5r ALICE ARM AND ANYOX, BRITISH, COLUMBIA All the Mining $2.25 a Year News of the Alice Arm and Northern Anyox. $2.75 to B. C. Coast THE all other points. The Herald Brings Results to Advertisers ...... 111 • 11 i"i«i' ""' •m.f.f.f* VOL. 3, NO. 3 AuqBi ABM, B. C, SATUBDAY, JULY 14, 192{$ 5 cents eaoh, Mr. Wm. Legg, was a passenger iSunset Group Larger Operations at Elks Win Bail Game south-bound on Thursday, for a from Mine, Tuesday ANYOX NOTES visit to his parents in Vancouver. is Bonded Mrs. S. A. Down arrived on Loggiiig operations at the camp In a highly exciting game on Thursday, on a visit to her husband Mr. 0. Oray, arrived back in of the Abbotsford Logging Co. will Tuesday evening, the Elks Baseball Union Church Services," Sunday, and son Harry. Alioe Arm on Thursday from an be considerably speeded up in the team defeated the Mine ball tossers July 15. , Sunday School 11 a.m. jxtended visit to Seattle. Mr. Gray near future. A five-drum yarding by the soore of 10 ii? 7 a'<£/^limbed Evening Worship, 7.45 p.m. We Mr. S. Stewart, brother of Bob Was successful in forming the Key\ engine is now on the way from to within half a gamf^vn'e top of extend a welcome to you. ~ Stewart at the Mine, arrived on Thursday. I itone Mining Company while in Ocean Falls, and the high lead sys­ the ladder, ' FOR BENT—at Alice Arm two tents Seattle. This company is tem of hauling the logs from the Both pitohers were given poor 12ft. by 14ft. with board sides and Chris. Olsen, of the Mine ball floors; cook stove, beds, tables, chairs, composed of influential business woods will be instituted about the support by their team mates, team has injured his finder and etc. -Ideal location for campers. •jien, and they have taken a bond 25th. of the month. although considerable heavy hitting $5.00 per week for the two.—Apply will be out of the gauiu for a, few Ibri the Sunset Group owned by G. • When the new engine is in oper­ took place. Jimmy Ferguson did Herald Office. weeks. ation, One will be used for pulling, the hurling for the Mine, and Was |W". Morley and partners. The l bonding price has not.been divulg­ the logs to the landing stage on the touohed for seven hits, all of them Mr. A. E. Scott accompanied hjy Cy. Greenwell bought a new ed but is stated to be a considerable railway track, and the other will singles. The Mine gathered ten his eldest son, and Mr. George baseball bat . at Ketchikan, but sum. The Keystone Company is pull logs to the Illiance River. hits off Fitzpatriok's slants, includ­ Leslie left Anyox on Monday last evidently he needs more than a new bat. He went hiriess in incorporated in B. C. Mr. Gray These logs will be dumped into the ing a triple by G. Greenwell, and a for Silver City en route for Bow­ Tuesday's game. Perhaps Harry will leave Alice Arm at the begin­ river and driven to the booming double by Earl Anderson. man's Lake where they intend to Selfe could fix him up. ning of next week, for the purpose grounds on the flats at the high Olsen the umpire was also freely camp for a time. I of improving the camp and prepar­ water periods in the fall. An in hit, receiving no less than five hits Mr. J. L. Lowry of the Machine It is rumoured that "Dougie' , ing for underground work. dependent engine will be used for on different parts of his anatomy. Shop Office left by Monday's boat Brown, who was employed at the Mr. Thorley, mining engineer, loading logs on the railway cars. Following is the score: ' for an extended Vacation whioh Smelter Warehouse a few years [who visited the property last fall Mr. Erio Carlson, who arrived last Runs Hits Errors will be spent partly in Vancouver ago is returning to Anyox and will is expected here next, month, and Monday will shortly take over all Elks l6 7 5 finishing up with a tour in Cali­ work at the Mine Store. , , pn his arrival plans will be made logging operations on a contract Mine 7 10 II fornia, v Manager Berry of the Smelter for the driving of a tunnel in order basis, he is a practical man having Batteries: Elks: Fitzpatriok & Mr. G. Michell was a south-bound' to the surface showings at a con­ taken logging contracts from Mr. ball team, has a dark horse iii tow Down. Mine: J; Ferguson and passenger on Monday last. these days and intends to give the siderable depth. The Sunset group J. 0. Trethewey at Abbotsford prior Greenwell. s^H fans a treat on Friday. Come on bonsists of nine, claims, and is