' '.. "1 Hai 5tyr Mmz?MAR 1 197 Vol. L Madison College, Harrlsonburg, Va., Friday, March 1, 1974 No. 37 Frats And Palmer Clash Over New A.B.C. Actions Accusations Seemingly Unfounded By GREGORY BYRNE * A heated controversy Invo- The letter ended with a call activity designed to eliminate lving the HarrlsonburgA.B.C. for a boycott of Martin's clubs the opposition offered by the Board, Martin Palmer of Mar- to protest the organization's dances held at Massanutten, tin's Garage, and the frater- alleged unethical activities. which supposedly have been nities of Madison College has The brothers viewed the entire drawing crowds away from erupted following the publica- affair as a challenge to thestu- the downtown clubs. The au- tion of a letter In the Feb. 19 dents of Madison to "stand up thor of this letter cited ano- edition of THE BREEZE. The for their social rights." ther downtown businessman as letter, written by two fratern- Following publication of the his source of Information re- ity brothers who have asked to letter, THE BREEZE received garding Palmer's involvment. remain anonymous, charged additional material charging Several days after the letter that employees of Martin's that Martin Palmer had been made its appearance, a rep- Garage had complained to the responsible for a supposed re- representative of Martin's Gara- local A.B.C.board In an cent crackdown at Massanut- ge approached THE BREEZE attempt to stifle their opposi- ten Lodge, also Involving the and requested the newspaper tion In the liquor trade - In es- violation of Virginia liquor print a retraction of the letter, sence to assure a monopoly of - laws. claiming that it libeled a re- the beer and party trade In This letter further claimed spected businessman of the Harrlsonburg. that Palmer was engaged In community, and could lead to financial loss on the part of the club. Palmer later denied that he sent his associate to Godwin Converts ask for the retraction. He also denied h 1 s role In the whole affair, stating, "I was To Big Top Scene not Involved In any crackdown on fraternity parties." Trained wild animals and be- After investigating the mat- Beautiful girls and gorgeous ter, THE BREEZE has found autiful girl performers will be costuming are emphasized in no evidence to support the le- Important elements In the var- the three all-new production tter writers In their attempts ied performance of Hanneford spectaculars which are incor- to pin the blame for their re- Circus when it appears in God- porated into the circus. In cent warning from A.B.C. on win Hall on March 24. With an ■Neptune's Holiday" shapely • the associates of Martin's Ga- Impressive array of new fea- sea nymphs and mermaids sail rage. tures, the 1974 program of this through the air in a colorful The problem with the frater- popular circus promises to be aerial ballet. "Circus Parade" nities seems to have begun the strongest In its history. is a second spectacle that is .when Mike Webb, the Inter- High on the list of animal a blaze of light, color and be- Fraternity Council administ- features will be the lion and auty. "Circus Country" util- rative advisor, received not- tiger act presented in the steel izes the entire company in a ice from the local A.B.C. in- arena by the lovely, graceful dazzling circus-style salute to vestigator that several com- and fearless lady trainer, Ta- the 'Nashville sound" of coun- plaints had been filed concer- Jana. She performs with a mi- try music. ning the parties of a certain xed group of Jungle-bred cats Among other features of the Continued on Page 8 which include both Bengal and show, many of them being seen Siberian tigers plus a black - in this country for the first maned African lion. As the cli- time, are the Hungarian Trou- MC Debaters max of her act she presents pe, In an exhibition of acroba- a savage black panther that tic strength and coordination; Defeated mounts and rides the back of - the Pinsons, courageous high- Madison College debaters one of Its natural enemies, an advanced to the quarter finals Indian elephant. trapeze daredevils; Marina before being defeated in the At another point in the pro- Radulescu, young Rumanian 15th Annual Florida State Uni- gram, blond and beautiful Gina aerialist; the Barrys and the versity Debate Tournament Dubsky presents a group of Roberts, whirlwind tumblers held recently in Tallahassee, performing African leopards. and trampolinlsts; Don and Fla. Insofar as women are seldom Lana, unbelievably clever Jug- Sophomores Janice Mottley seen in the highly dangerous