SAN RAMON VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AGENDA Board of Directors Regular Board Meeting Members of the San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District Board of Directors who cannot attend this meeting in person will participate in the regular board meeting through teleconferencing pursuant to Government Code Section 54953 Wednesday. October 28.2015- 7:00 p.m. Chris Campbell, Director - Gordon Dakin, Director - H. Jay Ken, Direclor - Donald Parker Director - Mqtthew J. Stam Director *MISSION STATEMENT* In the our trqdition, we strive for excellence, all with ide, honor and 94507 Phone number: (925)838-5700 Sun Cítv, AZ 85351 Phone number: (925t 389-6600 Meeting location: S.R.V.F.P.D. Administrative OffÏces - Boardroom 1500 Bollinger Canyon Road, San Ramon, CA 94583 AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. DETERMINATION OF OUORUM AND CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA 4. PUBLIC COMMENT Any person may address the District Board on any subject pertaining to District business, which is not listed on the agenda. This comment is provided by the Ralph M. Brown Open Meeting Act (Government Code $ 54950 et seq.) and may be limited to three (3) minutes for any person addressing the Board. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and submit it to the District Clerk. 5. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent calendar items are considered routine and are acted upon by the Board with a single action. Members of the audience wishing to provide public input may request that the Board remove the item from the Consent Calendar. Comments may be limited to three (3) minutes. 5.1 Approve the salaries, payroll taxes and retirement contributions for the month of September 2015, in the amount of $3,623,455.24. 5.2 Approve the demand register for the period of September 19, 2015 through October 18, 2015, in the amount of $1,337,590.08. Board Agenda October 28,2015 Page 2 of 4 Board meeting' 5.3 Approve of Board minutes from the September 29,2015 Regular 5.4 Approve the TriTech software and services plogless payment of $153,i01'63' for the first shipment 5.5 Authorize staff to make a progress payment of 582,571.57 to ExtraTeam of Communications Center virÍualization hardware and software' as surplus equipment, list the 5.6 Authorize staff to declare 22 Districtprinters and 5 fax machines state-certified e- equipment for sale at public auction; ór, if not sold, recycle them through a recycler. September 30, 2015, and 5.7 Receive and review the investment report for the quarter, ended for the quarter receive and review the California Employers' Retiree Benefit Trust Statement ended September 30, 2015. of the San Ramon 5.8 Conduct the second reading of Proposed Ordinance No. 32; an Ordinance protection No, 1 and setting forth purchasing and Valley Fire Disirict Repìatng Ordinance J No fiscal contrácting procedures and authorìties; requires a four-fifths vote for adoption. impacts are expected by the adoption of this ordinance' 5.9 Personnel Actions: No applicable personnel actions for this period' 6 Stories of Bygone Days 6.1 Beverly Lane, author of recently published, Sqn Ramon Chronicles, ' Center. Dr. Benson 6.2 Introduction of Dr. peter Benson, ER Physician from John Muir Medical has been selected to serve as the new Fire Service EMS Medical Director' 7.1 Update for Fire Station 32. 7.2 Monthly update on communications center consolidation Project. Corporation for the 7.3 Consider authorizingthe District to enter into a contract with Zoll Medical in purchase of an additional five Zoll AutoPulse devices to be placed on the FRALS engines non-ambulance stations and Station 37; cost not to exceed $73,000. 8. NEW BUSINESS Support Unit and 8.1 Consider approving the expenditure of funds to upgrade the Comrny{911i9.": trunked radio Software tóènable communications capabilities with EBRCS (700 MHZ digital, system). Board Agenda October 28,2015 Page 3 of4 Program g.2 Review and accept the San Ramon Valley Fire Department V/orker's Compensation Review; 20t4-2015. No action is required as this report is for information only. Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Funding Policy and g.3 Authorize the adoption-Balance/ of the Revision of Fund Reserve Policy. This action would further strengthen the long-term fiscal stability of the District without impacting current operations. g.4 Consider the approval of the Letter of Understanding between the SRVFPD and Local 3546 IAFF. g.5 Open public Hearing and conduct the first reading of the proposed amendment to Ordinance Mutual Number 30, to p".-it cost reimbursement for Emergency Medical Services provided for Aid and Automatic Aid ResPonses. 9 CORRE,SPONDENCE FOR POSSIBLE BOARD ACTION AND/OR REVIEW 10. S 10.1 Operations Division-Deputy Chief Phares Operations Report of monthly activities. 10.2 EMS/Logistics - Deputy Chief Krause EMS/Logistics Report of monthly activities. 10.3 Fire Prevention - Division Chief, Fire Marshal Kiefer Fire Prevention Report of monthly activities. 