAIBABA C()I,()NY C()IMBAT()RI`; (`()I MBATOR! .`, TA M I I, N^ I)lL641011 |r::rk|7:3d*}S'du:;:a€;,r;:Iiay:%>::I,n[::taor::]i 1641()11 Coimbatorc+641035 wit;i shivalii2:~~-_ ` TTTTTTTTT__ _ _ Mrs V Muthulakshmi No 17, SRP Nagar,11 Cross, Bharathi Park, No 78, KPN Colony. F`irst Street, Tirupur- Sai Baba Colony, Coimbatore"641011 641601 Mrs Anitha No 17, SRP Nagar` 11 Cr()ss,13harathi Park, Sai Baba Colony, C()imbatore-641011 (Settled in USA) Dear Sir/Madam, Sub: Notice of 30 days for sale of immovable secured assets under Rule 8j2£J±£ Security Interest (Hnforcemcnt) Rules. 2002. 1. Union Bank of India Asset Recovery Rranch , 816 ,Oppanakara street, Coimbatore- 641001, (Base Branch-Union Bank of India ,Sulur Branch 641402` )` the sccurcd creditor. cau`sed a demand notice dated 31L05-2016 under Section 13(2) of the Sccuritisation and Reconstruction of I-<Tinancial Assets and l`:nforcemcnt of Security lntcrcst Act 2002` calling upon you to pay the dues within the time stipulated therein. Since you failed to comply with the said notice within the period stipulated, the ^uthorised Of`ficcr, has taken possession of the immovable secured assets under Section 13(4) of the Act read with Rule 8 of Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002. Possession notice dated 21-09-2020 issued by the Authoriscd Officer, as per appendix IV to the Security Interest (Enforccmcnt)) Rules, 2002 was delivered to you and the same was also affixed to the properties mortgagcd with the Scoured Creditor. apart from publication of the same in newspapers. Please note that you were inrormcd about your right to redeem the property within the time available under Section 13(8) or Sccuritization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002, which you have railed to honour. 2. As you have t`ailed to clear the dues of the secured creditor. the immovable sccurcd assets that have been taken possession by the Authorised officer, will be sold by holding public F- auction on 18-11-2020 -From 11.30 am to 12.30 pin by inviting Bids fr(tin thi` public through onlinconwww.mstcecommerce.com...,jap,±`*` J*i;.:`-+-ri iEFEEiiEEil 3. You are also rcquestcd to ensure participation by parties intercstcd in buying the immovable secured assets in the sale as proposed above. 4. A copy of the terms of sale is enclosed for your reference. Please note that the Auction will bc conducted through EIAuction mode on the date and time mentioned in the enclosed terms of sale. \ \\ t€---`,ili Place: Coimbatore I)atc` : 08-10-2020 ASSI-;T REC )YLE.R_YB UNI() BANK ()I I+lncl: 'I`crms of sale TERMS AND CONDITI()NS OF SAT,E OF IMMOVABljE SECUREI) ASSETS: -------- _._-__--_--_ -_._` _____.-_-._-~,___--`-1 1. Name and address of the B()rrower and Guarantor ivl-r~ V i3ai-asiit;rairi;nian EL/_s The Ultimate Solutio_n_LL \017 2NI) CR()SS SRP N^GAR 81 lARATI 11 No 17, SRP Nagar,11 Cross, Bharathi PARK SAIBABA Col,()NY COIMBAT()RIJ Park, Sai Baba Colony, Coimbatore- C()IMBAT()RE TAMIL NADU-641011 64 1 0 1 I Coimbatore-641035 Mrs J Shwctha V Muthulakshmi N() 17` SRP Nagar` 11 Cr()ss, Bharathi Park, 78, KPN Colony, I.`irst Street, Tirupur- Sai Baba Colony, Coimbatore-641011 Mrs Anitha No 17, SRP Nagar,11 Cross, Bharathi Park, Sai Baba Colony, Coimbatore-641011 (Settled in USA) 2. Name and address of the Sccurcd Asset Recovery Branch, Union Bank of Creditor: India, No 816, Oppanakara street, Coimbatore 641001 ( Union Bank of India Sulur Branch --641402) 3. r5cscription of immovable ;c6-inred assets to be sold: Pr(,pcrty I I All:rtchoant|:::t::daptars?[e[i{:)[an]d,I/;:3S`ur[`;TBJ:I:/:2;I;:enKt:r:ry:,i7p6a]:a;:1::]#,nadm];adt:tstrJ::1:::]d::3| Panchayat, Sulur Taluk` Sulur Sub-Registratioii I)istrict Coimbatore Registration District & District. Coimbatore` TN in the name of M/s The Ultimate Solutions Rep by Mr. V Balasubramaniam BQEE±:jl£ PrQprfulfast: I,and belonging to M/s Kovai CNC Applications Ltd , West: SF No:l 14/1, Road to Mylampatti, North: SF No: 114/2A dry agricultural land, South: 30 Ft Layout Road ifFIrr:rQir. + `::\ ;` j¢` i+t +`,,^,,I, `, ',``, .:;,,,,f.