: FRANCISCO, SUNDAY. AUGUST 17. 1890-SIXTKEN PAGES. 7 -----------^C-------..ce-_--_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-a-f_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-^^ THE :MORNING CALL. SAN \u25a0-.-— 17 Til17 WIfr—-—-^^ -^=^==^z^^ IflI^BTfj1?Jj W UFhh linv !=£iprill>=^ Jjilnij11 ii THE CREAM OF IS SELLING FAST! SAN FRAHCJSCO UIK! ?I|^^ VERY FAST!! ' 1 MOST m More than on^alf of the prop- J*"™FUHTANTSUBDIVISION\u25a0£ of City erty already secured by some of 2FlMrt Third-Street Depot; T- VL 1?^ l^i\TIPi^TO 12 Minutes from Valencia and 26th Street Located on the Grand Ocean Boulevard Leading from Mission Street to Lake Merced. Is all Smooth Garden Land. - Is Only Thirty Minutes from Market and Kearny Streets. • Is all Graded Ready for Building. Is Within One Thousand Feet of Two Railway Stations. Is Now Being Planted to Shade and Ornamental Trees. Is Within a Half Mile of Mission Street. Is Traversed by Spring Valley Mains. , Is on the Line of Market-Street Extension. Is the Most Attractive Property in San Francisco. Is in the Direct Line of the City's Growth. "\u25a0 Is Destined to SeU on Its Merits. Is Adjacent to the Grand Avenue South from Golden Gate Park, Is the Place to Put Your Money. CARNALL-FITZHUGH-HOPKINS CO., — Sole Agents, 624 MARKET STREET,. ...OPPOSITE. -PALACE' HOTEL. Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAT (Sun- AUCTION SALES. containing four leagues of land, and permission (miner south, and thereby enable them to im- THK STOCK MAKKET. MUCH MAKRIKD UDELL. at 8:;IUo'clock a. v., from the parlors of A--Af'' granted AN UNLUCKY WINNING. day], GATHERED TO had been in locate the town on the prove certain lots In which they were Individ- the United Undertakers. 27 and 29 Fifth street; Punta de la Yeiba Buena. where the land of the ually interested inibe neighborhood of Yesterday's market was distinguished by a flurry Amusing Tactics to Recover His thence to St. Francis Church. Vallejo street, John McCnll'a Good Fortune Leads to Ilia be celebrated town sbould be divided Into solares (tilty-vara llllSTAND HABBISON STREETS in Savage, which opened at $3 SO, ran up to $1 45 Little Boy. where a solemn requiem mass will lots). Captain Montgomery concluded to accept As now designated, by changing ibem from their HU Downfall. for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9 HIS FATHERS. proof acquired and closed at $4 20, sales being large. Tbe other A curiously up case came under Judge Holy Cemetery. •» thia condition of things, and Informed the Al- boggy locality, and also enlarging a block of The that wealth suddenly often mixed o'clock a. ji. Interment Cross AT AUCTION grant any survey. They again stocks were quiet but strong, and the close was Wallace's attention yesteiday In the form of city. August 14, 1890, calde that he could to citizen a solare. land tn the water lotand beach leads to iuiu was exemplified In tbe case around, HENDRICKSO.N-In this norway, \u0084:... ...by The Alcalde, being a good Spanish scholar, soon also suggested that lie change the survey of the of Johu T. McCall, wbo was arrested yesterday higher ail Potosl closing at $6 37'-j. Mexi- habeas eoipus." AlvaUdell applied for the writ Frederick HendrlcKson, a native of aged- Death of George Hyde, the Second p water of fifty varas can at $3 05, at 76, Ophlr at 80, seven-year-old child, 37 years. obtained from lhe cords of the office other doc- beach and lots Into alius the complaint ofhis wire for failure to pro- Sierra Nevada *2 *4 to get possession of his respectfully umentary information, commenced making wide. judge Hyde promptlydeclined to accede on and so on. wife's SS^Krlends and acquaintances are of Francisco. and for her her When the that he alleged was Illegallyheld by bis Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Sun- Alcalde Sau grants. to their wishes, staling that he had no authority vide aud four children. Local securities showed no Important change. m., after, many came up morning lv Police sister, day), at 3 o'clock p. from the parlors of Hal- Shortly Commodore Stockton (having to Interfere Inthe premises, and also tbat ease yesterday Court The All1 MiningCompany has put received $15,- Mrs. Price. Co., Interment I.0.0. command) held by In reply the wilt Airs. Price's husband sted * 918 Mission street. succeeded Comraodoie Sloat In Is- of the 100-v.ira toes were already Indi- 1tbe wife, who calls herself Margaret Slayton, --357, he ng the net proceeds of the recent sale of ore to F. Cemetery. .2 A Biographical Sketch of the Decaated From sued a proclamation forming a civil government, viduals who had acqutted vested rights to the stated In an affidavit that bis wife was keeping 14, Donald, Vonßhein&Go. testified that bad dove absolutely nothing concentrates at Salt thlscit.