10.4 AdminisÍative Services - Financial Consultant Ken Campo a). Monthly Finance Activities/Reports b). Monthly Human Resources Activities/Reports 10.5 Fire Chief - Fire Chief Meyer Verbal reportã monthly meetings, seminars, committee meetings, and other District related activities' I 1. GOOD OF THE ORDER 12. CLOSED SESSION l2.t Labor Negotiations: Conference with Labor Negotiators Chief Paige Meyer, Fire Marshal Christinakiefer, Ken Campo and Steve Harman. Employee organization Local3546 [Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 '8] I2.2 possible exposure to litigation (three matters) pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.g(d)(2). Facts aná circumstances that might result in litigation need not be disclosed. Board Agenda October 28,2015 Page 4 of4 13. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION 14. 15. N A 15 00 IN THE BOARDROOM. Prepared bY Donna Maxwell, District Clerk and39 and the san Ramon valley Fire Buitding, Fire srations 30,31,32' 33,34, 35,36,37,38 Agendaposred on october 22,2015 auhe Distr¡c!,s Adnúnistration Prolection Distríct's websile at requtre special ,) vith Disabilities Act ("ADA ') requesls individuals who Protection Distl¡ct ("Distict ln complying vith the Americans The San Ramon I/alley Fire including but not Iimited to American Sign Innguage inlerpreters, participale ln Disltict board meelings due to a disab ¡lttr, accomntodalions to access, attend and/or by calling (e25) 838-6661 no later than 72 hours tn meeting sile or other occommodalions, may be requested assistire Iislening detices, transportation lo andfront the lo majoritY or all of the Board tn Seclion 54957 5, non-exempt y)rilings thal are distibuted meeling lÌme In compliance vilh Government Code any advance of the scheduled scheduled meeting. In add¡tion, ,Íyou would like a copy of Canyon Road, San Ramon, CaliJornia or at the advance ol meet¡ng, may be vietved al 500 Bollinger Clerk at (e2s) 838-6661 record related lo an ilent on the please contact lhe Dislricl COI\SEI\T ITEMS San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District Salaries, Payroll Taxes & Retirement Contributions For the Month of: September 2015 Department # Reg Employees Gross Wages Payroll Taxes Retirement Total %o ofTotal GLAcct Number (5 1 10, 5 1 15,5 tzo,5t2tl (s14ol (5150,5151) Board of Directors 5 623.03 55.08 678.11 0.o2% Fire Chief 2 28,709.70 409.40 23,L23.09 52,242.t9 t.44o/o Personnel 2 L9,L79.98 393.55 4,948.20 24,52L.73 0.68% Finance 3 25,2L7.t0 359.L7 9,047.29 34,623"56 o.96% (o L72,265.85 4.75o/o o Fire Prevention L0 LLs,LL8..7O 1,859.62 55,287.53 5 OJ o Technology 2 25,725.29 678.88 7,247.34 33,651.51 o.93% 3 z 9 srl Facilities 1 7,07L.66 ]52.04 2,237.L2 9,460.82 0.26% Fire Suppression 115 t,964,0LL.76 27,384.6L L,003,764.32 2,995,160.69 82.66% Communication Center 10 L22,587.94 2,393.53 32,582.69 L57,564.L6 4.35% Fleet 2 L5,L0L.t2 2L7.L7 5,4t7.92 20,736.2L o.57% Training t 6,L43.87 87.28 2,204.27 8,435.42 0.23% EMS 3 4L,668.57 779.34 32,073.0t 74,520.92 2.06% Rescue 13,060.50 6,831.16 19,891.66 0.55o/o HazMat 15,060.32 4,642.09 L9,702.4L o.54% TOTALS 156 2,399,279.54 34,769.67 1,189,406.03 3,623,455.24 LOO.OO% SAN RAI\{ON \/ALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Check/Voucher Register From 9/19/2015 Through 1011812015 TransactionDescrìption Check Check D PaYee CheckAmount 418,120 81 Health Insurance- I 0/1 5 Wire 1 11812015 CALPERS 38r,833 l8 Employee Retirement Contributions-9/l 5 213691 1019120]15 CCC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT EBRCS Subscrib er F ees I I I I | 5-61301 16 21370t 101912015 EBRCSA 79,800 00 Professional Services Through 5/3 1 /1 5-New Station 213658 101212015 LCA ARCHITECTS INC 40,35'7 13 213659 l0l2l20l5 LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INS CO 3l,824 0l Dental Insurance- 1 0/l 5 41 5 Limit Replacement Benefits- 10/l /l 5 213s81 9125/2015 CRAIG BOWEN 26,923 90 Dell PowerEdge R730 Server 213698 t01912015 DELL MARKETING LP 24,969 03 41 5 Limit Replacement Benefits- 1 0/l /l 5 213s76 9125/2015 CHzuSTOPHER C SUTER 24;714 84 213664 l0l2l20l5 PGE 23,27'1 19 Gas/Electric Service-8/15 2t372s 10/9/201s TREDENT DATA SYSTEMS 22,548 66 Network Switches Dental lnsurance-Retirees I 0/1 5 213659 101212015 LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INS CO 18,015 69 16,288 l5 Professional Services Through 7/30/15-New Station 2 t 36s8 10/21201s LCA ARCHITECTS INC Command/Control Training for Officers Sept 8,9,1 6 213652 \01212015 FIREFIGHTER INSPIRATION REA I 3,900 96 13,841 48 4l 5 Limit Replacement Benefits- I 0/1/15 213609 912512015 MICHAEL A SYLVIA 41 5 Limit Replacement Benefits- 10/l /1 5 213618 9125/2015 RICHARD PROBERT 13,228 91 00 Finance Consulting Services (98 5) Sept 20 I 5 213710 101912015 KENNETH RCAMPO CPA I 1,820 Relief Valve-Unit 658 2\3599 9l2s/201s Hì TECH EMERGENCY VEHICLE r 0,495 50 RebuiÌt Pump/Repair 00 Stonn ìùy'ater Control Plans 213634 912812015 CCC PUBLIC \ryORKS DEPARTM 8,900 I 0 Workers' Compensation Bill Review-September 201 213'14s 1161201s DìAMOND BILL REVIEW INC 8,878.
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