4 The -Nation. June 2, 1997 EDITORIALS titled "Though Evidence Is Thin, Tale of C.I.A. and Drugs Has The Nation. a Life of Its Own." PUBLISHER AND EDITORIAL DIRECTOR: Victor Navasky The LA. Times, which according to one of its reporters created EDITOR: Katrina vanden Heuvel a "get Gary Webb team," proved so eager to knock down the story it contradicted its own reporting. In criticizing Webb's focus on EXECUTIVE EDITOR, An Winslow SENIOR EDITORS. Elsa Dialer. Richard Lingeman, JoAnn Wypijewski drug dealer Ricky Ross, a police source for reporter Jesse Katz ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Kasha PoIlitt insisted, "Even on the best day Ricky Ross had there was way LITERARY EDITORS: John Leonard. Sue Leonard wASHII4GTON EDITOR: David Corn more crack cocaine out there than he could ever control." But COPY CHIEF: Roane Carty two years earlier, Katz had written in the same newspaper that COPY EDITOR: Judith Long COPY ASSOCIATE: Lisa Vandepaer "if there was a criminal mastermind behind crack's decade- ASSISTANT COPY EDITOR: Emily Gordon long reign, if there was one outlaw capitalist most responsible ASSISTANT TO THE EDITOR. Peggy Sunk ASSISTANT LITERARY EDITOR: Molly E. Rauch for flooding Los Angeles' streets with mass-marketed cocaine, MEANS: Sophie Beach. Alexander P Cohen. Anaga R. Dalai_ Philip Higgs his name was Freeway Rick.... Ricky Donnell Ross." David Irvine, Grady Klein- NhuT. Le. Sam Iviunger f Washington). Similarly, the Washington Post attack on Webb was so one- DEPARTMENTS: .-Irekirectunr, Jane Holtz Kay: Arr. Arthur C. Danto: Film, Stuart sided it inspired the newspaper's ombudsman, Geneva Overholser, Klawans Maur. Edward W. Said, Gene Santoro: Poetry. Grace Schulman: FrievIston. Alyssa Katz; Theater. Thomas M. Ditch to accuse the paper of "misdirected" zeal. "The Post," she wrote. BORE-Ws: Europe, Daniel Singer, Budapest. Miklas Vinson: Tokyo. Karl Taro "showed more energy for protect[ing] the CIA from someone Greenfeld: Southern Africa, Mark Gevisser COLUMNISTS AND REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS: Alexander Cockburn (Beat the Devil), else's journalistic excesses" than it did "protecting the people Christopher Hitchens (Minority Report), Katha Pollin (Subject to Debate), Calvin from government excesses." In a textbook example of elite Trillin. Patricial. Williams I Derry of a Mad Law Professor); Corpora:tow, Robert Sherrill; Defense. Michael T. Klare; Full-Court Press. Fait Alterman journalistic arrogance, the paper even refused to publish Jerry CONTRIBLTING EDITORS: Lucia Armunziata, Kai Bird, George Black, Robert L. Borosage, Stephen F. Cohen_ Marc Cooper, Mike Dans Sievelike Drakulie, Susan Ceppos's response to the critique of his newspaper. Ninth, Thomas Ferguson. Doug Henwood. Max Holland Molly ,vita. Michael MoCan, The mainstream critique of Webb's reporting could be summed Joel Rogers Kirkpatrick Sale, Robert Scheer, Herman Schwas, Andrew L. Shapiro, up in the reaction of L.A. Times Washington bureau chief Doyle Bruce Shapiro, Ted Solotaroff. Edward Sorel. Gore Vidal, Jon Wiener, Amy Wilma EDITORIAL saw): Norman Birnbaum, Richard Falk, Frances FnaGerald Eric McManus, who concluded that "most of the things that are new Foner. Philip Green. aandall Kennedy. Elinor Langer, Deborah W. Meier. Toni aren't true, and most of the things that are true aren't new." But Morrison. Richard Parker. Michael Pertschuk. Elisabeth Pochoda, Neil Pocunan, Martha G. Raskin, David Weir. Roger Wilkins as Peter Kombiuh demonstrated in a remarkably thorough ex- amination of the evidence in the Columbia Journalism Review, VICE PRESIDENT, ADVERTISING: Perry Janoski ASS/STANT ADVERTISING MANAGER: Tomasina Boyd each of the papers that so enthusiastically pounced on Webb's Anvairrisixo ASSISTANT- Kevin Waiter errors had systematically buried the story of contra cocaine- CIRCULATION MANAGER: Michelle O'Keefe PRODUCTION, Director, lane Sharpies; Sandy MeCrolikey, Sauna Treekle running back when it was new Contra involvement in drug run- VICE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTOR OF THE NATION ASSOCIATES: Pew Randall ning across the United States was substantiated by entries in NATION ASSOCIATES COORDINATOR: Cried:mall Natividad PUBLICITY AND mom. PROJECTS. Ditector. Peter Rothbem Coordinator, Max Block Oliver North's diaries and in an official 1989 report of the Senate SPECIAL PROJECTS ASSISTANT: Lakshmi Balasubramanian Foreign Relations Committee. DIRECTOR Of OPERATIONS AND NEW MEDIA David Pomona CONTROLLER: George Fuchs This sensational news—that the National Security Council BOOKKEEPER: Ivor A. Richardson (in the person of North) and the C.I.A. had turned a blind eye to RECEPTIOMST. Dhanukdhan DATA ENTRY MAR. COORDINATOR: John Holtz drug smuggling in the United States in order to further covert aims to destroy a government with which the country was offi- ASSOCLATE PUBLISHER FOR BUSINESS AFFAIRS: Victor S. Goldberg ASSOCIATE PUBLisHER: