Volume XXXVII No. 2 February 2019 Montreal, QC www.filipinostar.org Pope Francis Ends Landmark Sex Abuse BMy Jaseon eHorotwitznandgElizabWeth Diiasth Strong Words, but Few FAranccis, wthoisoeemned isn the last year to Feb. 24, 2019 (New York Times) overcome his own blind spots on an VATICAN CITY — Pope issue on which he had repeatedly Francis ended a landmark Vatican stumbled, would use his absolute meeting on clerical sexual abuse by authority to institute a churchwide law calling “for an all-out battle against the dismissing abusive priests and the abuse of minors” and insisting that the bishops who cover up for them. church needed to protect children He did not. “from ravenous wolves.” Instead, with the abuse But for all the vivid language scandals threatening the credibility of and the vow “to combat this evil that his papacy, the pope decided that the strikes at the very heart of our best way for the church to address the mission,” the pope’s speech was short problem lay not in issuing an edict from on the sort of detailed battle plan Rome but in setting out to change the demanded by many Catholics around hearts and minds of church leaders at the world. the local level around the world. Francis had barely finished The pope used the meeting to speaking before some abuse victims try to persuade skeptical bishops to and other frustrated faithful began take strong action against abusive expressing outrage and In a speech after a Mass at the Vatican on Sunday, Pope Francis said clerics and to hold themselves disappointment at his failure to outline that “even a single case of abuse” must be met “with the utmost accountable for protecting the faithful in immediate and concrete steps to seriousness.” (CreditGiuseppe Lami/ANSA, via Associated Press) their dioceses, rather than simply address the problem. leader of BishopAccountability.org, which we’ve heard before.” changing church law himself. “Pope Francis’ talk today was which tracks incidents of abuse in the Pope Francis had raised The prelates who organized a stunning letdown, a catastrophic church. “As the world’s Catholics cry expectations for a policy breakthrough the summit argued that any papal misreading of the grief and outrage of out for concrete change, the pope in September when he summoned the edicts might fall flat or fade away with the faithful,” said Anne Barrett Doyle, a instead provides tepid promises, all of presidents of the world’s local bishops Francis’ papacy. In their view, what is conferences to participate in the required is a broad cultural shift and an meeting. acknowledgment of the problem, Abuse victims and their Top civil servant denies advocates held high hopes that See Page 4 Pope Francis 'inappropriate' pressure against Wilson-Raybould in SPCONclerCk M-icLhaeal Wevrnicak slayisnhe case warned of 'consequences' of prosecution against engineering giant Kathleen Harris · CBC News · Posted: Feb 21, 2019 10:28 AM ET | Canada's top civil servant insists there was no inappropriate pressure on Jody Wilson-Raybould to override a decision to prosecute SNC- Lavalin, but says he warned her about the dire economic "consequences" of criminal proceedings. Clerk of the Privy Council Michael In blunt testimony before the Wernick appeared before the Justice Committee meeting in Ottawa, See Page 4 Top Civil Servant Thursday February 21, 2019. (Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press) THE 2019 ROGUE IS FINALLY HERE! 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An hour or two a week can only qualities necessary are make a huge difference in the attitude enthusiasm, patience, flexibility, and Some ideas to and outlook of the residents, and you passion. If you enjoy being around may learn something about life from people, volunteering at your local consider in giving those who have already traveled the museum or theater could be enjoyable back to the journey before you. and enlightening. 5. Coach a Local Youth Team - 9. Be a Good Neighbor - community and why The old saying, “Idle hands are the Before the widespread use of air you should Devil’s workshop,” is especially true conditioning, residents of a for children and teenagers. Playing community were more likely to spend Zenaida Ferry Kharroubi sports teaches kids teamwork, time outside getting to know one responsibility, and the joy of being another, rather than retreating inside to Watching the news is a daily more trusting." physically fit. escape the heat. Now it’s common for activity that seems to have some Although it is common Unfortunately, many kids don’t neighbors not to know one another; benefits for it not only keeps us up to knowledge that giving to others does have the opportunity to participate in rather, people simply return home date with what is going on around us not always need to be in terms of sports because there aren’t enough from work each night and head inside. and in the world but also can spark money, it will be a good idea to remind coaches or assistants. There are Participation in a some interesting ideas that can you that they are not hard to do: openings in almost every sport in neighborhood organization builds a remind us of what we could have done 1. Offer to Help Family – every community for compassionate sense of community and provides but did not think of it before. CTV Ironically, it is often the closest to us teachers and volunteer coaches. While valuable services to those within the News Montreal usually includes some that we do not see they need us or the some experience is helpful, it’s not neighborhood. Many neighborhood human stories from time to time. ones we do not care to ask if they need always essential for you to be a good associations have community watch Recently, it reported about Foster help. Many adult children presume youth league coach. programs, assist with neighborhood Grandparents who help young kids in their parents will speak up if they need 6. Fix and Serve Meals - beautification and park projects, and the elementary schools in Washington anything. This is not always the case, Volunteers are needed to prepare and represent the community to local D.C. do their homework. It was a very especially when Granddad or serve food through local charities government officials. Knowing your brief report and we saw a grandmother Grandma have been independent for throughout
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