•f. •' ^-^ Member of _ WATCHUSG VfEtm lOUT OF 5 PJEOPfcE .*t jLSjtting(LeJW-Jin.,^^2SW. Eiho * .Berkeley Heights Beacon ' • Scotch-Plains Times •• FanwoiMt fp^. Independent. , / \ ..•.•' COWNSHIP tlF SPRINGFIELD . -VbLT30fh~YE*R-NOr-2l ' ' DREXEL 9-5000 10, \960 • •' . OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER A COPY, ^4.00! BY, THE YEAR For People Of ir As Anyone who has been watching TV, »eiding~"ffie: _. Monday through Wednesday, March 14JtO-JJL-JhicluBive, .newspapers or listening to-the radio Jjiring the past weeK. has been proclainTea"b"y"WNTA_Radio as.-a-lhree-day period knows, "Agadlr, Morocco, in tbe; northern part "of Afiica, is- in "in wjiich the Township-qf-'SpVtagfield^wJUibeisaluted^--I——- "WNTA Radio has singled out Springfield because We , need of help^^that oldlashioned American generosity whose . believe this .municipality typifies a progressive community '-ab'iindaricc makiss other- countries gasp, in amazement. ~tra the basis of'b'uslness acumenj civic_gro.veth_and_ cuUuraL - ' This newspaper has received a rtquest from tbe. Consul leadership," read a statement issued by file broadcasting general of Jhje Republic of Morocco to issue an appeal to ttee>»epple it tefves for clothing for men, Women and chil; ---During the ihree-day period"of salute, WNTA Radio will drenrftr medical supplies, partibuiarly~aiiti-tetanus se<um^ allocate. 18 hours of broadcast time eac¥rd"ay to draw the and for money. ' —- • ' ''~ JJricJfc^Et5&r:NatronaljEoreijsi ——Clothtal-Ttad medkal »upplies- •attentloti^)f-the~entire *forth- Jersey area, to-Springfield. ioc«o^- i§?_at3ts:nieetiii§ Tuesday-eve^-_- |-ieague's-anhual district spee't'h Ifearflvonjthp air. "will be the voices of ".some of the commit your loeaj -RED-GROSS-GHAP-TEK-Tor-forwarding-to-MoroccoJ z touptamenk—This-4s-theimajor. nity's teaJers and- WNTA' Radio personalities, and facts'and MonSM' y ...shoifl. d. be sent to the Consul GeneraLJStepubH. c of ning, ;farcKi"8,^inff7ducrdt4he^ ""state event for schools which Morocco, Room 53ft, jt_42 Madison Avenue, New YorK 17, N..Y. municipal salaryj ordinance for;.". "rare; members of the NFL: The . •: ''All. this,^' said Irv Lichtenstlin^inana'ger of the-radio Tften—j 1 j—"— ~~* • ' 1' ' '' ' J;H6urnaTnen1rconsisfs-ofTsevar»l: "stalipin; "irli^public service for Springfield by JVNTA Radio, a variance,to the Zoning Code to* iZfounfls of..competition ia-each the only "station .'that conscientiously serves all'of, North 'bf. .the basic" speaking forms': Kumerous Awards Are Given .allow ,for" tile erection rbe .usedJ lion,; original; oratbr.fc'llextem- 1 -Eost^Uffice-Dept. and pore " speaking, jdr|n>atic-'- and AtBlue-iBold WnnerHeld^ ed concern over-thft-possibility ••'. humorous interpretation-- _',__ iJRec<>rcf Snow Clear&B In thai the '.Little League*, field,! Dayton In Sweep".'. .^ may not be ready for ^e-opejii-.'; -Prelmnnary^raunds are'held By Springfield Cub Pack ing of the season Uiis 'Spring. the first week and the finalists Increases Aitf Few '""''"'"' then -compete the-.seeojicL_sY£e'lr _;Club ^vergreeh on Feb. 28 ; was~the scene of the St. /James sage of—which is an, annual; | feiiMthe trophies, medals and. : he*1 (First, Last Weefe^J-e^OTd.''snowfall TOP SPEAKERS AT DAYTOX-REGIONALl-fo Jonathan D*j$ton Region School Cub of. business~at this time, may have caused? | -secpnd and thisd-winners. Ap-: From" left to^right in picture above are: seated. Springfield, Saturday," Feb. 27,. and Saturday field — Blue arid Gold'dinner •of the. year,~covers the.xemuv T qhaos and hrcpnvSnence. -,,.. Swanson — KeK n Ben-AriBA, i DavD e rs n—Ry*r; March . They hope they are headed for the na as' well as the celebration, of neratioh. recerved by all ein.