April 18, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 153, Pt. 7 9199 There being no objection, the Senate (1) congratulates the City of Chicago on se- Whereas General Schoomaker has dem- proceeded to consider the concurrent curing the bid to represent the United States onstrated strategic leadership and vision and resolution. in the international competition to host the has had a remarkably positive and lasting Mr. SALAZAR. Mr. President, I ask 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games; and impact on the Army by leveraging the mo- unanimous consent that the concur- (2) encourages the International Olympic mentum of the Global War on Terror to ac- Committee to select Chicago as the site of celerate the transformation of the Army; rent resolution be agreed to, the pre- the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Whereas General Schoomaker, through amble be agreed to, the motion to re- f modularization, rebalancing the total Army, consider be laid upon the table, and development of a force generation model, re- that any statements relating thereto COMMENDING GENERAL PETER J. stationing, and restructuring the Future be printed in the RECORD. SCHOOMAKER Combat Systems, kept the Army focused on The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. SALAZAR. Mr. President, I ask developing capabilities to meet traditional, objection, it is so ordered. unanimous consent that the Armed irregular, catastrophic, and disruptive chal- The concurrent resolution (S. Con. lenges threatening the interests of the Services Committee be discharged from United States; Res. 28) was agreed to. further consideration of and the Senate The preamble was agreed to. Whereas General Schoomaker recognized The concurrent resolution, with its now proceed to consider S. Res. 139. that technological and organizational The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without preamble, reads as follows: change requires intellectual and emotional objection, it is so ordered. The clerk transformation and tirelessly cultivated a S. CON. RES. 28 will report the resolution by title. learning and adaptive Army culture, while Whereas the City of Chicago has been se- The assistant legislative clerk read reaffirming the predominance of the human lected by the United States Olympic Com- as follows: dimension of war; mittee to represent the United States in its Whereas General Schoomaker reflected the bid to host the 2016 Summer Olympic and A resolution (S. Res. 139) commending Gen- eral Peter J. Schoomaker for his extraor- spirit of the warrior ethos he sought to in- Paralympic Games; still in the United States Army—always Whereas, by 2016, 20 years will have passed dinary dedication to duty and service to the United States. placing the mission first, never accepting de- since the Summer Olympics were held in a feat, never quitting, and never leaving a fall- city in the United States; There being no objection, the Senate en comrade; Whereas Chicago is a world-class city with proceeded to consider the resolution. Whereas General Schoomaker exemplifies remarkable diversity, culture, history, and Mr. SALAZAR. Mr. President, I ask the nonnegotiable characteristics exhibited people; unanimous consent that the resolution by all great leaders—a strong sense of duty, Whereas the citizens of Chicago take great be agreed to, the preamble be agreed honor, courage, and a love of country; pride in all aspects of their city and have a to, and the motion to reconsider be laid Whereas General Schoomaker has been deep love for sports; selfless in his service to the Nation through Whereas Chicago already holds a place in upon the table. peace and war; the international community as a city of im- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Whereas one of General Schoomaker’s migrants from around the world, who are objection, it is so ordered. predecessors, George C. Marshall, once re- eager to be ambassadors to visiting Olympic The resolution (S. Res. 139) was marked that ‘‘it is not enough to fight, it is athletes; agreed to. the spirit we bring to the fight that decides Whereas the Olympic and Paralympic The preamble was agreed to. the issue’’; and Games will be played in the heart of Chicago The resolution, with its preamble, Whereas when history looks back at the so that athletes and visitors can appreciate reads as follows: Army’s 35th Chief of Staff, it will be clear the beauty of the downtown parks and lake- S. RES. 139 that he had the spirit at a critical time in front; Whereas General Peter J. Schoomaker, the Whereas Chicago is one of the transpor- the Nation’s history: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Senate— tation hubs of the world and can provide ac- 35th Chief of Staff of the United States (1) commends General Peter J. cessible transportation to international visi- Army, will be released from active duty in Schoomaker for his extraordinary dedication tors through extensive rail, transit, and April 2007, after over 35 distinguished years to duty and service to the United States motorways infrastructure, combined with of active Federal service; throughout his distinguished career in the the world-class O’Hare and Midway Inter- Whereas General Schoomaker, a native of national Airports; Wyoming, graduated from the University of U.S. Army; and Whereas the motto of the 2016 Olympic and Wyoming in 1969, served in a variety of com- (2) directs the Secretary of the Senate to Paralympic Games in Chicago would be mand and staff assignments with both con- transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution ‘‘Stir the Soul,’’ and the games would inspire ventional and special operations forces, in- to General Peter J. Schoomaker. citizens around the world, both young and cluding participation in numerous combat f operations, such as Desert One in Iran, Ur- old; HONORING THE LIFE OF ERNEST Whereas a Midwestern city has not hosted gent Fury in Grenada, Just Cause in Pan- the Olympic Games since the 1904 games in ama, Desert Shield/Desert Storm in South- GALLO St. Louis, Missouri, and the opportunity to west Asia, and Uphold Democracy in Haiti, Mr. SALAZAR. Mr. President, I ask host the Olympics would be an achievement and supported various worldwide joint con- unanimous consent that the Senate not only for Chicago and for the State of Illi- tingency operations, including those in the Balkans; proceed to the immediate consider- nois, but also for the entire Midwest; ation of H. Con. Res. 88, just received Whereas hosting the 2016 Olympic and Whereas General Schoomaker has been Paralympic Games would provide substan- awarded the Defense Distinguished Service from the House and at the desk. tial local, regional, and national economic Medal, 2 Army Distinguished Service Medals, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The benefits; 4 Defense Superior Service Medals, 3 Legions clerk will report. Whereas Mayor Richard M. Daley, Patrick of Merit, 2 Bronze Star Medals, 2 Defense The assistant legislative clerk read Ryan, and members of the Chicago 2016 Com- Meritorious Service Medals, 3 Meritorious as follows: mittee have campaigned tirelessly to secure Service Medals, the Joint Service Com- A concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 88) Chicago’s bid to host the Olympic and mendation Medal, the Joint Service Achieve- honoring the life of Ernest Gallo. Paralympic Games; ment Medal, the Combat Infantryman Badge, Whereas, through the campaign to be se- the Master Parachutist Badge and HALO There being no objection, the Senate lected by the United States Olympic Com- Wings, the Special Forces Tab, and the proceeded to consider the concurrent mittee, Chicago’s citizens, officials, workers, Ranger Tab; resolution. community groups, and businesses have dem- Whereas General Schoomaker was recalled Mr. SALAZAR. Mr. President, I ask onstrated their ability to come together to from retirement, spent the last 4 years of his unanimous consent that the concur- exemplify the true spirit of the Olympic career in the highest position attainable in rent resolution be agreed to, the pre- Games and the City of Chicago; and the Army, and has proven himself a tremen- amble be agreed to, and the motion to Whereas the Olympic and Paralympic dous wartime leader who has demonstrated reconsider be laid upon the table, with- unselfish devotion to the Nation and the sol- Games represent the best of the human spirit out intervening action or debate. and there is no better fit for hosting this diers he leads; event than one of the world’s truly great cit- Whereas General Schoomaker’s efforts to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ies: Now, therefore, be it prepare the Army to fight a long war today objection, it is so ordered. Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- while transforming it for an uncertain and The concurrent resolution (H. Con. resentatives concurring), That Congress— complex future have been unprecedented; Res. 88) was agreed to. VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:15 May 04, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00105 Fmt 0685 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR07\S18AP7.003 S18AP7 rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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