AVBBAGB DAILf GIB0ULA116N t n tiM Moath of Augnot, 19S8 5,154 Bftmtwr of tho Audit Boreoo of Obealoltoiis. %M eoouKM or PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. LH., NO. 289. (CSaaoilled Adveitlaliif on Page A) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY; SEPTEMBER 7, 1933. (TEN PAGES) V i’ ? —^---- ---------------------- 61 FARLEY JUNIOR View of Crash That Cost 15 Lives BYRD W n i SAIL PICKS ELEPHANT - 1 “You’re a Fine Democrat,^ FOR POU AGAIN Says Postmaster General As SEPTEMBBiZSIH His Son Selects a Toy. I Atlantic City, N. J., Sept. 7— WILL FOLLOW IN CUBA (AP)—James A. Farley, Jr., six-year old son of the post­ master general, is already caus­ Noted Explorer to SaQ from ing bis father some concern as h ten en tion bj UnRed States to his fidelity to the Democratic Boston With Crew of 70 P arty. Thirty U. S. Warships Mayor Harry Bacharach had Expected by Om Faetka obtained three dolls for three Men for the Antarctic — Farley children on visit here with their pu«nts, supposing N ow On W a y to Cuba While Radical Rokrs Be- all of them to be girls. * May Take Two Years. Young Farley, of course, beve Their Rrogram M would not have a doll, so he was Waahtogtoh, Sept 7.—(AP)—Aan expeditionary force, they were permitted to choose something Concentration of naval power off prepaid for immediate movement. Washington, Sept. • 7.—(AP)— else from a toy shop. He select­ The heavy cruiaer Indianapolis, Be Snccessfol Withoot . t * the shores of disturbed Cuba con­ Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, U. ed an elephant. bearing Secretary Swanson, is pro­ “You’re a fine Democrat!’' S. N., Retireu, sumounced today at tinued today, with sixteen destroy­ ceeding down the Atlantic coast. his father chided him.' Admiral Standley ordered the de­ Outside hterference. the White House that he would sail ers ordered there in event they “he “I am glad to see at least one needed to protect American lives." stroyers Claxton, Taylor, Cole and from Boston on September 25, for Farley pick the right party,” Thus, thirty combat vessels Amadou to proceed at once to another expedition ot the South said Mayor Bacharach, who is a are now or soon will be near Cuba, New^York to dlaentoark the nav41 BULLETIN! P ole. Republican. the latest unit being of eight Navy reservists on board. Tho destroy­ Havana, Septi 7. — (AP) —^ B rrd, who spent the night at the 3 and eight Coast Guard destroyers. er Hamilton was ordered to the Soldim oet up machine gmis In Washington Navy Yard for the Aa to the regular Navy ships. uptown parks this afternoon aa ¥ ♦ Admiral William H. Standley, chitf same purpose, the Fairfax to FORD CONTROVERSY of operations, instructed these, Bridgeport and later to the Phila­ Havana was stirred by many ' 5Cs’ which'had been ctuistog with naval delphia Navy Yard, the Bails to confusing rumors. Including aa • x s s ' ^ c - : ? reaervlsta, to disembark them toa- White Stone, Long Island; and the insistent report that toe United mediately and take on their nill Dupont to the Boston navy yard. States would ask toe two-day- AIDS AUTO TRADE The CcMtat Guard destroyers dis­ complements of regular offlcera and old radical government to sur­ men. patched were the Beulger, the Hem- Simultaneously, the Coast Guard don, the Hunt, the Welbom C. render power. cra ft—^former war vessels— ^were Wood, ^ Watowright, the Wilkes, Leaders in Indnstry Declare dispatched from around New Lon­ the Semmes and AUe P. Upshur. Havana, Sept 7.—(AP)— Tur­ don and New York under orders to These destroyers are ot the same bulent Cuba stood at the crossroada When the Brie railroad’s Atlantic Express, bound from Chicago, to Jersey City, N. J.. halted for a sigpal report to the senior naval command­ dimensions as Navy destroyers, and today, with some iwlitioad factions Public Now More Interest­ each carries four 4-toch guns, and near Binghamton, N. Y., a speeding n ^ train rammed its rear, killing 15 passengers in a wooden car of er to Cuba. convinced that dvU war would be the express. Here is shown the steel car of the express that plowed into wooden “death” coach. Work­ Meanwhile, more than 1,000 Unit­ has a maximum speed ^ around ed in Motor Cars. men were trying to extricate the bodies of victims and clear wreckage when this photo was taken. ed States Marines were mobilized 34 knots. The displacement of necessary to solve her governmental at the Seventh Reglmrat at nearby each ia over 1,000 tons, and they problem, while others looked for in­ Quantico, Virginia. ' Equipped aa are about 315 feet to length. tervention by the United States. The radical admlnlstratiop which Detroit, Sept. 7.