Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC April 1992 Daily Egyptian 1992 4-2-1992 The aiD ly Egyptian, April 02, 1992 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_April1992 Volume 77, Issue 131 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, April 02, 1992." (Apr 1992). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1992 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in April 1992 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. '''''''01 Daily Egyptian 75 puhllC,lt IOn So uthe rn Illino is Universit y at Carbondale Thursday, April 2, 1992, Vol. 77, No. 131 , 16 Pages Bush announces C.I.S. aid package WASHI GTON (1'1'1) - President Bush. Bus h bri s tle d a l recent compla ints by among Russia and the other republics. that is in the deep self-interest of the people," rejecting suggestions he had been slow to me mbe r!! o f C ong ress and b y former Sent to Capitol Hill where it was expected because it would help guard against the re s pond. unveiled ~ multibillio n -d o ll a r President Richard Nixon that he had dragged 10 wir. swift approval. the measure would return of Soviet-style totalitarianism. pad: ~ g c Wednesday 10 help the former his feet on vital aid. also ease Cold War-<:ra trade restrictions and House Speaker Thomas Foley, O·Wash .• Sovie t Union ma ke the transitio n from " This isn't a n y Jo hnny-corne -lately broaden allowable uses of $500 million said, " I think the """,ielent is correct. It's a communism 10 democracy. thing." the presidellt told a news conference, approprialcd b y Cong rcss last year to very critical time." · 'Together. we won the Cold War:' Bush " T his isn ' t driven by any electio n-yeaT dismantle nuclear anns. Bush maintained he had been reviewing declared. " Today we must win the peace " pressure. It 's what's right for the United House Democra lic leader Richard possible aid since the Ouislmas collapse of hy supponing the cconol ni c and polit ical SUites." Gephardt of Missouri offered Bush a back­ the Soviet Union. but needed time to re fomls of Russian President Boris Yel tsio in Bush 's ""recdom Suppon .'\ct of 1992" handed compliment call;!lr the plan " a good assemble a " complex package" timed to the nc \v Commonwealth o f Independent includes $ 1 Dillion to prop up the unstable stan" bUJ is . 'long overdue:. " coincide with new international relief from Siaies. Russian ruble. $ 12 billion ' n loan guarantees Gephardt also said, " It can be sold to the In announcing h i ~ long-awaited package. and SI.I million in new grain credilS. split American people for what it is-a proposa1 _AID. .... 5 Suspended SRAs from Mae Smith arrested again By John McCadd Police Writ3r T wo sl ue s tude nt reside nce hall assistants wl ~ o were suspended last month fo ll o\V ing their arTcsts in connecti on with a break in at the A Me theater, have bee n arrested again. SIUC poli ce arrested Thomas J. Meyer. 7. 1. a rid R ic hard D. Hathaw:lY, 2!. at 5 p.m . T uesday in connecti on wi~h forgery charges foll owing a police investi gation. Po li ce said Meyer and Hath,away were both arreSTed for :llIcgedly possessing and fo rging s c:v era l f ra ud ule nl dri ver 's li censes. C a rbo nd a le po lice arrested Meyer, a s c olo ! i.n avi ation managem ent hom M c He nry . an d H a l ~aw :.l r. a senior in ad vancc:d tcchnicOi I siud ies from Decatur, in Febru a r y o n b u rg lary c h a r ges in <: onnection wilh ;.1 break in at the AMC I! ~, II ~r. ~1t.·yc r and Hath ;.t \\'ay we re c h ar ged \\ Ilh hurglary and po ~se ss ion o f burglary 1.101.. HalhaNay all e gedly a lso was in f'lu!<osc!<o~irlll o f a IJ mlll !<o cmi a utomatic jmao l. po li ce 'aid . Mt:)er po..; tcd hond in ~ 1 are h foll owing hi .. arrc !'ol for Ihe ft and L,lm inal d ..IIll agc to prope rl : c h a rgc'i In Lnlvl Count:- In \\hleh ~1e ) c r and ~1.J c SmJlh ~ \ Ph iJiJ p Holub. :0. alkgcdl: brokl.: IOto <1nd ,[Ole m o n ey from a Pc r .. I- C o la .. e n lng Levefheaded machine. Tim Lapp, a junior in civil .,ngineering technology from elevations of known points Mar the Arena. Lapp was Mc \'cr and Halhav.3 \ a re In the Byron, pe->rs through an automatic; level to establish doing an assignment WedMsdAy for a surveying cIas•. J aLk so;l Co u n t ~ Jail in lieu o f S I OJ)()O bond. Senators. president disagree Shuttle to return with ways for staying in space longer USG chooses election date By Todd Welvaert ti ssue breakdown and bett er By C.asey Hampton resi gned the same month. Gus Bode Polittcs Write r v.ay!