OCCASION This publication has been made available to the public on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation. DISCLAIMER This document has been produced without formal United Nations editing. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or its economic system or degree of development. Designations such as “developed”, “industrialized” and “developing” are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process. Mention of firm names or commercial products does not constitute an endorsement by UNIDO. FAIR USE POLICY Any part of this publication may be quoted and referenced for educational and research purposes without additional permission from UNIDO. However, those who make use of quoting and referencing this publication are requested to follow the Fair Use Policy of giving due credit to UNIDO. CONTACT Please contact [email protected] for further information concerning UNIDO publications. For more information about UNIDO, please visit us at www.unido.org UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 300, 1400 Vienna, Austria Tel: (+43-1) 26026-0 · www.unido.org · [email protected] Distr. LIMITED PPD.111 1Mm-di1989 UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Original: ENGLISH INDUSI RIAL DEVELOPMENT REVIEW SERIES DJIBOUTI Economic diversification through industrialization Prepared by the Regional and Country Studies •anch I I I I I I This document has not been edited. The designations employed and the presentation of material in this docwaent do not iaply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat at the United Bations concerning the legal status of any co1Dltry, territory, city or area of its authorities, or concerning the dell•itatfon of Its frontiers or boundaries. Mention of company names and coamerclal products does not imply the endorsement of the United Bations Industrial Development Organization (URIDO). The views and co.. e:its contained in this study do not necesaarily reflect those of the Government of Djibouti nor do they officially coamit UBIDO to any particular course of action. INDUSrRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVIEW SERIES DJIBOUTI Economicclvarsification through- II I - l - PREFACE '!hi.a Indaatrlal DeYeloa-ent le.lev la ane of a aeries of co1111try s~iea prepared ~ the leaioaal and CoVDtry Staliea Branch of the United ••tions Indaatrlal DeYelopment Orgalzatloa (UDDO). !Ile le.Ina preaent brief fachal ani:I ana17tical aunqs of ln4118trlal de.elo..-t In deYeloplng ccnmtrles. Such lnd11at17-apeciflc le.lws are In d..... for a Tariety of parpo8ea: t:o prori.de an lnforaatioa aenlce to releYDt sectlona vlthln UllIDO ad other lntematioaa.1. orgalzationa and aid qencha concerned vlth teclmlcal aaalstmce to lnd118try; to be med as a reference source for flmmcial orgalzatloas, public an4 priYate lndmtrlal ent:erprlsea an4 ec...tc research lnatlt:utes In de.eloped an4 de.eloping ccnmtriea; an4 to ser.e aa a llandy, aaeful lnforaatioa source for pollq-llllken In de.eloping c01111t:rlea. 'Ille leviewa do not represent ia-depth lnd11atrlal sunqa. Vith an ezclaalYe foCUB oa :lnd•try they presii!llt lnforaatloa an4 anab•ea on the broad spectnm of the lnd11atrlal dnelo(lme'llt process In the c01llltrlea coacemed ta a condensed fora. 'Ille lmeva draw pr1-rll.7 on lnforaatloa ad ..terlal anllable at UllIDO 1andquarten frcm national mil tat:ematloaal sources u well aa data contained In the UllIDO data base. A field nnq vaa 11Dderubn In Avpst 1911 ta vhlch lD1111atry-apeclflc data vaa collected v1th the aaalatance of the lllnlatry of ID1111atry of the lepablic of Djibouti. 'Ille presentation of up-to-date lnforaatloa oa nb-aectoral manufacturing treads la unally constrained by IDCClllPlete national data Oil the iadatrlal sector. To aupplment: efforts under "ll7 In UllIDO, to improYe the data base an4 to llOnit:or :lndutrial proareaa an4 clumges OD a repl.ar basis, it la hoped that the relnant national authorities 11114 lnatitutlona and other rea~era vlll proY1de cOllllellta ad further Information. Such response rill areatly aaaiat In updating the lniewa. 