-:..-. proximaiely .225 students en- m many a motorist and ',many a g^ g ,Goldsfem. tered the competition, .which is standing^ George Seltzer,—Bruce Uonal-tournament to be held in Sw Diego, Cat. the 50th anniversary of Scout ployes of the township^-meiri. resident, but in Springfield, the These young men are. among-Jhose who brought ing; On hand were approxi- r.'bf the most.difficult in the Of WrecJor bers of the ToAvnship Cpnimiit-, quick efficiency or the Road an avalanche of;speaking- and debating honors mately 150 parents and friends tee,• Township "Clerk, "Tjffice field of public' s'peakuigHFp be Department with an assist from •to help the CuBs celebrate. --woFEejrs; Tax"Coile'ctorf police;-; I •judged, one "of the top: three the police' and fire departments The permanent—'head man" Opening ceremonies were led departmeaVJanitpr ^iriners_Jn any category is an Mdrthe-snow cleared in record at the John E.- Runnells Hos- 'by Cubmaster Joe- Farley, who partment jvprkers, Recreatipn - I excellfn"t Accomplishment. r time. __ -, leigli F^ofcJ Wins PAR Award pital for Chest DiseasesT Berke- was followed-by~tfcr1nvocation CommissiQn "--•^ —---' •-'-• P=ftegional swept .top Fund Drive yor ' Vincent J. Boriadies, Blood Donors ley Heights, itt-ay-be,-<-announced "deliveredU>y__Fa_ther • Richard I—honors in the tournament as its in' a statements-issued to _the iirApril—according-to-a-spokes^ Naraone, spiritual advisor to |—varsityr- debate—^teaftiT^.-with Few increas.esijgere note'djn. Sun_pomted to the accomplish l^reMoney For jnan ior .the'-hospital-board; of -the-packi—After dinner- Robert- liLGeorge L. Seltzer and Kenneth •The Sun has received a Heads NamerJ managers. Roddyv District—Scout', Execu- comparison withlast year's' fig- msnt of' these fouha-the-«lock' quest from; Kalph+Swanson, of ures. The ordinanci e Dltte ,1 F. Ryder upholding the affiwn4workers The M stated. - The.board has been interview- tive for the. Eastern. District, ative and Bruce 1 Goldstein " itiH Morris Avenuej, -Springfield, H, Van Duse'n: Pullen, candidates fot a permanent took over as mastef-pf-cere- fouadprinted in lull el CQllege Salaries thisHlssue of,.Tine Sun. Public '• Jave—Yahcej takfng the sh()uld com- for donations of blood.;! dent, announces .Bpbert Allen o replacement to Dr. JdKn mend all of the men~of the ,Mr. Swanson n fother, Mrs! Westfield and John Wy*rot oii Runnells,' who is nqw director- hearingjon-the'measure Will ^ • negative, won the district de- Road Dept. and Police Dept. New Jers«y-'s public college Mr. Roddy introduced 'the held March ;22^' I .bate" tournament-for the second Ellen J. Swanson, was taken to Berkeley—"Heights.^ to"" be co lemeritUs at the institution two main speakers, Father and, _the other municipal- agen Overlook-Hospital, SumimtrFn- s alaries-are- below' those-TofHtl: chairmen_ci'the fund drive for I—--consecutive'y.ear,,thus retaining ^yhieh-he headed, for 48 years. Nardone -and Joseph Quick, ! .cias who worked 'sbrcKsely__ta day, March i, and it was found 'nTajoFcollegeTirrthe'New-Ypj'k-1 Uht'* District Scout Executive for--tjj^Ljnittealmeeting, a shprt>ipei-. the .coveted first-place debate gether to comb'at-the recent trophy; lor the school. Bruce that she. was in need- of. con- "Philadelphia areat Two out of Retarded. Chik for. the post, which pays $TS7 TSorthern.