UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF OF PENNSYLVANIA PENNSYLVANIA Tuesday September 29, 2015 Volume 62 Number 7 www.upenn.edu/almanac Two Endowed Professors Named in Penn Arts and Sciences $5 Million NSF Grant to Establish Dean Steven Fluharty is pleased to name Jeffrey Kallberg, associate dean for arts and Mid-Atlantic Nanotechnology Hub two faculty members to endowed chairs in the letters and professor of music, has been named at Penn’s Singh Center School of Arts & Sciences. the William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Music. The National Science Foundation (NSF) Joseph Farrell, Dr. Kallberg is a scholar of music of the 19th awarded the University of Pennsylvania’s Krish- professor of classi- and 20th centuries, specializing in edito- na P. Singh Center for Nanotechnology a five- cal studies, has been year, $5 million grant to establish the Mid- named the M. Mark rial and critical the- ory and gender stud- Atlantic Nanotechnology Hub for Research, and Esther K. Wat- Education & Innovation. kins Professor in the ies. He is a renowned expert on Polish com- As part of its National Nanotechnology Co- Humanities. Dr. Far- poser Fryderyk Cho- ordinated Infrastructure program, the NSF will rell is an internation- pin (1810-1849) and provide a total of $81 million to 16 “user facil- ally recognized Lati- has published widely ities.” Such facilities allow access to nanotech nist whose research on both his music and fabrication and characterization equipment— as spans genres and its cultural contexts. well as the relevant expertise—to partner insti- historical epochs. A His seminal mono- tutions in government, academia, industry and scholar of Latin lit- graph, Chopin at the the public at large. erature and poetry as Joseph Farrell Boundaries: Sex, His- Jeffrey Kallberg “This grant will in- well as the culture of tory, and Musical crease access to the the Republican and Augustan periods, Dr. Far- Genre, has been cited by virtually all subsequent Singh Center by exter- rell has published a number of ground-breaking studies of Chopin and translated into Polish. His nal users,” said Mark studies that encompass both traditional and in- current projects include books on Chopin’s noc- Allen, director of the novative topics and approaches. He has master- turnes and on Chopin’s things, and an investi- Singh Center and Al- fully translated important and highly challeng- gation into the links between ideas of landscape and modernism, especially in Scandinavian fred Fitler Moore Pro- ing texts and has edited and co-edited influential fessor of Electrical & compilations, namely on Augustan poetry and music from the first half of the 20th century. Dr. Kallberg’s critical edition of Luisa Miller Systems Engineering the works of Vergil. He is currently working on in Penn’s School of En- a monograph, entitled Juno’s Aeneid, on meta- for The Works of Giuseppe Verdi has been per- formed on stages across North America, Europe gineering & Applied poetics, narrativity and dissent in Vergil’s epic and Asia, and he is the recipient of fellowships Science. “Our goal is Mark Allen masterpiece. from the National Endowment for the Humani- to catalyze a nanotech Mark and Esther Watkins established this ties and the Guggenheim Foundation. hub, centered here in Philadelphia, by bring- chair through a bequest in 1969. Their gift sup- This chair was established through a 1970 ing together industry and academic external us- ports an accomplished teacher who shows po- gift from the William R. Kenan Charitable Trust ers and having them interact with Penn facilities tential as a leader in his or her field. The hold- to support a scholar and teacher of distinction and Penn researchers.” er must demonstrate a breadth of knowledge whose enthusiasm for learning, commitment to In addition to hosting outside researchers and accomplishment spanning more than one teaching and interest in students will make a no- who need the Singh Center’s equipment to im- discipline and, most importantly, have a lively table contribution to the undergraduate commu- age or manipulate atomic and molecular-scale awareness of the role and ramifications of the nity. Established in 1966, the William R. Kenan samples, the Center will also host education humanities as they touch upon cultural values, Charitable Trust focuses on education at private programs to introduce high school students, col- aesthetics and history. institutions in the United States. (continued on page 2) $3 Million NSF Grant for Research Partnership: University of Puerto Rico and Penn The University of Puerto Rico (UPR) and PREM award is the third garnered by UPR and “I think the success of our long partnership can University of Pennsylvania have been award- Penn’s LRSM. This award supports the work be attributed primarily to the interest and commit- ed a $3 million National Science Foundation of students and faculty at three UPR campuses: ment of partners from both institutions, who are al- (NSF) grant to support their Partnership for Re- Humacao, Cayey and Bayamon, of which Hu- ways excited about working together on