PER ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION REGISTERED FOR LIVERPOOL, DECEMBER POST .L Post Free TRANSMISSION ABROAD 195 PRICE d 5 d • 5 No. 855 lst, 2 4 . 2 /6 THE BESSON il'.l!lllilllili!lllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill\l!l\llllllllllllllllll'lllllllllllllllllll!!llllllllllllilillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll�lllll'lllll'llllllll �� AN R ALL lniperials'' for Chanipions- CORNET - TRUMPET ! ���;:� F��v:�:�s :�� y I ! by CLIVE RICHARDSON and others! TUTOR - Here are Harry Cooke, Jack Troughton by S. BALFOUR BRASS _ and Alfred Morton of the C. W.S. V. 16/8 (plus 9d. postage) BAGATELLE (Manchester) Band with the new bore " IMPERIAL " Set 8/- Extra parts 6d. each - medium-large B.B .. TROMBONES. Band Teachers, Adjudicators and Soloist• Other recent orders include :- A. GREENWOOD Published in this country for the first time- J. Munn Felton's Ransome Marles BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR POPULAR SOUSA MARCH Raunds& Tem perance Bolsover Colli& ery A NORTHWOOD ROAD, PRENTON, Pressed Steel Butterfields 19 BIRKENHEAD - Chopwell Colliery Lochgelly Public Crossley's Carpets Chipping Norton THE INVINCIBLE - Telephone: MOUNTWOOD 3264 Nailsworth Horsley North Seaton & WALTER B. HARGREAVES �,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (Trumpet/Cornet Professor, Royal Marines School of EAGLE Music) Cash price : BAND TRAINER AND ADJUDICATOR Set 5/- Extra parts 4d. each " Bb Tenor Slide Trombone in the neto s.tockingless . one:-piece slides i�L '.1ickej.­ B.B Themedium-large IMPERIAL bo1'e ; "high TROMBONE. pitch ; ?ell ; WALMER CASTLE ROAD, Postage extra silver ; slide and bell locks ; 1uckel-s1lver. 7-f" g_rips and �r.11nmzngs ; close-!imzt s�1de 2 iS4 6s. 6d. ; faultless Send today for details. clearance ; light and easy slide 111ot·eme11t Ill all pns1t10ns tntonatwrz, WALMER, KE::\T. - instant resj>ouse and new larger bore tone. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ...,, ,. NO EL TH ORPE �11:i·.i:'li.lllllillillnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllll'lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllll•lll 1llllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'lllllll.lllllll� 3091/4 Band Dept., Instrument Division, BOOSEY & HAWKES LTD., FREDERICK CLOSE, STANHOPE PLACE, MARBLE ARCH, LONDON, W.2. PAD. SOLO CORNET, BAND TEACHER ADJUDICATOR AND BYRON AVENUE 20 BLACKBALL COLLIERY,Co. DURHAM. WEST HARTLEPOOL. GEO. HAWKINS (Band Teacher) .....,,,�sson... AGAIN AND AGAIN I GOWANLEA, NEWMILNS, AYRSHIRE. Teacher of Theory and Harmony by t>OBt Heartiest congratulations to these two famous Bands, under their Conductor, H. Mortimer, Esq., O.B.E., on their brilliant achievement JOHN FAU LDS, M.B.E. at the National Brass Band Championships at the BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR Daily Herald KENNEDY CRESCENT, KIRKCALDY, Empress Hall, London, on November 1st, 1952. Ihow-- '; 44 FIFE SECOND: FIRST: HAROLD LAYCOCK PUPILS PRIVATE OR POSTAL FAIREY AVIATION WORKS• FODENS MOTOR WORKS BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR . FAlllY's 16 GRAHAM CRESCENT, BOTH playing COMPLETE BESSON SETS including the incomparable FORFAR, ANGUS EUPHONIUMS AND BASSES DAVID ASPINALL "NEW STANDARD" COMPENSATOR