СОВРЕМЕННАЯ ГЕРПЕТОЛОГИЯ. 2018. Т. 18, вып. 3/11 4. С. 68 – 79 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS NEW RECORDS OF AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES IN THE VLADIMIR REGION, RUSSIA Sergey A. Antipov11,21,23, Igor V. Doronin , Konstantin D. Milto , and Maksim A. Sergeev 1 A. M. Nikolsky Herpetological Society 19-10 Geroyevprosp., Nizhny Novgorod 603044, Russia E-mail:@ rucfavin gmail.com 2 Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences 1 Universitetskayae mb., Saint Petersburg 199034 , Russia E-mail: [email protected],@coluber zin.ru 3Agency of Natural Protected Areas of Vladimir Region 59 Lenina prosp.,, Vladimir 600024 Russia E-mail:@maks im-aves yandex.ru Received2 June 2018, revised 28 September 2018 , accepted 24 October 2018 New data on the distributionof 10 amphibian and 6 reptile species in the Vladimir Region is given. The list of species contains 198 new records including such rare species asBombina bombina and Coronella austriaca . Key words: amphibians, reptiles, Vladimir Region, Russia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18500/1814-6090-2018-16-341 - - 68- 1 79 Vladimir Region is a part of Central Federal certa agilis (Sand Lizard, 1976; Ruchin, Ryzhov, District of Russiaand located in the central part of the 2008)andVipera berus ( Krassavtzev, 1932 ; Solo - East European Plain.Area of the region is 29 000 km². vyov et al., 2016). The territory ofVladimir Region belongs to Volga Our field investigationswere realized in Pe - River basin and situated in Volga– Oka Rivers divide tushki, Yuryev-Polsky,Sobinka, Suzdal, Sudogda, in the Boreo-Nemoral zone. In past the region was Gus-Khrustalny, Kameshkovo, Kovrov, Vyazniki,Se- covered by mixed coniferous-broad-leaved forests livanovo,Gorokhovets, Murom, Melenki Districts that now mainly replaced by secondary parvifoliate and Vladimir City during the period of2007 – 2018 . forests and agriculture landscapes(Fig. 1). Degree of As result of this work we collecteda new data of distri- forest coverage is 50.7% of area. Climate is temperate continental with warm summer, moderately cold winter and pronouced transitional seasons. Herpetofauna is typical for the Boreal part of European Russia and characterized by low number of species and includes 11 amphibianand 7 reptile spe - cies (Bannikov et al., 1977; Gasc et al. , 1997; Ananje- va et al., 1998; Kuzmin, 2013). Meanwhile this ter- ritory is still white spot on the herpetologial map of Russia and detailed information on the distribution and ecology is absent (Gasc et al., 1997; Kuzmin, 2013). Special regional herpetological studies with mapping of records have never been conducted. Recent publications on Vladimir Region herpe- tofauna contain only previous data on species distri- bution (Murgraph et al., 2002) including the list ofher - Fig. 1. Fallow land in Vladimir Region, Sobinka District, petological collections stored inthe Vladimir – Suzdal vicinity of Batyushkovo village, September 2015. Typical Museum-Reserve (Dudenkov, 2011), and some biolo- habitat of Lissotriton vulgaris,, Bufo bufo Rana arvalis , gical data ofPelobates fuscus (Krassavtzev, 1939), La - Rana