Teresa Stack cially at peace—did not receive one-thirtieth the space that the ASSISTANT TO THE PUBLISHER: Mary Taylor Schilling media devoted to knocking down the weaker aspects of Webb's PRESIDENT' Jack Berkowitz work. Indeed. the story didn't make it to network news. One MANUSCRIPTS: .kikircss to The Editor, The Nation, 72 Fifth Avenue, New York_ NY needn't be a Freudian to wonder whether the fact that Webb of- :9011. Not responsible for the return of unsolic. ted manuscripts unless accompanied by addressed. stamised envelopes. Unsolicited faxed atanuscnpts will not be acknowl- fered confirmation of an explosive story ignored by the main- edged unites accepted. Unsolicited manuscnpts are not accepted via e-mail. stream media had inspired a wish to destroy both the right and The Nation (ISSN 0027-83711 is published weekly (except for the second week in Jan- the wrong in his reporting. uary, and biweekly the third week of July through the third week of September( by The Now that Ceppos has apologized, however. The :Vew York Nation Company. L.P. C 1991 in the U.S.A. by The Nanon Company, L.P., 72 Fifth Av- enue, New York. NY 10011. (212) 242-3400. Washington Bonsai: Suite 308, 110 Times has decided that the story is front-page news, and even Maryland Avenue N.E . Washington. DC 20002. 1202) 546-2239. Periodicals postage printed a condescending editorial commending the Mercury paid ar New York. NY. and at additional mailing writes. International Telex: 667 155 NATION. Subscription orders. changes of address and all subscnphon inquiries: The News for other solid work it has done. Doyle McManus called Nation, P.O. dot 37072. Boone. IA 50037, ,X all I-800-333-8536. Subscription Price: the apology "courageous." The Washington Post ran a lengthy year. 552; 2 years. 590. Add Sill for Surface mail postage outside U.S. Please allow 4-6 weeks for receipt of year DM issue Bad far all subseripcloa transactions. Back story on page A7. In defending the story many months ago, issues 54 premud t55 foreign) front The Nation. T2 Fifth Avenue, New York. NY however, Ceppos insisted that "the key finding of the series that 1 00 1 1 . The Nation is available on microfilm from: University Microfilms. 300 North Zeeb Road. Ann Arbor. Ml 48106. Member. Audit Bureau of Circulations. POST- people associated with the C.I.A. also sold many tons of cocaine MASTER Send address changes to The Nation. P.O. Box 37072. Boone, IA 50037 has not been challenged." It still hasn't. This issue wet to press on May 14. Printed in U.S.A. on recycled paper. What did the agency know and when did it know it? INTERNET; attpd/ wara.TheNatisa.coat infa6ilnePiatiall.aom Don't expect answers any time soon. June 2, 1997 The Nation since 186.3. 3 IN THIS ISSUE VOLUME 264. NUMBER 21 2 LETTERS ARTICLES BOOKS AND THE ARTS 11 WHEN PUSH COMES TO SHOVE EDITORIALS 25 LIONNI: Between Worlds: Workfare trainees and low-wage The Autobiography of Leo Lionni 3 C.I.A.. CRACK. THE MEDIA laborers will play musical chairs Vivian Gussin Paley on the welfare rolls. 5 FIXING THE FED 26 PLATTNER: High Art Down Home: Marc Cooper James K Galbraith An Economic Ethnography of a 5 A NEW ARMS CODE 15 WELFARE REFORM SKIPS SCHOOL Local Art Market Oscar Anus The focus on jobs forsakes education Paul _Warrick and longer-term self-sufficiency. 30 ART 6 AFRICA AFTER MOBUTU Diana Spat Mark Gevisser The 1997 Whitney Biennial 18 HAMILL TO CELEBS: DROP DEAD Arthur C. Danto 7 IN FACT... The Daily News's new editor wants 32 "WHEN YOU'RE LOST [N to focus on immigrants, not stars. THE RAIN IN JUAREZ. AND COLUMNS But will he prosper? IT'S EASTERTIME TOO" ( poem) 6 THE SWISS Eric Alterman Charles Wright Calvin Trillin 20 LABORING AGAINST SUHARTO 34 FILMS 9 BEAT THE DEVIL A diffuse workers' movement offers The Fifth Element Murray Kempton: Reporter Indonesia's best hope for democracy. Four Million Houseguests Alexander Cockburn David Moberg Stuart Klawan.s 10 DIARY OF A MAD LAW PROFESSOR De Jure, De Facto, De Media... Cover design by WBMG. arr by Mirko Patricia I Williams flit illustrations by Robert Grossman. Lars Leeraru EDITORIALS .1=1■1111. the O.J. verdict, the story revealed a growing racial divide in the C.I.A., Crack, the Media perception of America's most powerful institutions. For many African-Americans, particularly poor ones, the idea that the C.I.A. he never-ending saga of the San Jose Mercury News, the deliberately introduced crack into America's ghettos in order to C.I.A., contras and crack dealers took yet another strange fund foreign wars against imaginary threats did not seem much twist recently when the newspaper's editor saw fit to issue a of a stretch. "Dark Alliance" seemed to confirm their world view. public apology. Gary Webb's four-part series last year, "Dark For the rest of America, however, the notion went beyond what Alliance," wrote editor Jerry Ceppos, "fell short of my stand- even the C.I.A.
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