the magazine of the master builders’ association of western pennsylvania march/april 2010 Oakland A Neighborhood In Demand EPA stormwAtEr rEgulAtions Add cost mAnAging thE rEcEssion biggEst risks mbA building ExcEllEncE winnErs ArrA first yEAr rEPort cArd BG Mar_Apr_10.indd 1 3/8/10 12:43 PM To start your development project make One-STOp at L.r. kimbaLL BEDROCK REPUTATION. STEADFAST PRINCIPLES. TARgETED RESULTS. ExPERTLy MANAgED. Developers call on our 56 years of experience and L.R. Kimball has provided one-stop services for many in-house capabilities to provide one-stop support from: of Pennsylvania’s most successful developments such as: • Civil and Environmental Specialists offering laboratory testing, civil site services, geotechnical • Innovation Park in State College drilling, soils and concrete testing, aerial mapping • Southpointe II in Washington County and surveying • Cherrington Office Park in Allegheny County • Traffic Experts who perform traffic studies and • Heinz Field Site Plan for the Pittsburgh Sports and obtain highway occupancy permits Exhibition Authority • Architecture Teams who design state-of-the-art • More than a dozen Wal-Mart, Lowe’s, LEED® certified facilities and Sam’s Club complexes With the heritage of a family-owned business that WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON IT. operates on a national scale, L.R. Kimball has L.R. Kimball will always do our best to ensure that assisted with hundreds of warehouse, office, retail your goals are met and that you receive the highest and mixed-use construction projects drawing from possible value. a range of over 60 integrated services to become a solid choice of developers in Pennsylvania. Contact us to learn how we can integrate a full range of one-stop support services for your project. 866.375.6812 • www.lrkimball.com/developers TARGETED RESULTS. EXPERTLY MANAGED. WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON IT. ARChITECTURE ENgINEERINg COMMUNICATIONS TEChNOLOgy AvIATION CIvIL CONSTRUCTION SERvICES DATA SySTEMS ENvIRONMENTAL FACILITIES ENgINEERINg gEOSPATIAL NETWORKS PUBLIC SAFETy TRANSPORTATION L.R. Kimball (SM) is a service mark of L. Robert Kimball & Associates, Inc; L. Robert Kimball & Associates, Architects and Engineers, Inc; and L.R. Kimball, P.C. BG Mar_Apr_10.indd 2 3/8/10 3:47 PM 2010 C ontents Publisher Tall Timber Group www.talltimbergroup.com (Cover Photo) Mascaro editor Center for Sustainable Jeff Burd Innovation, University 412-366-1857 [email protected] of Pittsburgh School of Engineering. Production Manager EDGE Studio, architect. Carson Publishing, Inc. Mascaro Construction, Quellé Diggs contractor. Photo by Ed Massery. art director/graPhic design Carson Publishing, Inc. Jaimee D. Greenawalt contributing PhotograPhY Carson Publishing, Inc. advertising sales Doug Shymoniak 412-548-3823 More inforMation: BreakingGround is published by Features Departments Tall Timber Group for the Master & Builders’ Association of Western Pennsylvania, 412-922-3912 or 3 PuBlISHer’S NoTe 32 FIrM ProFIle www.mbawpa.org TKA Associates. 4 NeWS FroM Archive copies of BreakingGround THe ST reeT 36 leGAl P erSPeCTIVe can be viewed at www.mba.wpa. MBA Building excellence Awards, Significant changes loom for org/articles eat ‘n Park builds first leeD the Mechanics l ien l aw. restaurant, Pittsburgh ranked by No part of this magazine may be Moody’s as the only market with 38 FINANCIAl P erSPeCTIVe reproduced without written permission real estate appreciation in 2010. ArrA’s one-year report card. by the Publisher. All rights reserved. 10 reGIoNAl 42 MANAGeMeNT This information is carefully gathered and MArKeT uPDATe PerSPeCTIVe compiled in such a manner as to ensure An uptick in commercial Managing risk at the bottom maximum accuracy. We cannot, and do not, guarantee either the correctness of projects planned may foretell of the cycle. all information furnished nor the complete an early recovery. absence of errors and omissions. Hence, 44 MBe/WBe responsibility for same neither can be, 12 NATIoNAl CoMPANy SPoTl IGHT nor is, assumed. MArKeT uPDATe Ma’at Construction Group llC. Data on unemployment, Keep up with regional construction and 46 TreND To WATCH real estate events at: commercial & residential real www.buildingpittsburgh.com estate show a predictable The e PA announces new recession - unfortunately. stormwater regulations. 16 WHAT’S IT CoST? 48 AWArDS AND A closer look at the outlook CoNTrACTS for steel. 50 FACeS AND 18 FeATure STory NeW PlACeS oakland: A Neighborhood in Demand. 