Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 13 / Friday, January 20, 1995 / Notices 4185 [ID±943±1430±01; IDI±14995C] Any such attempted adverse possession an easement 30.00 feet in width on the under 30 U.S.C. 38, shall vest no rights south and east boundaries, and a 15.00 Order Providing for Opening of Public against the United States. Acts required foot spandrel at the southeast corner, for Land; Idaho to establish a location and to initiate a roads, public utilities and flood control AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, right of possession are governed by State purposes in accordance with the Interior. law where not in conflict with Federal transportation plan for Clark County/the law. The Bureau of Land Management City of Las Vegas. ACTION: Notice of cancellation of will not intervene in disputes between Upon publication of this notice in the classification and opening of public rival locators over possessory rights Federal Register, the above described land. since Congress has provided for such land will be segregated from all other SUMMARY: This Order revokes the determinations in local courts. forms of appropriation under the public Recreation and Public Purpose Dated: January 13, 1995. land laws, including the general mining Classification for the land in a M. William Weigand, laws, except for sales and disposals Recreation and Public Purpose lease State Office Unit Leader for Realty Unit. under the mineral disposal laws. This segregation will terminate upon issued to Shoshone County for a [FR Doc. 95±1546 Filed 1±19±95; 8:45 am] issuance of a patent or 270 days from sanitary landfill which has been closed. BILLING CODE 4310±GG±M This order opens the land to the land the date of this publication, whichever and mining laws. occurs first. [NV±930±1430±01; N±59197] For a period of 45 days from the date EFFECTIVE DATE: February 21, 1995. of publication of this notice in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Notice of Realty Action: Non- Federal Register, interested parties may Larry R. Lievsay, BLM, Idaho State Competitive Sale of Public Lands submit comments to the District Office, 3380 Americana Terrace, Boise, Manager, Las Vegas District, P.O. Box Idaho 83706±2500, 208±384±3166. AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Interior. 26569, Las Vegas, Nevada 89126. Any 1. The Recreation and Public Purpose adverse comments will be reviewed by ACTION: Non-Competitive Sale of Public Classification on the following the State Director who may sustain, Lands in Clark County, Nevada. described land is hereby revoked: vacate, or modify this realty action. In Boise Meridian SUMMARY: The following described the absence of any adverse comments, T. 48 N., R. 3 E., public land in Las Vegas, Clark County, this realty action will become the final Sec. 15, Portion of the N1¤2NE1¤4 described Nevada has been examined and found determination of the Department of the as follows: suitable for sale utilizing non- Interior. The Bureau of Land Beginning at a point west of the Polaris competitive procedures, at not less than Management may accept or reject any or Peak Road on the north line of Sec. 15, S. 89° the fair market value. Authority for the all offers, or withdraw any land or 12′ about 195 feet from the corner common sale is Section 203 and Section 209 of interest in the land from sale, if, in the to Sections 10, 11, 14 and 15. the Federal Land Policy and opinion of the authorized officer, From the initial point Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA). consummation of the sale would not be S. 89° 12′ W., along the north line of Sec. fully consistent with FLPMA, or other Mount Diablo Meridian, Nevada 15, 1220 feet; applicable laws. The lands will not be S. 0° 12′ E., on a line parallel to the east T. 21 S., R. 60 E., offered for sale until at least 60 days line of Sec. 15, 600 feet; Sec. 34: SE1¤4NE1¤4NW1¤4NE1¤4. ° ′ after the date of publication of this N. 89 12 E., on a line parallel to the north Containing 2.50 acres, more or less. notice in the Federal Register. line of Sec. 15, 775 feet, more or less to This parcel of land, situated in Las the point on the west side of the Polaris Dated: January 6, 1995. Vegas, Nevada is being offered as a non- Peak road; Gary Ryan, competitive sale to Perm-Bilt Homes. Northeasterly along the west side of the Acting District Manager, Las Vegas, NV. Polaris Peak Road, 850 feet, more or less This land is not required for any to the point of beginning. federal purposes. The sale is consistent [FR Doc. 95±1461 Filed 1±19±95; 8:45 am] The area described above contains 13.19 with current Bureau planning