-, August 1890, judicial properly that not except by McCall Lake. Udell, MCNEIL-In the Time of Hi. Arrival in Califor- and ordered au election of officers for could be disturbed for lhe family for several years. She stated thai The Imperial and NorthBonanza assessments the child at the request of Mrs. and then beloved husband of Elizabeth McSell and father 524 California Street,- the district of San Francisco. The election was their unanimous consent. Con. Andrew, Loretta and Frank McNeil nia, in 1846. 15, Judge Hyde's In these matters of she supported herself and family by taking in fall delluquent lvboard to-morrow, and the Golden related the facts giving rise to the whole trouble. of Mammie. THURSDAY .AUGUST 28th held on September 1846— the first election action - Udell, seems, his wife, and brother of Collu McNeil, a native of Nov* ever held under American domination hi Cali- course antagonized Ibe unscrupulous parties who sewing. When cross-questioned as to whether Prize delinquent sale takes place also. -j .*-'\u25a0• it was divorced. from Scotia, aged 50 years, [iioston papers please At 12 o'clock M.,sharp. " sought by the proposed changes, but she bid the at V, highest prices of leadingstocks flattie, and the child given to the mother until copy. fornia. Mr.Bartlett was elected tosucceed him- to benefit net drivenhim from house 2000 The lowest and the given } George Hyde, one of the earliest Califor- self, and was or time his amply demonstrated the wisdom and Sacramento street she admitted that she had and last week were follows: Belcher, ?o@3 20; she should marry again, when it was tobe ana acquaintances are respectfully Clay-street also made Master— Collector— as fl airFrlends DAY Handsome me. of the Port justice of bis decision. explained as tier reason for doing so thai .Mc- A Belcher, *-' 75(93 05; Bullion, 70; to the fattier. After the divorce Udell married invited to attend the funeral THIS (Sun- nia pioneers, died yesterday at his resi- • complaint Best »2 21X32 by Edwards, m., family 38x12-: 1113 Clay St., bet. Mason and Taylor; Inthe meantime buildingand Improvements About the middle of June a was filed Call was drunk nearly all the nine and she Chollar, $2 40@'2 65; * Virginia, contract a woman named Kmma day), at 11 o'clock a. from the resi- residence, - bath; dence, 719 Geary street, at the age of 71. asking him, thought Con. California left her in a lew days remarried his dence, Mltecntli avenue, near I' South San nice double rooms and well bad ket pace with the population, which had in the office by tain her parlies, for wanted nothing to do with but he *3 80; Challenge, 20; Crown Point, then and street. worthyofInspection. will take place by Immigrations redress In to a change tv the survey ought to be made io provide for the family all 50®3 «1 81H92 Ursl wire, Mattle. This made the brothers of the Francisco. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. 2 His funeral to-morrow Increased the of 1840-47 to reference 60; Curry. $1 75@2 14, 1890, Montgomery-avenue Business Property. about 800, and the towu began to assume quite a that bad been BMW by Alcalde Bryant, wherein the same. Several of the neighbors supported $3 2592 Gould A 10: Norcross. second wife wraihy,and tbey compelled him by MAGIiIRE—In thisclty. August Francis morning, when his remains willbe carried had, $2 05@2 Mexican, $2 80@3 OS; Ophlr, $4 35@ of to marry again, beloved wife of J. T.Maguire of New York and 67:6x_7 :6;609 Montgomery aye., bet. Filbert and nourishing condition. he by an agreement aud with the unani- her inher testimony that she received no support 50: threats violence Emma which 0.. flats; $7;': pays hand- the bay and placed, temporarily, in 10, mous consent citizens, under takeu;to make Ler 4 80; overman, 75@2; Potosl, 2.@8 37V*.; did before a Justice of the I'eace. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Muhlner Union; stores aud rents across Un December 184G. Mr. Bartlett" started ofthe from husband. »'. »5 he William,Edwin, Louis, somely now uud must consequently .-row lnvalue. yault the Oakland Ceme- purpose procur- the old suivey, north of Washington street, rec- When McCall took the stand be swore that he Savage, \u25a0;..\u25a0. sierra Nevada, $2 4002 85; , Shortly after tills matrimonial spasm he was and sister or Emma and the receiving at ""'• toward San Jose for the of tangular, every agreeing blame, »3 2504 bigamy skipped Canada. Ed itli.aged 30 vests.
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