March 25, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E561 During this same time, Callahan won rave Muskegon Norsemen were ranked third in the during a time of national emergency. This reviews for his skills as a legislator, with The state after the regular season. SMCC was waiver authority addresses the need to assist Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post unranked most of the year before finally mak- students who are being called up to active praising on him as ‘‘an unlikely champion.’’ He ing No. 10 in the last week. duty or active service. later became the chairman of the influential During the regular season, the girls were This bill is specific in its intent—to ensure House Appropriations Subcommittee on En- known for their astonishing comebacks. In the that as a result of a war, military contingency ergy and Water Development in the 107th State final, the girls were down 9–0 in the first operation or a national emergency: Affected Congress. game before they embarked on their amazing borrowers of Federal student assistance are Mr. Speaker, Sonny Callahan was a dedi- comeback that will go down in state volleyball not in a worse financial position; administrative cated public servant and an honorable Ala- history. The team finished their remarkable requirements on affected individuals are mini- bamian. Let us take this time to reflect on his season with a 40–10–4 record. mized without affecting the integrity of the pro- work in this historic chamber and thank him Mr. Speaker, I would like to ask all my col- grams; current year income of affected individ- for his dedication to his country and the peo- leagues to rise and join me in congratulating uals may be used to determine need for pur- ple of Alabama. the St. Mary Catholic Central girls’ volleyball poses of financial assistance; and the Sec- retary is provided the authority to address f team for their perseverance, hard work and well-deserved championship. issues not yet foreseen. EXPRESSING SUPPORT AND AP- The bill also urges all postsecondary institu- f PRECIATION FOR THE PRESI- tions to continue their support and commit- DENT AND MEMBERS OF THE GREEK INDEPENDENCE DAY ment to their students by providing a full re- ARMED FORCES PARTICIPATING fund of tuition, fees, and other charges to stu- IN OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM dents who are members of the Armed Forces HON. CAROLYN McCARTHY or are serving on active duty, including the OF NEW YORK SPEECH OF Reserves and National Guard. Many times, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES America’s military are also students. They are HON. BETTY McCOLLUM Tuesday, March 25, 2003 called away from their families, class work and OF MINNESOTA studies to serve our nation’s national defense. Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York. Mr. Speak- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES These heroes deserve the flexibility and ac- er, in 1821, drawing inspiration from the ideals commodations that institutions of higher edu- Thursday, March 20, 2003 and institutions of the fledgling United States, cation can provide as they deploy and return the Greeks waged their own struggle for lib- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the classroom. in support of H. Con. Res. 104, our troops in erty. They declared their independence after As families send loved ones abroad to de- harms way in Iraq, and our President as Com- 400 years of rule by the Ottoman Empire, fend our Nation, the Higher Education Relief mander-in-Chief. therefore returning democracy to its birthplace. Opportunities for Students Act will allow the I express my sincere disappointment that Today, I rise to commemorate the struggle, Secretary of Education to reduce some of the the rules for H. Con. Res. 104 did not permit and later the victory, of Greek Independence. effects of that upheaval here at home. a division of the resolution into two separate Throughout the world, and through history, I am proud and delighted that a number of pieces of legislation. Had this division been al- Greek influence can be seen and felt. Our my colleagues have signed on as original co- lowed, I would have voted in favor of the pro- ideas on philosophy, politics, architecture, and sponsors of the Higher Education Relief Op- visions on Page 4, lines 1–16. I would have the arts, stem from the Greeks. Today, portunities for Students Act. It is an indication opposed the remainder of the resolution, Greece is a strong ally to the United States, of the Congress’s commitment to our military pages 1–3, because in my opinion this lan- proving to be a valued partner in NATO as and to our students and families, as well as to guage prevented the House from unanimously well as to the whole of Europe. This is also those who make higher education available. I supporting our troops and the President as true of Greek-Americans. Greek-Americans look forward to swift passage of this legisla- Commander-in-Chief. are extremely important to American society tion. At a time of war, I believe we must stand to- today. They provide our nation with scientists, f gether, united, behind our armed servicemen artists, politicians, and in countless other and women in the field, our commanding offi- areas. CELEBRATING GREEK cers, and our military leaders. We must send Today, as we celebrate Greek Independ- INDEPENDENCE DAY a strong message to our troops that we stand ence Day, we are all Greek. ‘‘Opa!’’ behind them to the fullest degree, and we will f HON. VITO FOSSELLA continue to support them once their mission is OF NEW YORK complete. INTRODUCTION OF THE HIGHER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The service personnel and their families in EDUCATION RELIEF OPPORTUNI- Tuesday, March 25, 2003 the Middle East and throughout the world TIES FOR STUDENTS ACT OF 2003—H.R. 1412 Mr. FOSSELLA. Mr. Speaker, today we are have my thoughts and prayers with them al- gathered to recognize the Greek in their ways. 182nd year of independence. It was the an- f HON. JOHN KLINE cient Greeks who coined the ideas of freedom OF MINNESOTA HONORING THE SAINT MARY and justice that we founded our country on. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CATHOLIC CENTRAL HIGH And March 25th celebrates the freedom that SCHOOL GIRLS VOLLEYBALL Tuesday, March 25, 2003 Greeks enjoy since their war of independence. In 1821, Greeks forcefully rose up against CHAMPIONSHIP Mr. KLINE. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to in- the oppressive Ottoman Empire, which had troduce, along with several of my colleagues, occupied Greece for nearly 400 years, em- HON. JOHN D. DINGELL the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for barking on the ultimately successful war of OF MICHIGAN Students Act, HEROES, of 2003. This is a bill independence. This war was to the same likes IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that expresses the support and commitment of that the United States engaged in nearly half the U.S. House of Representatives for the Tuesday, March 25, 2003 a century earlier during the American Revolu- troops who protect and defend the United tion. Fighting side by side through two World Mr. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to States. Specifically this bill provides authority Wars, Greece and the United States remain recognize the St. Mary Catholic Central High to the Secretary of Education to assist stu- committed allies in maintaining and strength- School (SMCC) volleyball team for winning the dents whose lives are being disrupted by ening freedom throughout the World. Class C state championship for the first time being called to serve in the Armed Forces. My district of Staten Island and Brooklyn in the school’s history. This bill is simple in its purpose. It extends celebrates the Greek heritage as an important It is the first state title for any SMCC girls the specific waiver authority within title IV of part of our community, providing diversity and team, and in fact it is the first state crown for the Higher Education Act for the Secretary of culture to our schools and neighborhoods. any girls team from a Monroe County high Education, and allows him to maintain his Mr. Speaker, in closing, I want to congratu- school in any Michigan High School Athletic commitment to our men and women in uniform late the Greek people for 182 years of inde- Association-sanctioned competition. It is quite by providing assistance and flexibility as they pendence and thank them for their contribu- a feat considering their opponent, the North transfer in and out of postsecondary education tions to American life. VerDate Dec 13 2002 04:56 Mar 26, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25MR8.008 E25PT1.
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