JANUARY, 1988 GLENVIEW AT FIFTH HARRISTON The Silent Witnesses Hostages in Prison My Heart Was Down in My Shoes Page 8 Smyrna Hospital: A Witnespls ingArm The Silent Witnesses Danny and Carol McDonald travel throughout the Southern by Olson Ferry Union erecting and replacing highway signs. t works for Coke, General Motors, Heinrich. Some signs serve as an invi- hears concerning the impact of the and McDonalds. It works for the tation, others serve as a reminder. signs as he travels across the Union. Seventh-day Adventist Church, One man who had attended an Ad- "There was one woman who I under- I especially the Southern Union ventist school as a child passed an stand started to attend church simply Conference, which has more on dis- SDA church highway sign on his daily because she saw a sign and ap- play than the world field combined. It commuting route. "We must go to preciated the welcome it offered. attracts the attention of millions daily that church some time," he told his Then there are the many people who see it every time they drive along the as they drive to work in cities, towns, wife. and rural areas. It serves as a direc- "Why not now?" she asked. highway. Who knows what eternal tional guide, and a quiet welcome. It impact this program has. The next Sabbath found them in is the Southern Union's Sign church. Soon they were both mem- "I really feel as though I am an in- Program — an identification service bers. tegral part of the church's ministry. established to "sell" the name of the A young man had been an Adventist Not only the fulfillment of doing a church to the public. but had drifted. When moving from satisfying job, but the opportunity to Name recognition is important. Virginia to Florida he began to see share with others information about Politicians spend millions to achieve signs about the Seventh-day Advent- the church as I meet with local people it. Businesses turn their advertising ist Church. "I don't think I missed a in the process of erecting a sign. I only geniuses loose to obtain it. It is im- one," he says. At his home, his route wish it hadn't changed my life style as portant to the Seventh-day Adventist to work passed a church highway it has, but that goes with the terri- Church because "the name Seventh- sign. "I looked at that sign twice a day tory." day Adventist carries the true features for six years. Finally I had to either get of our faith in front, and will convict Danny refers to the fact that he bas- rid of the sign or get back into the the inquiring mind." (Testimonies for ically lives out of a motor home, al- church." Today he is an active the Church, vol. 1, 224). though he has a house in Col- member. Scattered across the Southern legedale. Living on the road has its Union Conference are more than "I never realized the full importance advantages and disadvantages. "We 2,000 silent witnesses —church iden- of these signs," says Danny enjoy visiting different parts of the tification, directional, and highway McDonald, Southern Union sign en- country; however, sometimes we feel signs, serving 24 hours a day. Some gineer, the only such full-time posi- like gypsies, living out of the trailer or are large billboards posted beside tion in the denomination. "During the the car or a van, depending on the congested freeways. Others point the last year since I have been erecting assignment at the time. We're in one way to rural chapels. The sign pro- these signs for the various confer- place today, another tomorrow. We gram has grown tremendously and ences it has been driven home to me sometimes forget what city we're in or has developed into a very large opera- that these signs serve as a positive, what day it is. And we miss our chil- tion since its inception in 1965 by silent witness for the church." dren, although they are grown and in former Communication Director 0. L. Danny loves to tell the stories he college now." 2 ■ Southern Tidings January, 1988 Danny's wife assists him, without three times a year with a cleaning and explain the identification pro- pay, by performing most of the paper agent such as ordinary household gram. He will erect all directional tasks, lettering of signs, and she cleaner. Keep signs visible by clearing signs you need, providing permission reads the maps. "I guess the worst brush away when needed. Check and locations can be secured. part actually is not being able to form signs regularly. When rusty, faded, or The cost of the sign is borne by the lasting relationships with the people," damaged, they are unrepresentative local church. The local and union con- says Danny, "but it surely is rewarding and should be replaced. It is also rec- ferences provide the engineer's serv- work emotionally and spiritually." ommended that each church report ices. There is no commission to any- This is a gigantic evangelistic en- each quarter to the Communication one. deavor. These signs stand as lights, Department of the conference any There is some ground work which convicting the inquiring mind, bring- changes, such as number of signs, would be helpful before the represen- ing souls into the Seventh-day Ad- condition, and signs taken down or tative arrives in your district. Such ventist Church each year, because added. Under these conditions a sign things as county and city maps, they saw a sign that directed them to should last three to five years, accord- examination of your territory to de- God's remnant church. ing to weather conditions and expo- cide most effective location for signs, Although "signs at every church" is sure to sun. The signs are now made determining the number of signs, and the goal, there are still quite a few that of aluminum and do not rust, but they securing permission from the de- do not have any signs. There are also will fade and in time should be re- partment of transportation or prop- many signs that need replacing, but placed. erty owner. The sign representative one man cannot do this alone. It is simple to get your church on will assist you in coordinating these The signs are the property of the the sign program and begin this silent functions. local church, and it becomes its re- witness to your community. It takes a The name Seventh-day Adventist is sponsibility to care for them. It is rec- phone call to your local conference often unfamiliar, and your church's ommended that a church board Communication Department. decision to invest in the sign program member be selected to be in charge of When the sign representative may be the start of your church's play- the church signs. comes to your district, he will give a ing a pivotal role in the community. Signs should be cleaned two or presentation to your church board Before and after. Many signs are neglected, and thus fail to project a positive image. Some need brush cleared away or cleaning with a nonabrasive detergent. Others need to be replaced. The pictures above indicate the transformation that can take place with as few as 10 minutes of cutting and cleaning! Each church should designate someone to maintain the signs. Volume 82 SOUTHERN TIDINGS (USPS 507-000) Number 1 January 1988 Published monthly by the Southern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Box 849, Decatur, GA 30031. ■ Second-class postage paid at Decatur, Ga., and additional offices of entry. Subscription rate—five dollars per Southern Tidings 3 year. POSTMASTER: send changes of address to SOUTHERN TIDINGS, Box 849, Decatur, GA 30031. It's Happening at Highland Michael Deming speaks during outreach Sabbath, November 7. lectrifying excitement ex- ploded with the faculty and students of Highland Acad- E emy on Sabbath, November 7. The academy closed its doors to share its Sabbath blessings with 34 churches in 18 districts in the Ken- tuckylennessee Conference. The fac- ulty and community sponsors de- voted this day to Christian growth. Jim McConnell, pastor of the Clarksville, Thnnessee, and Hop- kinsville, Kentucky, churches was one of the pastors to welcome these energetic Highland Academy stu- dents on this special day. They shared their talents in music, prayer, calling for offerings, Sabbath school classes, children's stories, and sermons. In some churches the students di- vided up into small groups, with the congregation asking questions. The members were enlightened about Highland students rake leaves on campus clean-up day: Amy Wash (left), Jana Atkins, Chris Hess, many facts concerning this small and Carol Christian. school called Highland Academy in Portland, Tennessee. Pastor Michael Deming brings spir- Former principal Dr. H. D. Lawson vember 22, a campus work day in- itual leadership to the Highland and staff completed a school evalua- cluded laying carpet, painting, clean- church of 597 members and also tion by the Southern Association of ing out buildings, installing another serves as guidance director of High- Colleges and Schools in 1986. There roof, and raking leaves. A special eve- land Academy. Deming is developing were a few deficiencies which have ning meal was prepared by the Port- a college/career center and also of- now been completed and Highland re- land church members. fers a complete counseling service to ceived its accreditation December 11 In the Spring, a clean-up day is students at Highland Academy. in New Orleans from the Regional planned in the Portland community This small school has an extensive Southern Association of Colleges and where the school is located.
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