for this BILLING CODE 4310±HC±M acres in Shoshone County. area and would be in the public interest. In the event of a sale, conveyance of [ID±942±04±1420±00] 2. At 9:00 a.m. on February 21, 1995, the available mineral interests will the land described in paragraph 1 will occur simultaneously with the sale of Idaho: Filing of Plats of Survey; Idaho be opened to the operation of the public the land. The mineral interests being land laws generally, subject to valid offered for conveyance have no known The plat of the following described existing rights, the provisions of existing mineral value. Acceptance of a direct land was officially filed in the Idaho withdrawals, and the requirements of sale offer will constitute an application State Office, Bureau of Land applicable law. All valid applications for conveyance of those mineral Management, Boise, Idaho, effective received at or prior to 9:00 a.m. on interests. The applicant will be required 9:00 a.m., January 11, 1995. February 21, 1995, shall be considered to pay a $50.00 nonreturnable filing fee The supplemental plat, prepared to as simultaneously filed at that time. for conveyance of the available mineral divide lot 13 into lots 16 and 17 in Those received thereafter shall be interests. section 2, T. 8 S., R. 25 E., Boise considered in the order of filing. The patent, when issued, will contain Meridian, Idaho, was accepted, January 3. At 9:00 a.m. on February 21, 1995, the following reservations to the United 5, 1995. the land described in paragraph 1 will States: This plat was prepared to meet certain be opened to location and entry under 1. A right-of-way thereon for ditches administrative needs of the Bureau of the United States mining laws. and canals constructed by the authority Land Management. Appropriation of any of the land of the United States, Act of August 30, All inquiries concerning the survey of described in this order under the 1890 (43 U.S.C. 945). the above described land must be sent general mining laws prior to the date 2. Oil, gas, sodium, potassium and to the Chief, Branch of Cadastral Survey, and time of restoration is unauthorized. saleable minerals, and will be subject to Idaho State Office, Bureau of Land VerDate 01-MAR-95 11:28 Mar 07, 1995 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\XOKREPTS\R20JA3.XXX 20jan1 4186 Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 13 / Friday, January 20, 1995 / Notices Management, 3380 Americana Terrace, San Bernardino Meridian, California Dated: January 16, 1995. Boise, Idaho, 83706. T. 8 N., R. 2 W.,ÐSupplemental plat of Stephen G. Kopach, section 4, accepted October 5, 1994, to Dated: January 11, 1995. Chief Cadastral Surveyor. meet certain administrative needs of the [FR Doc. 95±1462 Filed 1±19±95; 8:45 am] Duane E. Olsen, BLM, California Desert District, Barstow BILLING CODE 4310±GJ±M Chief Cadastral Surveyor for Idaho. Resource Area. [FR Doc. 95±1456 Filed 1±19±95; 8:45 am] T. 16 N., R. 13 E.,ÐSupplemental plat of the SE 1¤4 Section 11, accepted November 4, BILLING CODE 4310±GG±M [ES±960±4730±12; ES±047069, Group 145, 1994, to meet certain administrative Wisconsin] needs of the BLM, California Desert District, Needles Resource Area. Notice of Filing of Plat of Survey of [CA±942±1420±00] T. 16 N., R. 13 E.,ÐSupplemental plat of the Two Islands NW 1¤4 of Section 13, accepted November Filing of Plats of Survey; California 4, 1994, to meet certain administrative The plat of the survey of two islands needs of the BLM, California Desert in the Wisconsin River, in section 24, District, Needles Resource Area. AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, Interior. All of the above listed survey plats are Fourth Principal Meridian, Wisconsin, now the basic record for describing the will be officially filed in Eastern States, ACTION: Notice. lands for all authorized purposes. The Springfield, Virginia at 7:30 a.m., on survey plats have been placed in the February 27, 1995. SUMMARY: The purpose of this notice is open files in the BLM, California State The survey was executed in response to inform the public and interested state Office, and are available to the public as to an application submitted by Mr. and local government officials of the a matter of information. Copies of the Joseph Streb, Port Edwards, Wisconsin latest filing of Plats of Survey in survey plats and related field notes will 54469±1492. California. be furnished to the public upon All inquiries or protests concerning EFFECTIVE DATES: Filing was effective at payment of the appropriate fee. the technical aspects of the survey must 10:00 a.m.
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