Collection of Lepidoptera at Moose Lake Provincial Park in 2005 C. Bruce Christensen, September 28, 2006 5702 43 A ST. Vegreville, AB, T9C 1E3 [email protected] Description of Moose Lake Provincial Park Moose Lake Provincial Park is located approximately 15 km SW of Bonnyville, Alberta, Canada in the northern boreal forest at coordinates 54.16, 110.54. The park is made up of numerous inter-mixed habitats, including jack pine, paper birch, poplar, white spruce, black spruce bog, sand dune, flowering shrubs and other trees, and beach areas with forbs and sedge growth. Dense understory in white spruce forest along one of many trails in Moose Lake Provincial Park Selection of Location and Sites Moose Lake is within 50 km of the Alberta-Saskatchewan border, which increases the probability of finding new species for Alberta. The park is reasonably level throughout with numerous well-groomed trails for easy access (all sites accessible by walking or road vehicle). 2 This reduces the cost of accessing the sites. Each trap site was selected to maximize the diversity of habitats in an attempt to collect the largest variety of lepidopteran species. Moose Lake Provincial Park is located west of Bonnyville in Alberta, Canada Collection Purpose The purpose of this study was to collect and identify a cross-section of the lepidopteran species indigenous to the Moose Lake area and to mount one or more specimens of each species for archival purposes in the Strickland Museum, University of Alberta. Collection Techniques Several collection techniques were used to obtain a more complete profile of the species of the area. Diurnal species were collected using netting and sugaring. Nocturnal species were captured using a mercury vapour (MV) light and sheet method, an ultraviolet (UV) light trap and sugaring. Sampling was done at approximately three-week intervals in order to collect the adult stage of most lepidopteran species that exist in, or fly into the area. Sunny days and non-rainy days were chosen to avoid accumulation of water in the moth traps and to avoid damaging light equipment. Moose Lake Provincial Park Lepidoptera List for 2005 The numbers and nomenclature follow Hodges et al. (1983). In cases where a newer name is used, that of Hodges et al. (1983) is in brackets. HEPIALIDAE 29. Gazorycta noviganna (B. & Benj.) (Hepialus novigannus B. & Benj.) - 04-IX-2005. 31. Korscheltellus gracilis Grt. (Hepialus gracilis Grt.) - 21-VII-2005. TINEIDAE 399. Tinea irrepta Braun - 26-VI-2005. 412. Niditinea orleansella (Chamb.) - 25-VI-2005. 3 OECOPHORIDAE 926. Depressaria alienella Bsk. - 04-IX-2005. 1058. Polix coloradella (Wlsm.) - 22-VII-2005. COLEOPHORIDAE 1388. Coleophora trifolii (Curt.) - 25-VI-2005. GELECHIIDAE 1809. Coleotechnites florae (Free.) - 22-VII-2005. 1865. Neotelphusa praefixa (Braun) - 07-VIII-2005. 1946. Gelechia lynceela Zell. - 22-VII-2005. 1986.31. Gnorimoschema gallaespeciosum Miller - 07-VIII-2005. 2040. Caryocolum cassella (Wlk.) - 22-VII-2005. 2300. Dichomis levisella (Fyles) (Trichotaphe levisella Fyles) - 22-VII-2005. PLUTELLIDAE 2366. Plutella xylostella (L.) - 26-V-2005 and 22-VII-2005. YPSOLOPHIDAE 2371. Ypsolopha canariella (Wlsm.) - 01-VII-05. YPONOMEUTIDAE 2467. Argyresthia oreasella Clem. - 22-VII-2005. CHOREUTIDAE 2651 Choreutis diana (Hbn.) - 22-VII-2005. TORTRICIDAE 2753. Apotomis capreana (Hbn.) - 22-VII-2005. 