V O L I V . M AZO M ANIE, WIS., SATU RD AY, AUG U ST 18, 1877, N O . 2 5 - Art Publishing. space more open, supposed to hare The Croup. W EEKLY SICKLE.1 -ESecid. TlD .isI Few people are aware of the won­ been used for public assemblages. At It is to the great Napoleon that we The undersigned wishes to intonn the citi­ tbe eastern extremity lies a large square derful progress that Art lias made in are indirectly indebted for no small zens of Muzomaniu und vicinity that lie is o. w, boxsoi & son, nonras, this country during the last quarter of tower, which was taken for a rock. A amount of information we now possess prepared to tako superficial investigation seems to indi­ S . E. B R O N S O N , Editor. a century. It is hut a few decades regarding the croup. The eldest son CONTRACTS FOR BUILDING, cate that the construction of these SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER YEAR. since, that those who desired to beau- of Hortense and Louis Bonaparte and , e . , • .o.,- j i e lobbing. repairing and all work pertaining titiy and adorn their homes, were buildings dates from some centuries grandson of Josephine, i n 1807 died of, {utlu. nt,.ri)Ktri,de. I respectfully so- RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS. •bliged to depend almost entirely on before our era. Tbe Council of Vaud this disease to the poignant regret of liolte u shure of your work. Good work und foreign artists. But such a state of af­ has decided to have the site of tbe all his relatives, and of none more so eusonuble wages guaranteed. MACK. Iw | aw j In, 3,u <*ni 1 iy fairs in this age of progress and im­ dwellings enclosed by a jetty stretching than Napolean himself. Crcup, neither Ro b e r t \v. s u t c l i f f .. 1 square, : 7ft j I *»ft 2 ««» 3.W : » <*i *2 squares, : : 1 2A! *2 00 •'»*"> s’«*» !.*»OO provement could not last long with from the land, and to drain oil'the wa­ in its pathological bearings, nor as re­ 17.11 *2 7 o 7 00 * 00,‘ 00 3 squares, : 12 20 ter, so as to bring to light what prom, ^ c o lu m n , j *2*2.1 ;12.’| •> 0(10 10 00 *2.100 the great American people. Genius gards its treatment was tben at all well 4 (Ml 0 00 0 00 |ft00 2.1 oo.4.100 c o lu m n , : front the East to the West from the ises to be one « f the most interesting understood; aud writhing under tbe 1 co lu m n , • - Too lo oo uoo 2.100 4.1(H) 7.100 archaeological discoveries of our day. affliction he had sustained, tfie Em­ < >nc* Inch in sluice const itutcs a square. North to the Gulf of Mexico on thc Business Uiirus, live lines or less, tive ilol- south answered the demand for beauty, —London Daily Telegraph. peror from bis camp at Tinkenstein, lars a year. I.ocal not ices, ten cents ner line for tirst insert ion, ami tive tents per line for taste and refinement, and to-day our where he then was, ordered a report each subsequent insertion. Transient ad­ vertisem ents must he paid for in advance. leading artists are not surprised by the A Hebrew Mayor. from the faculty of medicine of I’aris R< gulur advertisements payable quarterly. leading modern masters of Art in The Jewish question isattlicting some concerning the disease ; and offered a Europe. people in England as well as in this prize of high value for the hest essay Mazomanie Church (Directory. Great Art publishing establishments country. A vicar, having the distinct­ on the subject. In obedience to the have sprung up. and by various pro­ ive name of Smith, recently sent the imperial decree, the faculty reported, > a c t is t ( 'Ht* UCH, H u 0 son -st. ; S e r v ic e cesses the finest and most expensive following absurd letter to the Mayor of and no fewer than eighty-three papers } J s u p p lie d . lo N «iK i:o A T io N \i. C m i t m , H u dson St.; Ser- paintings are reproduced in all their his town, who happened to be a Jew ; in competiton for the prize were given f vices alt'M’Utilol m > ruing and evening, C elegance and beauty, and at a price in. The prize was divided, there being liev. M. M. Martin, Pastor. “ T a u n t o n , July 7.1877. two authors whose essays were of sin­ OTTO GIESE, I \ human KVANOKi.iCAt., corner State and within the means of the masses. "S ir: It appears to be very generally \ T