·:.... rr ' ' , , . THE ISRAELITE PRESS Friday. December 7. 196~ Authariz.ed ai S«l.lnd..Qass ~!511 f'mt Office OcpartmenL Otuwa .. nd for o.ayment of pu,u;:e in cuh- fatat>hsht-d 191 ~ OOEON-Holdm~ oH'r :led "t•,·k ··c.arry Un lrm:.ing", Sid1wy Subwnpwm S.~ 00 Der Yt>.U Jam,·,. Lu FrM,•r. 1.:nl<>r uper. l I ~5 am. Feature at 12 00. P1sonn: ffl-5901 - 339-6106 Winni~, ~n. i 2.00. -i •.JO, 6 W. 8 uu an,t 10 Oil pm l;••rwr:il METROPOLITA.N-H,•ld over S,•,'\mc! W,•,·k ~:J~is i'refley Ill r: •·l;1rh. Cirb. ,;,r1, .. Tt•,h,u,·olor llv,,rs eop{'li 12•15 pm F,•a\urt• al l:? 55. 3 05. 5 15. 7 25, ~ 40 Gt•1wra! CAPITOL-"Whatl',er Happ,,n.,d To Baby Jane"" lkttc Da,·is. l' £di1DJtia.LL Ii Joan l'ra\\'ford \.\dulll ·------------------------•' ! GARRICK-R1dwrd Egan -- :iir Ralph Richard~on. Diane Haker and Da,·id Farrar Ill "Th,· 300 Spar!ans", Ted1n1rnlor. Cin,miascope. Doors op,•u 11. -l5 daily Slnrts al 12:00, 2:00, FEDERAL AID ISSUE 4:00. 6:00. 8 00 and IO 00 p.m. General. The pot continues to boil in the United States on the federal aid to parochial school issue. The impression that 1 LYCEUM-Ill-Id \ht'r St•rond W,•,.k• ·•Pank In Yt•ar Zcrn,0. Ray the majority o! major Jewish organizations oppose federal aid i :llilland. "Thi' Young l;o Wild". Adult. is apparently a legitimate one. But cracks in tile facade of: unity are beginning to appear. : GAIETY-The sus;wnsl' d.t>s,c ,,f lhc year. l,lynnis Johns in The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, I "Tiu· Cabinet of t'altpri plus llkhard !l<'ynwr, Diane Buker meeting in Washington last week, became the first major in ".\d\'l•i;tures of a Yo11ng ~la, ". T,•,·h111c-olor. R('slricted orthodox body to break with the Jewish community's other­ Adult, wise apparently unified opposition to federal aid. {The "break" DELUXE:-Speneer Trnt·,. Frank ::itnillra "Th(' Devil at 4 O'Clork" was really an act of "ommission" rather than one of "com• 1 mission".) plus "TtTrwge ~lil!ion;ur<··· Adult. The Union consldered a resolution opposing government ; aid in the form of ~rants or low-interest lGans "as contrary , ! - - ---- to the constitutional principal of separation of church and ' state ... ". The resolution was defeated 47-30. I I During the debate, Dr. Joseph Kaminetsky, director ?f A total· of S21,700 in additional dren ... and grandfathers to pur- a master cantor might tax the in- was ... tl~- first chairman of Israel Torah U'Mesorah, national Jewish day school movement, said i and new purchases was added to chase Bonds for the grandmother. · genuity of most accompanists, but Bonds in Winnipeg, Harry Silver­ that heads of important U.S. Yeshivot favored fedt:ral aid. He · the Stale of Israel Bond coffers At least one grandmother pur•' Mrs. Pearlman-Litvack seemed to• berg. On Sunday night, Mr. Silver­ personally advocated federal loans only. ; as a result of enthusiasm gener- chased six bonds in response. And : pace the cantor at even• note. , berg's role in establishing the Bond This week, the "Secretariat of Rabbi Menachem M. · a~ed at the Cantor Moshe Kousse- one grandfather, so moved by the The world-renowned cantor, drive locally had been recognized Schneerson The Lubavichter Rabbi" issued a two-page state- v1tsky conce~ Tuesday at the Inde- novelty of the appeal, purchased brought here for the Rosh Pina by the award of a testimonial NOW AT 859 SARGENT AVENUE . • •d th pendent B'na1 Ab1·aham Synagogue. a Bond in honor of llfrs. Koussc• , tenth anniversary fete, gave Winni- : plaque, presented by current chair• ment Ill which the Rebbe f_avored governme~t 31 to e sec!!- Saul Simkin and S. L. !llorant.z vitsky. peg a musical delight that will ring' man Maitland B. Steinkopf, Q.C. , PHONE SP 2-0426 lar departments of paroch1~l schools. He cites. precedents m chaired the meeting, and appeals New pledges totalled 85 ... fig. in the ears and memories of those I · , the U.S. governme1;1t offering f~:10d surplus, milk, and trans-, were made by N. Witman and by I urcs not incorporated in Bond who heard· him, for years to come. '.l'h~ concert affor~ed th_e mass of, portation to parochial school children. I Mrs. M. Koussevitsky, charming I sales totals appearing elsewhere The rich and varied program IWmmp~g Jewry theu- maJor flPpor- For the Bost in CHINESE FOODS .. , He may be speaking of a peculiarly American situation ! wife of the cantor. : in this paper. · featured Israeli and Yiddish folk: tunit~ m year~ to ~ear the out- , when he says: · i Speakin?, as "011e grandmother ) C~ntor. Koussevitsky_'s, program songs and liturgical mllllic. The , stan?mg cantorial vmce of the gen- ' SHANGHAI CHOP SUEY "It · · ·d th t th ho most vehement I to others, she urged all grand- , of liturgical and trad1t1onal Y1rl- amazing combination of strength : eration. - King end Alexander . ls no C<?tncJ ence a . ose w are ,, ls th mothers in the audiences ... i dish songs had the remarkable as- . and sweetness and magnificent eon- I The audience contained at least 7 lil thetr opposition to federal ll:id to parochial scttood tare de which numbered well over the 600 ! sistance of !