YEAR BOOK OF THE American Clan Gregor Society CONTAINING THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRTY-SECOND ANNUAL GATHERING THE AMERICAN CLAN GREGOR SOCIETY JOHN BOWIE FERNEYIIOUGH, Editor Richmond, Virginia COPYRIGHT, 1943 BY J. BOWIE FERNEYHOUGH, Editor Cussons, May & Co., Richmond, Va. OFFICER S, 19 4 2 HEREDITARY CHIEF SIR M ALCOLM M ACGREGOR OF MACGREGOR, BARON ET Lochearnh ead, S cotland FRANK C ECIL M AGRUD ER...•.... ..... ................... .....................Chieitain 5308 N . Ca pitol s.., W ashington, D . C. MAJOR M ARION MILTON M A GIWDER ..•.... R anking Deputy Chiefta in 332 1 Vi rgi nia Blvd., Alexandria, Va. LT. C OLO N EL H E N RY MAGRUDER T AYLOR.......... ... ......•... ... ......S cribe Camp Meade, Md . MRS. O. O. VAN DEN'BERG R egistrar 2122 California Street, N. W ., W ashington, D. C. MISS MARY THERESE HILL ...•.. .. ..... .. .. .... ................•............ Historian 4310 Gallatin St., Hyatt sville, Md. J OH N EDWI N M U N CAST ER Treasurer " Th e Ridge," R. F . D., De rwood, Maryland J OH N BOWIE F ER N EY HOUGH... ........ .. •..... .... .. .. ...... .. .. •..............Editor 4032 No rthrop St., Richm ond, Virginia R EV. E NOCH MAGRUD ER THOllIPSON Chaplain ALE XA NDER M UNCASTER Chancellor D R. STEUART BROW N MUNCAST ER Surgeon MRS. CLEM E NT W. S HERIFF.. ............ ... .. ..... ...•............Depllty Scribe FORMER CH IEFTAINS EDWARD MAY MAGRUDER, M . D. (Deceased) CALEB CLARKE M AGR UDER, M . A., LL.D. JAMES MITCHELL MAGRUDER, D . D. EGBERT W AT SON MAGRUDER, PH. D. HERBERT THOMAS M AGRUDER \ VILLIAM MARION fvIAGRU DE R THE COUNCIL CALEB CLARKE MAGRUD ER, Ex-Officio R EV. J AM ES MITCHELL MAGRUDER, D. D., E x-O fficio EGBERT WATSO N MAGRUD ER, Ex-Oifficio H ER BERT THOM AS MAGRUD ER , Ex-Officio \ VILLI Al\f ?I'IARION MAGRU DER, Ex-Officio G EORGE MAGRUDER BATT EY III THOllIAS G ARLAND MAGRUD ER ROBERT L EE MAGRUDER MISS R EB ECCA M. MACGREGOR \ V I LLI AM WOODWARD MRS. FREDERICK BAU GH D R. ROBERT E. FERN EYHOUGH MRS. PHILIP HILL SHERIFF DEPUTY CHIEFTAINS DR. THOMAS V. MAGRUDER A labama MRS. G EORGE S .R EES California MISS R UTH B EALL Colorado MRS. PHILIP H. SHERIFF District of Columb ia Mrss EM M A B EALL District of Colum bia MRS. J. \V. QUILLIAN.......•........ ........ ... .... .............•.. ..... ... ... ...Florida MRS. CORN ELIA M AGRUDER SESSIONS Florida MRS. N EL SON B. D AVI S Georgia MISS H EL E N ELIZABET H BOND Georgia MISS K ATHERI NE K ELLOG G ADAMS .Illinois MRS. J. C. L EWIS .I ndiana MRS. JOH N E. yON K ERS Iowa MRS. NA N NABELLE HOOVER .K entucky THOMAS M AGRUD ER W A DE L ouisiana MRS. M ARY S PRIGG B ELT MAGRU DER W AD E M aryland MR. WILLIAM M . BROOKS Maryland FORREST DODGE B OWIE Mwyland C ALVERT MAGRUDER M ass acliusetts DR. HAZEL D . EroSON M ichigan WINBO UR N E MAGRUDER DRAKE Mississippi MISS G ERTR UDE O WEN P ENDLETO N Missou r i DON ALD DILWORTH l\,rAGRUD ER N ew YorK DR. MARION MYRL HARRISON Ohio HAROLD N APOLEO N MAGRUD ER Oklaltoma WILLIAM LLOYD WOLFE P ennsylvania WILLIAM HADEN F LINT South Carolina MISS M YRTLE DRANE ,. T ennessee WILHOITE CARPENTER BARRICKMAN.