Musical Director, Ransome Martes Workll' . _ Cocductor Oreswell Q)Uier& y and Frial)' Brewen·8-d The Leading CORNET Soloists , .,.J,FdPFNI (L&te Bands) Fairey's . Fodens BAND TEACHER, BAND ClIORAL NORMAN ASHCROFT TEDDY GRAY * These prizewinning instruments are illustrated CONTEST ADJUDICATORAND . Fairey's . Fodens KEN SMITH DENIS HEATH in the NEW Besson Brass Catalogue. Available " PRIORY VIEW," . FRIARY ROAD. 14 al/ played the " N E W STAN DARD 181 " NEWARK-ON-TRENT, NOTTS. to Band Secretaries from- Tel.1 Newart< '56-7·1·9 B E S S 0 N & C 0 . LT D . , I S W E ST ST R E E T , L 0 N D 0 N , W. C. 2. TEMPLE BAR 901 8-9 FRED MORTIMER (Bandmaster. Foden'a Motor Work• TE:A.CHER ADJUDICATORBand) CLIFTON RD., ELWORTH,AND SANDBACH, CHESHIRE. W. WOOD - - CONDUCTOR AND TEACHER ESTABLISHED 1862 and still giving satisfaction Youn.11 Bands a BACH PATTERN MOUTHPIECES COLBECK STREET, SpecialityHANSON LANE, ,.. REPAIRS and 6 HALIFAX. YORKS. NOW IN STOCK SI LVER-PLATING Ref. s. d. Ref. s. d. A SP ECIALITY H. MUDDIMAN POCKET So prano 10 0 Baritone B6 19 6 BAND TEACHER ADJUDICATOR 0 "ASHBURN,"AND ALLOA Cornet .. ..B B1 10 0 T. Trombone .. B7 19 0 NEW and METRONOMES & * Trumpet B 16 Euphonium BODDICE 6, B8 22 0 * RECONDITIONED J. Flu gel B4 12 6 E. Flat Bass B9 25 0 INSTRUMENTS BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR 2s. 9d. LAKE ROAD, WOODLANDS. T. Horn B5 13 6 BB Flat Bass B10 29 0 13 DONCASTER. (incldg. Postage) ACCESSORIES HERBERT BENNETT POSTAGE EXTRA DRUMS BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR LEVEN STREET, POLLOKSHIELD8, 40 ., BLACKFRIARS SSJI GLASGOW, S.1. OUR ONLY ADDRESS: ..TUe O./o' F7rn1. Tel. t Tel.I hllMk 1121. 43 HAROLD BARKEit SALFORD (Special Tuition for BAND TEACHERltadfo AND and ADJUDICATORTelevi•ioo ArtPte9> "SOMERVILLE," ECKINGTON CHAPEL STREET MA-NCH.ESTER SHEFFIELD "'-1 Ecllln1ton 173 Lieut. JOHN FLETCHER PROFESSIONAL CONDUCTOR ADJUDICATOR AND }Jrass - Military - Orchestra Congratulations to 19 THICKLEY TERRACE, FIRST: SECOND: SHILDON, Co. DURHAM FAIREY AVIATION WORKS BAND FODENS MOTOR WORKS BAND HAROLD MOSS Conductor : Mr. Harry Mortimer Conductor: Mr. Harry Mortimer <Bandm&st&nihip) L.R.A.M.,Director, A.R.C.M. Leyland Motors Band Musical * TEACHER ADJUDICATOR AND TH IRD : FOURTH: (Coach for Dioloma Exams., elC., by 11011t) BL ACK DYKE MILLS BAND CRESW ELL Successes in Gradea ol the B.C.M. COLLIERY BAND Examinations variouaincludin .11 Bandmastel'8bir Conductor : Mr. Alex Mortimer Conductor : Mr. G. Hespe SANDY LANE, LEYLAND 56 Nr. PRESTON, LANCS. re RI THE ABOVE BANDS KNOW WHAT THE M & H SERVICE CAN ACHIEVE Dr. DENIS W GHT CONDUCTOR, ADJUDICATOR . & - ....:· LECTURER. -- '' S E R V I C E W I T H S A T I S F A 28 BRICKWALL LANE, RUISLIP, C T I 0 N '' MIDDLESEX. 'Phone : Ruislip 2463. MAYERS & HARRISON LTD. DRAKE RIMMER 207-215 GT. IACKSON ST., BAND ADJUDICATOR MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MAKERS TEACHER AND - "MIRELLA," M TON ROAD, MANCHES TER 15 KIRKCALDYIL Phone: KIRKCALDY 284 2 WRIGHT & ROUND'S EH.ASS BAND NEWS. DECEMBER lst, 1952. Band Teachers, Adiudicators and Solois!! J. M. HINCHLIFFE MINORwords for eachADVERTISEMENTS additional words. Remittances must accompany adver­ loi t (late tisement,20 and5/-. reach2/· us by the 24th of the10 month. For Box address at our Officecount six Euphonium So s Black Dyke; Bessesl BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR words, and add 6d. for forwardinitof replies. This rate does not apply to Trade Adverts. NEWTON STREET, HYDE, SENSATIONA 56 CHESHJRE. o c i t T ERBERT BROOL<ES, the cele brated t s S H Solo Cornet, Brass Baud Tra111er and Adjudicator, (late 'Viugatcs) is no'':' ?pen for engCagrnmentst .