situa­ to coming north. Messrs. Andrea Sohelbiski and "Spark Plug." ted on Boundy Creek a short dis­ Fifty men are now employed at Paul Nicolas of the Smelter left Anyox Waterfront tance down the inlet. The proper­ the camp, and this force will be in­ Anyox; • on Monday for a three Great interest was evinced dur­ months vacation which will be ty is only lj miles from tide water creased as soon as the new engine, Jottings ' ing the week by a party qf^ Ajpcj-;., md has an elevation of 2300 feet. eto^rrlEeSr-•'"-:—<—,"•'—~ ™*~ 8rjetit'j<}iiWiftUch i^ The glorious weather conditions can Tourists on the "Prince Sup- t Mr. Geo. Clothier, in his Report berta.; i were taken full advantage of during ' |. • '. j :..). ert," in the English bob-toiled I:o the Minister of Mines last year MisS Julia Whelan arrived last the past week end by the skippers says: ^ , H. F. Kergin Back sheep dog, "Prince," so well known § of the i Anyox Fleet which is grow week from Wisconsin, ou a visit to "The showings apparently lie in in Anyox. This animal whioh is From Northern Visit ing more numerous that ever. Dr. and Mrs. P. Whelan. , jneissoid granite, a belt about 50 owned by Mr. Maointyre, is a I'eet wide lying between the Coast Mr. H. F. Kergin M. L. A.. re­ Capt. Eve on his, popular yacht Mrs. J. Butcher was a passenger great favorite With the children on Monday's boat, bound for Prince •Range granodiorite on the. south turned on Monday from a trip "The Effee" was an absentee from and is a fine specimen of the genu­ Rupert where she will stay for a [ride and argillite on the north side, through a part of the northern his mooring bound for an unknown ine sheep dog and shows all the [striking N. 45 degrees W, (mag.) portion of bis 1 constituency.! destination or one at least he will short period. sagaciousness of the <breed. These •This belt shows a schistose atruct- During the trip he went as far as not indulge to others. Capt. McKay of the local branch lure on both walls, but is apparent- Porter's Landing at the head of tourists were very anxious to ac­ The Bonaza Edrona, Capt. Harry of the Salvation Army has been lly more irregular and brokpn up iu quire "Prince'" and were quite pee­ Pease Lake,. and visited > every Self swell known cutter were all transferred to Juneau, and her •the central portion, Within this ved when informed the dog was not settlement between the mouth of away and the Float presented a fellow worker Lieut. Leigh ton left [width are lenses of mineralized the Stikine River and Porter's deserted appearance. for Vancouver, Capt J. Chalk for Hs^HHHH quartz and quartz and feldspar, Landing. Mr. Kergin states that and Lieut.' L. Rinas arrived : in We notice that Mr. Lewis the and further development is showing placer mining is active jn the dis­ Anyox from Winnipeg to take Baseball Players Batting oyer 200. manager of the Bank here has join­ quartz veins outtihg diagonally trict, but large operations are thejr place. : Up to and including July 104. across from wiill to wall, or from handicapped through lack of ed the ranks of the boating frater­ argillite to granite. Some very transportation. The Telegraph nity, his new acquisition a Turner Mr.C. M. Short inspector for the promising seams and lenses, well built I5-footer is a trim little craft Canadian Bank of Commerce O. Ferguson (M) 30 12 400 Creek country possess large tracts A. Campbell (E) 36 14 arrived in Anyox on Monday last mineralized with galena, zinc- of agricultural land, whioh will and he should spend many pleasant Brown (S) 29 11 blend, and pyrite, assaying up to undoubtedly be developed as soon hours with it away from the cares and after an inspection of tho local Matheson (S) 30 11 867 (over 100 oz. hi silver to the ton as transportation is provided. of finance. branch of the Bank will leave for Mealey (M) 33 12 864 have been exposed."' Mr. Kergin states that a wagon the South. Anderson (M) 31 855 Capt. "Tiny" Yuillisa promin­ Macintyre(E) 28 b 846 road/is now being built between ent nautical personage with his new Mr. C. McKeown, catcher for the J. McKeown (S) 21 7 New System for Anyox Telegraph Creek and Dease Lake, ocean going "oruiser", but we often Smelter ball team, left on Thurs­ Corckle (M) 21 7 Schools and it is expected that the road wonder why he does not go farther day for a month's holiday in Cal- O Greenwell (E) St 12 J.
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