PSI Affiliates Directory 08/01/2019 11:32 Europe ALBANIA TU07564 - Trade Union Federation of Defence Civil Workers of Albania (TUFDCW) Rruga "M.Topi" Tel: +355 42 225812 Nd.18, Ap 9 Fax: +355 42 225812 Tirana Email: [email protected] ALBANIA Main Contacts President/Chair: Ms Mimoza Dedaj, President Equality: Ms Alketa Sefaj, Chairwoman Women's Section Young Workers: Ms Jona Dedaj, Youth Contact TU08101 - Trade Union of Building, Wood and Public Service of Albania (TUBWPSA) Komuna Parisit Tel: +355 42 321322 Rr. "Ibraim Kodra" Pall. Kristof Fax: +355 42 225812 Shkalla 1. Apartament 3 Email: [email protected] Tirana ALBANIA Main Contacts President/Chair: Mr Riza Bengasi, President Equality: Ms Fatbardha Lacej, Equality Contact Young Workers: Ms Evisa Hoxhaj, Young Workers Contact TU09013 - Trade Union Federation of Industrial Workers of Albania (TUFIWA) Sheshi Garibaldi Tel: +355 42 229169 Ish Pallati Tekstilisti, Nr. 3 Fax: +355 42 222956 Kombinat Email: [email protected] Tirana ALBANIA Main Contacts President/Chair: Mr Taf Koleci, President (TXDOLW\0V0DQMROD5HoL(TXDOLW\&RQWDFW ARMENIA TU06069 - Employees Independent Union of Municipal Economy and Public Utilities (EIUMEPURA) Vazgen Sargsyan 26/3 Tel: +374 10 521223 Trade Union Building - Office 508 Fax: +374 10 520514 0010 Yerevan Email: [email protected] ARMENIA Main Contacts President/Chair: Ms Seda Harutyunyan, President TU08682 - Republican Branch Trade Union of Health Workers of Armenia (HWUA) Vazgen Sargsyan 26/3 Tel: +374 10 582752 Trade Union House Offices 705-706 Fax: +374 10 581942 0010 Yerevan Email: [email protected] ARMENIA Main Contacts President/Chair: Ms Gayane Armaghanova, President General Secretary: Mr Eduard Tumasyan, General Secretary 1 TU16591 - Union of State, Local Government and Public Service Employees of Armenia (USLGPSEA) 26/3 Vazgen Sargsyan Street Tel: +374 10 580582 Office 502 Email: [email protected] 0010 Yerevan Web: http://arhmiutyun.org ARMENIA Main Contacts President/Chair: Ms Anahit Asatryan, President AUSTRIA TU00319 - Younion_Die Daseinsgewerkschaft (younion) z.Hd. Thomas Kattnig Tel: +43 1 313168300 0DULD7KHUHVLHQ6WUDH11 Fax: +43 1 3131683890 1090 Wien Email: [email protected] AUSTRIA Web: http://younion.at/ Main Contacts President/Chair: Mr Christian Meidlinger, President International Affairs: Mr Thomas Kattnig, International Secretary Equality: Ms Sabine Weissmann, Equality Contact Young Workers: Mr Bernhard Stoik, Youth Secretary Young Workers: Mr Nicolai Wohlmuth, Young Workers Contact dhϬϬϯϮϬͲ'ĞǁĞƌŬƐĐŚĂĨƚPĨĨĞŶƚůŝĐŚĞƌŝĞŶƐƚ;'Pͬ&^'Ϳ Fraktion Sozialdemokratischer GewerkschafterInnen Tel: +43 1 53454219 LQGHU*g' Fax: +43 1 53454208 7HLQIDOWVWUDH7 Email: [email protected] 1010 Wien Web: http://www.goedfsg.at/ AUSTRIA Main Contacts General Secretary: Mr Hannes Gruber, Vorsitzender General Secretary: Mr Erich Rudolph, General Secretary Equality: Ms Korinna Schumann, Women's Affairs Young Workers: Mr Michael Schuh, Young Workers Contact dhϭϲϱϮϵͲsĞƌďĂŶĚŶŐĞƐƚĞůůƚĞƌƉŽƚŚĞŬĞƌPƐƚĞƌƌĞŝĐŚƐ;sPͿ Spitalgasse 31/3 Tel: +43 1 40414419 1090 Wien Fax: +43 1 40414414 AUSTRIA Email: [email protected] Main Contacts President/Chair: Ms Ulrike Mayer, President AZERBAIJAN TU05947 - Trade Union of Health Service Workers of Azerbaijan (TUHSW) Prospect Biuli-Biulia 