i HISTORICAL DICTIONARY OF p SAUDI ARABIA J. E. PETERSON Third Edition – 2020 This file contains the bibliography only from the third edition of the dictionary with some additions through early 2020. The file resides on the website www.JEPeterson.net and is scheduled for updating at irregular intervals. (May 2020) Table of Contents GENERAL, BIBLIOGRAPHY, AND COLLECTIONS . 4 OIL AND OIL INDUSTRY . 7 ECONOMY AND FINANCE . 9 EXPLORATION AND DESCRIPTION . 17 GEOGRAPHY, BOUNDARIES, AND URBANIZATION. 19 HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY . 21 General, Early, and Archaeology . 21 18th and 19th Centuries: The First and Second Saudi States . 22 20th Century: The Third Saudi State . 24 BIOGRAPHY AND AUTOBIOGRAPHY . 29 POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT. 31 LAW . 41 FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS . 43 Foreign Policy and General. 43 Regional Relations . 46 Relations with Iran . 48 Relations with Yemen. 50 Relations with the United States. 51 NATIONAL AND REGIONAL SECURITY. 56 TERRORISM AND EXTREMISM . 59 SOCIETY AND CULTURE. 61 Tribes, Bedouin, and Nomadism . 66 Women . 67 ISLAM . 69 WEBSITES . 72 Middle East Publications and Online News . 72 Middle East Guides and Resources. 72 Organizations Focused on the Gulf and Middle East . 72 Islam . 73 Government and Economic Sites Concerning the Middle East . 73 Saudi Arabia Specific Sites. 73 Saudi Arabia Newspapers and Agencies. 74 Saudi Arabia Government Agencies. 74 Saudi Arabia Universities and Institutes. 74 BIBLIOGRAPHIC ESSAY The literature on Saudi Arabia is misleadingly large, Khayr al-Din al-Zirkali’s Al-I‘lâm: qâmûs tarâjim, with much of the literature before the last two decades Brian Lees’s Handbook of the Al Saud Ruling Family concerned chiefly with travel accounts, cursory history, of Saudi Arabia, and J. R. L. Carter’s Merchant superficial country surveys, or writing on its oil and Families of Saudi Arabia. Considerable information is development. In many respects, that unevenness of to be found as well in Holden and Johns (below), Lacey scholarship is reflected in this bibliography: one of the (below), and Gary Samuel Samore’s “Royal Family largest of the sections which follow is on the economy. Politics in Saudi Arabia (1953-1982),” as well as Meanwhile, the literature on anthropology and social Joseph Kechichian’s Succession in Saudi Arabia. issues is embarrassingly slight. Perhaps because of the A good, if difficult to find, bibliographic source is country’s traditional isolation, historical writing on the the Saudi Arabian Institute of Public Administration’s period between the early centuries of Islam and the compilation of Information Sources on Saudi Arabia. modern era is scarce. Similarly, Fays. al bin ‘Abd al-Rahmân bin Mu‘ammar As a selective bibliography, certain classes of and Fahd b. ‘Abdullah al-Sammarî’s Al-mâlik ‘abd al- materials either have been excluded or only a small ‘azîz: qa’imat bibliyûjrâfîyah iqtinâ’îyah; King sample included. Arabic language sources are not Abdulaziz: A Collective Bibliography is comprehensive comprehensive. General rules of inclusion have been to and Shukrî al-Anânî’s Al-mamlakah al-‘arabîyah al- limit the selection to seminal books or those published sa`ûdîyah: dirâsah bibliyûfrâfîyah is useful. The Saudi recently or on topics of recent history. The Arabia volume in the ABC-Clio series of country preponderance of the English language among works in bibliographies, by Frank A. Clements, can also be European languages reflects the kingdom’s close ties to recommended. A valuable, although severely dated, Britain and the United States. Items in other European bibliographic review is provided by George Rentz in his languages, particularly French and German, have been “Literature on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.” Other included but not as systematically. For reasons of space, bibliographies in Arabic include most publications which cover the Gulf as whole, or the A useful but dated general introduction to the six Gulf Cooperation Council states, and are only partly country is by Helen Chapin Metz and associates, Saudi on Saudi Arabia, have been excluded. Arabia: A Country Study, while sweeping popular Although information for this dictionary has been histories are David Holden and Richard Johns, The collected from a wide variety of sources, including House of Saud, and Robert Lacey, The Kingdom: interviews and personal observations in addition to Arabia and the House of Saud. The book edited by published sources, particular use has been made of a Ismail I. Nawwab, Peter C. Speers, and Paul F. Hoye, number of more specialized reference works. Aramco and Its World: Arabia and the Middle East, Information on tribes and geographical places has been does an admirable job of placing the kingdom in the culled from a large variety of specialized compendia, broader Arab context. Modernity and Tradition: The including Hamad al-Jasir’s Mu‘jam qabâ’il al- Saudi Equation by the present Minister of Information, mamlakah al-‘arabîyah al-sa‘ûdîyah, Mahmud Taha Fouad al-Farsy, provides