1 1 ON THE WEB Texas Book Festival authors share motives, THE DAILY TEXAN inspiration behind work Serving the University of Texas at Austin community since 1900 bit.ly/dt_video How much can people tell about us from Horns defeat Cyclones our possessions? in a sloppy game LIFE&ARTS PAGE 12 SPORTS PAGE 7 >> Breaking news, blogs and more: www.dailytexanonline.com @thedailytexan facebook.com/dailytexan Wednesday, January 25, 2012 Texas laws TODAY Border crossing concerns grow put under the microscope in Calendar Hook the Cure court rulings Join Hook the Cure an organization dedicated to District judge chooses promoting diabetes awareness to keep concealed carry through education on the license age restriction subject from 7:30-8:30pm in BEN 1.124. By Sarah White Daily Texan Staff Sigma Delta Tau Most UT students will re- main ineligible to obtain a Attend an informational session concealed handgun license for the Sigma Delta Tau sorority after a district court ruling before the main recruitment last week. begins. The session will be held United States district judge in BEN 1.122 between 7-8 p.m. Samuel Cummings threw out a motion to overturn a Tex- as law that prohibits 18- to Wicked 20-year-olds from obtain- Come learn the back story of ing a concealed carry license the Wicked Witch of the West on Thursday. in the performance of Wicked The National Rifle Associ- at the Bass Concert Hall. Shows ation filed a case on May 16, start at 2 p.m. and tickets are 2011, claiming that the state anywhere from $38.50-138.50. law keeping people under the age of 21 from carrying a con- cealed handgun violated the U.S. constitution, wrote Cum- mings last week in his court Today in history opinion on the case. Thomas Allison | Daily Texan Staff “The licensing scheme does In 1949 Despite ongoing turbulence in Mexico, biology junior Javier Vargas regularly crosses the Texas-Mexico border to visit family members who can- not burden the fundamental The Academy of Television Arts not cross into the U.S. border regions like Reynosa, where Vargas’ family lives, continue to suffer the consequences of drug-related violence. right to keep and bear arms,” & Sciences held the first annual Cummings wrote. “Neither Emmy awards ceremony at the By Jody Serrano choose to make trips between the Javier Vargas, a biology junior does the licensing scheme tar- Hollywood Athletic Club Los Editor’s note: This is the first in a Daily Texan Staff U.S. and Mexico, said a UT stu- who who crosses the border sev- get a suspect class.” Angeles. three part series about how immi- dent with family in Mexico. eral times a year to visit his rel- Although most college stu- Despite concerns over Mexico’s Mexico’s turbulent situation atives. Since 9/11, CBP has tak- dents cannot legally carry con- gration law impacts higher educa- drug war and increased border has increased scrutiny by Cus- en many proof-of-identity- cealed firearms under the cur- tion and the UT System security, many people with family toms and Border Protection of- and friends across the border still ficers for many travelers, said BORDER continues on PAGE 2 GUNS continues on PAGE 2 Austin experiences needed rain Rescheduled primaries Integration of technology would effect student voter turnout, new maps drawn enhances student learning By Kayla Jonsson Daily Texan Staff By Bobby Blanchard exam also fell from 33 to 15 per- Daily Texan Staff cent but the final exam itself was If the Texas primaries are re- essentially the same from those scheduled because new district 8-9 p.m. Tonight Using technology to enhance prior to the class’s redesign. introductory courses has helped maps are not agreed upon in “The area on the final where time, students who leave town Lonestar Politics students earn better grades, said we saw the greatest improvement A panel of students discuss after the semester’s end may be representatives of the Course was calculation,” Stacy said. “It is topics like The Longhorn unable to vote. Transformation Program. essentially what we removed from Network, their favorite TSTV The primaries are at risk of The program, which began in the lecture periods and left to the shows and opinions on the being rescheduled for a second spring 2010, aims to increase suc- students to do on their own.” recent conflicts in the time this year from April 3 to cess rates in classes by adding Ritter said the courses in the Middle East. more educational technology and a later date because on Jan. 20, program are using online materi- the U.S. Supreme Court rejected added online educational features als to help teach the class. All the to the classes students typically a set of interim maps drawn by 7-9 a.m. Thursday courses have moved some mate- three San Antonio judges, said take in their first few