Annotated Bibliography September 2014 BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1960-1994 Chapter GENERAL 1. Abel, R.L., Politics by Other Means: Law in the Struggle Against Apartheid, 1980-1994 (New York: Routledge, 1995. 2. Abrahams, L., Married to the struggle, Cape Town, University of the Western Cape Press, 2005. 3. Adam, H. and Giliomee, H., Ethnic Power Mobilised, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1979. 4. Adam, H., and Moodley, K., South Africa without Apartheid: Dismantling Racial Domination, University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles and London, 1986. 5. Alden, C., Apartheid’s Last Stand: The Rise and Fall of the South African Security State, London: Macmillan, 1996. 6. Alexander, N., Sow the Wind: Contemporary speeches, Skotaville, Johannesburg, 1985. 7. Alexander, N., An Ordinary Country: Issues in the Transition from Apartheid to Democracy in South Africa, University of Natal Press, Scottsville, 2002. 8. Barber, J., South Africa in the twentieth century: A political history in search of a nation state, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 1999. 9. Beinart, W., Segregation and Apartheid in Twentieth-century South Africa, Psychology Press, 1995. 10. Beinart, W., Twentieth-Century South Africa, 2 ed, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001. 11. Bell, T., Unfinished Business: South Africa, Apartheid and Truth, Observatory: RedWorks, 2001. 12. Benson, I., Undeclared War: The Battle for South Africa, Cape Town: Dolphin Press, 1979. 13. Bernstein, R., ‘Comments on Francis Meli’s Manuscript? History of the ANC’, South African Historical Papers, Cullen Library, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Bernstein Papers AL 3051, R4.1–4.4. 14. Bissell, R.E. and Crocker, C.A. (eds), South Africa into the 1980s, Boulder, 1979. 2 15. Bizos, G., No One to Blame?, David Philip Publishers, Cape Town, 1998. 16. Bizos, G., Odyssey to Freedom, Johannesburg: Umuzi Random House, 2007. 17. Bloch, G., ‘Sounds in the Silence: Painting a picture of the 1960s’, Africa Perspective, No. 25, 1984. 18. Bonner, P. and Segal, L. Soweto: A History, Maskew Miller Longman, Cape Town, 1998. 19. Bonner, P. and Nieftagodien, N. Kathorus: A History. Maskew Miller Longman, Cape Town, 2001. 20. Bozzoli, B. Theatres of Struggle and the End of Apartheid, Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 2004. 21. Bradford, H., A Taste of Freedom, Ravan Press, Johannesburg, 1987. 22. Brewer, J., After Soweto: an unfinished journey, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1987. This book focuses specifically on the transformation of black politics after 1976 and ends before 1984. Brewer’s overall thesis is that ‘African’ political opposition has been transformed as a result of the new circumstances provided by the state’s ‘reforms’ in response to 1976-77. The discussion of urban politics is tellingly divided into ‘collective action’ (i.e. mass, direct action), guerrilla insurgency, trade unions, and (formal) political organisation.1 23. Brewer, J.D. (ed). Can South Africa Survive? Five Minutes to Midnight, Macmillan, Basingstoke and London, Southern Book Publishers, Bergvlei, 1989. 24. Brooks, A. and Brickhill, J., Whirlwind Before the Storm, London, International Defence and Aid Fund, 1980. 25. Brown, J., Manning, P., Shapiro, K., Wiener, J., Bozzoli, B. and Delius, P. (eds), History from South Africa: Alternative Visions and Practices, Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1991. 26. Buntman, F.L., Robben Island and prisoner resistance to apartheid, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003. 27. Butler, J. et al., (eds), The Black Homelands of South Africa, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1977. 1 Seekings, J., ‘ Crisis and Struggle in South Africa: A Review of Four Recent Books’, Review of African Political Economy, No. 40, Southern Africa: The Crisis Continues (Dec.,1987), 108. 3 28. Callinicos, A., ‘Marxism and revolution in South Africa’. International Socialism, Quarterly journal of the Socialist Workers Party, 31, 1986. 29. Callinicos, A. and Rogers, J., Southern Africa after Soweto, London, Pluto Press, 1977. 30. Callincos, A., Southern Africa after Zimbabwe, London, 1981. 31. Callinicos, A., South Africa: Between Reform and Revolution, Bookmarks, London, Chicago and Melbourne, 1988. 32. Callinicos, Alex and Rogers, John. Southern Africa after Soweto, Pluto Press, London; 1977. 33. CEA, The Struggle for South Africa: A Guide to Movements, Organisationsa nd Institutions, London, Zed Press, 1984. 34. Centre for Policy Studies, Policy Perspectives 1989: South Africa at the End of the Eighties, Johannesburg, Penrose Press, 1989. 35. Charney, C., ‘From Resistance to Reconstruction: Towards a New Reseach Agenda on South African Politics’,Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 16 (1990). 