\[rs. Clara Pearlman · trol, gave evidence of the mastery , six Winnipeg cantors ... all with Arrange for your banquet and occasional parties to be held very same p~ople who some time ago w~re oppose 0 , ~n capacity of the hall ... to pur- 'Lit\·ack's talented accompaniment. : behind his art. I blissful looks on their counten­ in our private dining room, obstructed with all the means at their disposal, the creation chase Bonds for their grandchil• : Anticipating the improvisations of i Honorary ch airman Tuesday ances during the evening. ORDERS PUT UP TO TAKE OUT of parochial schools in the first place." · ---·---.. -·------··· --·· I Opon 12 Noon ', Phone WHitehell 3-7700 ·,\ WHltehall 2-1217 ,,,:11 ~ p~fc~~l~~:!ti1~}}li;t;~IIJO~~l ~~tysitur:ae~~!~n~~ Buenos Aires Police Arrest 5 'Terrorists' 1-------···· Locally, this view was echoed last week in The Winnipeg BUENOS AIRES,. (JTA) - ; arrested here this week, the: Two of fhe youths, each 19, the, Moltov cocktails at the' In Burrows Constituency Tribune, when Rabbi I. E. \Vi.tty, Talmud Torah principal, Five youths charged by police: police, department announced. were named as Jose Antonio 1suburban synagogue in Florida, was asked for his views on the subject. ' with being "terrorists", ac•; All five, according to the Yelpe and Roberto Cortina.. on the outskirts of Buenos 1 ELECT cused of tossing Molotov cock•· police, are members of the: the names of the three others. Aires during religious services. tails at a suburban synagogue. "National Restoration Front",, were withheld because of their The anti-Semites then fired at UNTAPPED RESERVES and shooting two young Jewish i an extremist, right-wing or•. younger ages. Police said the and wounded Alicia Elbert, 12, M. SMERCHANSKI girls,. a . month. ago,. were, ganization. _____ I five had confessed to throwing and Lucia Levy, l3, who were liberal Candidate It has been a long time in coming ... but now that it is I · · playing in the. street in front 1 Vigorous, purpo1o'ful, ,ucceu• here, it seems worth waiting for. The launching of Israel p • f I D• 1 f of the synagogue while their ful, but first and foremost, an Bond sale.s in Euro~e beg~n with rolling of drums last month parents were inside. at a meeting in Paris, eng:neered by Baron Edmond de R?ths• aI n U 1· .em ffl a, ~ Or oufstandlng citizen of Manitoba. Mark Smerchan1kl 11 the man ~:.:r::~1:J.,,!u!".~Y'~.. f.n0 , the ~:ce a':tisiwl~~::a•w~~~~:~e!~le'?~?~a:~~ n~f\r!~~L s- .. .h ·A'· f. .. · · j .. :~::::ti~~"8,t~~fv~vorce sively by Jewish community leaders and veteran Zionists. t CINCJNNATI, (JTA) - The Jew- Mark Your Ballot General Catroux, General KQenig, General CarJ?entier, an ·ish Family Service Bureau of Cin• OU r1ca n ewry December 14, 1962 admiral, a former prime minister, a leading financier, a pro- cinnati has named a new Commit- minent member of the government .•. all represented France. tee on Marriage and Family Rela- Switzerland sent a Basle banker, a Catholic priest, and JOHANNESBURG, (JTAl-The South African Board of Jewish Deputies, at a heavily t(o?shlps to explor~ re~ons for the. h S · 1 D ti p t attended monthly meeting, approved this week its previous actions and the actions of its. rism_g rate of Jewish d1vorc~s and ISmerchanskf, M. IX I Hans O~recht, veteran leader of t e ocia emocra c ar Y spokesmen regarding Israel's United Nations vote against South Africa's apartheid policy. ; possihle met~ods 0~ prevention. in the ~viss Federal Parliament. A_ re_solu, tion o_f the. Board endorsed th_ e five-po_ in,t, "cred,,o" as previously expres_ sed by the' w1_1'thhethceomDmom1tetes"t-·1cwR1lellsaet~10knstoCwouorrtk, Other nations were represented by non.Jewish bank presi• d O dd s h d Tl d d 1 s h Af J dents and board chairmen. The German representatives re- ?rganization 5 pres, ent, . r. Te Y c ne, ~r. 115 ere_ 0 - state : ·. out ncan ewry 'attorneys and rabhis to strengthen orted that 42 important bankers, industrialists and political is ~ ~ermanent community; 2.
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