1lle preaeat lnlev vu prepared vi th the usiatanc:e of Dr. Adrian Foi.zard u UIIDO COD811ltant. It ta diYided Into two rather 4iatlnct parts. Chapter 1 11114 2 are ana17tical In cbaraccer, glYlng first a brief oYeniev of the country'• ec~ ad its llmlUfacturlng sector and then a 110re detailed re.few of the structure 11114 dneloa-ent of its Mmlfacturing ind11Btriea, with a focua on the probl... end prospects of selected 811~aectora of 11an11facturing. Chapter 3 analyzes the probl... ad prospects of selected industrial eaterpriaea. Chapter 4 rniewa poliCJ' ..aaarea relnant to ind11Btrlal dn'elopaent and presents lnforaaclon OD the 110re illportant 10Yermeatal and other institutions lnYolYed in indaatrlal development. Chapter 5 examines tbe resource enclovaent for lndaatrlalizatbn la Djibouti and identifies crucial areu requiring multilateral tecbnical assistance. It should be noted that the lnievs are not official stateunta of intention or poliCJ' b7 1o•ermeat8 nor do the yfeva and comeata contai11ecl therein necessarily reflect those of the respectiYe ao•ernaents. I Ill I I I - 11 - COtiDIS lulc :lDlllcatora Yll xlll Di 1. 1 1.1 aec:mt --le trenda 1 1.2 lcoaamic atncture 3 1.3 All Oftniev of the mmmfactv1D& aec:tor 9 2. SiiUCtuD .AllD PSUOWICI OF DI lllllJFAC'IUUS SBCtOa 15 2.1 c:rcnrth 111111 atnctllral c:laan&e 15 2.2 Perfo11111DCe 111111 efflcl~ 16 2.3 lllllmf'actved aporu 111111 hlporu 11 2.4 Size, CMIH'8hlp amt lueatmnt patterna 20 2.5 Probl- 111111 proapecta of Mmlfact11rlaa nb-aec:ton 23 2.6 Caaatral.n.ta OD 111111 opporunltlea for !Dnatrlal 4neloi-eat 27 3. 35 3.1 State 111111 alsal l.D4aatrlal •terprlrea 35 3.2 PrlYate aec:tor _.fact11rlaa •teprlaea 40 3.3 A reriev of propoae4.!Dnatrlal projecta 41 4. DDUSDllL DSVBLOl'lllll'f S'!UtlGIBS, PLlllS .AllD IBSfltonOllS 55 4.1 Polley orientation _ 55 4.2 Inatltutional fralleVOr~ for ln4uatrlal 4eTeloi-eat 59 4.3 Inatltutioaa propoaal to aaaiat ln4uatrial deTelol,lllt!'llt 67 71 5.1 ._ reaoarcea 71 5.2 A&riC11lt11ral reaovcea 76 5.3 lllur•l reaovcea 71 5.4 Jnera ruoarcea 11 5.5 rranaport and telecClllllmlicatioaa 14 5.6 !be role of tecllDlcal co-operation in l11411atrlal deTelOl,lllt!'llt 15 AllDes A ltatiatical !ablea 17 Alma I !be completed, operational ad/or apprne4 tedmlcal co-operation project• of UllIDO 93 Selected reference• 95 I I I I - Ill - LIST or naus Talale 1.1 Dt.trl•tl• of GDP bJ ln!ctor of orl&lD., 19"7-1914 6 Talale 1.2 Traffic on tile DJll»outl-Ethlopla rail~. 1974/75-1917 1 Tole 1.3 DeYelOJMDt Of the Port Of ;)jll»outl, c-rclal alllpping, 1976-1917 I Tole 2.1 Creatlcma ad clonrea of :lnduatrlal mterprlaea, 1916 ... 1917 17 Tole 2.2 le aporta to EWopla ad Samalla, 1917 11 Tole 2.3 Val• of blporta, 1910-1916 (•elected years) 20 Tole 2.4 State partlclpaUon lD. :lnduatrlal mterprlaea, aa of 1911 11 Tole 2.5 leal•tered mterprl•ea ad mplOJ"eea bJ 811b-aector of -fac~ln&. 1911 22 Tole 2.6 Sllall-ecale -facturln& mterprl•ea lD. DJll»outl, 1916 22 Tole 2.1 lloathly tnc_.• lD. DJl'INnltl City, 1912 29 Tole 2.1 AYeraae MDthly vaae (lncladln& aoclal cllar&ea) lD. free zoaa lD. •elected dnelopln& comtrlea, 1919 31 Tole 2.9 Collparl•oa of lledl1m1 teaaloa electricity tariff• lD •elected African comtdea, 1916 32 ratale 2.10 Retail price of petrolem products, aa of .Juma1'7 1911 32 Talale 2.11 Tariff •tracture for vater, aa of .January 1911 32 Ta•le 3.l Perfo1111Dee of tile Soclete d'lzploltatloa dea Sauz de Tadjoarah, 1912-1917 35 Tole 3.2 Perforauace of the Lalterle de DJll»outl, 1915-1917 37 Ta•l• 4.1 Sectoral dlatrllnltloa of laYeatmeat preamted to the Donora• Coaference, 1913 56 Ta•l• 4.2 Indaatrial project• preaented to the 1913 Donora• Coaference 51 Ta•l• 4.3 Sectoral dlatrilnltioa of credit• accorded bJ the DJl'INnltl DeYeloJllleDt '11ad, 1913-1917 63 Ta•l• 4.4 Sectoral dlatrilnltioa of loaaa accorded bJ the DJi'INnltl Dnelopmeat '11ad, 1913-1917 64 - lY - LIST OF TAN.IS (c•tlJmecl) Table 5.1 Real-1 4latrlbatl• of the ecOIMllllcal~ actlYe popalatl•, 1913 ad Ul6 72 Table 5.2 141acatlaa and llteraq, 1917 73 Table 5.3 St11Cleata at mdnralty ad teclmlcal lutltutea abroad, 1917111 75 Table 5.4 Salt cOllpo8ltl• of the vater of Lake Aaaal, 1915 10 Table 5.5 lnerg coumptl• ad dlatrlbatl• - aector, 1916 12 LIST OF AlllX TABJ.&S Table A-1 Central C:OYel'lllll!llt badaet, 1971-1911 .:a Table A-2 Balance of ,.,_u projectlou, 1917-1991 19 Table A-3 Dlrectlon of trade, 1912-1916 90 Table .A-4 AYerage .ath17 vagea, aelected ln4utrlal aectora, 1917 90 Table A-5 Blectrlclt.7 tariff• for Djlboatl City, 1911 91 91 Table A-6 ~ food laport• - orlala, 1915 Table A-7 Illport• of petroleaa product• aa a pr~P"~tlon of total illporta, 1910-1915 92 Table A-I Import• of petroleaa - orlala, 1915 92 lteglcmal clualflcatlou, trade claaalflcatlCIDll, llnd Q9bola •ed la the atatlatlcal tablea of thla report, aleaa othervtae 1Ddlcated, follov tboae adopted la the DaUd latlCM Stat;iat{ral le&rbook.
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