-District.'- Mr, Quick :cialT=nreeting of the Board 0%., show ~storm. Despite the fact siderable blood. three major land grant-colleges, O0O- a-year-rinr-salary and-$3j^ and- Committefman^W; a r r e n • Health -J~- composert^ot^-the .' Goldsteuiraird GeprgErSeltzer that, this storm was oneFof- the Mr. Swansoh, the former Post lerling: of ^Summit is; 'chairman OQttrfor "ex^ensesiziAmong them Henderson presented "tlie""ad- -Township - Committee j^rson^-: combined to debater worst we've-hadin manOears, gfl-state ^universities pay" higher \ was:held";tp-iritroduce7 js ._. Office-employee-who has multj,- of the planning cdmmittee. -are-Dr. EugeneHNargiello, now vancement awards to the Cubs our, streets and-sidewalks/were Hlescl^rosis"'an"dr~about"*%liom p MAliH^^ ^WiiS~ToK"Tr35K*y™ : ••made"passable and clear in ;inuch as .appearMJLri. The ,Sun, terms of purchasing.power N. J. br6e ;Cres;deiit, .Westfielid, ari.d is hospital. Denner Badge '—.. Robert year.Jh-eJiealth ' Another • first... place trophy : : sppnsible for; the Health'Offl.-™ was brought to, Regiraal^thts said Tuesday that his mother college professors ar& is per- employed as a chemiej}'en^ireer Alio seeking -the job are Dr. Grant, W-a r r e n HendersOn, "Our road crews worked tire- has been given more than by E. 'I.-.'.Du-Ponf.de Nemours & David Bieber of Unipiirran Jn- Thomas Weber, Kenneth _Higr cer., PIumBing • Inspector and- year by Ken Ben-Ari,.-\vho won ^ViowJHe" 1939 level; N.J and a^fe\v~other the district tournament in bovs lessly and energetically around quarts of-blood. Company- in Perth Ambdy. Hi tefnist with.a-speciality in chest gins, iRobert Grbsshans, James the clock from Thursday after- production workers are 60 per- is. president of the board_orgi; now is part-time : This ordinance, too, will- be' "extempor;g"speakitig; The" mernr Birofflricontri,u_Glenn _Behrens , noon until Sunday afternoon cent-a'bnve-that Ievel~'.-—.— rectors of the. Ocp.upational<x;eni cons,ultant- at the.hospital;..Dr. Joseph.i-Ventimigliaj—AssistBnt |t=£bets_jof_J:he-debate team, and ^whatever ~sdditionar~BloOd my continuously, to insure that all .—After...anJintensiy'e .study _pf tec_of-_Uhion. County. ". (pontinued on Page 5) Denrier Badge-:^-"Stanley:'jjjy The "Sun*. Piibfle, Hgarjrij .will hTrigmTtJo par- mDther. needs, is replaced," sections- of town were^afforded the jiewly proposed'salary scale ^ ^?™ro^'n<iides ''••it--. lOCj in the 'NFL-national Mr.^sWan^ori^sa'id," "I jviir be the- free, passage "for vehicles and Mountam ;Eoeffler,!:-gg'^_ . ;ournament to bejield in June charged at the .rate~4or. $40 a ^determined Jjy/ ^e pedestrians. /^ __ Jf^ "James-; •'Bu.pnincbhtrii u I, at San Piego, Gajr" pint, .This could m.oimt tio 'a "aplpro'ved! fl ^ Bell Telephone • Laboratories, -De_, Franco, Ralph Lbsanho,; One Variance Held-•-;- most-embarrassing total.". by_.the_StafeL_Board_;of- Educ'a"- Among Those stoEm-subside4'^eyery,.street-in ^•Thpse , desiring^to • help in - this lected by—thelSenio_r^giJls..and Inc., M^ffilL Robert V^orthmann.
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