1884. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 661 become a Laplander. There is a very great misapprehension prevail­ of this country you would be laughed at and told that it was impossi­ ing in the public mind touching the climate of the Territory. The ble to live there. climate of Sitka is as mild as that of Washington. It is true they have I have here a statement which I desire shall be incorporated into the not got quite as much sunshine there as we have here, but the ''"inters REcoRD, shoWing the mean temperature of that climate in comparison are not any colder in Sitka. than they are in ~hington, and not near with others, which was prepared at one time by the Smithsonian In­ as cold as they are in New York. It is far warmer there in winter time stitute at the request of Mr. Sumner. I ask that it be printed in the than in many of the leading European capitals. Stockholm St. Petets­ RECORD. burg, and all those places are infinitely colder than Sitka and the coun­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. That order will be made without ob­ try around it in this Territory. There is no difficulty there because jection. of the col~ although if you were to make this statement in some parts The statement is as follows: Mean temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. Precipitation in rain or snow; depth in inches. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. ~ Year. Sprin~. 'Summer.) .Autumn. Winter. Year. ------------------------------------------·I------ St. Michael's, Russian America, latitude 63<> 28' 45'' ............•..... 28.75 52.25 27.00 7.00 Z7.48 .............. .!. ............................. ··············· ·············- Fort Yukon, Russian America, latitude (near) 67° ................... 14.22 59.67 17.37 23.80 16.92 ··············· ............................................. ··············• 1 Ikogmut, Russian America. latitude 61° 47 ......... ...................... 19.62 49.32 36.05 0.95 1 Sitka, Russian America, latitude 57° 03 •••• ••••••••••••• • ••••••• • • •••• ••••• 39.65 53.37 43.80 32.30 ~: ~ ······is:32· ······i5:75· ······32:1o· ······2a:77· ·······89:9t Puget Sound, ·washington Territory, latitude47° 07'.... : .......... .. 48.88 63.44 51.30 39.38 50.75 7. 52 3. 68 15.13 20. 65 46.98 51.16 61.36 53.55 42.43 52.13 16.43 4.85 21.77 44.15 . f!l.'}J) 55.39 58.98 58.29 50.25 55. 73 6. 65 0. 09 2. 69 13.49 22. 92 t~t~~~~r~!1~~;11r~;:~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 23.67 48.57 33.65 0.40 26.40 ............... ··············· ········· ······ ............................. Montreal, Canada. Ea t, lat.itude 45° 30'..................................... 41.20 68.53 44.93 16.40 42.77 7.66 11.20 7.42 . 72 27.00 Portland, l\Ie., latitude 43° 39' .................................................... 40.12 63.75 45.75 21.52 42.78 Fort Hamilton, N.Y., latitude 40° 37'....................... ................. 47.84 71.35 55.79 32.32 51.82 n. 69 ······ir&i· ....... 9:88· ..... To:ai·· ·······4.3:22 Washington, D. 0 ...................................................................... 54.19 73.07 53.91 33.57 53.69 10. 48 10. 53 10. 16 10. 06 41. 24 Mr. HARRISO~. I only rise to ask that the vote may be taken Treasury, addressed to him, in relation totheaudited claim of the Den­ upon this amendment. ver and Rio Grande Railroad Company for Armytrnnsportation; which The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question .is on concurring in the was .referred to the Committee on Appropriations, to accompany the amendment of the Committee of the Whole embodied in section 14. amendment submitted by :Mr. BoWEN to Holise bill 3948. The amendment was concurred in. • CALIFORNIA INDIAN W .A.R EXPENSES. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The amendments of the Committee of the Whole are no"\1' all disposed of. The bil). is still open to amend­ Mr. 1\IA~Y. Since the morninghour this morning I havereceived ment. a communication from the Secretary of War respecting a bill in my · The bill was ordered to be engross~d for a third reading, read the hands from the Committee on Military Affairs. He suggestS the impor­ third time, and passed. tance of printing the letter of the Third Auditor of the Treasury De­ Mr. HARRISO~. I suggest that the wor9-B "Territory of" in the partment in connectjon with the bill, and on behalf of the Committee title be stricken out, so that the title shall read: "A bill providing a on Military Affairs I move that the bill (S. 809) to indemnify the State civil government for Alaska." · of California for balances paid and remaining due on account of indebt­ The amendment was agreed to. edness incurred in the Indian wars, for the payment of which said State PRESIDENTIAL SUCCESSION. issued bonds in 1851 and 1852, a part of which remain unpaid owing