Hudson streets ; services morning and BRO A DU El) ST. So that no one need be without the gular merit. Professors Iurine, who j veiling, ltev. Peter Held, Prstor; supposed tbat you, who have become k. < 11110*11, Mcphenson st.; Services refining influences of beautiful pic­ wiote in German ; and Albeis, also a Keeps a full stock o f M , morning and evening, ltev. K. T. our Ma yor, are an unbaptised person, tures at home. German,who wrote in Latin. The es­ ltriggs, Pastor. and consequently not a Christian. If, ELG IN WATCHES. _>Korr.sTAN r Ki*iseoi*at^ W all-st.; Services Among the progressive leading Art says ofViensseux, Caillon, and Double, .1EW ELY. 1 morning and evening, lloly t'ommuxi- as I hope is the case, there be no truth TRIPLE-PLATED SILVER WARE, on lirst sun lay of every month, ltev. IL Publishing firms of the country, we were considered as entitled to honor­ in this supposition, will you authorize M. (ireen, Missionary, RINGS, PINS, take pleasure in mentioning George able mention. All these and many of Trim iti vk M ktiiodist, Klm-st.; Services me publicly to say so, and thus relieve CHAINS, morning and evening, ltev. J. Ralph. Stinson <Jc Co., of Portland Maine; they the unsuccessful efforts, including £ very many persons in our town from ETC., ETC. P a s to r. were among the first in the business, those of German, French, Eeglish, and >oM an C atholic, sank st.; services «*un- an exceedingly painful and distressing Musical merchandise of all kinds. i day morning. Rev, F. A. J. M.Mazeaud, American authors, afterwards saw the h and we can only understand the co­ impression ? It would alsa be an act Special Attention given to repairing P rie s t.* light of day,— London Physician. lossal proportions their trade has as­ of justice to the Aldermen and Town SECRET S0( IETIES. sumed by remembering that this is a ] Councillors who have elected you, to it AU X KS* F O O T -1*0 W KR W SCROLL SAWS great and mighty Nation of nearly i free them from the imputation under llow to be Miserable. AND LATHKS, fifty milloH people. Wc cannot bet­ •OUR” CLUB' j which they now rest of having know- Think about yourself, about what vou A n e n t ir e kkvolption In ter illustrate tho magnitude of their want, what you like, what respect peo­ tin* construction of loot- Hold regular meetings every Wednesday ; ingly chosen for the chief officer, and, power muehlnes! The old business than to state the amount of style thrown aside when evening “I their club nxim iu 'lurks llluek. in some sense, representative, of our ple ought to pay you, what people these are known! Thous­ C lu h U j u u i o p e ,i lo m em bers n ight and day. money paid by them for postage stamps town one who does not helieve in Him think of you, and then to you nothing ands now in use! ^l,juo to S. E. B r o n s o n . S. U ra m s n . $2,000 pel* year made using See’y. President during the year 1S70; we have the fig­ whom they themselves profess not only will he pure. Y or will spoil every­ them. One person out of ures direct from the firm, or we should P. jr. c , j l to believe in but to worship as their thing you touch ;you will make sin nnd every three who send for catalogues of these think there was some mistake. They machines buys one. stiy wlmt impel* you Lord and God. I propose to publish misery for yourself out of everything Tlio Ynnng Mens Christian Association saw tliis in, and address hold rcgulnr meeting. iu tlie Baptist I'hurel, paid for postage stamps during the year W F. A JOHN BARNES. on Hudson street, every Monday Evening, this letter, together with anv answer which God sends you; you will be as 1870, thirty-three thousand one hun­ Rockford, Witmelmgo Co., A ll youti>| m en w h o are in terested in which you may send to it. wretched as you choose on earth or in B o x 2,044. Illin o is , Christian work aro invited to attend, dred and four dollars and ninety-two stranger .(.joining in town will be eordialle “ I am your obedient servant, heaven either. A w a r d e d tlie H igh est Mov’ul a t V ien n a, welcomed. I.E. STAIR, Pres. cents ($33,104,92) and, in connection Louis tjl EEBHAMMBR, See “Frederick Smith, In heaven, either, I s*y.
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