UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 82 Date 08/06/2006 Time 11:11:54 AM S-0864-0009-07-00001 Expanded Number S-0864-0009-07-00001 Tit/e Items-in-Public relations files - Bronx Day -1971 Date Created 22/01/1971 Record Type Archival Item Container S-0864-0009: Public Relations Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit 20 July 1971 Dear HP*-- !37he Secretary-General bas as-feed Jhe to acknowledge your kind letter to him dated 15 July, wlib which you sent a copy of tlie June issue of your Bank newspaper covering Bronx Day celebration. He is grateful to you for your in seactiag Mia tfcis pisiilieatioii. With kindl regayagj, Yours sincerely, C.V* KarssiE&an Chef de Cabinet Mr. Michael J. Gill Vice Presideaat Bankers Trust Coapany 5TO last 1^9tb Street 111 ,+ : Wv' ' <<i ,-., •.;•-.: • .-. T< " BANKERS THXTST COMPANY NEW YORK MICHAEL J.GILL VICE PRESIDENT July 15, 1971 Dear Mr. Thant: Bankers Trust Company was very enthused with the idea of having a Bronx Day, and our enthusiasm turned out to be shared by many citizens of the Bronx community. We carried a feature article in the June issue of our Bank newspaper, and thought that you might enjoy having a copy. We look forward to Bronx Day 1972. Sincerely Honorable U Thant Secretary General United Nations United Nations Plaza New York, New York 10017 *? ••• i T r > -., / ~r,.~ " -„.!'• 'T'f•.*"Jl^ "f*^-«rr'y • -,"• < ..^•..y ,-;f;v.-.|,^ : ^ ;' "'f1'-'-^'^' "'^1^1 I$8E^^;-Ki,N^'}bH'.-.'lTfvJv*i. .!,,. '. „. '> 5 •-. .^*v-:^^'. ' • ••J• •'*'• ' 'SM'"^-'T ^' v : -L..'. ^i '« ™ i -u ._- v/" PPfw^,^mm'*«*•• - '••• r • • ^W*4.«HH*v»- \^ .•>/ • • m^m^^r'^^fe.Ss". •.;fi-sfpr-.1y*fi: •> '• . «.. »•.-. •• '••••• -pW«i*s^Sf* •' %'^ * '•" •-"• ?t' 11 June 1971 Dear President Abrams, I thank you for your kind letter of June 2 regarding the Bronx Day 1971* £t. was ray pleasure and privilege to participate in the festivities so well organized by you, Let me take this opportunity of assuring you of my continued cooperation kith you in your noble task of uniting the community and making life more pleasant for all of us, With best wishes, Yours sincerely, .. U Thant Mr;-Robert Abrams President of the Borough of the Bronx Bronx County Building Bronx, Hew York 10451 PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OF THE BRONX BRONX COUNTY BUILDING BRONX, N. Y. IO45I ROBERT ABRAMS PRESIDENT June 2, 1971 His Excellency U Thant Secretary General of United Nations United Nations New York, New York 10017 Your Excellency: I would like to thank you for joining us on Bronx Day - 197.1. Your presence at the Bronx Zoo festivities was an inspiration to all of us who are working to unite the community and to engender a feeling of hope for the future. It was an honor for me to meet you and to have extended greetings to you on behalf of the entire Bronx community. I hope that you will be able to honor us with your presence at similiar events in the future. Very^sincerely, ROBERT ABRAMS ^i ^ /j ,i*S&*> , ^ *" a* ^ " 7 / . // •*- d' Thef ciety ^JOSEPH MCLAUGHLIN 575 CASTLE HILL AV J BRONX NY 10473 EISENHOWER-USA .n^r €£. /J^*^ tjtA&St*-''- ^^J_ ytUf"** -,. -7- . (3k.ce. \J is 0/2 (^ /& / // ,C/?.,G)/C , ^fne- J&otZeae-a£ ypiounf' J/cu/ni' Pteicent' ff ' ^ret ff - # </ -SftaJu&me- J&0££&ae' - JsfaJe- 6£nMsetole£u> c^^/r. ^y. <7 -stewieu?-- ~M/ecdi&&w/ at MAY 12,1971 Opening Ceremony 3PM AT BAIRD COURT, BRONX ZOO INVOCATION Rt. Rev. Msgr. Gustav J. Schultheiss, Co-episcopal Vicar of The Bronx NATIONAL ANTHEM Maritime College—State University of New York INTRODUCTION Big Wilson, WNBC Radio GREETINGS Hon. Robert Abrams, President, Borough of The Bronx PRESENTATION Axel Dessau, Director, Danish National Tourist Bureau WELCOMING William G. Conway, Director, New York Zoological Society PRESENTATION OF HONORARY MEMBERSHIP TO NYZS TO U THANT Robert Goelet, President, New York Zoological Society REMARKS His Excellency, U Thant, Secretary General, United Nations Dr. Detlev Bronk, President Emeritus, Rockefeller University CONCLUDING REMARKS Prof. Lloyd Ultan, President, Bronx Day Commission Office of the President City of New York Robert Abrams Borough of The Bronx Bronx County Building Grand Concourse and 161 st Street Bronx, New York 10451 May 6, 1971 Tel. 293-9000 Mr. Donald Thomas Personal Administrative Assistant to the Secretary-General United Nations Room 3800 Grand Central P.O. Box 20 New York, N. Y. 10017 Dear Mr . Thomas : Pursuant to our telephone coversation of today, I am en- closing a map of the Bronx Zoo showing the location of the 3 P.M. ceremony for the People's Festival. I have also marked the Rainey Gate through which I suggest the Secretary- General enter. I am also enclosing a copy of a recent press release describ- ing and outlining the various festivities planned for BRONX DAY, and a leaflet we have distributed in conjunction with BRONX DAY. Also, it is my understanding that Mr. Borough President Abrams' staff will mee Mr. George Pogue at the Rainey Gate at May 12th for the purpose of showing one the physical arrangements for the 3 P.M. ceremony Of course, according to our discussion and prior discussions, His Excellency U Thant is expected to arrive at the Bronx Zoo shortly before 3 P.M. on Wednesday, May 12th to partici- pate in a brief ceremony and a VIP reception at the "People's Festival." Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me at 293-8894 or 293-9000. Thank you for your kind cooperation. , spect Ethan M. Geto Public Information Officer EMG:so Enc. The Bronx, No Thonx— Ogden Nash The Bronx, Yes Thonx— ROBERT ABRAMS President, Borough of The Bronx PARADE Starts at 11 A.M. atTremont Ave. Grand Concourse. Proceeds down the Grand Concourse to 161st Street. PEOPLE'S FESTIVAL All day at the Bronx Zoo. Free Admission: Art Exhibits, Ethnic Food Stands, Entertainment. ART Exhibition from the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in the rotunda of the Bronx County Building. CONCERTS Rock—Loew's Paradise Theatre: 7 P.M. & 10:30 P.M. Classical—Bronx High School of Science: 8 P.M. Band & Chorus—EvanderChilds High School: 8 P.M. May 12 SPORTS Boxing Competition and other activities at St. Mary's Park: 5 P.M. to 7 P.M. Sponsored by the Police Athletic League. c!Lf>^5a PICNIC '.,:..i7 "**- ^» '{I',',;''! BIRDS 8 "Kl'i ':'""''' ' RACCOON , jV'l V.1'"1 p^^T^^jltll^!::'ll':'''''T~ ^»?™«K -^ittfeiU'P^^iiiS^ /"i'^^^iffiuiiife^v*1; BUFFALO (SCHOOL BUSES PARK HERE PARKING APR -SEPT.) FIELD / / r,' | v. ;,(UNDER. CONSTRUCTION ) ,' '• ^MM'WKVv • /'•fV,f",'i'".l!J ' 1",/. 1j!'. "ff^.'ift'•'•y^'i'''^^^^ lillili^ i Borough of The Bronx News Office of the President Grand Concourse and 161st Street from Bronx, New York 10451 For further information... Robert Contact: Ethan Geto Phone: CY 3-9000 or 293-8894 Abrams Nights & Weekends 796-1606 FOR RELEASE: MONDAY, MAY 10, 1971 ABRAMS ANNOUNCES FINAL DETAILS OF "BRONX DAY' At a 1 PM press conference in his office at the Bronx County Building, 161st Street & the Grand Concourse, Bronx Borough President Robert Abrams, joined by a cross-section of Bronx community leaders who volunteer on the "Bronx Day Commission," detailed the final arrangements for BRONX DAY, to be held this coming Wednesday, May 12th. Mr. Abrams presented this capsule schedule of events for BRONX DAY PARADE; 11 AM - 2 PM, starts at Tremont & Concourse and proceeds South to 161st St. & Concourse High!ights; Reviewing Stand at 164th Street & Grand Concourse; His Eminence Terence Cardinal Cooke (who hails from The Bronx) will review the parade from 11:30-12:30; Boro« Pres. Abrams will march at the head of the Parade beginning at 11 AM, just behind the First U.S. Army Band; 36 bands & 40 floats. FESTIVAL: 12 Noon - 7:30 PM, Bronx Zoo — Free Admission /• Highlights; 3 PM Ceremony near Administration Building (see enclosed map), featuring United Nations Secretary-General U Thant (who lives in The Bronx); Mayor Arthur Jacobsen of Roskilde, Denmark, the town where the first settler of The Bronx, Jonas Bronck, was born, will present a gift to the people of The Bronx; Dr. Detlev Bronk, direct descendant of Jonas Bronck; and our Emcee, Big Wilson. Also — free ethnic food, folk and ethnic dances, fascinating industrial exhibits, Bronx artists' exhibit, anti-addiction exhibit. ROCK CONCERT: Two performances, 7 & 10:30 PM Loew's Paradise Theatre. Tickets available at Cousin's Records, 382 East Fordham Road & Stan's Records, 2966 Third Avenue, Bronx (FREE)• CLASSICAL CONCERT: 8 PM - Bronx H.S. of Science Tickets available thru Bronx Council on The Arts (733-2100); performed by the Bronx Chamber Players, Michael Spierman, Conductor. (more) — 2 — ART EXHIBIT; 9 AM - 5 PM Bronx County Building. 161st St. & Grand Concourse. Exhibit of priceless paintings from the Metro- politan Museum of Art — the first time the Met has brought masterworks to The Bronx. BOXING COMPETITION: 5-7 PM St. Mary's Park (St. Ann's Ave., 145th- ~~146th Sts.) Boxing in a professional ring, including Golden Gloves contenders. Borough President Abrams noted that no public funds have been appropriated for any of the various BRONX DAY activities. Several Bronx business concerns, as well as religious, fraternal and civic organiza- tions contributed funds to finance BRONX DAY. Mr. Abrams announced that BRONX DAY will also provide an excel- lent opportunity for voter registration. Registration booths will be set up at the Festival, the Boxing Competition and at the two rock con- certs.
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