Mr. HOAR. I move that the Senate proceed to the consideration of to delays occasioned by War Department rulings under the act of Con­ gress of August 5, 1854, and the documents connected with it be printed, Order of Business No. 75, bein~ the bill (S. 22) to provide for the per­ formance of the duties of the office of President in case of the removal, and recommitted to the committee. I want the letter of the Secretary death, resignation, or inability both of the President and Vice-President. of War and the report of the Third Auditor printed. The motion was agreed to; and tbe·Senate, as in Committee of the The motion was agreed to. Whole, proceeded to consider the bill. EXECUTIVE SESSION. The bill was reported from the Committee on Privileges and Elec­ Mr. SHERMAN. I move that the Senu,te proceed to the considera­ tions with an amendment in secti6n 1, line 1G, after the word" disabil­ tion of executive business. ity," to insert "of the President or Vice-President;" so as to read: The motion 'Yas agreed to; and the Senate proceeded to the consider­ Then the Secretary of tke Interior shall act as President until the disability of ation of executive business. After 7 minutes spent in executive session the President or Vice-President is removed or a President shall be elected. the doors were reopened, and (at 3 o'clock and 30 minutes p.m.) the l\Ir. HOAR. The amendment is merely verbal. It does not change Senate adjourned. the sense of the bill. The amendment was agreed to. The bill was reported to the Senate as amended, and the amendment was concurred in. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The bill was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, read the third time, and passed. FRIDAY, January 25, 1884. ADJOURXIIIXL~T TO MOYDAY. The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by Bishop LYMAN, of Ur. INGALLS. I move that when the Senate adjourns to-day it be North Carolina. · to meet on Uonday next. The J ou_rnal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. The motion was agreed to. CHANGE OF REF:E¥ENCE . HOUSE BILLS REFERRED. R. The SPEAKER. The Chair desires to state that yesterday, when The bill (H. 3948) making appropriations to supply deficiencies on the gentleman from North Carolina [M:r. Cox] reported from the Com­ account of the appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1884, in regard to rebate of tax on tobacco, and to provide for the expenses of mittee on Foreign A.fl'airs the bill (H. R. 745) to provide for the ascer­ the meeting of the Legislature of the Territory of New Mexico, and for tainment of claims of American citizens for spoliations committed by other purposes, was read twice by its title, and referred to the Com­ the French prior to the 31st day of .July, 1801, the Chair supposed mittee on Appropriations. that the bill related only to private claims. Upon an examination, The joint resolution (H. Res. 127) authorizing the Secretary of the however, of the provisions of the bill it appears that it proposes general Interior to detail from that Department two clerks to act as assistant legislation, and the Chair thinks that instead of going to the Private Clerks to certain House committees was read twice by its title, andre­ Calendar it ought to have been referred to ' the Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union. If there be no objection, the change ferred to the Committee on Pension~. of reference will be made. Al\IE~DIIIENT TO A BILL. There was no objection, and it was ordered accordingly. Mr. BOWEN submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by .Mr. SUMNER, of California. I ask unanimous consent. to change him to the bill (H. R. 3948) making appropriations to supply deficien­ tpe reference of a bill. The bill which I introduced yesterday (H. R. cies on account of the appropriations for the fiscal year ending J nne 30, 3960) to increase the efficiency of the Signal Service was natUrally by 1884, in regard to rebate of tax on. tobacco, and to provide for the ex­ its title referred to the Committee on Commerce. But it is a bill pro­ penses of the meeting of the Legislature of the Territory of New :Mexico, viding for promotions in the Army, and should have gone to the Com­ and for other purpo es; which was referred to the Committee on Ap- mittee on Military Affairs. I ask that change of reference. propriations, and ordered to be printed. The SPEAKER. As the Chair is advised, the .Journal shows that Mr. BOWEN presented a letter from the Acting Secretary of the the bill was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. 662 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE. JANUARY 25, UIPROVEMENT OF HARLE'!\!• RIVER. not enter into the detail of that evidence, but I told where it might be , Mr.
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