•.......... ............................ T exas WILLIAM THOMAS KILLAM T exas MISS MARY MAYNE Utah MRS. WILLIAM L. K EYS ER Virginia WILLIS GREEN M UNCy V irginia SPE CIAL COMMITTEES-1942 PIWGRAM Mrs. O. O. van den'Berg, Chairman, Henry Mag ruder Taylor, Miss Emma Muncaster, Frank Cecil Magruder, H erbert Thomas Magruder, Dr. Eg bert W atson Mag ruder, Mrs. J ohn Eldridge Loveless. PINE Robert R. Stabler, Mrs. Robert R. Stabler. HOTEL ARRANGEMENTS Mr s. A. P . Beall, Mary E mma Beall, Mrs. Clement W. Sheriff. R EGI ST RAT IO N Mrs. Joseph H .W heat, Miss Emma Muncaster, Mr s. Th omas B. O'Loughlin. D ECORAT IO N OF H ALL Mrs. Philip H. She riff, Miss Rebecca Mason MacGregor, Miss Mary Th erese Hill, Miss Mary Magruder. COMMITTEE ON HONOR ROLL Miss Regina Magruder Hill , Chairman, Mrs. P hilip Hill Sheriff, Mr. Th omas Garland Magruder. GENEALOGICAL R ESEARCH Mrs. O. O. van den'Berg, Chairman; Mrs. Joseph H . Wheat, Assistant Chairman; Miss Mary Mag ruder, Miss Helen W olfe, Miss Juliet H ite Gallaher, Ken neth Dann Magruder, Dr . M. M. Harrison, Robert Lee Magruder, W ilhoite C. Barrickman, G. Brick Smith, H erbert Thomas Mag rude r, Rev. James Mitchell Mag ruder, D. D., W. :M. Drake, Mrs. Esther P itts Stockham. CO NT ENTS Page LIST OF O FFI CERS........... .................................. .................. ....................................... .. 3 C OMlIIIITEES ...... .............. ..... .. ..... .... .... .............................. .... ... .......... .. ..... ..........•....... 5 P ROGRA M, 1941 9 PROCEEDINGS OF C OU NCI L............ .. .... ... .........•...... .........._ ....... ...........•...•.... ......... .. ... 12 A DDRESS OF \VILLI AM M ARION MAGRUDER, C HIEFTAIN 14 R EPORT OF M RS. O. O. VAN DEN'BERG. R EGISTRAR 20 N EW M EM BERS FOR 1939 20 R EPORT OF J OH N E . M U ~ CA S TER , TREASURER 21 R EPORT OF MISS M ARY THERESE HILL, HISTORIA N 23 LIST OF P ERSONS R EGIST ERED, 1941 24 MRS. SALLIE W ATSON MAGRUDER S TEWART- Dr. R obert A. S tewar t, Virainia 27 DR. G EORGE M ASON M AGRUDER- H enry Magntder Taylor, Jr., V irqinia 31 D R. STEWA RT BROWN M U N CASTER 41 D OCTOR M U NCASTER AND " B OB" DAVIS- By the H all. Bertrand W. Gerhart.: 42 MAJOR J OSEPH H ENRY WHEAT 43 MAJOR W ALT ER H UGH D RANE L ESTER 44 MISS ?fARTHA JA NE SILVER 45 THOlll AS D. SINGLETON 46 :MRS. BELLE B URN S ?'[AGRUDER 47 ALEXANDER M U N CASTER 47 WILLI AM TYLER PAGE 48 A B IBLE R ECORD ( Kentucky)-W. C. Barrickman, T ex as 49 BRITI S H A NCESTRY OF THE LoWE F AMILy 51 Trr s O RIGINAL D RAFT OFTHE NATIONA L ANTHE:lI 55 THE V ALUE OF G ENEALOGy - M is s Ne llie Grant R oss 56 GREETI NGS FROM CANON DRAPER 60 THREE M AGRUDER G EN ERALS- Mrs. Margaret Muncaster S tabler, Marylalld 63 R ECOLLECTION S OF G EORGE C. \V. M AGRUDER- Will . J. Conly», Washinqton, D. C 71 G E NER AL L EON ARD C OVI NGTON- TV. C. Barrick man, Tex as 74 MAGRUDER SHRI NES I N C OLU MBIA CO U NTY, GA.