18.9.2008 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 239/9 STANDING COMMITTEE OF THE EFTA STATES REPORT OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE OF THE EFTA STATES List of Credit Institutions authorised in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway provided for in Article 14 of Directive 2006/48/EC (2008/C 239/07) 1. Article 14 of Directive 2006/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2006 relating to the taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions (recast) (1) require the European Commission to draw up and publish a list in the Official Journal of all credit institutions to which authorisa- tion has been granted as outlined in the Directive. Paragraph 6(b) of Protocol 1 to the EEA Agreement requires that ‘where according to an act, facts, procedures, reports and the like are to be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities the corresponding information regarding the EFTA States shall be published in a separate section thereof’. 2. This is the eighth occasion on which the Standing Committee of the EFTA States complies with the above requirement. The list published in the Annex to this communication comprises all the credit institu- tions that were engaged in business in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway on 31 December 2007 falling within the scope of the Capital Requirement Directive 2006/48/EC. 3. The present list was drawn up by the Standing Committee of the EFTA States on the basis of informa- tion supplied by the EFTA States concerned. The list has no legal significance and confers no right in law. If an unauthorised institution is inadvertently included in the list, its legal status is in no way altered; similarly, if an institution has inadvertently been omitted from the list, the validity of its authorisation will not be affected. ICELAND ....................................................................................................................................... 10 LIECHTENSTEIN ............................................................................................................................. 11 NORWAY ....................................................................................................................................... 12 ABBREVIATONS IN THE TABLES In the column ‘Minimal capital’, values have the following meaning: Value Meaning Y Initial capital greater than EUR 5 million N Initial capital between EUR 1 million and EUR 5 million 0 No initial capital In the column ‘Status deposit protection’, values have the following meaning: Value Meaning Y Normal deposit guarantee scheme according to Directive 94/19/EC (Article 3(1)(1)) N Equivalent deposit guarantee scheme according to Directive 94/19/EC (Article 3(1)(2)) 0 No deposit guarantee scheme (1) Previously Articles 11 and 5(2)(c) of Directive 2000/12/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 March 2000. C 239/10EN Official Journal of the European Union 18.9.2008 ICELAND For any additional information: Fjármálaeftirlitið (Financial Supervisory Authority) Suðurlandsbraut 32 IS-108 Reykjavík Tel. (354) 525 27 00 Fax (354) 525 27 27 Status of deposit Name Location Legal form Observations Minimum capital protection 1 2 3 4 5 6 Commercial Banks Glitnir banki hf. Reykjavík Hlutafélag (1)YY Icebank hf. Reykjavík Hlutafélag (1)YY Kaupþing banki hf. Reykjavík Hlutafélag (1)YY Landsbanki Íslands hf. Reykjavík Hlutafélag (1)YY Straumur-Burðarás fjárfestingarbanki hf. Reykjavík Hlutafélag (1)YY Savings Banks Byr sparisjóður Reykjavík (2)YY nb.is sparisjódur hf. Reykjavík Hlutafélag (1)YY Sparisjódur Nordlendinga Akureyri (2)YY Sparisjódur Bolungarvíkur Bolungarvík (2)YY Sparisjódur Mýrasýslu Borgarnes (2)YY Sparisjódur Svarfdæla Dalvík (2)YY Sparisjódur Höfdhverfinga Grenivík (2)NY Sparisjódur Strandamanna Hólmavík (2)YY Sparisjódur Húnathings og Stranda Hvammstangi (2)YY Sparisjódurinn í Keflavík Keflavík (2)YY Sparisjódur S-Þingeyinga Laugar (2)NY Sparisjódur Nordfjarðar Nordfjörður (2)YY Sparisjódur Ólafsfjardar Ólafsfjörður (2)NY Sparisjódur Reykjavíkur og nágrennis hf. Reykjavík Hlutafélag (1)YY Sparisjóður Kaupþings hf. Reykjavík Hlutafélag (1)YY Sparisjódur Skagafjarðar Saudárkrókur (2)NY Sparisjódur Siglufjardar Siglufjörður (2)YY Sparisjódur Vestfirdinga Thingeyri (2)YY Sparisjódur Thórshafnar og nágrennis Thórshöfn (2)NY Sparisjódur Vestmannaeyja Vestmannaeyjar (2)YY 18.9.2008 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 239/11 Status of deposit Name Location Legal form Observations Minimum capital protection 1 2 3 4 5 6 Credit Undertakings Askar Capital hf. Reykjavík Hlutafélag (1) Y 0 (3) Avant hf. (5) Reykjavík Hlutafélag (1) Y 0 (3) Borgun hf. (6) Reykjavík Hlutafélag (1) Y 0 (3) Byggdastofnun Reykjavík (4) Y 0 (3) Frjálsi fjárfestingarbankinn hf. Reykjavík Hlutafélag (1) Y 0 (3) Lánasjódur sveitarfélaga ohf. Reykjavík