MARCH 2004 swwxa, ixhb vwwc THE NEWSLETTER OF THE RABBINICAL COUNCIL OF AMERICA vehrnts ohbcrv ,urs,xv iujrh From the Desk of our Executive Vice From the Desk of our President... Director of Learning and Enrichment... Dear Chaverim: These are exciting times for the RCA! Under the visionary leadership of Rabbi Basil Herring there are many new and Firstly, on behalf of our officers and office staff, I take this important initiatives which are being worked on here in our offices. opportunity, erev Pesach, to extend to each of you and your families, I have the privilege of overseeing one of these and that is the and through you your communities, our very sincere good wishes for Continuing Rabbinic Education program established in memory of a Chag Kasher ve’Same’ach, wonderful shelichuyot, sedarim, droshahs, Rabbi Steven Dworken of blessed memory. shiurim, piskei halachah, eitzot tovot, and all of the many presentations, formal and informal that you will be “serving up” The program kicked off with four outstanding courses (taught via over the course of the Chag and in the months ahead. May Hashem conference call) and attracted the participation of more than thirty bless all of our and your efforts with to’elet, success and personal rabbanim. Colleagues from around the country continue to call me gratification. expressing how much they appreciate the opportunity to hear high level, practical shiurim from top experts in their fields. The fact Much continues to transpire, and change, at the RCA. Briefly, and to that the courses are being archived on our website is also greatly mention just a few areas, we continue to seek ever more productive and appreciated. efficient modalities. We try wherever possible to involve a broad cross- section of our chevra, so that we can better represent the broadest Our next "semester" will begin after Pesach and run through the parameters of your priorities and concerns. And we are committed month of May. Please see below for yet another impressive line-up to fostering effective partnerships with sister organizations and of course instructors, titles, dates and times. institutions, professional men and women whose work can enrich Planning is well underway for the upcoming Annual Convention - and leverage our own efforts, even as we cultivate the friendship June 1-3. Those who will attend will hopefully be pleased to find and counsel of constructively oriented balebatim whom we view as that the program is being significantly restructured. For the first essential to the future well being of the rabbinate and the klal. time, special emphasis will be placed on small group interactions In many ways, I confess, this has involved a certain cultural change. It and roundtable discussions. The intention is to bring rabbanim is not easy, as rabbanim, to think of such other groups and individuals (with shared areas of background, experience and/or interest) face- as full partners. But it is essential that we understand, both as an to-face with colleagues and professionals to exchange ideas and organization and as individual practitioners (if I may use the term,) that acquire practical guidance to better serve their communities. we have made, and continue to make, a mistake by becoming (Please see detailed box in this newsletter for an overview of the generalists who try to be all things to all people. We are much better convention.) off if we see ourselves, and others see us, as specialists who Finally, we are hard at work creating an extensive and multi-faceted possess expertise in clearly delineated areas, and who work with, by members via the RCA website. It will be here that rabbanim will or refer to, partners, colleagues and knowledgeable others in those be able to access resources literally at their fingertips. Whether one areas where we cannot possibly have in-depth competence (whether by is looking for tapes from past conventions, ideas for sermons, temperament or choice.) For each of us, that area of specialization suggestions for running a holiday program, or zmanim for setting will be different, depending on our abilities, inclinations, and life up minyan calendars - the information will all be there. experience. And for all of us, it is essential to cultivate the possibilities of linking up with others (rabbinic and non) who can complement our As always, we welcome your thoughts and ideas for improvement. own work by virtue of their respective strengths and specialties. Hence Your feedback is essential so that we can build upon this invaluable the need for real partners, in every sense of the term. effort. Hence, I believe, we can encounter a new way of looking at, and relating To contact me, please send an e-mail to [email protected] or to, the RCA. We err grievously if we relate to the RCA as just a call me at the RCA office, 212-807-7888 x 106. place or entity where we can get certain services or products or classes or conferences or publications. It is first and foremost a