Volume 126, No. 71 Wednesday, January 18, 2016 NEWS Crime: Couples Thievery PAGE 3 SPORTS Basketball: Women’s Mountain West PAGE 8 PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY TONY VILLALOBOS MAY AND NATALIE DYER. COLLEGIAN Students for Life group fi les free speech lawsuit against CSU By Seth Bodine Argument,” would have fea- lation of the First Amendment, Faulkner said. @sbodine120 tured Josh Brahm, president of which protects the freedom of The student group applied the Equal Rights Institute, a na- speech in the U.S. for a diversity grant in Septem- A&C CSU Students for Life, an tional organization dedicated to Emily Faulkner, president of ber 2015 to host Brahm. In No- anti-abortion club at Colorado training pro-life advocates for CSU Students for Life and a se- vember 2016, the group brought Music: State University, fi led a federal dialogue and outreach. nior biology major, said fi ling the Dr. Alveda King to speak at the lawsuit against CSU on Tuesday In a press release to the Col- lawsuit was about protecting the Lory Student Center. Squirrel Nut for denying funding to an an- legian, the group claimed CSU freedom of speech and had noth- According to the press re- ti-abortion speaker event. denied funding to the event due ing to do with abortion. lease, the proposal was denied Zippers in FoCo The event, titled “Bodily to the speaker’s pro-life views. “Free speech on a public uni- because the event did not seem PAGE 12 Rights: The Ultimate Abortion The lawsuit claims this is a vio- versity should be a no-brainer,” see LAWSUIT on page 3 >> COLLEGIAN.COM 2 Wednesday, January 18, 2017 FORT COLLINS FOCUS ON THE OVAL Two Rams earn Mountain West Indoor Track and Field Athlete of the Week By Chad Deutschman @ChadDeutschman Colorado State’s Lorenda Holston and Cole Rockhold were named the Mountain West Indoor Track and Field athletes of the week after re- cording a pair of the nation’s top times in their respected events, the conference an- nounced Tuesday. Holtson, a senior, record- ed a program-record 8.18 (8.20 with altitude adjust- ment) in the 60-meter hur- dles at the Potts Invitational preliminary round. Holston’s time ranks second place in Mountain West history. Following her prelimi- nary performance, Holston clocked a 8.23 (8.25 with altitude adjustment) in the fi- Students from The Sunshine House Early Learning Academy hold a banner that says “Friendship” out on the plaza on Monday, January 16. The nals, which marks as the sec- children walked in their 6th annual Peace March to celebrate the civil rights activist Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.PHOTO BY NATALIE DYER COLLEGIAN ond fastest time in program history only to her earlier preliminary round. Her time in the final ranks fifth-best in SCHEDULE Mountain West history. After Follow the altitude adjustment, @CSUCollegian Holston’s 8.20 time ranks KCSUFM.COM on Twitter WEDNESDAY as not only the fastest time in the Mountain West this season, but also seventh-best 9 A.M. - 11 A.M. DJ Salt Indie & Questioning in the nation. Sophomore Cole Rock- hold was the catalyst in Col- Like CSUCollegian orado State’s performance in 11 A.M. - 1 P.M. DJ MD2 The Hong Kong Fu Book of on Facebook the mile run, as Rockhold led Tricks: Volume 2 the pack in a 1-2-3-4 finish for the Rams with a time of 4:02.15. Rockhold’s time 1 P.M. - 3 P.M. DJ JJ Beat Down Time currently ranks fourth-best in the nation. The award handed to 3 P.M. - 4 P.M. DJ Emz Indie Rock at 3 O’Clock Follow both Holston and Rockhold CSU Collegian are the first of their career. on Instagram The tandem joins CSU heptathlete Hunter Price as 4 P.M. - 7 P.M. DJ Sapphire FCC Training Show the second and third Rams to earn Mountain West honors this year, as Price was award- ed in December. 7 P.M. - 8 P.M. DJ Fantastik DJ Fantastik’s House of Fun The last time CSU earned Follow weekly honors in both men’s CSU Collegian and women’s in the same on Snapchat 9 P.M. - 11 P.M. DJ Squid The Cephalopodcast week was April 13, 2016, see ATHLETE on page 8 >> Lory Student Center Box 13 EDITORIAL STAFF | 970-491-7513 a Fort Collins, CO 80523 ADVISING STAFF unt in Co Julia Rentsch | Editor-in-Chief Randi Mattox | A&C Editor mo l Jim Rodenbush | Student Media Adviser le This publication is not an official publication of Colorado [email protected] [email protected] y g State University, but is published by an independent corporation Kim Blumhardt | Advertising Manager k Celebrating i Mikaela Rodenbaugh | Managing Editor Sarah Ross | Blogs Editor c a using the name ‘The Rocky Mountain Collegian’ pursuant to Cale Rogers | CTV Adviser o n [email protected] [email protected] r a license granted by CSU. The