2770. Orthotaenia undulana (D. & S.) - 22-VII-2005. 2861. Hedya ochroleucana (Frölich) - 25-VI-2005. 3211. Notocelia culminana (Wlsm.) - 22-VII-2005. 3228. Gypsonoma salicicolana (Clem.) - 22-VII-2005. 3306. Epinotia nisella (Cl.) or 3307 Epinotia criddleana (Kft.) - 22-VII-2005 and 03-IX-2005. 4 3351. Epinotia lindana (Fern.) - 03-IX-2005. 3380. Ancylis goodelliana (Fern.) - 25-V-2005. 3465. Cydia flexiloqua (Heinr.) - 22-VII-2005. 3502. Croesia albicomana (Clem.) - 22-VII-2005. 3504. Croesia curvalana (Kft.) - 21-VII-2005. 3595. Pandemis canadana Kft. - 22-VII-2005. 3658. Archips purpurana (Clem.)-22-VII-2005. 3682. Clepsis persicana (Fitch) - 22-VII-2005. 3689. Ptycholoma virescana (Clem.) - 22-VII-2005. 3699. Sparganothis tristriata Kft. - 22-VII-2005 and 07-VIII-2005. 3706. Sparganothis xanthoides (Wlk.) - 24-VI-2005 and 07-VII-2005. 3740. Platynota idaeusalis (Wlk.) - 22-VII-2005. HESPERIIDAE 3910 Thorybes pylades (Scudder) - 26-V-2005. 3945. Erynnis icelus (Scudder & Burgess) - 26-V-2005. 3982. Carterocephalus palaemon (Pallas) - 26-V-2005. 4020.2 Hesperia assiniboia (Lyman) (Hesperia comma assiniboia (Lyman)) - 26-V-2005. PIERIDAE 4195. Pieris oleracea Harris (Pieris napi oleracea (Harr.)) - 27-V-2005. 4197. Pieris rapae (L.) - 21-VII-2005. 4209. Colias philodice Godt. - 27-V-2005. 4220. Colias interior Scudder - 21-VII-2005. 4222. Colias gigantea Stkr. - 24-V-2005 and 25-VI-2005. LYCAENIDAE 4324. Callophrys polia Cook & Watson (Incisalia polia Cook & Watson) - 26-V-2005. 4328. Callophrys niphon (Hbn.) (Incisalia niphon (Hbn.) - 27-V-2005. 4362. Everes amyntula (Bdv.) - 24-VI-2005. 4363. Celastrina lucia (Kby.) (Celastrina ladon lucia (Kby.) - 26-V-2005. 4372. Glaucopsyche lygdamus (Doubleday) - 24-VI-2005. NYMPHALIDAE 4432. Nymphalis antopia (L.) - 27-VI-2005. 4435. Vanessa cardui (L.) - 24-VI-2005. 4450. Speyeria cybele (F.) - 21-VII-2005. 4459.1. Speyeria hesperis (Edw.) (Speyeria atlantis hesperis (Edw.)) - 21-VII-2005 and 22-VII- 2005. 4475. Boloria chariclea (Schn.) (Clossiana chariclea (Schn.) - 21-VII-2005. 4481. Phycoides cocyta (Cramer) (not in Hodges et al. 1983) - 21-VII-2005 4522. Limenitis arthemis (Drury) (Basilarchia arthemis (Drury) - 24-VI-2005. 5 SATYRIDAE 4605 Oeneis macounii (Edw.) - 24-VI-2005. LIMACODIDAE 4652. Tortricidia testacea Pack. - 25-VI-2005. PYRALIDAE 4716. Scoparia biplagialis Wlk. - 22-VII-2005 and - 07-VIII-2005. 4755. Synclita obliteralis (Wlk.) - 22-VII-2005. 4953. Phlyctaenia coronata (Hufn.) - 25-VI-2005. 5101. Udea radiosalis (Mösch.) - 24-VI-2005 and 25-VI-2005. 5128. Choristostigma plumbosignalis(Fern.) - 25-VI-2005 and 07-VIII-2005. 5138. Mecyna luscitialis (B. & McD.) - 07-VIII-2005. 5156. Nomophila nearctia Mun. - 22-VII-2005. 5343. Crambus perlellus (Scop.) - 25-VI-2005. 5344. Crambus unistriatellus Pack. - 25-VI-2005. 5357. Crambus leachellus (Zinck.) - 07-VIII-2005. 5391. Chrysoteuchia topiaria (Zell.) - 25-VI-2005. 5397. Agriphila plumbifimbriella (Dyar) - 22-VII-2005. 5474. Occidentalia comptulatalis (Hulst) (Acigona comptulatilis (Hulst) - 07-VIII-2005. 