<. 10 meas ure the Earth's Gener31Ass ignment Writer Yusu f Haqq. w ho finally was atmosphere . a ppoi:llcd as e le ct ion com­ ScicOIists arc attempting to T he Underg raduate Student mi ssioner. disagreed with USG n1(~ space shuttle Atlantis will fi nd a way to revcrse tissue Govcrnme nt senate voted President Jack Sullivan on the date re turn to Ea,·th this mo rning breakdown in muscle and benc ' ''edncsday night (0 eSUIblish April of the election. with what scientists t- opc will tx: so astronauts one day may be 29 a s its e lec tion date, but thc S.Uivan scheduled April 23 for some answer, 10 funhcring the able to stay in space for longer integrity of thc election process has the election date. but ilaqq W,"lIed ability to stOiY in space and on periods of time. come under scrutiny. April 29 to allow candidates more the planet. " Bo ne is a lot like muscle:' Despite USG constitutional time to prepare. TIle ~ huttl e is duc rock. al 5:30 sa id Jamcs S. Fe rraro. slue bylaws requiring the selection of an Haqq :'.i:d Ihe election com­ a .m . todav after s pending 10 docto r o f physiology, " If you election commissio n by Oct. 15, mission has gotten off to a rocky days tn s p ace c arry ing o u l the senate failed to comply. The s tart with all the confus ion see SHUTTLE, page 5 primary expcrimen ls on the pres ide nt a ppointed a com ­ Gus says It'. about time. missio ncr fo ur months later who _USG , ~5 ,..--- City officials react SPC provides SIUC Otlinion Well-known pianist NHL pl&yers union - See pa ge 4 strikes for first time to proposed budget with films, concerts. Entertainment /1 to perform at SIUC for fiscal year 1993 many special events - See paye 7 with three students in 7S-year history Cla"silied - ~ee page 10 ~Sunny -Story on page 16 -Slory on page 3 - Story on page 7 Mid 50s -Story on page 9 . ... ..... - . , . - -_._ . .. i'age 16 April 2. 1991 Sports NHL season suspended with strike TORONTO (UPI) - NHL woula be in rejecting the offer. players began the fir.;! strike in the Players' walkout first in 75 years of league " I didn't know what 10 expeci league's 75· ycar hi story number-wise." Goodenow said. Wednesday after overwhelmingly were the three scheduled for co'..ilJ be reach(rl that would allow NHL teams a re expected to The NHLPA moved ils strike rejecting a final contract offer from Wednesday night: New York the season and playoffs 10 be begin giving. details about local deadline from Monday 10 the owners. Islanders al Toronto. Washington completed. ticket refund,;. Wednesday to allow membership The strike, effective at 2 p.m., at New Jersey and Winnipeg at San Ziegler issued a ~hort statement Goodenow s~j d the ballot read to vote on 'he final proposal from came after the players VOled 560 to Jose. tll3t said the seasor, was suspended that the players could accept or NHL owne rs. The union's 4 against the offer. The playoffs. Bob Goodenow, executive on a day-to-day basis until funhcr reject the NHL offer. and that a executive cOlnm,Uee recommended which were to begin April 8, are director of the National Hockey notice;:. vote 10 reject was a vote to strike. rejection. now in peril. and both the players L.!ague Players' Association. said "Our concerns are for and with "11le question is, are the owners Voting was done on a team-by­ and owners have indicated the at a SkyDome news conference the great fans of hockey who will willing to continue negotiations," tearn basis of the NHL's 22 tearns strike could continue until the start that he would meet NHL Preside-nt suffer the most from the action Goodenow said. Tuesday and Wednesday morning. of the 1992-93 season. John Ziegler later in the day to see taken today by the NHLPA." the Goodenow said he had no idea The first games to be affected if there were any way an agreement statement said.
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