The Road to Jannah The Struggle of Muhammad (saw) and the Sahabah (as) By Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad Ad-Da’wah publications The Road to Jannah The Struggle of Muhammad (saw) and the Sahabah (as) First Edition 1422AH/2002 CE This book is not protected by copyright. Any quotation, reproduction or photocopying is allowed, as the copyright law is prohibited in Islam. This product was made in England, distributed by Ad-Da’wah Publications and can be sold anywhere in the world. All money goes towards the Da’wah. For more information, please contact Ad-Da’wahP ublication Ad-Da’wah Publications United Kingdom : P.O. Box 349 London N9 7RR Tel: 07956 600 569 2 The Prophet of Allah (saw) said: “When Allah (swt) created Jannah, He (swt) said to Gabriel (as): “Go and look at it.” He (as) went and looked at it, then came and said: ‘O my Lord! By Thy might, no one who hears of it will fail to enter it.’ He thensurrounded it with disagreeable things, and said: “Go and look at it, Gabriel.” He went and looked at it, then came and said: ‘O my Lord! By Thy might, I am afraid that no one will enter it.’ When Allah created Hell, He said: “Go and look at it, Gabriel.” He went and looked at it, then came and said: ‘O my Lord! By Thy might, no one who hears of it will enter it.’ He then surrounded it with desirable things and said: “Go and look at it, Gabriel.” He went, looked at it, then came and said: ‘O my Lord! By Thy might andpower, I am afraid that no one will remain who does not enter it.’” [Abu Dawood] 1 1 Narrated by Abu Hurayra, Hadith No. 4726 3 4 Contents Contents 3 About the Author 4 Introduction 6 Chapter 1: The Mission of Islam 8 Chapter 2: Al-Jazirat Ul-Arabiyyah 11 Chapter 3: The International Empires 19 Chapter 4: The Age of Ignorance 26 Chapter 5: Before Revelation 53 Chapter 6: The Prophet-hood 63 Chapter 7: The Public Call 74 Chapter 8: The Quraysh Decide how to React 111 Chapter 8: The Hostile Reaction to the Call 130 Chapter 10: The Muslim’s Reaction to Hostility 142 Chapter 11: Muslim Gains from Quraysh 155 Chapter 12: The Boycott 168 Chapter 13: The Seeking of Nussrah 207 Chapter 14: Islamic Call enters Yathrib 219 Chapter 15: Al-Isra’ Wal Miraj 230 Chapter 16: The Pledge of Al-Aqabah 236 Chapter 17: The Preparation for Hijrah 251 Chapter 18: Al-Hijrah of the Prophet 260 Chapter 19: Al-Ansaar Await the Prophet 273 Chapter 20: The Prophet enters Medina 274 Chapter 21: The Constitution 284 Chapter 22: Conclusion 288 5 6 About the Author Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammad was born in 1958 in Aleppo, Syria. He has studied the science of Qur'an, hadith, fiqh and so on from childhood in many well noted and respected institutions. He joined many Islamic movements like Muslim Students, al-Ikhwan (al Tali'ah), Ebad ul Rahman and Hizb ut Tahrir. He is the author of many books in Arabic and English, including: Usul al Fiqh (The Foundation of Islamic Jurisprudence) Ahkam al Salah (The rules of prayer) Ahkam al Nikah (The rules of marriage and divorce) Ahkam al Boyou' (The rules of transactions) Khabar al Ahad (The book on single reports) The duty of Jihad between Mind and Text How to observe Ramadan Why Islam declares war against Insurance Political struggle in Islam A nation without a cause is like a body without a soul The way to Palestine A quick reference to the Islamic economic system Business and Company Structure in Islam In addition to being a speaker and khateeb in many mosques, he also has audio and visual tapes, including the commentary on the Qur'an. Sheikh Omar is currently the Principal lecturer at the London School of Shari'ah where he teaches Usul al Fiqh and Fiqh al Madhahib according to the Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i, Hanbali and other Schools of Thought. 7 8 Introduction Innal Hamdu lillaah, Nahmadahu wa Nastaeenahu wa Nastaghfirahoo wa Natoobu Ilaah Wa Na’ Awthoo billaahi min shurrooree anfusina wa min saiyaati amalina Mayahdee Ilaahu falaa mudhillalah, wa may yudhlil Ilaahu falaaHadeeya lah Surely all praise and thanks are to Allah, we praise and thank Him and seek His help and ask His forgiveness and repent unto Him. And we seek refuge (help) in Allah from the evil within ourselves and the evil of our actions, He whom Allah guides none can lead astray, and he whom Allah misleads, none can guide. Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Raheem The call for the establishment of the Khilafah echoes all around the Muslim and indeed the non-Muslim world today. Mankind has witnessed the oppression of successive Kuffar ideologies, be they communism or capitalism. The Muslims have understood that the murder, rape, pillaging and poverty that exist today do so because of the lack of implementation of Islam. Since the destruction of the Islamic state, oppression has become widespread and every day heralds new types of torture for the Muslim Ummah and indeed for mankind. It is in this atmosphere of awareness and realisation that many Muslims have begun work in the field of da’wah. The Muslims of today are working to culture the Muslims to speak to the people of power and to ultimately make that breakthrough that will lead to the establishment of the Khilafah. In their minds they have their eyes on accomplishing the feat that the Prophet (saw) and his companions, achieved. 9 Muadh Ibn Jabal (ra) said: “Knowledge is a comforting friend in times of loneliness, it is the best companion during travels, and it is the inner friend who speaks to you in your privacy. Knowledge is the discerning proof of what is right and what is wrong, and it is the positive force that will help you surmount the trials of comfort, as well as those of hardships. Knowledge is your most powerful sword against your enemy, and finally, it is your most dignifying raiment in the company of your close companions.” For the daii 2 today the knowledge, which as much as any other is their companion during hardship, is the life of Muhammad (saw) during his campaign of Da’wah. The seerah teaches us the atmosphere we can expect when we are carrying this call, the reaction we will receive from the people who want at all costs to make this call fail. Moreover it gives us hope because it teaches us that no matter what odds we will face and what torture will be inflicted upon us we will Inshallah succeed just as the Prophet (saw) and his companions did. 2 Daii – Propagator of Da’wah, the one who invites 10 C H A P T E R 1 The Mission of Islam Allah (swt) has indeed blessed mankind with creation, creating us from nothing. In return for the gift of life, and all the blessings that are associated with it, Allah (swt) desires for man solely to turn to Him alone in Worship. For Allah (swt) says, “I (Allah) did not create the Jinn and the Man except to worship Me.” 3 In order for mankind to understand the Message of their Lord and the means by which they could fulfil Allah’s (swt) Order, He (swt) sent to mankind numerous Prophets; those who carried a message directly from Allah (swt) became known as Messengers. This continued from the very beginning of time until it culminated in the Prophet Muhammad (saw) who brought with him the last, final and complete Message intended for the whole of mankind. Allah (swt) says, ! " # $% &' ( ) *+,- ./) 01 2 34 #5 6 “Verily, We have sent to every nation a messenger (saying), ‘Worship Allah and avoid false gods (at-Taaghout).’” 4 3 Al-Qur’an - Surah Az-Zariyat, 51:56 4 Al-Qur’an - Surah An-Nahl, 16:36 11 The Message sent with each Prophet carried the same command, that of the Tawheed of Allah (swt) and the negation of any partners with Him (swt). Allah (swt) says, - # 7 8 /# & ( &' 9: ; 4 &' 6 <:=> & “Indeed, whoever associates anything in worship with Allahthen Allah has forbidden Paradise for him, and his abode will be the Fire.” 5 and, ? = > @ A B C :DE > &6 < :=> ) :DE > + &' “Surely, Allah will not forgive the association of partners with Him (shirk), but He forgives (sins) less that that of whomever He wishes” 6 Indeed Allah (swt) perfected and completed His call to mankind with the sending of the Messenger Muhammad (saw) who was the best of creation. With him (saw), Allah (swt) sent the Qur’an, a clear message and warning to the whole of mankind, F:>G H@ I 7 ( J ( K: D LM NG < - O “Blessed is He who sent down the furqaan to His slave (Muhammad) that he may be a warner to mankind” 7 Furqaan in the Arabic language means a criterion guiding between that which is correct and that which is wrong. The Qur’an thus was thus 5 Al-Qur’an - Surah Al-Mai’dah, 5:72 6 Al-Qur’an - Surah An-Nisaa, 4:48 7 Al-Qur’an - Surah Al-Furqaan, 25:1 12 sent as a clarification for all matters, and as a guidance for those who heeded its call; H@T@ P :=6 */ @; - PFQ .?3 R 01 I0 F O S $I A ( # M “...Indeed we sent the Qur’an as a clarification for all matters” 8 Worshipping Allah It is important to understand that if mankind wishes to obey Allah (swt) and worship Him, this can only be done in the manner He (swt) has prescribed for us.
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