Hlutafélag (1) Y 0 (3) Lýsing hf. (5) Reykjavík Hlutafélag (1) Y 0 (3) MP fjárfestingarbanki hf. Reykjavík Hlutafélag (1) Y 0 (3) Saga Capital Fjárfestingarbanki hf. Reykjavík Hlutafélag (1) Y 0 (3) SP-fjármögnun hf. (5) Reykjavík Hlutafélag (1) Y 0 (3) Valitor hf. (6) Reykjavík Hlutafélag (1) Y 0 (3) VSB-fjárfestingarbanki hf. Reykjavík Hlutafélag (1) Y 0 (3) (1) Limited liability company. (2) Mainly private institutions. (3) Credit institution not allowed to accept deposits from the public. (4) State-owned institution. (5) Main activity is leasing. (6) Main activity is payment services through issuance of payment cards. LIECHTENSTEIN For any additional information: Financial Market Authority (FMA) Liechtenstein Heiligkreuz 8 Post Box 684 FL-9490 Vaduz Principality of Liechtenstein Tel. (423) 236 73 73 Fax (423) 236 73 74 http://www.fma-li.li/ Status of deposit Name Location Legal form Observations Minimum capital protection 1 2 3 4 5 6 Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG Vaduz Aktiengesellschaft Y Y LGT Bank in Liechtenstein AG Vaduz Aktiengesellschaft Y Y Verwaltungs- und Privat-Bank AG Vaduz Aktiengesellschaft Y Y Neue Bank AG Vaduz Aktiengesellschaft Y Y Centrum Bank AG Vaduz Aktiengesellschaft Y Y C 239/12EN Official Journal of the European Union 18.9.2008 Status of deposit Name Location Legal form Observations Minimum capital protection 1 2 3 4 5 6 Volksbank AG Vaduz Aktiengesellschaft Y Y Hypo Investment Bank AG Vaduz Aktiengesellschaft Y Y Swissfirst Bank (Liechtenstein) AG Vaduz Aktiengesellschaft Y Y Bank Frick & Co. AG Balzers Aktiengesellschaft Y Y Bank von Ernst (Liechtenstein) AG Vaduz Aktiengesellschaft Y Y Raiffeisen Bank (Liechtenstein) AG Vaduz (1) Aktiengesellschaft Y Y Kaiser Ritter Partner Privatbank AG (2) Vaduz Aktiengesellschaft Y Y Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank (Liechtenstein) AG Schaan Aktiengesellschaft Y Y Bank Behring & Eberle & Co AG IL (3) Vaduz Aktiengesellschaft In liquidation N 0 (4) Bank Alpinum AG (5) Vaduz Aktiengesellschaft Y Y Bank Vontobel (Liechtenstein) AG Vaduz Aktiengesellschaft Y Y (1) Formerly domiciled in Schaan. (2) Formerly Serica Bank AG. (3) Formerly BNP Paribas (Liechtenstein) AG; in voluntary liquidation. (4) Not allowed to accept deposits from the public because of the voluntary liquidation. (5) Formerly New Century Bank AG. NORWAY For any additional information: Kredittilsynet (The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway) P.O. Box 100 Bryn N-0611 Oslo Tel. (47) 22 93 98 00 Fax (47) 22 63 02 26 [email protected] www.kredittilsynet.no Status of deposit Name Location Legal form Observations Minimum capital protection 1 2 3 4 5 6 Andebu Sparebank Andebu Sb (1)YY Arendal og Omegns Sparekasse Arendal Sb (1)YY Askim Sparekasse Askim Sb (1)YY Aurland Sparebank Aurland Sb (1)YY Aurskog Sparebank Aurskog Sb (1)YY Bamble og Fangesund Sparebank Stathelle Sb (1)YY Berg Sparebank Halden Sb (1)YY Birkenes Sparebank Birkeland Sb (1)YY 18.9.2008 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 239/13 Status of deposit Name Location Legal form Observations Minimum capital protection 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bjugn Sparebank Bjugn Sb (1)YY Blaker Sparebank Blaker Sb (1)YY Bud Fræna og Hustad Sparebank Elnesvågen Sb (1)YY Bø Sparebank Bø i Telemark Sb (1)YY Cultura Sparebank Oslo Sb (1) 0 Y Drangedal og Tørdal Sparebank Drangedal Sb (1)YY Eidsberg Sparebank Mysen Sb (1)YY Etne Sparebank Etne Sb (1)YY Etnedal Sparebank Etnedal Sb (1)YY Evje og Hornnes Sparebank Evje Sb (1)YY Fana Sparebank Bergen Sb (1)YY Fjaler Sparebank Dale i Sunnfjord Sb (1)YY Flekkefjord Sparebank Flekkefjord Sb (1)YY Fornebu Sparebank Fornebu Sb (1)YY Fron Sparebank Vinstra Sb (1)YY Gildeskål Sparebank Inndyr Sb (1)YY Gjerstad Sparebank Gjerstad Sb (1)YY Gran Sparebank Jaren Sb (1)YY Grong Sparebank Grong Sb (1)YY Grue Sparebank Kirkenær Sb (1)YY Halden Sparebank Halden Sb (1)YY Haltdalen Sparebank Haltdalen Sb (1)NY Harstad Sparebank Harstad Sb (1)YY Haugesund Sparebank Haugesund Sb (1)YY Hegra Sparebank Hegra Sb (1)YY Helgeland Sparebank Mosjøen Sb (1)YY Hjartdal og Gransherad Sparebank Sauland Sb (1)YY Hjelmeland Sparebank Hjelmeland Sb (1)YY Hol Sparebank Geilo Sb (1)YY Holla og Lunde Sparebank Ulefoss Sb (1)YY Høland Sparebank Bjørkelangen Sb (1)YY Hønefoss Sparebank Hønefoss Sb (1)YY C 239/14EN Official Journal of the European Union 18.9.2008 Status of deposit Name Location Legal form Observations Minimum capital protection 1 2 3 4 5 6 Indre Sogn Sparebank Årdalstangen Sb (1)YY Jernbanepersonalets Sparebank Oslo Sb (1)YY Klepp Sparebank Kleppe Sb (1)YY Klæbu Sparebank Klæbu Sb (1)YY Kragerø Sparebank Kragerø Sb (1)YY Kvinesdal Sparebank Kvinesdal Sb (1)YY Kvinnherad Sparebank Rosendal Sb (1)YY Larvikbanken Brunlanes Sparebank Larvik Sb (1)YY Lillesands Sparebank Lillesand Sb
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