University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 7-2-1896 Eddy Current, 07-02-1896 Wm. H. Mullane Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cb_current_news Recommended Citation Mullane, Wm. H.. "Eddy Current, 07-02-1896." (1896). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cb_current_news/1103 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. X 'I VOL, 4 EDDY NEW MEXICO, JULY 2, 1806. NO 34. how to the ailfAotlon of Ihe Judge IN THE PECOS VALLEY. nn, says In nnother part ot tho sumo H. H. PIERCE, Preildenl, S. T, BITTING Vice President 0 E,.Conwiy, Cuhler DKMOCKATIC MUMABIES. that it U ImpoMlble of IniprnelteoT for Issue, "That people generally reeognlto stn-bi- . him lo be lu hi own preolnol, for rMa t,ftwli TIUnn' Hopeful View of It tho appronihlng Inevitable shortage In o "1 i 1 COUN- P. IT OF THE Arm m THE PR0CEEDIN08 faolory rcnaon. I'niure Onto Wailiburo. horses, but iltn in general have HI st m. within flvo pre-vlo- u TY EXEOUTIVG COMMITTEE. 7m. At any time day who out but tow men, to the lime appointed for holding Mr. I.owls 1. Wlttnn It urtllnu tho Hnntft oaniparntlvoty speaking, linro felt warrant- (111011(11 n, Tli of-li- e tho iifninmoth special nlltlon ot Bank. Kliirt1nr AtiR'i't tha the primary election all oandldnle fur going It .lr Va Vnw MnxlaAn nnd rfvlntvItiB tho nmi- - ed in into debt, even to tho extent ot rirst Us.nl (or llio ahall In tho llallnt ylem lo lie ubmlt writing, lo ohnlr. n servleo fetM' Now man of the demuamtle executive com- mnrelnl and induil rial development of Now flrnt Tim In Moslem may bo qttlto Iruo Hint a nhottngo In mittee, which nhnll bo kept an file hy him, MoxIpo In llio of immigtntion, nr It liucrott salable liorsea Isthrflatoncd, good i'nt taunt to cull by the ohsirman, Tlu hi declaration which hnll in ubUuee Hvol here voitfinlnv from n two week'a nndono held a n low-pric- ed, (DIP OouimllUe iilTino dol-Ib- ronsou for It may tie so many ESXDXDlrr, IMZ. Ptmoorrdlo Hxicutire be that he aubmlta hi to the lojourn In llio I'woj Vnlloy, nnd Ii regli- - that meeting at the court tionie In KddjrN. M., of tho demoorAtln ptlmnrlr nnd will surubby nnd almost worthless following tered nt tho nt. uhaum. on Tliaraday June 4lh 1800. The oupporl the nominee, no ninde. lu one horses nro nllownl to bo In tho country. H. T. Billing, In an InlerTiow with Sir. wllsna omo member wero rneent niiyjnehnll fAll to comply with thl over-produll-on ho. wero glonniMl tn And Iho of medium, com- UhMrmnui U. tf. UaWmau, pteolnol li though he receive tnfllotenl Interesting fnet rrlntivo poor uo; Sj l'etor mon nnd horse may bo Attributed lo CliriH 11 HUtly, J. V, Mntlicson; S. T. Hitting, .1. A. KUtly, 11. J. 11. Cartxuter, preolnot vote to become the nominee, ho hal i tliu section of the territory which It Just thoiamalflAe, II. iler$i Cotu,, preolnell uo. 4 O. W. Unwdcn, not be I'eoliwod thenomluo or tliu party, now ntimeiiiiff ilia attention ot homo seek W. A. HnwkliiB, 0. K. Conwoy. BliAYr, Lommllloe-ini- n e Good nro plentiful iu tills country, preclnet no. 0 ,)m. and hi place hall bo filled by tho exeen-tir- ers nnd Invostor nil over tho country. hrsos pieolnot, was absent. nnd nre worjlt In many At least, (torn lladger committer, alwny observing the next Mr. Wilton sny Hint whllo tho lnek of Instance l'h following business oat lranineted hlgheat voto. ono-hn- ll nf llfWr value ot n lew yonr Ago. the Deraoornt rnln ha enuied the surfaro ot tho ground Whereas at a muting of 8tii The ballot u,ed In tho primary Whon wo produiH' but better horse dnly nuein-bie- d in nnrpii atloni. yet the crop or Kddy nnnty lu contention election hnll bn priiilesl on plain while in mine trade will u giod. town of on tho 31) cd not nffeeleil to nny appreciable T find held In the paper about threw Inch will nnd nbcmt havo heii In nnothof ooliinin ot tho samofapor day of May 18P0, It was mored nud aniiu. luohe nil nxuiit, nnd mo farmer iook lorwaru to no night lonif, nnd thn iiiiiiim of has something more In sny, allot which I mun-l- y carried itiAttlio Democratic party niniiiiiniit The season tins been n tho candidate, who hnve auhmilled llilr harratt. quite geod, dxeopt tho last senteneoi of ISUdy County nominate n straight name