glers; the Four Dubskys and and Jennifer Golns qualified role of wild animal trainers, the Argentlnos, high perch- for the elimination rounds wi- the appearance of two such girl pole balancing artists; and an th victories over Florida St- performers within one circus entire troupe of clowns, head- ate, Emory University and The Aerial Pin sons, in one program may well constitute a ed by the side-splitting comic, West Georgia. In the octo fin- circus "first*. Doug Ashton, Australia's con- als, the Madison team defeat- Additional animal stars in- tribution to the art of slapstick ed Broward Junior College of of the stunts they will perform clude Janos's Chimpanzees comedy. The prestigious Han- Florida and then lost a split and Lacey's Performing Sea- neford Family Bareback Rid- decision In the quarter finals ls. Joanne's Pets are another ing Act will give added luster to Stetson University. when the Hanneford Circus popular Item In this year's to the show with its big cast Freshmen Linda Jones and show--an adorable congress of horses and riders, again Arthur Van Lear also repre- of very appealing and very featuring Tommy Hanneford, sented Madison in the tourna- conies to Madison College well trained dogs and ponies. the riding comedian, and Peter ment. They defeated Troy St- Finally there are the ever-po- Haubner, young guest riding ate College and Mlaml-Dade pular performing elephants star from the Hungarian State during the preliminary rou- March 24 and horses. Circus in Budapest. nds. /N / Page 2, THE BREEZE, Friday, March 1, 1974 Editorial And p0,..2,3 Opinion Page 'What Is It Like to Be Black at Madison?' Dear Editor, After attending the Philoso- As one student put It, the si- phy Forum entitled 'What Is tuation Is sort of like walking a ^M 1 r ,>PS M^W I }\ * WW Ml I W<|IH till" I " ' " ' It Like to Be Black at Madison* on a bomb. We're all Just wait- "NO,NO-THIS LANE »S WAITING IN LfNE F0R.GA9/ YQU V/AMT THE TRAFFIC JAM-THATS ing for It to explode. I mean- TWO-nun LAMESi.Akipt; OVER.'nVFP'" let's face It. Madison College Is long overdue for change In so many areas, this being only one area. What's so frustrating Isthat we honestly want to do someth- ing about It, but are too Ignor- tetter$»Mf ant as to how to go about chang- ing the structure. When we br- ought this up at the forum, we were given no answers. Two proposals we can sug- Thanks For Nothing gest are: l)that the College ad- mit more blacks In, but not due to a need for money, or from guilt feelings, but rather Dear Editor: on the basis of academic sta- I had hoped that I would be music—a Justified pride (any- sincerely hope so, as we bell- nding, like everyone else; 2) writing this letter to thank one who has seen them can un- eve they will add greatly to the that Madison Introduce more you for helping to advertise derstand why.) To us, it is un- concert. black culture Into the depart- and promote the benefit con- derstandable that they would- By the time this letter Is pr- we are deeply frustrated. ments. cert we are having this Fri- n't want their name attached inted, the show will be only ho- First of all, we went to the But It takes more than this. day night (March 1st). to an effort that didn't accur- urs away, and the decisions meeting because recently we Anyone at all Interested in True, you did print an article ately reflect the purposes and wfll have already been made. have come to the realization change, in doing something to In the Feb. 26 issue, but inst- alms of the band. After all, if It is probably too late to undo that, as Individuals, we haven't help, please contact us through ead of thanking you or helping John Lennon, Rlngo Starr and the damage your newspaper done one thing to help the black the mall. But people, its got us, I'd like to take this oppo- George Harrison were to play may have already caused. We situation. I mean—everyone to come down to Individuals, rtunity to thank you for poss- without Paul McCartney, on Just want to take this opportun- knows It exists. If It's not evi- also. And that means people ibly ruining the whole affair. different peoples' equipment, ity to thank the members of dent on Madison's campus, with .people. I refer to your headline'Ha- and on short notice, it Just Happy for volunteering, re- we've at least read about It el- Robert Schleith-Box 2942 ppy The Man Returns." When wouldn't be the Beatles. The gardless of whether they play sewhere. Dixie Eldere-Box 876 we delivered the copy for the flavor would be much the sa- or not.
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