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NOTRUMP IN A DAY Student Workbook Answer Key © 2017 Patty Tucker P5-1 What is a balanced hand? 5-3-3-2 4-4-3-2 4-3-3-3 P5-2 Identify which of the following hands are balanced. 1) Yes 2) Yes 3) Yes 4) Yes P5-3 What is a semi-balanced hand? 5-4-2-2 6-3-2-2 1) Yes 2) Yes 3) Yes 4) Yes 5) Yes P6-Which of these hands would you open 1NT? Why? 1) 16 HCP, FOUR HEARTS, UNBALANCED, NO (SINGLETON) 2) 15 HCP, two 4-CARD MAJORS, BALANCED, YES 3) 18 HCP, FOUR HEARTS, BALANCED, NO, (TOO STRONG) 4) 17 HCP, two 2 4-CARD MAJORS, BALANCED, YES P7-Which of these hands would you open 1NT? Why? 1) 17 HCP, NO 4-CARD MAJOR, BALANCED, YES 2) 16 HCP, NO 4-CARD MAJOR, BALANCED, YES, (NOTE 5-CARD MINOR IS OK) 3) 17 HCP, FIVE HEARTS, BALANCED, NO, (5-CARD MAJOR) 4) 15 HCP, FOUR HEARTS SEMI-BALANCED, YES, (NOTE 5-CARD MINOR IS OK) P8-HCP Needed for Game – 25-26 0-7 NO STOP 8-9 MAYBE INVITE 10+ YES GO What would you do – Stop, Invite or Go – with each of the following hands: 1) 7-Stop 2) 8-Invite 3) 11-GO 4) 14-GO 5) 0- Stop NOTRUMP IN A DAY Student Workbook Answer Key © 2017 Patty Tucker P10-How would you respond to Opener with the following hands? 1) 11 3NT 2) 12 3NT 3) 7 PASS 4) 8 2NT 5) 9 2NT P11- How would you respond to Opener with the following hands? 1) 11 2♣ 2) 12 2♣ 3) 9 2♣ 4) 11 2♣ 5) 8 2♣ 6) 9 2♣ P13-Board 1 Would you bid Stayman? YES Why? I HOLD 8 HCP AND FOUR SPADES P13-Board 2 Would you bid Stayman? NO Why? I ONLY HAVE 7 HCP P14-Board 3 Would you bid Stayman? NO Why? I ONLY HAVE 6 HCP P14-Board 4 Would you bid Stayman? YES Why? I HOLD 9 HCP AND FOUR HEARTS P15-Board 5 Would you bid Stayman? YES Why? I HOLD 11 HCP AND FOUR SPADES P15-Board 6 Would you bid Stayman? YES Why? I HOLD 9 HCP AND FOUR SPADES P16-Board 7 Would you bid Stayman? YES Why? I HOLD 15 HCP AND FOUR HEARTS AND FOUR SPADES P16-Board 8 P16-8 Would you bid Stayman? NO P16-8 Why? I DON’T HOLD A FOUR CARD MAJOR NOTRUMP IN A DAY Student Workbook Answer Key © 2017 Patty Tucker P17-Bid Sequence: 1NT 2♣ 2♥ What do you bid next? 1) 4♥ 2) 3♥ P17-Bid Sequence: 1NT 2♣ 2♠ What do you bid next? 1) 4♠ 2) 4♠ P18 Bid Sequence: 1NT 2♣ 2♦ What do you bid next? 1) 3NT – 11 HCP 2) 3♥ -12 HCP 3) 2NT - 9 HCP 4) 3NT – 11 HCP 5) 2♥ – 8 HCP P20 STAYMAN EXAMPLES P20 Hand 1 – North’s 2♦ rebid says: I DO NOT HAVE A 4-CARD MAJOR P20 Hand 2 – North’s 2♥ rebid says: I HAVE FOUR HEARTS, I COULD HOLD FOUR SPADES P20 Hand 3 – North’s 2♠ rebid says: I HAVE FOUR SPADES, I DON’T HAVE FOUR HEARTS P20 Now let’s look at Responder’s rebid: P20 Hand 1 – South’s 2NT rebid says: I HAVE 8-9 HCP, I DON’T HAVE A FIVE-CARD MAJOR P20 Hand 2 – South’s 3NT rebid says: I DON’T HAVE 4 ♥’S, I HAVE 10+ HCP P20 Hand 3 – South’s 3♠ rebid says: I HAVE FOUR SPADES AND 8-9 HCP P21 P21 Hand 1 – North’s 3NT rebid says: I HAVE 16-17 HCP P21 Hand 2 – North’s 