semesters. rials previously taught in lectures When Roots Last spring, Biology 311C/311D, Emmanuel Garcia, a spokes- to online assessments and read- man for State Rep. Trey Marti- Attack! Chemistry 301 and 302 and Sta- ings, she said. tistics 302 all started selected pi- nez Fischer, D-San Antonio. If “When Roots Attack!” is your “By taking some of the material loted sessions of the courses. authorities can’t agree upon new source for classic that you may traditionally cover “I do think one of the great maps by Feb. 1, there will not be Jamaican songs. in lecture to outside of class, you things about what we’re doing is it enough time for the federal pre- can do different things inside of clearance required by the U.S. can help make the big class expe- class,” Ritter said. “You can make rience feel smaller,” said Gretchen Supreme Court to hold the Texas the classroom experience itself a primaries as scheduled, accord- Ritter, director of CTP. more engaged environment.” The CTP hosted a panel Tues- ing to a statement from the Tex- Chemistry 301 and 302, for ex- as attorney general’s office. day which reported results and ample, places skills students can feedback from the first year of The Supreme Court rejected learn on their own online on the new maps because it ruled the program. Quest and on the class website. The attendance rate for Statis- that the San Antonio judges have The course website has all the not given proper consideration tics 302 has gone up from previ- material content resources, along ous years to 92 percent after start- to last year’s district maps, Gar- with videos of every lecture. cia said. ing the program, said Cathy Sta- David Vanden Bout, the pro- cy, the Statistics and Scientific As soon as the maps were re- gram’s chemistry faculty project jected and the San Antonio judg- Thomas Allison | Daily Texan Staff Computation faculty leader for the program. She said the per- es scheduled a meeting to dis- WATCH TStv ON Plan II English sophomore Andrew Wilson walks past a flooded Nueces cuss redesign on Feb. 3, two days Street in West Campus Tuesday afternoon during a brief break in the rain. centage of Ds and Fs on the final COURSES continues on PAGE 2 CHANNEL 15 after the deadline, the attorney By Jody Serrano may experience roughly two inches general’s office filed a motion to Daily Texan Staff of rain throughout the day with pos- reconsider, said Lauren Bean, a 9:00 p.m. sible hail later in the evening. spokeswoman for the Texas At- The Current After golf-ball-sized hail and pe- According to the National Weath- torney General Deputy. The A panel of students discuss riodic rain spattered Austin all day er Service website, the main threat motion urged the San Antonio topics like The Longhorn Tuesday, the city could experience today will be damaging winds across court to resolve this matter in Network, their favorite TSTV relief from the nasty weather as early Highway 281 and Interstate Highway time to have the Texas primaries shows, and opinions on the as this afternoon. 35 throughout this morning. as scheduled, she said. recent conflicts in the Travis county experienced abnor- Kimmel said people reported see- Garcia said the San Anto- Middle East. mal amounts of rain and hail from a ing hail in North Austin Tuesday nio judges are working hard to storm system from the Pacific Tues- morning and recommended people draw acceptable maps before day. As of Tuesday evening, the sys- put their cars in the garage and take the deadline. 9:30 p.m. tem moved to far west of El Paso and precautionary measures to protect “We need time to make the College Crossfire will likely bring a cold front through their belongings. map right for the primaries,” Our panelists talk about the the area when it passes through Aus- The rain is very good for Austin Garcia said. “Being right is more upcoming Superbowl and tin today, said geography lecturer because the city is still in a very se- important than being rushed.” talk college basketball. Tune and KEYE weatherman Troy Kim- vere drought, he said. Chelsea Jackson | Daily Texan Staff As the struggle for official in for their spring season mel. He said there is an 80 percent “It’s not going to break the drought Students sit and talk before the beginning of a lecture on Tuesday premiere! chance of rain today and the UT area but every bit will help,” Kimmel said. afternoon. MAPS continues on PAGE 2 2 2 2 NEWS Wednesday, January 25, 2012 THE DAILY TEXAN COURSES Volume 112, Number 102 continues from PAGE 1 leader, said last semester the CONTACT US website received about 61,000 hits, with more than 10,000 vis- itors spending at least 30 min- Main Telephone: utes on the site throughout the (512) 471-4591 previous semester.
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