Rocky Mountain Collegian is a Hannah Copeland | KCSU Adviser 6,500-circulation student-run newspaper intended as a public Chapman Croskell | Social Media Editor Michelle Fredrickson | Enterprise Editor forum. It publishes four days a week during the regular fall and [email protected] [email protected] spring semesters. During the last eight weeks of summer Colle- Erin Douglas | News Editor Jonathan Garbett | Design Editor 125years gian distribution drops to 3,500 and is published weekly. During [email protected] [email protected] the first four weeks of summer the Collegian does not publish. Seth Bodine | News Editor Natalie Dyer | Photo Editor KEY PHONE NUMBERS Corrections may be submitted to the editor in chief and [email protected] [email protected] Distribution | 970-491-1774 will be printed as necessary on page two. The Collegian is a Douglas Hawkins | Digital Illustrator Classifieds | 970-491-1683 complimentary publication for the Fort Collins community. The Taylor Tougaw | Opinion Editor 1891 2016 [email protected] [email protected] Display Advertising | 970-491-7467 first copy is free. Additional copies are 25 cents each. Letters to or 970-491-6834 the editor should be sent to [email protected]. Chad Deutschman | Sports Editor Mikaela Rodenbaugh | Webmaster [email protected] [email protected] NEWS Wednesday, January 18, 2017 3 CRIME CAMPUS Suspects arrested after Construction update: Shields stealing over 100 valuable car parts across Front Range and Elizabeth underpass By Rachel Telljohn posted in the businesses there. according to the City of Fort By Nicole Towne @racheltelljohn @nicole_towne21 At this time, the closure of Collins Engineering and the Shields Street is the largest im- University. Construction is ongoing for pact to come from construction As of now, there have been Between September and the overpass at Shields and Eliz- on the underpass. The closure no updates for any cost increas- December, Fort Collins Police abeth. will occur so that tunnels may es for the project. report that there were an esti- The project began in De- be dug for the underpass, as “The underpass won’t be mated 106 catalytic converters cember and is scheduled to be deep as 18 feet, according to a able to accommodate vehicles stolen across the Front Range, complete sometime this coming Collegian article. - just pedestrians, bikes, long and authorities believe that they August. Colorado State University boarders and such,” wrote, Dell have fi nally found the culprits. Currently, the project is in has partnered with the City of Rae Ciaravola, CSU risk and Suspects Joshua Medley, 29, phase two, which means traf- Fort Collins on the project, but public safety communications and Diedre Crawford, 26, were fi c on Shields is reduced to one the project is funded solely by manager, in an email to the Col- arrested on Jan. 7, for theft in lane each way traveling north the University. The project will legian. Fort Collins, Loveland and Col- and south bound. Lane closures cost the University just shy of The underpass will be the orado Springs, the Fort Collins will continue until this Friday. $11 million, according to a Col- third of its kind at the Univer- Police Services announced Tues- There will be a complete legian article. sity, after the successful open- day. Additional charges are cur- closure of Shields Street from The fl yers to be hung in the ing of the Prospect and Centre rently pending. Feb. 25 to March 19, weather Campus West businesses also underpass last semester. The Prior to their arrest, the po- permitting. The closure will highlight features of the project, Shields and Elizabeth under- lice obtained a search warrant mark the end of phase two and including a well-lit gateway and pass is designed to help with for couple’s home after locating the beginning of phase three. an extra wide bike and pedestri- with increased pedestrian and two suspect vehicles in Decem- Phase three will also consist of an passageway. bicyclist safety, according to a ber at a residence in Broom- varied lane closures on Eliza- An estimated 50,000 cars press release written by Ciara- fi eld. Upon investigation of their beth, near the businesses lo- and 2,000 bikes go through the vola. home, additional evidence was cated at Campus West. Flyers intersection, where the un- Rachel Telljohn can be found connecting Medley and Joshua Medley (top) and Diedre indicating these phases will be derpass will be built, each day, reached at [email protected]. Crawford to the recent crimes. Crawford (bottom). PHOTOS COUR- Authorities have not yet released TESY OF CITY OF FORT COLLINS what evidence was found.
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