4♠ rebid says: I ALSO HELD 4 SPADES P21 Hand 3 – North’s 4♠ rebid says: I HAVE 16-17 HCP P21 Hand 4 – North’s 2♦ rebid says: I DON’T HAVE A 4-CARD MAJOR What would South bid holding : 3♦ Why? I HOLD A 14 HCP HAND WITH A GOOD 6-CARD DIAMOND SUIT. SLAM MAY BE POSSIBLE. NOTRUMP IN A DAY Student Workbook Answer Key © 2017 Patty Tucker P21 Hand 5 – North’s 2♥ rebid says: I HAVE 4 HEARTS. I MAY HOLD 4 SPADES What would South bid holding : 3♦ Why? I HOLD A GAME FORCING HAND WITH 6 DIAMONDS AND SLAM MAY BE POSSIBLE P21 Hand 6 – North’s 2♠ rebid says: I HAVE FOUR SPADES. I DON’T HOLD 4 HEARTS What would South bid holding: 3♣ Why? I HOLD A 12 HCP HAND, BUT HAVE 7 CLUBS. SLAM MAY BE POSSIBLE STAYMAN PRACTICE – 2ND BID P22-Board 1 What would your rebid be? 3♠ Why? WE HAVE A SPADE FIT AND I HOLD 8 HCP P22-Board 2 What would your rebid be? 3NT Why? I HOLD 10 HCP, WE DON’T HAVE A 4/4 MAJOR FIT AND I HAVE NO 5+ CARD MAJOR P23-Board 3 What would your rebid be? 2NT Why? HEARTS WAS NOT MY MAJOR AND I HAVE 8 HCP P23-Board 4 What would your rebid be? 2♠ Why? I HELD A 5-CARD MAJOR (SPADES) AS WELL AS A 4-CARD MAJOR AND I HOLD 9 HCP P24-Board 5 What would your rebid be? 3NT Why? HEARTS WAS NOT MY MAJOR. I HOLD 11 HCP. I DON’T BELIEVE SLAM IS PROBABLE P24-Board 6 What would your rebid be? 4♠ Why? I HAVE FOUR SPADES AND 10 HCP P25-Board 7 What would your rebid be? 4♥ Why? I HAVE FOUR HEARTS AND 13 HCP P25-Board 8 What would your rebid be? 3♣ Why? SPADES WAS NOT MY MAJOR, I HOLD SIX CLUBS AND 16 HCP. I THINK SLAM IS POSSIBLE. NOTRUMP IN A DAY Student Workbook Answer Key © 2017 Patty Tucker P27-Problem Set 1: What would you rebid as North if you held the following hands? a) 2♠ b) 2♦ P27-Problem Set 2: What would you rebid as South if you held the following hands? a) 3NT b) 2♥ P27-Problem Set 3: What would you rebid as North if you held the following hands? a) PASS b) 3NT P28-Problem Set 4: What would you rebid as North if you held the following hands? a) 4♥ b) PASS P28-Problem Set 5: What would you rebid as North if you held the following hands? a) PASS b) 4♠ P28-Problem Set 6: What would you rebid as South if you held the following hands? a) 3NT b) 2NT P32-JACOBY TRANSFER P32-Should the following hands be bid as Jacoby Transfer? Why? 13 HCP 10 HCP 12 HCP 17 HCP YES YES YES NO P32-Should the following hands be bid as Jacoby Transfer? Why? 11 HCP 10 HCP 10 HCP 1 HCP NO NO YES YES P33-When Responder initiates a Jacoby Transfer by bidding 2♦, what does that tell the Opener? BID 2♥ When Responder initiates a Jacoby Transfer by bidding 2♥, what does that tell the Opener? BID 2♠ WHEN TO USE JACOBY TRANSFER P34-In what situations would you use a Jacoby Transfer*? 