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Supplemental Material

SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL O L NLINE ON Y Supplemental material Intraneural ganglion cysts: a systematic review and reinterpretation of the world’s literature N. M. Desy et al. DSI Claimer The Journal of Neurosurgery acknowledges that the following section is published verbatim as submitted by the authors and did not go through either the Journal’s peer-review or editing process. ©AANS, 2016 J Neurosurg Appendix 1. References of all cases of intraneural ganglion cysts included in the data analysis 417 ( articles; 645 patients with 648 cysts) J Foot Surg 29: 1. Acciarri N, Giuliani G, Poppi M, Paolo Fabrizi A, Ferracini R: Sural neuropathy produced by intraneural ganglion. 231-­‐232, 1990 2. Adamek Diagn Pathol D, 9: Jägers C, Hejnold M, Jach R, Galarowicz B: Intraneural pseudocyst (so-­‐called ganglion) in an unusual eritoneal retrop periadnexal location? Acta Neurochir 150, 2014 (Wien) 148: 3. Adn M, Hamlat A, Morandi X, Guegan Y: Intraneural ganglion cyst of the tibial nerve. 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