36. Charney, C., ‘The National Party, 1982-85: A Class Alliance in Crisis’, in W. James, (ed), The State of Apartheid, Boulder, Lynne Rienner, 1987. 37. Chisolm, L., ‘From revolt to a search for alternatives’, Work In Progress, Braamfontein, South African Research Service, 1987. 38. Christopher, A. J., The Atlas of Apartheid, London, Routledge, 1994. 39. Cobbett, W. and Cohen, R. (eds.), Popular struggles in South Africa, New Jersey, Africa World Press, 1988. 40. Cohen, R., Endgame in South Africa?, James Currey and Unesco Press, London and Paris, 1986. 41. Crankshaw, O., Race, Class and the Changing Division of Labour Under Apartheid, Routledge, London, New York, 1997. 42. Crapanzano, V., Waiting: The Whites of South Africa, New York: Vintage Books, 1986. 43. Cross, M., Resistance And Transformation, Johannesburg, REASA, 1992. 44. Davenport, T.R.H., South Africa: A modern history, 3rd edition, Johannesburg, MacMillan, 1987. 4 45. Davidson, B., Slovo, J., and Wilkinson, A.R. (eds), Southern Africa: The new politics of revolution, New York: Pelican Books, 1977. 46. Davies, R., ‘ The Class Character of South Africa’s Industrial Conciliation Legislation.’ in Webster, E. (ed), Essays in Southern African Labour History, Ravan Press, Johannesburg, 1978, 69- 81. 47. Davies, R., O’Meara, D. and Dlamini, S., The Struggle for South Africa: A reference guide, Zed Books, London, 1984. 48. Davis, D.M., ‘Legality and struggle: towards a non-instrumentalist view of law", in H. Corder (ed), Law and Social Practice, Juta, Johannesburg, 1988. 49. Davis, D. and Fine, R., Beyond Apartheid. Labour and Liberation in South Africa, Ravan Press, Johannesburg, 1990. 50. Deacon, H. (ed), The Island, A History of Robben Island, 1488-1990 (Belville and Cape Town: Mayibuye Books and David Philip, 1996. 51. De Braganca, A. and Wallestein, I., The African liberation reader, London: Zed Press. 3 Volumes, 1982. 52. Deegan, H., The Politics of the New South Africa: Apartheid and After, Essex, Pearson Education, 2001. 53. DeFronzo, J., Revolutions and revolutionary movements, 3rd edition, Westview Press, Connecticut, 2007. 54. Dhansay, H., Apartheid and Resistance, Macmillan, Boleswa Publishers, Manzini, Swaziland, 1996. 55. Drew, A. (ed.), South Africa’s Radical Tradition: A documentary history. Volume 1: 1907 - 1950, Cape Town, Buchu Books, 1996. 56. Drew, A., Discordant Comrades: Identities and loyalties on the South African left, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2000. 57. Dubow, S. South Africa’s struggle for human rights, Ohio University Press, Athens, 58. El-Khawas, M. and Cohen, B., The Kissinger Study on Southern Africa, National Security Memorandum no. 39, Connecticut: Lawrence Hill, 1976. 5 59. Everatt, D., ‘The politics of nonracialism: white opposition to apartheid, 1945-1960’, D.Phil thesis, Oxford University, 1990. 60. Everatt, D., The Politics of Non-racialism in South Africa, Wits University Press, Johannesburg, 2002. 61. Fatton, R., Class and Nationalism in South Africa: A history in the radicalisation of Black politics, 1952 to 1976, University of Notre Dame, New York, 1981. 62. Feinberg, B. (ed), Poets to the People: South African Freedom Poems, Heinemann Educational Books Ltd, London. 63. Feit, E., African Opposition in South Africa, Hoover Institution Press, Stanford CA, 1967. 64. Feit, E., Urban Revolt in South Africa, Evanston, Northwestern University Press, 1971. 65. First, R., ‘After Soweto: A Response’, Review of African Political Economy, 11, Jan-April, 1978. 66. Forman, L., A Trumpet from the rooftops, S.Forman and A. Odendaal (eds), Zed books, London, 1992. 67. Foster, D., Davis, D. and Sandler, D., Detention and Torture in South Africa: Psychological, Legal and Historical Studies, Cape Town, Philip, 1987. 68. Frankel, P., Pretoria’s Praetorians, New York, 1984. 69. Frankel, G. Rivonia’s Children: Three Families and the Costs of Conscience in White South Africa, Continuum, New York, 2001. 70. Frankel, P, Pines, N. and Swilling, M. (eds), State, Resistance and Change in South Africa, Southern Book Publishers, Johannesburg, Croom Helm, Kent, 1988. 71. Frederickse, J., South Africa: A Different Kind of War, Mambo Press, Gweru, 1986. 72. Frederikse, J., The Unbreakable Thread: Non-racialism in South Africa (London, Zed Books, 1990. 73. Friedman, S., ‘The Struggle within the Struggle: South Africa Resistance Strategies’, in Transformation, vol. 3, 1987. 74. Gastrow, S., Who’s Who In South African Politics, Ravan Press, Johannesburg, 1985. 6 75. Gastrow, S., Who’s Who in South African Politics Number 2, Ravan Press, Johannesburg, 1987. 76. Gastrow, S., Who’s Who in South African Politics Number 3, Ravan Press, Johannesburg, 1990. 77. George, E., The Cuban Intervention in Angola, 1965-1991, From Che Guevara to Cuito Cuanavale, Frank Cass, London, 2005. 78. Gerhart, G.M. and Glaser, C.L., From Protest to Challenge: A Documentary History
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