12 Tel: +994 12 5982916 1000 Baku Fax: +994 12 5982733 AZERBAIJAN Email: [email protected] Main Contacts President/Chair: Mr Emin Afandiyev, Chairman International Affairs: Ms Lala Mirzayeva, International Secretary 2 TU05953 - Trade Union of Local Industries, Municipal Services and Public Utilities (TULIPSW) Azadlig prospect 181 Tel: +994 12 5631337 7th floor Fax: +994 12 5631337 1130 Baku Email: [email protected] AZERBAIJAN Main Contacts President/Chair: Mr Telman Hajiyev Habib Ogli, President General Secretary: Ms Gulshan Kadymova, General Secretary International Affairs: Ms Nigar Yusifova, International Secretary TU09993 - Free Trade Union Republican Committee of the Azerbaijan Employees of Culture (FTUAEC) Youth Square No. 3 Tel: +994 12 4379402 1005 Baku Fax: +994 12 4926684 Email: [email protected] AZERBAIJAN Main Contacts General Secretary: Ms Jamila Sattarova, Chairperson TU11091 - Trade Union of State Organisations and Public Service Workers (TUSOPSW) Youth Square No. 3 Tel: +994 12 4920959 Floor 5 Fax: +994 12 4920955 1005 Baku Email: [email protected] AZERBAIJAN Main Contacts President/Chair: Mr Hikmet Saleh Osmanov, President TU16552 - Republican Committee of Entrepreneurs, Private and Scientific Enterprise Workers' Union of Azerbaijan (RCEPSEW) Youth Square No. 3 Tel: +994 12 4920016 1005 Baku Fax: +994 12 4926528 AZERBAIJAN Email: [email protected] Main Contacts President/Chair: Mr Guliyev Tofiq Ashraf Oglu, President TU16590 - Trade Union Republican Committee of Water Economy Workers (AZERSU) Moscow Avenue 67 Tel: +994 12 4314767 1012 Baku Email: [email protected] AZERBAIJAN Web: www.astirk.org/ Main Contacts President/Chair: Mr Akif Musa Mammadov, President International Affairs: Ms Khayala Akif Mammadova, International Relations Department Equality: Ms Naila Amirullayeva, Head of Gender Equality Commission Young Workers: Ms Sahiba Tahirli, Young Workers' Contact TU16684 - Baku Subway Workers' Trade Union (Baku Metro) 0HWURSROLWHQ,VoLOHUL+HPNDUODU,WWLIDTL%LUOL\L Tel: +994 12 4900010 Avenue Huseyn Javid 33a Fax: +994 12 5387251 1073 Baku Email: [email protected] AZERBAIJAN Main Contacts General Secretary: Mr Arif Mardanov, Chairman 3 BELARUS TU07332 - Belarusian Trade Union of Healthcare Workers (TUPHWB) 21, Pobediteley Ave Tel: +375 172038337 2IILFH11414 Fax: +375 172038337 220126 Minsk Email: [email protected] BELARUS Web: www.profmed.by Main Contacts President/Chair: Dr Robert Chasnoits, Chairman General Secretary: Mr Viatcheslav Grankov, Deputy Chairman International Affairs: Ms Natalia Kavtsevich, International Secretary Equality: Ms Anna Lipovka, Legal Officer BELGIUM dhϬϬϯϮϮͲ'^WͲĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƚŝŽŶƐ>ŽĐĂůĞƐĞƚZĠŐŝŽŶĂůĞƐ;'^WͲ>ZͿ FR&HQWUDOH*pQpUDOHGHV6HUYLFHV3XEOLFV Tel: +32 2 5085828 Maison des Huit Heures Fax: +32 2 5085815 Place Fontainas 9-11 Email: [email protected] 1000 Bruxelles BELGIUM Main Contacts 3UHVLGHQW&KDLU0V-RVLDQH'HNRNHU3UpVLGHQWHIpGpUDOH *HQHUDO6HFUHWDU\0U$QGUp*LOOHV6HFUpWDLUHJpQpUDO *HQHUDO6HFUHWDU\0U2OLYLHU1\VVHQ6HFUpWDLUH*pQpUDO$/5 ,QWHUQDWLRQDO$IIDLUV0V$OLFH0LQHWWH6HFUpWDLUHLQWHUQDWLRQDOH dhϬϬϯϮϯͲ'^WͲĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƚŝŽŶƐĞƚDŝŶŝƐƚğƌĞƐ;'^WͲDŝKͿ FR&HQWUDOH*pQpUDOHGHV6HUYLFHV3XEOLFV Tel: +32 2 5085865 Maison