Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo English Edition Vol. XLII No. 19 October 7, 2011 www.philippinerevolution.net Editorial Strengthen the broad patriotic front against US imperialist intervention! S imperialist intervention is intensifying in unemployment, wage freezes and the destruction the Philippines under the puppet Aquino of productive forces. They have spurred massive Uregime. Relentlessly interfering in the landgrabbing to the detriment of food produc- country's internal economic, political, military tion, the plunder of the country's natural wealth and cultural affairs, US imperialist overlords have and the degradation of the environment. The Fil- been brazenly brandishing their military power to ipino people are now suffering from hunger and further consolidate more than a century of neo- poverty at levels unprecedented in the country's colonial domination in the country and push history. harder for policies that cater to foreign interests Despite these policies' disastrous effects, US to the detriment of the people. imperialism's reactionary puppets have the gall to Since US imperialism's establishment of the further drive the Philippines into the abyss of Philippine neocolonial state in 1946, the Filipino neocolonialism. Their sinister goal is to further people have been mired in chronic crisis due to open the country's economy, deceiving the peo- the plunderous operations of foreign ple with the illusion of a “world without borders” companies and their exaction of su- in order to banish from their minds the impor- perprofits from the country's re- tance of patrimony, of freedom, sources. They conspire with the big sovereignty, national dignity comprador bourgeoisie and the big and the right to self-de- landlords in oppressing and exploit- termination. ing the masses of workers and peas- ants and in extracting and living off the country's natural resources. They have been using the reactionary state and fascist military to suppress the people for taking action to achieve national and demo- cratic change. For more than three decades, the Philippines has been bogged in ever deeper crisis due to the relentless im- plementation of liberalization, deregulation, privatization and de- nationalization policies by succes- sive puppet regimes. These policies have led to an increasingly crush- ing debt burden, more widespread NPA punishes US intervention This issue’s PAL workers fired, the 3 mining companies confirmed by fight goes on PAGE 11 highlights... in Surigao PAGE 4 Wikileaks PAGE 8 Reactionary puppets and the reactionary regimes have not in its history but unresolvable Aquino regime's men have resur- stopped thinking about what in- even with the allout campaign rected calls to amend the 1987 centives they could offer to for- to export migrant labor. constitution to completely do eign capitalists. They have de- The new Parity Amendments away with provisions that sup- pressed workers' wages, en- being pushed will usher in a port the national patrimony. To forced widespread contractual- new era in Philippine neocolo- the Filipino people, this brings ization, suppressed unions, pro- nial history—a time of unbri- back memories of the 1946 cam- vided tax holidays and allowed dled foreign plunder under a paign to adopt the Parity 100% profit repatriation, con- puppet regime. Philippine “free- Amendments granting equal dom” will be further devoid of rights to Americans to do meaning. business, own land and The puppet exploit the country's re- state will be sources. reduced In the name of “at- even more tracting foreign invest- to being a ments,” reactionary puppets mere ad- have been pushing for amend- ministra- ments that would allow foreign tor of for- capitalists to buy land in the eign inter- Philippines and permit 100% ests in foreign-owned companies to op- trol over the coun- erate in the country. If these hundreds of thou- try, whose measures push through, the sands of hectares of land direc- problem of landlessness and the and mountainous areas and the tion and future will lie com- eviction of peasants from their use of public funds in their in- pletely in the hands of foreign farms will surely worsen. This vestments. monopoly capitalists. will also surely spell the demise Direct foreign investments in These moves by the reac- of small local businessmen who, the Philippines grew almost tionary state pose both a for decades, have failed to re- thirtyfold from $914 million in threat and a challenge to the cover from the dumping of im- 1980 to $24.9 billion in 2010. Filipino people, especially the ported goods and the influx of But there has been no develop- working class, the peasant foreign capital. ment. Instead, the Philippine masses, the urban petty bour- For decades, reactionary economy has further deteriorat- geoisie and the national bour- economists have peddled the lie ed. Manufacturing's share in the geoisie. They are the ones who that attracting foreign invest- overall economy is