— —^The con­ has seized power continued on toe troversy between Henry Ford and BLIND COLLEaOR surface to be optimistic that Tues­ General Hugh S. Johnson, adminis­ VISCOUNT GREY IS DEAD; day’s coup d’ etat would be success­ O’CONNORDEFENDS ROOSEVEIJS MEET ful. trator of the National Recovery Act, M embers at the provisional gov­ if it accomplished nothing else, say FOILS TAX DODGER ernment declcured that order would leading figures in the motorcar in­ WAS BRITISH DIPLOMAT BANK INSURANCE ON OCEAN LINER be maintained and that toe.’e would dustry, has served to make an al­ be no intervention by America. But ready motor-minded public more all sections of the more conserva­ deeply than ever conscious of the Gave Germany the Ultima- Perry T. W. Hale, Once tive political groups considered in­ part the automobile industry plays LABORITES RESENT Teddy Junior and Franklin tervention inevitable uuless there in every day life. Great Yale Football Star Federal Comptroller Says was an abrupt change In toe tense In the discussion of the NRA and tom Which Phmged Brit­ situation. the automotive industry interest has DR. DOLAN’S TALK SmaDer Institutions Will Junior Meet for First Among these latter factio’bs were not centered alone in the Ford- Makes Good on Job. members at .toe A B C secret socie­ V Johnsem disagreement; no little ain Into the World War— ty, toe followers of former Presi­ thought is being given to exactly Bear Admiral Bichard E. Byrd Be Included in Plan. Time on Way Across. dent Mario G. Menocal, and a con­ what volume of production by the siderable p f rt of another important Was 71 Years OM. • Portland, Sept. 7— (AP)— Perry White House talkmg over his plans industry would be required to take Union Leaders to Investigate revolutionary body, the O C R R. up all. the imemplosrmejit among T. W. Hale, once a great football among whom fears of a counter with President Roosevelt, departed Chicago, Sept 7. — (AP) — 'A New York, Sept 7.— (AP)—^Theo­ those whose livelihood came mainly star at Yale, now entirely blind, col­ revolution were exmessed. this morning for New York to His Remarks Made to the pledge from President Roosevelt dore Roosevelt and Franklin D. hasten the preparations fo^ his ex­ from work in the production and Christen Bank, England, Sept. 7. lected taxes last night through Problems Tackled distribution of automobiles. that the deposit insurance provi­ Roosevelt, both juniors, arrived on ploration, which he expects to take —(AP)—Viscount Grey of Fadlo- sheer strength of his physique. In the face of this acute crisis tha There is no disagreement among; tw o years. don who, as Sir Edward Gray, the Taftville Strikers. ^ Hale is the tax collector, an office sion of the baiikto£^^ j^ u ld ^ the ssto.4 Bbip today, the Manhattan, administration—a five man junta auto^bile factory executives that' on T0xldlf' they met for toe first set up after soldiers, sailors and Asked wh> he was returning to British foreign secretary,^ fstve' has Ufng held.' Hb -had-a ""bill fai^jT'ahd fiistiy M^nlsteVed ynst the dreary Antarctic regions,‘Byrd an 4Bnh41 ^tput Cf considerably* against the Portland Drug Com­ tonA national police ousted comioisslotied Germany the ultimcitum plunging' given the American Bankers Asso­ replied that there was an area more than the average of the four pany, Joseph L. Jaives, owner, for “What a nice boy he is,” Colonel officers and obtained toe resignation Great Britain into the World War, New Haven, Sept, t.— (AP)—The ciation today by J. F. T. O’Con­ there still unexplored as big as the years ending next December will be personal and property taxes. He Roosevelt said of his distant cousin. of President de Cespedea’ month old died today at the age of 71. executive board of the Connecticut nor, comptroller of the currency. United Ptates and Mexico com­ went to the store and found the “He certainly is a nice man," said provisional government —coiirage- bined. ^(Gohtlnaed On Page Six) He virtually retired from public Federation of Labor today was in­ Vigorously, he denied what he toe President's sem to return. ouaiy tackled head-on its most dan­ owner had hired truckers to move termed “vicious, unwarranted, and “As long as there is a surface as life in 1916 because df failing eye^ structed to investigate reports There was a little old lady aboard gerous problems. his goods out of town. imtruthful propaganda” to the big as that on the face of the sight and had been seriously ill for who jxist couldn’t understand, poli­ quoting Dr. Edward G. Dolan, Holds the Place effect that the small banks and the It secretly resolved to dlsann aD earth," he said, “we ought to know more than a week. tics being what they are, how it was chairman of the state advisory Hale planted himself in the door­ independent banker were to be elim­ civilians and began to try to re­ about it.
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