\,.) MIis open to teach or judge a 1v b.f:r � 1 w e. Terms :­ From Only HERBERT SUTCLIFFE II Soloist, o( Teacher, or AdJudicator.-The L11.Jrary, "I Heaun1ont," Scarborough Road, ;\Justofi, Filey, Yorks. as!:a rrin Lane, \Vinton, .\lancbestcr. Musical Director IN riE ALEXANDER OWEN l>!EMORtl!\L SCHOL1\RSHIP BALDWIN, ilA:'iD '!EACHER AND AD 11,D\I� CA f01<., Ardero OFFER (VICRBRS-ARMSTRONGB LIMITED) FUND Full dC'Lail::; eg r in Exarnmations can be J Aveuue, Dawley, \\'cHington,J UDl I . <l g: Sbropsli1rf. b8 oTu Laine<l frmn the Secretary, rMr.;; lL. HARPER, l Doris Street, Smart BARROW SHlPY ARD SIL VER BAND and Attractive 1'loston, l\[anchcstcr. rf.SfSf- EGJ:l!E;-.JT.\L BAND TEACHER ADJUDICATOJ{ B , 'I I LE QUEEN'S ROY.\L REG! AND lST'S CABLE WOHKS BAND NE\'.'CASTLE·U·LYME, l) i\'1E'.\ has va.cancir·s AND fur boys wi th l11USical knowlerlgl', Per Suit 41 ROAD, l{ STAFFS., A.'lt\UAL SLOW Qll.\Kl'ETfE \, the UNIFORMS & l;�lwt•t..'Il rages of l :> and. 17 )'(ars.- A so nd career is offered (Jacket & Trousers) CEDAR will IJe hdd Concer ' ;1ud Stail C,,utr�n, on in . BARROW-lN-FURNESS CONTEST i.11 L )!ELODY the .\rmy with 1nusical d11t1f's on y --Aupply for particulars a February 7th, omm . ing p.1:1: Dr w Saturd y, LHJJ, lLdl c � to : UMAS rim. TllE Ql'EEX'SJ ROY.-\L REG J:\!El':T, ,\IJj �Jr. Tom :\tkm­ These are converted from takes place 1-10 p.m. LDIC.\TOi.:":1,; t m i-3tl 1. B.A.0.R.:!HA� L part-worn ex-police Uniforms, H. ILIFFE n (Oµl'11 Solv;o; a.11d QturtettLS). lo_s) �o , 13radful'd (Jtm10;, �� : (12) renovated and altered Mr o ier Conductor R1st's \\'orks B"id. to inciividual measurements. s. s. AND J I R H Go d ' 1, .\C.\;>;CIES will sho tly occur in lhc ROYAL SlG)lALS BAND TEACHER A U ATO ,. lst, l{ist's Chd gc Shidd �u1d £1,J;Q ll.\ld�nd, £.j la1�d I b 'T tor DASS, EUPHONJU:11, D PRTz-Es: . r R0}!130NES (Tenor THEY ARE REALLY ASTOUNDING D C p c al of for Q11:nte;ttc w1. t�111 VALUE. Send NOW 10 NUTFlELD ROAD, !-EICESTER Trophy ; 3rd, £:t !Us. S ekni p1izc diid J;;1!:iS)DAND antl \ OCALLST. Enlist, J<.r-f>nlist1 or T1·;_.nstrr. ntiles r adius not luvmg won a prizt.:t_j puuucls. OPE'.i Ftlil panicul�1rs f n1 thr � for range :!5 of ten ro A D PH.C:SlDE:--JT1 H.uyal Sig11ab1 of samples and Prices. Many pleasing designs available. £;� and :\tcdal or rophy �ud, a d k� SOLOS: lst prize, ; !· IJ::;. n J idqnartc· �, �ig al TraiuingH Centre, GEORGE THOl\tlPSON rop y Trophy·, :Jrd l.1s DEST JIASS SOl,O:T �Icddl tl n Catterick Carnp. (3) �JCARTE1TES, per entryOi' l'OPENh . � B.B.C.M., L.G.S.M. ENTRANCE EES ; ; ' 1\\'EEDALES S� \ E \' (l\1�11) LTD. \l.ORK'S RAN F prize , AND SOLOS, per entry. JUNIOil SOLOS7joJ: lst ,_ J:l �IJ�, 1 Castleton, !{ochdale.-o;oLO& J Ll CO::-!TEST (SLO\\>D BAND TEACHER A JUDICATOR 1 '.\Iedal�/G or Trophy; '..!nd, ;-,nd Tro y .Jrd, (Adjudicator, .Q and i:1s.
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