West Gippsland Vehicle Restorers Club Inc. Est. 1985 C l u b Newsletter February 2017 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: February 2017 President’s Report 3 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Committee 1 meeting 2 3 4 Calendar of events 4 cake General 5 6 7 8 run 9 10 11 Meeting Ride Drive Day Entry Form 11 Bike Bug 12 Run 13 14 15 splat 16 17 18 Entertainment 12 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Classifieds 14 Ride Tues 26 drive day 27 28 run 2 Committee Members & Club Representatives President Gerry Marvin 0447 211 747 Vice-President Gary Davey 03 5625 5281 Clubrooms and Library Are Open: Treasurer Clubrooms located in St. John Ambulance Jean Fear 0428 276 309 Building, Anderson Street, Warragul Secretary (Corner of Anderson & Burke Street). Jill Davey 03 5625 5281 Open 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Saturday morning Social Secretary for a ‘cuppa and a chat’. Di Goodbody 03 5623 6965 All visitors welcome! [email protected] Website Editor http://www.shannons.com.au/club/carclubs/ Donna Nieuwenhuys 0409 173 040 west-gippsland-vehicle-restorers-club/ Email: [email protected] PO Box 220 Newborough 3825 https://www.facebook.com/WGVRC LIFE MEMBERS - LORNA MELBOURNE - JUNE TOLLEY Club Meetings COMMITTEE General Meetings are usually held the 2nd Librarian Saturday of every month at 11:00 am. (subject Sandy James to change) Membership Jeff Sewell 03 5623 1859 Internet Places of interest: Public Officer Federation Website: Jill Davey 03 5625 5281 http://www.federation.asn.au Building Caretaker A.O.M.C. Website: Bert West 03 5628 5314 ww.aomc.asn.au AOMC Delegate Gary Davey 03 5625 5281 Club Newsletter is published the 1st week of every month. Items for the newsletter CLUB PERMIT SCHEME must be to the Editor by the last Wednes- Permit Registrar / Signatory Jeff Sewell 03 5623 1859 day of each month. Club Run information should be sent to the Editor for inclusion in Signatories the Club Newsletter. Jim Muldowney 0472731942 Neville Christie 03 5127 2912 Disclaimer: The West Gippsland Vehicle Restorers Club Inc. Committee of Management and club mem- bers accept no responsibility for the accuracy of in- General Committee formation, opinions and views printed in this News- Joe Baldacchino letter and are not liable for any actions, damage or Susan Smith incidents that may arise Ben Nieuwenhuys from any or all of the infor- mation contained within. WGVRC Newsletter February 2017 3 President’s Report Hello members We had some great news over the last week or so with Rex, Bert and Sheryl all making an excellent recovery after some challenging health issues. I hope that the friendships and positive energy at the club will help you come back to full health real soon. While I was unable to attend the Australia day celebrations at Shady creek this year, I heard it was once again a success. Thank you to all those who contributed making this so, particularly the hardworking Shady Creek hall committee for their hospitality once more. February is again shaping up to be a month full of activities to get out and enjoy this glorious summer weather. Front of mind is the Norm Tolley run that Barry Hitchins has managed this year. I hope as many of you as possible will be there for this annual event. We have re-introduced the monthly Wednesday evening Bug Splat bike ride commencing on 15th February. This is a twilight cruise once a month over summer and we usually finish with a Pizza at Warragul. It’s great to see our club continuing to grow with new members. At the committee meeting we officially ac- cepted seven new members and their families. With many of them having interest in bikes and cars we hope they will take part in our events and be active members of the club. On a personal note, I advised the com- mittee last night that I intend to stand down from my role as president at the next AGM. I will continue to give one hundred percent till then but I thought it appropriate that we all give consideration as to who may want to take on the role in the next few months. Laugh out loud my friends. Gerry Editors Note I hope everyone had a lovely break, My fam- Of course as we didn’t have a meeting for venue choice please let me know, ily enjoyed a lovely week away at the beach January there have been no minutes pub- these things are a tough bid later in and got to catch up with the Phillip Island lished. the year to book. classic bike race. It always amazes me the Thank you to my hubby Ben for his enter- And thank you to Roy and Elsie for side car racers, how low and fast they go. A taining