temporaria,, Lacerta agilis Zootoca vivipara © Antipov S. A., Doronin I. V., Milto K. D., Sergeev M. A., 2018 NEW RECORDS OF AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES IN THE VLADIMIR REGION, RUSSIA butionincluding 198 new records of 10 species of am- 2007, 1 ad. Gorokhovets District: Osinki village phibians and 6 species of reptiles for Vladimir Region (55.9130° N 42.4251 ° Е ), 12 August 2018, 1 ad.; o n (Fig. 2 – 13).Moreover we listed several important re - road between Rozhdestveno and Ivachevo villages cords out of the borders of region. Maps with new (55.9390° N 42.4952 ° Е ), 2 September 2018, 1 ad.; records are given only forspecies with limited or spo- Ivachevo village (55.9438°N 42.5019 ° Е , 55.9490° N radic distribution inVladimir Region ( Fig. 14 – 17 ). 42.5092° Е ), 17 August 2018, 2 ad.; vicinity of Ivache- vo village (55.9539°N 42.5157 ° Е ), 5 August 2018, 1 List of records ad.;vicinity of Ivachevo village (55.9570 ° N 42.5201° Е , 55.9576° N 42.5220 ° Е ), 1, 2 September AMPHIBIANS 2018, 1 subad., 1 ad.; on road between Ivachevo and Bykasovo villages (55.9584°N 42.5249 ° Е , 55.9614° N Triturus cristatus (Laurenti, 1768) 42.5310° Е , 55.9726° N 42.5583 ° Е ), 7 August 2018, 3 SudogdaDistrict: Dyukinsky Reserve ad.; vicinity ofN Bykasovo village (55.9717° (56.0108°NЕ 41.0591° ), 2 June 2007, 1 ad., 28 May 42.5645° Е ), 28 August 2018, 1 ad.; Chucha River 2010, 1 ad. shore (55.9656°N 42.5964 ° Е ), 12 August 2018, 1 ad.; on road between Bykasovo and Pavlikovo villages Lissotriton vulgaris (Linnaeus, 1758) (55.9774° N 42.5941 ° Е ), 17August 2018, 1 ad. Vladimir City: nearChaykovsky Street (56.1272° N 40.3644° E), 20 June 2017, 9 ad. Yuryev-Polsky Bufo bufo (Linnaeus, 1758) District: vicinity of Nebyloe village (56.3484° N PetushkiDistrict: between Repi khovo and Glu - 40.0269° Е ), 18 May 2014, 5 ad. bokovo villages(55.8805° N 39.1428 ° Е ), 27 July 2015, 2 ad.;vi cinity of Emelyantsevo village Bombina bombina (Linnaeus, 1761) (55.9037° N 39.2190 ° Е ), 26 September 2015, 2 ad. So- Gorokhovets District: left bank of the Klyazma River binka District: between Semenovskoe and Nazarovo near Znamensky Monastery (56.2194 ° N 42.6717 ° Е ), villages (56.1307° N 40.1745 ° Е ), 28 September 2015, 29 May 2009, 27 April 2014; to the north of Znamen - 1 subad., 1 ad.; vicinity of Batyushkovo village sky Monastery(56.2281° N 42.6747 ° Е ), 3 August (56.1130°N 40.1364 ° Е ), 28 September 2015, 1 juv.; 2009, 3 ad.Murom District: floodplain of the Oka Dubrovka village (56.0667°N 40.0294 ° Е ), 29 Sep - River near Panfilovo village (55.4971°N 42.0667 ° Е ), tember 2015, 2 ad.; vicinity of Uvarovo village 8 May 2010, 10ad. ; nea r Safonovo village, Murom - (56.0629°N 39.9407 ° Е ), 29 September 2 015, 1 ad. sky Reserve (55.8306° N 42.3802 ° Е ), 23 May 2015 ; Suzdal District: Filippushi village (56.1682° N vicinity of Borovitsy village (55.8090°N 42.3525 ° Е ), 40.2983°), Е 28 September 2015, 1 juv. Gorokhovets 24 May 2015. Gorokhovets District: vicinity of Iva - District: Arefino village (56.1718° N 42.6425 ° Е ), 25 chevo village (55.9477° N 42.4974 ° Е ), 18 May 2018, September 2015, 1 juv.; vicinity of Balandino village 3ad. male; vicinity