des Huit Heures Fax: +32 2 5085934 Place Fontainas 9-11 Email: [email protected] 1000 Bruxelles Web: http://www.cgsp-amio.be/ BELGIUM Main Contacts 3UHVLGHQW&KDLU0U0LFKHO0H\HU3UpVLGHQWIpGpUDO 3UHVLGHQW&KDLU0V0DUWLQH8JROLQL3UpVLGHQWH *HQHUDO6HFUHWDU\0U*XLGR5DVVFKDHUW6HFUpWDLUHJpQpUDO *HQHUDO6HFUHWDU\0U5RODQGYDQ6DLQJHOH6HFUpWDLUHJpQpUDO TU00324 - CGSP - Parastataux (CGSP-P) FR&HQWUDOH*pQpUDOHGHV6HUYLFHV3XEOLFV Tel: +32 2 5085882 Maison des Huit Heures Fax: +32 2 5085941 Place Fontainas 9-11 Email: [email protected] 1000 Bruxelles BELGIUM Main Contacts *HQHUDO6HFUHWDU\0U&KULVWLDQ*URRWMDQV6HFUpWDLUHJpQpUDO *HQHUDO6HFUHWDU\0U'DQ\9DVVDUW6HFUpWDLUHJpQpUDO TU00325 - CGSP - Gazelco (CGSP-G) FR&HQWUDOH*pQpUDOHGHV6HUYLFHV3XEOLFV Tel: +32 2 5085866 Maison des Huit Heures Fax: +32 2 5085858 Place Fontainas 9-11 Email: [email protected] 1000 Bruxelles BELGIUM Main Contacts 3UHVLGHQW&KDLU0U0LFKHO+RXDUW3UpVLGHQW 4 President/Chair: Mr Peter Vanautrijve, President *HQHUDO6HFUHWDU\0V)DQQ\&ORHW9LFH3UpVLGHQWH *HQHUDO6HFUHWDU\0U5XG\2XWOHW9LFH3UpVLGHQW International Affairs: Mr Jan Van Wijngaerden, Federal Secretary dhϬϬϰϳϮͲhŶŝŽŶ^LJŶĚŝĐĂůĞ&ĠĚĠƌĂůĞĚĞƐ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐWƵďůŝĐƐƵƌŽƉĠĞŶƐĞƚ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂƵdž;h^&Ϳ Avenue des Gaulois, 36 Tel: +32 2 7339800 1040 Bruxelles Fax: +32 2 7330533 BELGIUM Email: [email protected] Web: http://www.unionsyndicale.eu/ Main Contacts 3UHVLGHQW&KDLU'U%HUQG/RHVFKHU3UpVLGHQW *HQHUDO6HFUHWDU\0U3HWHU.HPSHQ6HFUpWDLUHJpQpUDO dhϭϭϬϯϳͲ^LJŶĚŝĐĂƚĚĞƐŵƉůŽLJĠƐ͕dĞĐŚŶŝĐŝĞŶƐĞƚĂĚƌĞƐ;^dĂͿ Hoogstraat 42 Tel: +32 2 5125250 1000 Bruxelles Fax: +32 2 5110508 Email: [email protected] BELGIUM Web: http://www.setca.org Main Contacts 3UHVLGHQW&KDLU0U-HDQ0DULH/pRQDUG3UpVLGHQW *HQHUDO6HFUHWDU\0U-DQ3LHW%DXZHQV6HFUHWDLUHJpQpUDO dhϭϯϯϯϬͲĞŶƚƌĂůĞ'ĠŶĠƌĂůĞ;'Ϳ Rue Haute 26-28 Tel: +32 2 5490549 1000 Bruxelles Fax: +32 2 5141691 Email: [email protected] BELGIUM Main Contacts 3UHVLGHQW&KDLU0U:HUQHU9DQ+HHWYHOGH3UpVLGHQW *HQHUDO6HFUHWDU\0U5REHUW9HUWHQXHLO6HFUpWDLUHJpQpUDO ,QWHUQDWLRQDO$IIDLUV0V<DVPLQH6DQSR&RRUGLQDWLRQLQWHUQDWLRQDOHHWHXURSpHQQH TU16554 - CSC - Services Publics (CSC-ACV) Helihavenlaan 21 Tel: +32 2 2082315 1000 Bruxelles Fax: +32 2 2082310 BELGIUM Email: [email protected] Web: www.csc-servicespublics.be/ Main Contacts 3UHVLGHQW&KDLU0U/XF+DPHOLQFN3UpVLGHQW BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA TU04840 - Trade Union of Electricity Workers of R/F Bosnia-Herzegovina (SEERBIH) Vilsonovo setaliste nr. 15 Tel: +387 33 751991 71000 Sarajevo Fax: +387 33 751993 BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA Email: [email protected] Main Contacts President/Chair: Mr Mevludin Bektic, President 5 TU05309 - Independent Trade Union of Workers of State Administrations (ITUWSARFBH) Obala Kulina Bana br. 1 Tel: +387 33 207024 71000 Sarajevo Fax: +387 33 219503 Email: [email protected] BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA Main Contacts President/Chair: Mr Samir Kurtovic, President Young Workers: Mr Samir Lagarija, Youth Secretary TU06734 - Independent Trade Union of Utility Workers of R/F Bosnia-Herzegovina (SSRKP) Obala Kulina Bana br. 1 Tel: +387 33 209393 71000 Sarajevo Fax: +387 33
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