report on the last Tuesday of the captioning last months photo, that number of them being girls was great to see. month run, and for some great pics. It was taken at Old Gippstown on the Still I don’t think I could see myself doing was a great day for a ride, I was thinking toy run. Did anyone work out the that! of them whist I was at work! hopefully I other puzzles? I have a hunt this time, Even though the club and committee had a can make it to a bug splat. see if you can find it. very small calendar or duties for January a Entries for the Norm Tolley are due, Barry I am very saddened by Gerry's deci- few significant events took place. We cov- asks if you could help to finalise the num- sion, but I also understand the com- ered new years day last issue. Australia Day bers before the 11th of Feb. Your entry mitment and dedication it requires to tradition at Shady Creek was well received. I form is included in this issue. Which ap- undertake his role. I have thoroughly hear well catered. We had a few reports parently had last years date, whoops, it is enjoyed working along side him on and photos sent in thank you to Barry, Rob & lucky no one noticed :) - I am obviously committee and thank him immensely Val and Jill for your contribution. I hear Bert not super editor… ha ha. Funny how for the ongoing sup- did an outstanding job as our representa- many edits we did of the forms and one port and friendship. tive. (As long as he didn’t sing!) Well done still slipped through, hey Barry? Never Thank you Gerry xx. Bert, and it is great to see you back on the mind crisis averted it is fixed now. See you at the mend. As Christmas lunch was so well received I clubrooms, keep Di and Mac managed 50 years of wedded have already secured our spot again for smiling and keep bliss! And scored the front page this month, this years party on the 10th of December. moving congratulations to you both, it is an inspira- She promised to make extra pav just for tion to all. Gerry. If anyone objects or has another Donna ;o) 4 West Gippsland Vehicle Restorers Club Inc. Runs, Rides & Events 2017 February Wed 1st Committee Meeting , clubrooms 6.30pm Wed 8th Cake Run - leave clubrooms at 1.30pm Sat 11th General meeting - Clubrooms 11.00am Sun 12th Bike ride - leave clubrooms 10.00am (cars welcome) Wed 15th Bug Splat - leave clubrooms 6.00pm Sun 26th Ride Drive Day - Morning tea from 9.00 leaving Clubrooms 10am Tues 28th Bike ride - leave clubrooms 10.00am (cars welcome) March Wed 1st Committee Meeting - clubrooms 6.30pm Wed 8th Cake Run - leave clubrooms at 1.30pm (Roys birthday) Sat 11th General meeting - Clubrooms 11.00am (Editors birthday) Sun 12th Lotus farm run - leave clubrooms 9.30am see pg 9 Wed 15th Bug Splat - leave clubrooms 6.00pm Sun 26th Run to Morwell Swap Meet, leave clubrooms 9am Tues 28th Bike ride - leave clubrooms 10.00am (cars welcome) April Wed 5th Committee meeting - clubrooms 6.30pm Sat 8th General meeting - Clubrooms 11.00am Sun 9th Run to Federation Picnic Scoresby Sun 23rd Maffra Shed Swap Meet May TBC Winter Show & Shine All Runs listed on this page are “ Club Runs” or runs arranged by an Authorized Vic Roads Club. Please carry correctly filled out log book at all times. All listed club runs are eligible for the Dorrie Stoll Award. Please fill out registration book at sign in desk. WGVRC Newsletter February 2017 5 Social Secretary’s Report Social Secretary’s Report-February 2017 Get Well-To Sheryl Marvin and Norm Daelmans. Thank you-To all who attended the Australia Day lunch about 100 people attended. -To all those that attended Di and Mac’s Golden wedding anniversary. A BIG THANKYOU for all your cards, gifts and messages. Nearly 40 people attended. Coming Events Wednesday 8th February-Cake Run-leave club rooms at 1.30 p.m. Wednesday the 15th we have a bug splat run - leave clubrooms at 6.00pm Sunday 26th February-Norm Tolley memorial Ride Drive Day-Please fill in the form in the newsletter if you wish to attend. Please bring a plate of food to share with everyone for morning or afternoon tea. Wednesday 8th March-Cake Run-leave the club rooms at 1.30 p.m. Please put your name on the board for any of these events you wish to attend. This is very important for booking purposes. Di Goodbody Phone Di-56236965 [email protected] NORM TOLLEY MEMORIAL RIDE/DRIVE DAY Our Annual Ride Drive Day is regarded as a very special day, One not to miss! We promise an enjoyable day, a scenic run, an entertaining lunch at the Noojee Hotel and another great run back to the club rooms in the afternoon.
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