iu writing In the ahalrman of Ihe good one tor alfalfa, stock looks wol. nnd DtiPipoimlo for camlog eWeliun "It Is folly for any man to attempt to llekut the rxeeutlvo committee n I provided for Ihe early frost whlnh plnjod aii ..a ouuuty ulllow for said oountj.nnd, Bxeepling breed hone either on small or largo cnlo for nbove, hnll bo placed upon cneli nnd with potielio In soma of tlio WlurniK in puitumicu to Hi lustrual-lii- i Imvoe prts nt tho presentday unless ho has n thorough avery ballot nnd tho ohnlrmau of tho ox ley. the yonr will bo n good ono lor fruit. glten, 1'lie Dumiorallo Uiecutlro eouttv comraltlao i hereby Authorized understanding ot llio elns ot horse want- duly Mr. innl: l ointultUttot laid oouuty aisetuliled nnd it ihnlt bo hi duty to hnve delivered Continuing VI!on ed nnd tho bdst methods ot producing tlio t Kddy on tho 4th day or of homo bulldor ot tho LUIfflflii, LATH, SHINGLES lu the town of at tho time of tho opeulng of tho poll lo Tho nttonllou the same. Haphazard breeding has done tnoro June 16U0, for the purpose ot carrying In- Vnllov is lust nt tho tirosoiit centered tho proper olllcor holding the etfotlon l'eo to bring about low values than tho panlo 9 DOORS, MOULDINGS,, to fUctl the luitractlon glreu it by tha there, all necoary ticket n noovo men- upon two project of mlliiltlly greater lm couuty, whoso smnnts nnd tlinllsglvliiRacuniprelwiiilvo Illustra- Democracy of said tioned, ttaoh volor nt tho time nud plnoo nny put tno PICKETS, SASH, ore, nud, porlnnco tlinn yet lorwaru tor slmplo nnd ilngloolcmcntot b etc, thU executive committee of voting inuRt f.roauro from the prMbt. vnlley people. tion. Tho wa duly consideration of tho Wliuteiwi It muted and oarrlrd ing Judge of e! oo 1 1 on n tbiket na mention- lack ot quality l, tho bulk of tho horse n election Thuso prnjecti whllo not particularly lu ald meeting lliat primary ed Above, muit then nnd there, in pre-onc- e brooder' burden today, nnd will bo uiitlil 9 ot new, have beon pushed to (ho f roat of Into, he held in tint several jireulnoU said ot oOlaer of election, yet iu pri- tlmo nnd ttdo wlpo from tho faco ot tho ot August 181)11 nt mill ilimr cnniumnmtlon will fitoati n creat county on the 8th dny vate, mnko It out niid privately vole U, earth ourinillious ot horses that nro good UK polling plaoe therein for the for tho Vnlloy, mnrklng nn the aunt nnd no voto ihall bo reoeivod uiiloea the doal i'cens va for nothing. Hut fortuiintoly, In this In purpo of nominating nld tloiot. There- parly voting It ihnll nt tho time nnd In the history ot tlio development nt this enld county of stance, nj least, tho natural llfo of a horso i fore the liomoorat of place of voting get thn ballot from tho rich section, so won inrorea uy nnttiro, notified that on Baturdny Is not longhand It wo will only quit raising Kddy are hereby officer, made It out nud volo it a above and destined In my opinion to becotno tho Auguit 8th lbOO bcglclng At 1) o'clpek A. pmc our siock suou J. F. MATHESON, nrovidod, even if tho voter doc not care. 1 presoui inruo win JL garden spot ot tho territory. refer to tho M. nnd clcilnir I) o'clock M. thero ofllcor in Mialt illsappenri and it classified horso shall The charge of tho ballot rnllrnnd nud to tno sugar wet wilt be n Domoaratlo primary eleottoa eo party voting doe not lako Ihe extension boon from now on, wo will not county that Tho nxlonslon nt tho Pecos huvo raised held In the several precitot of laid tlokot away from tho voting placo nnd ituiiistr. only havo good horso hut good value as following place V Alloy railroad lromtho present terminus as tho that no ono Know how tho voter voted. well. Tho olAsse ot horse to produce ...Commission i'reoluct Mo. 1, nt tho Court Uouio in mnko nt Jlosweli on to w.ishuurn, Texas, tnero Provided) If a vottr cannot out hl few-tro- ef now nre,, indeed, flor nnd mcer Kddv. own Ihkot, ho ihall then requett lo eontieot with tho Bauln Va, is now look Town of MnL lome tor IraoU use: roadsters, both light nnd l'roluct No. 3, nt the The Judgo or clerk noting to mnko It out In od upon ns assured. It is not necessary to And Gonoral heavy, and horse lolng the only Fonvnrdintr BRA.
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