1. WHEN YOU HOLD 0 TO 7 HCP AND 5+ CARDS IN A MAJOR SUIT 2. WHEN YOU HOLD 8+ HCP AND A 5+ CARD MAJOR SUIT AND NO 4-CARD MAJOR SUIT P34-Jacoby Transfers cannot be used: 1. WHEN YOU DO NOT HOLD 5+ CARDS IN A MAJOR SUIT 2. WHEN YOU HOLD 5+ CARDS IN A MAJOR SUIT, 8+ HCP AND A FOUR-CARD MAJOR SUIT 3. AFTER AN OPPONENT OVERCALLS A SUIT AFTER A NT OPENING BID NOTRUMP IN A DAY Student Workbook Answer Key © 2017 Patty Tucker JACOBY TRANSFER PRACTICE P35-Board 1 What would you bid? 2♥ Why? BECAUSE I HOLD FIVE SPADES P35-Board 2 What would you bid? 2♦ Why? BECAUSE I HOLD FIVE HEARTS AND DO NOT HOLD FOUR SPADES P36-Board 3 What would you bid? 2♥ Why? BECAUSE WHEN I HOLD TWO FIVE-CARD MAJORS, I BID THE HIGHER IN RANK FIRST P36-Board 4 What would you bid? 2♥ Why? BECAUSE I HOLD 5+ SPADES AND DO NOT HOLD FOUR HEARTS P38-Board 1 What does your initial 2♥ bid say? BID 2♠ What does Opener’s 2♠ rebid tell you? THAT HE CAN FOLLOW DIRECTIONS What would your rebid be? PASS – I ONLY HAVE 6 HCP P39-Board 2 What does your initial 2♦ bid say? BID 2♥ What does Opener’s 2♥ rebid tell you? THAT HE CAN FOLLOW DIRECTIONS What would your rebid be? 2NT – I HAVE 9 HCP AND 5 HEARTS P40-Board 3 What does your initial 2♥ bid say? BID 2♠ What does Opener’s 2♠ rebid tell you? THAT HE CAN FOLLOW DIRECTONS What would your rebid be? 3♥ - I HAVE 10 HCP, FIVE SPADES AND FIVE HEARTS JACOBY TRANSFER – RESPONDER’S 2ND BID P41-Board 4 What does your initial 2♦ bid say? BID 2♥ What does Opener’s 2♥ rebid tell you? THAT HE CAN FOLLOW DIRECTIONS What would your rebid be? 4♥ - I HAVE 11 HCP AND 6 HEARTS OPENER’S 3RD BID PRACTICE WHEN RESPONDER REBIDS 2NT/3NT P43-Board 1 Do The Math: 4, 5, 9, 16, 8-9, 24-25 NOTRUMP IN A DAY Student Workbook Answer Key © 2017 Patty Tucker What should Opener’s 3rd bid be? 4♠ - 4 SPADES AND 16 HCP NOTRUMP IN A DAY Student Workbook Answer Key © 2017 Patty Tucker P43-Board 2 Do The Math: 2, 5, 7, 17, 8-9, 25-26 What should Opener’s 3rd bid be? 3NT - 2 HEARTS AND 17 HCP P44-Board 3 Do The Math: 3, 5, 8, 15, 10+, 25+ What should Opener’s 3rd bid be? 4♠ - 3 SPADES AND 15 HCP P44-Board 4 Do The Math: 2, 5, 7, 17, 10+, 27+ What should Opener’s 3rd bid be? PASS - 2 SPADES AND 17 HCP P46-Board 1 Do The Math: 3, 6, 9, 17, 8-9, 25-26 What should Opener’s 3rd bid be? 4♠ - 17 HCP P46-Board 2 Do The Math: 2, 6, 8, 17, 8-9, 25-26 What should Opener’s 3rd bid be? 4♥ - 17 HCP P47-Board 3 Do The Math: 3, 6, 9, 15, 8-9, 23-24 What should Opener’s 3rd bid be? PASS - ONLY 15 HCP P47-Board 4 Do The Math: 2, 6, 8, 16, 10+, 26+ What should Opener’s 3rd bid be? PASS - RESPONDER BID 4♠ P48-Board 1 Do The Math: 4, 5, 9, 15, 10+, 25+ What should Opener’s 3rd bid be? 3♠ - ONLY 15 HCP BUT GOOD HAND FOR AUCTION WITH 4 SPADES + ♦K, ♣A AND ♥A P49-Board 2 Do The Math: 2, 5, 7, 15, 10+, 25+ What should Opener’s 3rd bid be? 3NT - ONLY 2 HEARTS AND BAD CLUBS P49-Board 3 Do The Math: 3, 5, 8, 15, 10+, 25+ What should Opener’s 3rd bid be? 3♠ - THREE SPADES & 15 HCP .

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