a wealth of basic, factual Abu al-‘Ala’s Jugrâfîyat shibh jazîrat al-‘arab, ‘Umar information. Recent popular treatments of the kingdom Rida Kuhhalah’s Mu‘jam qabâ’il al-‘arab, J. G. include David E. Long and Sebastian Maisel, The Lorimer’s Gazetteer of the Persian Gulf, ‘Oman, and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Karen Elliott House, On Central Arabia, the United Kingdom Admiralty’s A Saudi Arabia, Robert Lacey, Inside the Kingdom, Handbook of Arabia and Western Arabia and the Red Pascal Ménoret, The Saudi Enigma, and Ellen R Wald, Sea, and Sheila Scoville’s Gazetteer of Arabia. The Saudi, Inc. principal sources used for archaeology and pre-Islamic Noteworthy volumes of collected essays include history are the Saudi Arabian Department of Antiquities Willard A. Beling, ed., King Faisal and the and Museums’ Muqaddimah ‘an: âthâr al-mamlakah Modernisation of Saudi Arabia, Paul Bonnenfant, ed., al-‘arabîyah al-sa‘ûdîyah, and Abdullah Masry’s “The La Péninsule Arabique d’aujourd’hui, Tim Niblock, History and Development of Human Settlement in ed., State, Society and Economy in Saudi Arabia, Paul Saudi Arabia,” as well as Philip K. Hitti’s History of the Aarts and Gerd Nonneman, eds., Saudi Arabia in the Arabs and R. Dussaud’s La pénétration des Arabes en Balance, Bernard Haykel, Thomas Hegghammer, and Syrie avant l’Islam. Stéphane Lacroix, eds., Saudi Arabia in Transition, and Much information on Islamic terms and history has Madawi al-Rasheed and Robert Vitalis, eds., Counter- been drawn from the Encyclopaedia of Islam (1st and Narratives. 2nd editions) and Cyril Glassé’s The Concise Publications on the history of the three Saudi states Encylopaedia of Islam. Background on individuals is steadily grows in volume and quality. Alexei contained in biographical dictionaries such as the Vassiliev’s The History of Saudi Arabia provides a Who’s Who of Saudi Arabia, the Who’s Who of the broad overview of the country’s history and is more Arab World, Burke’s Royal Families of the World, readable than H. St. John B. Philby’s Saudi Arabia. J. J.E. Peterson, Saudi Arabia Bibliography 2 G. Lorimer’s Gazetteer of the Persian Gulf, ‘Oman, archives, assembled by Archive Editions in Great and Central Arabia, although only partially covering Britain and Documentary Publications in the U.S., the kingdom, remains an unsurpassed compendium on provide substantial access to the British and American historical outline, people, and places. Early history is archives, although they are not an adequate substitute examined by Abdullah al-Askar, Al-Yamama in the for actual work in the actual archives. Early Islamic Era, and Uwaidah M. Al Juhany, Najd Most book-length studies of the economy appeared Before the Salafi Reform Movement. Madawi al- in the decade after the oil price revolution, when Saudi Rasheed outlines the period of the Al Sa’ud in her A Arabia finally had the money to put its process of History of Saudi Arabia while Jörg Matthias development in high gear, and have been overtaken by Determann’s Historiography in Saudi Arabia provides events, although Robert Looney’s Economic another key perspective. Development in Saudi Arabia is relatively more recent. In Religion, Society and the State in Arabia: The Much detailed information lies in unpublished doctoral Hijaz Under Ottoman Control, 1840-1908, William theses (as cited below) and government publications Ochsenwald gives a portrait of western Saudi Arabia and websites. Although not specifically on Saudi while Frederick Anscombe’s The Ottoman Gulf Arabia, Daniel Yergin’s The Prize provides a highly provides insight into an aspect of Saudi history that readable history of the international oil industry and Ian heretofore received short shrift. In The Cohesion of Skeet’s OPEC: 25 Years of Prices and Politics ably Saudi Arabia, Christine Moss Helms dissects the state- outlines that organization and Saudi Arabia’s role in it. building process of King ‘Abd al-‘Aziz, while Joseph The crucial role of the ARAMCO oil company has been Kostiner covers similar ground in his The Making of examined by Wallace Stegner in Discovery!: The Saudi Arabia, 1916-1936. Other noteworthy historical Search for Arabian Oil, Irvine Anderson in Aramco, the works include John Habib’s Ibn Sa‘ud’s Warriors of United States and Saudi Arabia, and, more critically, in Islam, Madawi al-Rasheed’s Politics in an Arabian Robert Vitalis, America’s Kingdom. Oasis: The Rashidi Tribal Dynasty, and Bayly The political scene has been dissected by Winder’s Saudi Arabia in the Nineteenth Century. Mordechai Abir in Saudi Arabia: Government, Society, Toby Craig Jones’ Desert Kingdom: How Oil and and the Gulf Crises, Alexander Bligh in From Prince to Water Forged Modern Saudi Arabia focuses King, Fandy Mamoun in Saudi Arabia and the Politics particularly on the Eastern Province. My Saudi Arabia of Dissent, Summer Scott Huyette in Political Under Ibn Saud highlights the contribution of long-time Adaptation in Sa’udi Arabia: A Study of the Council of finance minister ‘Abdullah al-Sulayman.
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