The weather Mostly sunny, increasing cloudiness this afternoon, high 75-80. Mostly cloudy tonight, chance of showers, low in 60s. Fair, little cooler Thursday, high 70-75. National weather forecast map on Page 18. Carter woos kingpins By DEAN REYNOLDS state of Georgia today, talked of it in elected president of the United United Press International Delaware Tuesday. States,” and pledged to “ do anything Through much of the primary cam­ “Jimmy Carter does a disservice I possibly can” to help. And after paign Jimmy Carter avoided the when he keeps saying, ‘I will not Carter told union members the ad­ Democratic Party power centers, mention or talk about Richard ministration is “limited in ability relying instead on the so-called Nixon’,” Dole said. “ He’s already and timid in leadership.” Meany “ grass roots.” That's changing now, done it. He’s already raised the doubt called Carter “ the man,” and said as is the Republican reluctance to in the minds of the American his election won't come “ a minute discuss Watergate. people.” too soon.” Carter, who says he has spent too Dole stressed- that he wasn’t in­ President Ford attacked Carter much time recently with party volved in Watergate, and that Gerald today for his posture on worldwide leaders and influential contributors, Ford, not Nixon is the candidate of U.S, troop withdrawals. nevertheless visited traditionally the GOP. “ I don’t think we need to go In a speech to the National Guard Democratic strongholds and their back into the past,” he said, ” ... R ’s Association, the President criticized kingmakers Tuesday, a fact the Republican Party was not Carter for saying, in his acceptance involved. Gerald Ford was not in­ speech last month at the Democratic Meanwhile, Republican vice volved.” convention, that he favored presidential candidate Robert Dole In Washington, Kennedy emerged withdrawing overseas forces if it faced Watergate head-on and ac­ from his meeting with Carter to say would not endanger this country’s cused Democrats of linking Presi­ it is “ important Gov. Carter be security. dent Ford by implication to his dis­ credited predecessor. The Democratic presidential Rightists and leftists nominee met with AFL-CIO presi­ dent George Meany and Sen, Edward Kennedy, leaving with endorsements clash near Beirut Sara Robinson, guidance counselor at Manchester High School, administers tests to not-so- from both before courting support at eager new sophomores at this morning's orientation session for incoming students. The fundraising dinners in New York- BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) - president-elect Elias Sarkis’ City. Rightists and leftist forces clashed peace parley in Damascus. new Class of 1979 is taking tests, receiving course schedules and meeting with counselors with rockets and mortars today in Clashes along the confrontation today and Thursday in preparation of school opening next Wednesday, Sept. 8. While Carter has said he will not suburban Beirut and in the moun­ lines of Beirut’s southeastern sub­ bring up the Watergate scandals of tains northeast of the capital. urbs and in the mountains northeast Richard Nixon’s administration, the Lebanon’s warfronts remained of the capital claimed at least 87 subject continues to surface, and comparatively quiet, however, as dead over the past 24 hours, accor­ Dole, who is visiting Carter’s home both sides awaited the results of ding to the combined figures of Antibusing protesters clash militia groups. "That’s a normal toll for a light day when nothing much is Anti-boycott amendment happening,” said a leftist official, his with police in Louisville cynicism a reflection of the level of violence which war-weary Beirutis added to tax measure have come to take tor granted over 17 By JOHN LESAR about 200 persons set bonfires along answer the questions before school months of strife. United Press International the highway and refused to disperse starts on a staggered basis Thursday WASHINGTON (UPI) - A House- legislation despite the administra­ The capital’s Christian and Hopes for a peaceful resumption of after the march. and Friday. Today, parents were en­ Senate conference committee has tion. Parsky replied, “ It is rather Moslem residential quarters bustled school busing in Louisville, Ky., The crowd retreated to a shopping couraged to visit the schools their served notice it will vote to impose shocking to hear you talk that way.” with activity as pedestrians, street vanished in clouds of tear gas center across the highway from the children will attend to meet teachers tax sanctions on companies that Sen. Russell Long, D-La., chair­ vendors and motorists enjoyed a sun­ Tuesday night. school, the scene of similar violence and administrators. cooperate with the Arab boycott of man of the conference, cut the ny day’s respite from the artillery An antibusing protest erupted on last year. Over the last four days, a “ rumor- Israel, despite strong opposition exchange short, and told Parsky, and mortar fire. the eve of the second year of j busing Some demonstrators