-;A,-f#Jf rp_i_o_p_e_r_fy--Z EM of residential land to an extent of 3600 Sq.ft or 8.26 Cents and residential building thereon situated at SF No.391/I. TS No 12/156` Old No 15/45, New Door No 8, Site No 45, Ward No: 12` SRP Nagar-II Cross, Bharathi Park. Saibaba Colony Sanganur Village, Sriram Nagar Co-Operation Colony Layout, Opposite to Vani Vidyalaya School, Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation, Coimbatore South Taluk, Coimbatore Registration District, Gandhipuram SRO, Coimbatore, TN in the name of Mrs. J Swetha and Ms. J Anitha Boundaries of the property:- East: Site No.46; West: Site No.44` North: 30 F`t Wide east west layout road; South: Site No.51 4. The details of encumbrances, if any As`oh`aatc, there are 2 encumbrances present for the known to the Secured Creditor property. 1. As per letter no TRC No: 8,9 & 1o/NCR-2/2ol6-17ITRO-I/CBE dated on lo-o8-2ol7 from Office of the Tax Recovery Officer, Income Tax Department, there is an Income Tax Attachment for Rs.147.54 lakhs on this property. ^ Writ pc`tition has bec`n filed before Hon'ble High Court of Madras t() lift the attachment. 2. Also as per communication received on 2o~11-2ol8 from Employee's State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), the borrowc`r M/s Beetle Exports is a defaulter of Rs.1,26,574/- plus further interest and damages. La-`;t d--a-te ft>i subin-i;sio-ri -o`f--E~wi b ()n ()r bef()rc 17-11-2020 before 5.00 PM I-[`_r3_. 6. Date & Time of auction 18-11-2020 -I+`rom 11.30 am to 12.30 pin (with 10 min unlimited auto extensions) E- auction web`site - www.mstcecommerce.com I_`. I_ ,_ . 7. The sccuied d;bt for the rccovcry ()f Rs.11,04,09,978.09 as on 25-05-2016 plus i which the immovable secured asset is to futher interest, cost & cxpcnscs i bc sold: 1------------------------------------- I 8. Reserve price for the properties I;-elow pRopr]RTy No I 140.14 IjAKIIs which the immovable property may not be pROpriRTy No 2 3oO.06 IjAKHs sold: _ ____I | 9. 1. Registration ;The Online E-Auction will bc held through web portal/website ;i WWW.mstcec0mmerce.Com on the time and t.ime mentioned above with i I unlimited extension of 10 minutes. The intending bidders / purchasers required t() register through \^rww.mstcecommerce.com auctionhome index. L:wh`+ i l ,i:'-`*i`i P by using their mobile number and valid cmail-id. They are further required;_a. I1 t() upload KYc documents and Bank Details. I 9. 2. KYC verification ( ()n complcti()n ()f registration, the intending bidders / purchasers are ) required to upload KYC document.s and Bank Details. KYC d()cuments shall I be verified by e-auction scrvicc provider which may take 2 to 3 working days. Hence thc registration and uploading f()rmalitics arc t.o bc c()mplctcd well in advance. 9. 3. EMD payment \ 0n complction`()I KYC vcrificati()n, thc` intending bidders / purchasers are I rcquircd t() pay EMD thr()ugh NEFT/RTGS/ NEFT/NET BANKING/UPI by I generating a Challan thr()ugh this websitc in his/their Global EMD Wallet. \ Payment sh()uld bc made within 3 days aft.er generating t.he Challan for NEFT I / RTGS ()therwisc the Challan shall become invalid. The payment shall be ensured well in advance bcf()rc t.hc stipulated time. If the required EMD am()unt is not held in their Global Wallet, they will not bc;` allowed to participate. Payment ()f EMD in any other in()dc will not be accepted. Th(; Earnest Money Deposit shall n()t bear any interest and in case of ; unsucccssrul bid, the same will be returned to the unsuccessful bidder by i the service pr()vider without interest. 9.4 Bidding The bidder has to select t.hc property f()r which ()ffer is submit.t.ed from the list mentioned in the above wcbsitc and/ or bidder can directly enter Property ID (as mcnti()ned in https://ibapi.in). The propert.y will be visible in `Livc Aucti()ns' ()n www.mst.cccommcrce.com ()nc day pri()r i() the date of auct.ion. 9. 5. Help Desk `r±-: > For Registrations related queries e-mail to ±±apiQP@re±±££±2Qmm±±£££Q -+ nd- _\ > For EMD payment/refund related queries e-mail to [email protected]. > For Registration and Login and Bidding Rules visit I h|tps://www.mstcecommerce.com,'auctionhome/ibapiz'index.jsp and C//.ck "Buyer Guide for Login and Registration" ',, > Intending bidders may download free of cost, copies of sale notice, Terms and Conditions of e.auction Help Manual on operational part of e-auction from e-Bkray - IBApl portal (https://www.ibapi.in) F()r auction related queries e-mail i() sarfaesi Com Or c()ntact Union Bank of India, Asset Rec()very Branch, NO 816,Oppanakata street,Coimbat()re-641001 9.6 Steps Involved > Register on e-auction portal www.mstcccommercc.com.
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