With warmest regards, mechanism by which we can, for our own good, and that of our continued on next page Rabbi Gideon Shloush continued from previous page THE RABBI STEVEN M. DWORKEN communities, link up with chaverim with whom we can connect, from CONTINUING RABBINIC EDUCATION PROGRAM whom we can benefit and learn (from their experiences both good and bad!), and to whom we can turn in partnerships of mutual UPCOMING COURSES enhancement and personal reinforcement, each bringing our own strengths and talents, concerns and vulnerabilities, to the table. Course 1: Pre-MMarital Counseling Much like the familiar vort of the Meshech Chochmah in Instructor: Dr. Jonathan Lasson, Baltimore, MD explaining why it took the entire people to declare at the Sundays from 9:00 - 10:00pm covenantal moment of truth “kol asher dibber Hashem na’aseh May 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd ve’nishma,” (Shemot 24:7), i.e., none of us alone can do all taryag mitzvot, for there are exemptions and disqualifications and This course will guide rabbis in understanding and confronting chiyuvim that apply only to some; together, however, we can do the issues that arise with young couples (commitment phobia, much, if not all that we are called upon to achieve, in this calling unconsummated marriages, broken engagements etc.). Emphasis that is the rabbinate. will also be placed on how to discuss intimate topics with couples As you read the words of this issue of Maaseh Rav, I trust you will who are engaged and current and future trends in premarital education. see a reflection of these sentiments in action. The long distance courses of The Rabbi Steven M. Dworken Continuing Rabbinic Course 2: Chomer L'Drush V'Shiur Education Program, the committees functioning in broad Instructor: Rabbi Jonathan Rosenblatt representative fashion; the conference calls bringing together our Mondays from 2:30 - 3:30pm far flung constituency; the various on-line email networks; the May 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th sharing of drashah ideas and published materials; the sharing of Back by popular demand (though with a new instructor) this course perspectives through questionnaires and direct discussions; the new format of the annual convention; and not least the expanding will demonstrate a practical methodology for rabbinic universe of our RCA website which will soon include an extensive preparation for public presentations and will include extensive and rich database of resources and connections. sources and ideas covering the included time frame. These, in my view, are just a beginning. There is so much yet to be Course 3: P'sak Halacha - Niddah and Mikveh done. Our voices (individually and in the institutional sense) need Instructor: Rabbi Mordechai Willig to be projected much further and stronger than where we are now; Tuesdays from 9:30 - 10:30pm our professional lives need to be enhanced with the incredible April 20th, 27th, May 4th, 11th tools that others have learned to use so effectively; our personal family needs much be much more effectively identified and A joint project of the RCA and the Max Stern Division of Communal addressed by the RCA; rabbinic finances need fundamental Services at RIETS, this course will focus on difficult shaylot relating overhaul; our relationships with mechanchim and rabbeim and to niddah and mikveh (birth control, reproductive technologies etc.). community professionals of every kind must be transformed; how The goal of this course is to assist rabbis in understanding the young men are prepared for the rabbinate, before and after process of preparing a tshuvah and developing the confidence semichah, must be a direct concern not just of ours but of all to paskan on their own when appropriate. Orthodox leaders; we must be more inclusive of the non-pulpit rabbis in our midst; we must find imaginative ways of dealing with Course 4: Congregational Relationships/ the far-reaching changes taking place in the larger community and Being Politically Astute in your Shul society (including challenges to marriage and the family, sexual mores, government policies, educational challenges, the impact of Coordinator: Rabbi Kenneth Hain Israel study, etc); our role in grass-roots Israeli society must be Dates and times to be announced rethought; we must find better ways to be assertive and make real A joint project of the RCA and the Orthodox Union, this course differences in umbrella communal organizations. The list goes on. will provide essential advice to rabbanim in how to be effective As we embark on this journey, we invite each of our chaverim to leaders. Discussions will include: cultivating key players, step forward and join us as we embark on the future. As always developing a process of cooperation with balebatim, and where your thoughts, ideas, and constructive criticisms, are valued and to draw the line in social relationships.
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