down to its bear the brunt of the oppres- ments is the solution to the level in the 1950s. The country sive and exploitative system. country's economic problems. suffers from an unemployment The added burdens wrought by For several decades, successive rate that is not only unequalled the new Parity Amendments and the complete surrender of the country's economic sover- ANG Contents eignty will weigh most heavily on their shoulders. Editorial: Strengthen the Vol. XLII No. 19 October 7, 2011 patriotic front 1 The Filipino people must thoroughly resist attempts to Ang Bayan is published in Pilipino, US is behind renewed cha-cha drive 3 Bisaya, Iloko, Hiligaynon, Waray and NPA punishes 3 mining firms in Surigao 4 further condemn the Philippines English editions. Major mining disasters 5 to semicolonialism. The reac- Dole punished for landgrabbing 6 It is available for downloading at tionary puppets' insistence on the Philippine Revolution Web Central Ambush in Paquibato 6 located at: Offensives in Bicol 7 completely surrendering Philip- www.philippinerevolution.org. NPA metes blows on AFP in ICR 7 pine economic sovereignty must Ang Bayan welcomes contributions US intervention confirmed 8 be confronted head-on by allout in the form of articles and news. Nuclear arms in the Philippines 9 Readers are likewise enjoined to send Civilian killed in Ifugao 10 struggle to defend national in their comments and suggestions for “Poldet” 11 freedom, democracy and the the betterment of our publication. You The figth goes on in PAL 11 right to self-determination. can reach us by email at: Protest actions against the regime 12 The entire people must rally [email protected] Protest in Wall Street 13 around the banner of the patri- Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee otic front to effectively thwart of the Communist Party of the Philippines plans by the reactionary pup- 2 ANG BAYAN October 7, 2011 pets for the allout betrayal of the country and continuously US is behind renewed cha-cha drive advance the struggle for nation- al freedom. We must propagate eaders of the Senate and the Lower House declared during a the patriotic spirit, especially LLegislative Summit on September 29 that they would be among the youth and studentry. pushing for amendments in the economic provisions of the 1987 We must shatter the illusions of constitution. This was only a month after US ambassador Harry “globalization” and “develop- Thomas Jr. said in a speech that the Philippine constitution ment” being peddled by the im- must be amended to remove what he considers to be restrictive perialists and their puppets by provisions that obstruct the easy entry of foreign investments in propagating the patriotic study the Philippines. of the country's history. The current cha-cha efforts are being led by Sen. Franklin The patriotic front must ad- Dri-lon, who in recent years held several consulta- vance the policies of self-deter- tions with US em- mination and resist foreign in- bassy officials in tervention in the country's in- the Philippines ternal affairs. It must demand on charter change. the abrogation of all unequal Bayan Muna military treaties and an end to Rep. Teddy Casiño the permanent presence of said that the new American troops in the Philip- cha-cha means pines. The patriotic forces must auctioning off fight for an independent foreign the country's sov- policy based on mutual respect ereignty to for- among nations and against in- eigners. The Ba- tervention. gong Alyansang The patriotic front must ad- Makabayan vance nationalist or patriotic (BAYAN) cited a economic policies. It must bill filed by Rep. fight for the junking of pro- Loreto Campos of imperialist laws such as the Oil Misamis Occiden- Deregulation Law, the Foreign tal that completely does away with the remaining protective Investments Incentives Act, measures provided by the 1987 constitution to the country's the Mining Act of 1995 and economy. Among others, the bill calls for the removal of the other laws that favor foreign 40% ceiling on foreign ownership in businesses and allows for- capitalists and are contrary to eigners to control the management of companies with foreign- the interests of local investors. owned shares. It also expands the right of foreign investors to It must fight for the abroga- explore natural resources and allows foreigners to own industri- tion of unequal economic al land, practice their profession, own media as well as colleges treaties like the Japan-Philip- and universities and lease land for more than 50 years. ~ pines Economic Partnership Agreement, the Treaty of Amity with Japan and the General Agreement on Tariffs and mobilizing the broad masses monopoly pricing of petroleum Trade, among others. and in advancing the armed products and reductions in so- It must advance the princi- struggle for national and so- cial spending as well as mass ple of self-determination in eco- cial liberation.
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