5606. Tetralopha asperatella (Clem.) - 25-VI-2005. 5655. Acrobasis tricolorella Grt. - 22-VII-2005. 5718. Myelopsis subtetricella (Rag.) - 07-VIII-2005. 5843. Dioryctria reniculelloides Mutuura & Mun. - 24-VI-2005, 25-VI-2005 and 22-VII-2005. 5999. Eulogia ochrifrontella (Zell.) - 22-VII-2005. THYATIRIDAE 6240. Euthyatira pudens (Gn.) - 25-V-2005. GEOMETRIDAE 6270. Protitame virginalis (Hulst) - 25-VI-2005. 6286. Itame brunneata (Thunb.) - 21-VI-2005 and 22-VI-2005. 6290. Macaria loricaria (Evers.) (Itame loricaria (Evers.)) - 25-VI-2005. 6330. Semiothisa ulsterata (Pears.) - 26-VI-2005 . 6346. Macaria unipunctaria (Wright) Semiothisa unipunctaria (W. S. Wright) - 24-VI-2005. 6598. Protoboarmia porcelaria Gn. - 25-VI-2005. 6640. Biston betularia (L.) - 25-VI-2005. 6666. Lomographa semiclarata (Wlk.) - 26-V-2005. 6677. Cabera erythemaria Gn. - 25-VI-2005. 6678. Cabera variolaria Gn. - 24-VI-2005. 6 6726. Euchlaena obtusaria (Hbn.) - 22-VII-2005. 6731. Euchlaena madusaria (Wlk.) - 25-VI-2005. 6737. Euchlaena tigrinaria (Gn.) - 25-VI-2005. 6743. Xanthotype sospeta (Drury) - 25-VI-2005. 6796. Campaea perlata (Gn.) - 21-VII-2005. 6817. Selenia alciphearia Wlk. - 25-V-2005. 6820. Metanema determinata Wlk. - 22-VII-2005. 6837. Probole alienaria H.-S. - 25-VI-2005 and 27-VI-2005. 6888. Lambdina fiscellaria (Gn.) - 04-IX-2005. 6982. Prochoerodes transversata (Drury) - 22-VII-2005. 7009. Nematocampa limbata (Haw.) - 21-VII-2005 and 07-VIII-2005. 7085. Mesothea incertata (Wlk.) - 25-VI-2005. 7139. Cyclophora pendulinaria (Gn.) - 27-V-2005 and 24-VI-2005. 7159. Scopula limboundata (Haw.) - 21-VII-2005 and 22-VII-2005. 7166. Scopula frigidaria (Mösch.) - 21-VII-2005. 7182. Dysstroma citrata (L.) - 07-VIII-2005. 7187. Dysstroma truncata (Hufn.) - 21-VII-2005. 7189. Dysstroma hersiliata (Gn.) - 21-VII-2005. 7206. Eulithis explanata (Wlk.) - 21-VII-2005 and 07-VIII-2005. 7213. Ecliptoptera silaceata (D. & S.) - 25-VI-2005. 7216. Plemyria georgii Hulst - 04-IX-2005. 7293. Rheumaptera hastata (L.) - 24-VI-2005 and 25-VI-2005. 7370. Xanthorhoe abrasaria (H.-S.) - 22-VII-2005. 7384. Xanthorhoe munitata (Hbn.) - 22-VII-2005. 7399. Euphyia unangulata (Haw.) - 24-VI-2005. 7406 Zenophleps lignicolorata (Pack.) - 07-VIII-2005. 7459. Eupithecia columbiata (Dyar) - 27-V-2005. 7526. Eupithecia russeliata Swett - 24-VI-2005. LASIOCAMPIDAE 7687. Phyllodesma americana (Harr.) - 26-V-2005. SPHINGIDAE 7821. Smerinthus jamaicensis (Drury) - 27-V-2005. 7822. Smerinthus cerisyi Kby. - 25-V-2005, 26-V-2005 and 27-V-2005. 7824. Paonias excaecatus (J. E. Smith) - 25-VI-2005 and 26-VI-2005. 7828. Pachysphinx modesta (Harr.) - 26-VI-2005. NOTODONTIDAE 7915. Nadata gibbosa (J. E. Smith) - 24-VI-2005 and 25-VI-2005. 7922. Pheosia rimosa Pack. - 25-VI-2005. 7928. Notodonta simplaria Graef. - 26-VI-2005. 7931. Gluphisia septentrionis Wlk. - 27-V-2005, 25-VI-2005 and 26-VI-2005. 7 ARCTIIDAE 8007. Schizura unicornis (J. E. Smith) - 25-VI-2005. 8158. Phragmatobia assimilans Wlk. - 26-V-2005. 8186. Apanthesis williamsii (Dodge) - 24-VI-2005 and 25-VI-2005. 8196. Apanthesis parthenice (W. Kirby) - 22-VII-2005. NOCTUIDAE 8322. Idia americalis
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