- George Magruder Bat tey. Ill, Georgia 77 RELATED FA:lIILIES 86 ALEXA NDER M ACG REGOR P6 WILL IA:l1 B RAI NTIlWAI TE 87 N INIAN BEALL 88 CLAN NOTES 91 SERV ICE FLAG 93 L IST OF ? f EMBERS 95 I N DEX 108 PROCEEDINGS OF T IliRTy-S ECOND A NNUAL GATH ERI NG 9 PROGRAM FOR THE THIRTY-SECOND ANNUAL GATHERING OF THE AMERICAN CLAN GREGOR SOCIE TY FRIDAY, O CTOBER 17, 1941 HOTEL WILLARD, W A SHINGTON, D. C. 1 :15 P. M.-Room 138. Meeting of Council. 2 :30 P. M.-Congr essional Room. Registration. Opening Session of Gath erin g. Society Called to Order by Chiefta in. Invocati on by Chaplain. Reports of Officers. Music. Reports of Committees. Memorial s-Read by Regina Magruder Hill , Magruder Chapter, D.A .R. Unfinished Business. New Business. Adj ournment. 6 :15 P. M.-Fair fax Room. Buffet Supper and Reception. H osts : Mr. and Mr s. Frank Cecil Magruder. 8 :15 P . M.-Congressional Room. Regular Session. Society Called to Ord er by Chieftain. In vocati on by Chaplain. Music : "America," led by Miss Emma Waters Muncaster. Chieftain's Address. Violin Solo: Clifton Olm steao. Paper : "Magruder Shrines in Columbia Count y, Ga.,' by George Magruder Battey. III. Scotch Dancin g: by Martha Craw ford and Margaret Gourlay, accom- panied by James Garriock and Dr. William R. Crawford, pipers. Paper: "Dr. George Mason Magruder ," by Henry Magruder Taylor, Jr. Pap er : "Mrs. Sallie W atson Magruder Stewart," by Dr. R. A. Stewart. Group of Songs : by Mr s. Charl es Carroll Haig. Greetings : by a member of the Staff of the British Embassy. Highland Flin g: by Martha Crawford and Margaret Gourlay, accom- panied by Jam es Garriock and Dr . William R. Crawford, pipers. Paper: "Man's Noblest Herita ge of Green," by Miss Elizabeth E. Poe. editor of National Hi stor ic Magazine, D.A .R. Greetin gs from Distant Clansmen. Announcement s. Adj ournment. 10 AMERICAN CLA N GREG OR S OCIETY SATURDAY, O CTOBER 18TH Following the custom established some years ago to visit Historic Shrines in Southern Maryland and Virginia ; the Program Committee this year asked the privilege of visiting old Georgetown College, now Georgetown University, and the Wa shington Cathedral. Pil grimage : The Washington Cathedral, Mt. St. Alban s. Pl ease enter grounds fr om \Visconsin Avenue, just north of Massa­ chusetts Avenue. Gather on grounds at 12:30. Enter Cathedral in group. Service in Bethlehem Chapel at I :00, conducted by the Clan Chaplain, Rev. Enoch Magruder Thompson and Jam es Mitchell Magruder, D.D., form er Chaplain and Chieftain. Tour of Cathedral under the guidance of a PilgJims Aide; stopping at the tablet placed in honor of Francis Scott Key by the Daughters of 1812 where a paper will be read by Col. Francis Scott Key Smith. "All Through the Night," by Mary Esther Tull , D.A.R. Tour of Bishop's garden and gr ounds. Pilgrimage: To Georgetown University, 37th and "0 " Sts. Gath er in grounds at 2 :30; visit to Carroll Room and Museum guided by Rev. Father Wilfrid Parsons, S. J. Tour of grounds. SATURDAY EVENING' HOTEL WILLARD, WASHINGTON, D.
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