of Bykaso vo village (55.9712 ° N (55.8900°N 42.4012° Е ), 30 June 2017, 1 subad., 42.5691° Е ), 12 June 2018, 1 ad. male; between Iva- (55.8829°N 42.3736 ° Е ), 1 Jule 2017, 3 subad. ; Balan - chevo and Bykasovo villages (55.9679°N dino village (55.8865°NЕ 42.3742° ), 5 September 42.5491° Е ), 16 May 2018, 3 ad. male. 2017, 1 ad., 16 September 2017, 1 ad. Pelobates fuscus (Laurenti, 1768) Sobinka District: vicinity of Kochukovo villa- ge (56.0758°N 39.9620 ° Е ), 19 May 2013, 1 ad. ; bet - ween Kochukovo and Teplinovo villages (56.0711° N 39.9826° Е ), 29 September 2015, 1 juv., 3 subad.; vicinity of Teplinovo village(56.0656° N 39.9875 ° Е ), 28 August 2017, 1 ad. Suzdal District: Lyakhovitsy village (56.4156° N 40.6159 ° Е ),1Se ptember 2012, 1 ad. Kameshkovo District: Novaya Zhizn settlement (56.2989° N 40.8520 ° Е ), 1 May 2009; 19 April 2014; between Vtorovo village and Novaya Zhizn settle- ment (56.2811°N 40.8296 ° Е ), 20 Apr il 2014, 1 male ; Ursovo swamp, Novaya Zhizn settlement (56.3100 ° N 40.8848° Е ), 20 April 2014, 1 male. Melenki District: floodplain of the Oka River, near the abandoned Fig.2 . Bufo bufo, female, Sobinka District, Dubrovka villa- village of Shorkin Bor (55.1360°NЕ 41.7843° ), 5 July ge, 29 September 2015 СОВРЕМЕННАЯ ГЕРПЕТОЛОГИЯ 2018 Т. 18, вып. 3/4 1 69 Sergey A. Antipov, Igor V. Doronin, Konstantin D. Milto, and Maksim A. Sergeev Bufotes viridis (Laurenti, 1768) (56.0753°N 40.0274 ° E), 29 September 2015, 1 ad. ; Vladimir City: Chaykovsky Street (56.1272° N between Kochukovo and Teplinovo villages 40.3644°; E), 16 June 2017, 23 ad., 100 juv. Gus- (56.0711°N 39.9826 ° Е ), 29 September 2015, 6 ad., 11 Khrustalny District: Gorodskoe reservoir in Gus- subad.Gorokhovets District: Kolesnikovo village Khrustalny town (55.6311°°), N 40.6605 Е 1 June (56.1410°N 42.4055 ° Е ), 2 5 September 2015, 1 juv., 2 2010, 3 ad. Kameshkovo District: Ursovo swamp, vi- ad.; vicinity of Kolesnikovo village (56.141 1 ° N cinity of Mirny village (56.2986 ° N 40.8028 ° Е ), 3 42.4038° Е ), 1 juv., 1 ad.; vicinity of Bykasovo village, May 2014, 1 male. Murom District: floodplain terrace Chucha River shore (55.9609°NЕ 42.5960° ), 7 Au- of the Oka River near Safonovo village, Muromsky gust 2018, 1 subad. Reserve (55.8306° N 42.3802 ° Е ), 23 May 2015, 1 male.Melenki District: near Turgenevo village (55.4518°N 41.8640 ° Е ), 8 M ay 2015, 1 male. Pelophylax lessonae (Camerano, 1882) Sobinka District: Dubrovka village (56.0667° N 40.0294 ° Е ), 29 September 2015, 1 ad. GorokhovetsDistrict: v icinity of Kolesnikovo village (56.1399° N 42.4044 ° Е ), 25 September 2015, 1 juv. ; vicinity of Bykasovo village (55.9709 ° N 42.5694° Е ), 7August 2018, 1 subad. Fig.4 . Pelophylax ridibundus, juvenile, Kameshkovo Dis- trict, vicinity of Penkino village, 30 September 2015 Rana temporaria Linnaeus, 1758 Sobinka District: vicinity of Yurino village, Ko- loksha River (56.0957° N 40.1038 ° Е ), 28 September 2015, 10 subad., 2 ad.; vicinity of Stolbishchi village, Vorsha River (56.0631°N 40.0357 ° Е ), 29 September 2015, 1 ad., 4 juv.; Dubrovka village (56.0667°N 40.0294° Е ), 29 September 2015, 3 subad.
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