picked up control” center has answered about from the Ford administration. “ We’re going to pass an anti-boycott In the late morning, however, desegregation program. canisters and tossed them back at the 1,000 telephone Inquiries a day. sporadic shelling sent three shells But Dayton, Ohio, officials moved policemen. The court-ordered busing plan is The boycott issue was only one of amendment.” into West Beirut. a public awareness program on Six persons were taken into police aimed at making each school reflect hundreds of issues in the huge tax Long told the staff to carefully Leaders of both sides were busing into high gear hoping to avert custody. Two were later released a systemwide racial division of 48 per revision bill, including an extension draft an amendment limitftig the tax awaiting a briefing by Sarkis, who similar problems when schools there without charge. cent black and 52 per cent white. of tax cuts. The committee is sanctions to secondary and third- returned Tuesday night from one-day open Thursday and Cleveland of­ There were 638 arrests between working to complete the bill — a level boycotts only, also limiting the The Cleveland school board talks in Damascus with Syrian Presi­ ficials prepared an appeal of a .school Sept. 4,1975, beginning the fall term, compromise between House and effect of the sanctions to the business Tuesday authorized ah appeal of a dent Hafez Assad, desegregation order. and Jan. 1, 1976 in connection with Senate versions of the bill — by actually connected with the boycott. desegregation order leveled against Both Sarkis and the Syrians played Today, some 20,000 black and white antibusing demonstrations in Thursday. The sanctions involve loss of the the system by a federal judge. down the visit, issuing no joint state­ children, 2,000 more than last year, Louisville, mainly in an area south of The committee staff was ordered foreign tax credit, foreign tax The court, ruling on a suit by the deferral and benefits under Domestic ment. ^coun ts in both the Syrian were bused to better mix their races the city limits. to draft an amendment denying some and Lmanese media were skimpy in the Louisville-Jefferson County Ohio’s first court-ordered busing NAACP Tuesday, found the city and foreign tax benefits to companies International Sales Corporations. state school boards guilty of Illegally Similar legislation for a ban on any and v ^ u e , leading observers to area’s 165 schools, desegregation plan begins Thursday that cooperate in international gu ess-tS la lk s were inconclusive. Tuesday night, police fired tear gas in the 41,(X)0-student Dayton school fostering school segregation. Both boycotts after the White House U.S. firms participating in the Arab boards denied the allegation and boycott against Israel was approved Sources close to the neogitation to disperse antibusing protesters system. About 13,(XX) students— most refused to offer compromise reported earlier that rightist and lef­ among the 1,000 persons who of them in the elementary grades — charged the ruling would end the con­ language of its own, saying the Inter­ Tuesday by the House Internationhl cept of community schools. Relations Committee. tist forces are close to an agreement marched along Preston Highway will be bused. nal Revenue Code was no place to on an Arab League peace plan that near Southern High School. Police A citywide, school-sponsored conduct foreign policy. By a 27-1 vote, that panel urged the Despite the appeal, the city and full House to make it a violation for could end the 17-month-old civil war. said the gas was used only after systentTif visits by volunteers to the state must formulate a plan for "Use of the tax code here would homes of students, was designed to any American company to refrain desegregating the Cleveland schools. not affect the boycott and would from doing business with Israel in harm our international interests,” order to continue dealings with Arab Assistant Treasury Secretary Gerald nations. L. Parsky told the committee. State surplus reported r Opponents of the House measure Sen. Abraham Ribicoff, D-Conn., believe Arab nations, particularly News summary accused Parsky of acting “ as a flack Saudi Arabia, might retaliate by to be $34.7 million for the Arabs on this issue,” and said giving lucrative business contracts to COMPILED FROM UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL Congress would pass anti-boycott other nations. HARTFORD (UPI) — Connecticut, approach as only putting off the State finalized contracts and only three faced with a projected $80 million problem to another day. have serious deadlocks. budget deficit only 10 months ago, Officials said the $114.7 million tur­ HARTFORD — Unemployment Volcano may erupt will close the books on the last fiscal nabout in the state's fiscal status was compensation claims in Connec­ year with a $34.7 million surplus, partly of an upturn in the state’s ticut dropped .1 per cent between National state officials said today.
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