solving search and Education in Materials (PREM). The macao is the lead institution. research problems as well as mentoring and moti- PREM award extends the decade-spanning rela- “We see this as a critical pathway for increas- vating students,” she said. “After 15 years, we have tionship between UPR and Penn’s Laboratory for ing diversity in STEM fields, both at Penn and well-established collaborations, but at the same Research on the Structure of Matter (LRSM), in beyond,” said Arjun Yodh, director of Penn’s (continued on page 2) which faculty, staff and students share resources LRSM and co-director of the PREM. “More- IN THIS ISSUE and collaborate on interdisciplinary research re- over, all participating institutions are doing ex- 2 Trustees Meetings; Council Meeting; lated to materials science. cellent science, and a long paper trail of collab- Conversation on Pope Francis’ Visit; Privacy Officer The PREM program is funded by the NSF’s orative interdisciplinary materials publications 3 From the President and Provost: On the Findings Division of Materials Research with the aim of has resulted from our partnership.” of the AAU Campus Climate Survey on Sexual building long-term partnerships between mi- UPR, Humacao, is an undergraduate insti- Assault and Sexual Misconduct nority-serving educational institutions and NSF tution, and many of the joint papers published 4 Campus Resources 5 Research Roundup research centers such as the LRSM, which hosts have undergraduate co-authors. 6 Benchmarks: Twenty-Five Year Club: New Members a Materials Research Science and Engineering “The impact of PREM goes well beyond 8 Research Roundup Center. the program participants and has transformed 9 Morris Arboretum: Fall Festival, Connections Series Penn and UPR were two of the original insti- the research culture at our university and influ- 10 Penn’s Way; African Roots, American Voices; tutions involved in this type of NSF partnership, enced the Puerto Rican community-at-large,” Community Involvement Recognition Awards which began more than 15 years ago when the said PREM co-director Idalia Ramos, a profes- 11 Annenberg Lecture; PHOS; Burrison Gallery; Microbiome Symposium; CrimeStats program was known as a Collaborative to Inte- sor in the department of physics and electronics 12 Woven Words: Illuminating Wampum Histories grate Research and Education. The most recent at UPR, Humacao. Pullout: October AT PENN ALMANAC September 29, 2015 www.upenn.edu/almanac 1 $5 Million NSF Grant to Establish University Privacy Officer: Trustees: October 1 Mid-Atlantic Nanotechnology Hub Scott Schafer Meetings of the Trustees of the University of at Penn’s Singh Center The Office of Audit, Compliance and Privacy Pennsylvania will be held on Thursday, Octo- (continued from page 1) announced the arrival of Scott Schafer as Uni- ber 1. lege undergraduates and the Philadelphia area versity Privacy Officer. 9:35-11:05 a.m. Budget & Finance community to nanotechnology. The next gen- Mr. Schafer joins the Committee; Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine, Conference Center. eration of nanotechnologists will have the op- Office of Audit, Compli- portunity to participate in Nano Day and Sum- ance and Privacy hav- 1:15-1:30 p.m. Meeting of the Executive mer Research Experiences for Undergraduates ing spent the last four Committee; Perelman Center for Advanced programs, view nanotechnology contributions years as Senior Coun- Medicine, Conference Center. to community outreach programs such as Philly sel with the Vanguard Please contact the Office of the University Materials Day and the Philadelphia Science Fes- Group where he led the Secretary at (215) 898-7005 with your plans to Legal & Compliance attend. tival and participate in workforce training activ- Division’s Global Pri- ities for nanotechnology technicians carried out vacy & Data Protection in partnership with the Community College of team. In this capacity he COUNCIL Philadelphia. had global responsibility Penn’s nanotechnology hub will be part of a From the Office of the University Secretary for ensuring enterprise- Scott Schafer nationwide effort to increase access to such re- wide compliance with search facilities for the public good. U.S. and international privacy and data security Agenda for “NSF’s long-standing investments in nan- laws. Mr. Schafer brings to Penn significant ex- University Council Meeting otechnology infrastructure have helped the re- perience in working with key business partners search community to make great progress and senior leadership to develop and implement Wednesday, October 7, 4 p.m. by making research facilities available,” said business solutions that ensure privacy compli- Bodek Lounge, Houston Hall Pramod Khargonekar, NSF’s assistant director ance while driving business results and encour- for engineering. “NNCI will serve as a nation- aging innovation. Prior to Vanguard, he served in I. Announcement of Appointment of a wide backbone for nanoscale research, which multiple roles of escalating responsibility in the Moderator (1 minute).
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