51 THe INDu STry IN THe Co MMuNITy 27 ProJeCT ProFIle Mascaro Center for IBC CloSING ouT Sustainable Innovation. oakland’s a neighborhood too. BreakingGround March/April 2010 1 BG Mar_Apr_10.indd 1 3/8/10 12:43 PM TEDCO_AD:TEDCO_AD 1/6/10 11:45 AM Page 1 Staying Power Since 1977 TEDCO Construction has been providing its clients high quality construction through good markets and bad. Our reputation comes from building relationships the same way over two generations, regardless of the market conditions. General Contractor • Construction Manager OUR MISSION IS FUNDAMENTAL TO OUR FUTURE: Provide our clients with quality serv- ice in an honest and profitable manner and reward our employees fairly for their contributions. SERVICES • Design / Bid / Build, Traditional Construction Delivery • Negotiated General Contract Delivery • Construction Management Services • Design and Build • Cost Estimating Services TEDCO Construction • TEDCO Place • Carnegie, PA 15106 Phone: 412-276-8080 • Fax: 412-276-6804 • www.tedco.com BG Mar_Apr_10.indd 2 3/8/10 12:43 PM Publisher’s Note industry crashed and I suppose I just thought it wouldn’t Ah-h-h Oakland. change much. of course, I could only see the bricks and mortar of oakland at that point, and didn’t fully compre- I’m finding as I slip from early middle age to just plain hend what was taking place at Pitt and CMu and uPMC middle age that an interesting phenomenon has occurred that would so heavily impact the region’s economy. with my memory. It’s not just that I can’t remember why I went downstairs when I get downstairs (and please don’t As it turned out, the face of oakland was about to change pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about). I’ve dis- quite a bit. In the intervening decade or so there has been covered that there are periods of my life that have ran- tremendous improvement and new construction through- domly gone sort of blank. one of those seems to be the out the 15213 zip code. The emerging technologies have first couple of years out of college, when I first moved to been represented architecturally with buildings like BST3, this fair city. And yes, this is where I’ll get back to oakland. rand, CIC, and Gates/Hillman. The parking lot next to the Cathedral became a beautiful plaza. Hundreds of mil- For whatever reason, my recall of high lions of dollars have been plowed into school and college shenanigans is infrastructure for research and reasonably intact, as is a lot education in the industries of my vanishing youth, ... There was so and technologies that but I have little spe- are front and cen- cific recollection ter in the national about those much acTiviTy, economy, and first two years that has trans- post gradu- formed the ation. What even at that end of Forbes that i remember regional econ- still sticks with omy in a very me, though, is positive way. oakland. this sense of the energy of the place employees of the The way my mem- universities probably ory is working is that vibrating off the sidewalk. still feel like they work I have vivid impressions for institutions that are like of the things that have stuck ivory towers, but to the rest of us, around in my head, and oakland is in- Pitt and CMu and the rest seem less like ac- volved in a few of them. The second week I was work- ademia and more like incubators for business. Pittsburgh ing was spent on Forbes Avenue and Halket Street doing doesn’t seem like the kind of place that would be seen as demolition of a doctor’s office space. There was so much a college town and we’re not, but the region owes a bit activity, even at that end of Forbes that I remember this of debt to higher education for putting the region on the sense of the energy of the place vibrating off the sidewalk. map globally. But the more vivid impressions were of night. To me, oakland never felt like a college town. Now more you readers of a certain age will no doubt smile inwardly than ever that neighborhood is a place of commerce as when I talk of Friday nights at the Decade, listening to the well as academia. It’s exciting to spend some time study- Houserockers before they became a cliché about blue- ing the oakland sub market, to see that for as vibrant as collar Pittsburgh, or catching the Silencers at the electric things are there is so much more pent-up demand for Banana on Bigelow. We could hang out with some of oak- more. More space, more research, more housing. If it land’s celebrities at Peter’s Pub. And the best night cap in weren’t for this whole global economic crisis thing we’d the world was a pile of fries at the ‘o’ at 2:00 AM. probably be seeing more tower cranes now. When I moved back to Pittsburgh and started the Pitts- burgh Construction News in 1994, I was not surprised to see that oakland hadn’t changed much. It was one of the neighborhoods that seemed to survive oK when the steel Jeff Burd BreakingGround March/April 2010 3 BG Mar_Apr_10.indd 3 3/8/10 12:43 PM News From The Street MBA Announces 2009 Building Excellence Awards The Master Builders’ Association of Western PA an - nounced its 2009 Building excellence Awards winners at their third annual evening of excellence event at Heinz Field on February 25, 2010.
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