o mkbei QimssMRf VOLUME THIRTY-SEVEN NUMBER FOURTEEN HtH HOUSTON, TEXAS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1950 Entered as second class mailing matter, October 17, 1916, at the Post Office, Houston, under the act of March 3, 1879. 1950 Review Preparations A.F. of L. Pickets New Stadium Speeded Up As Show Date Stadium Pickets Union Protests Rapidly Approaches Want Recognition Biology Fellow Use of Open Shop Of Trades Union Develops Possible By Brown & Root Work on the Rice Institute Re- By Bill Hobby view of Science and Arts, the de- By Emmett McGeever Test For Viruses Pickets are walking their slow, scendent of the old pre-war tra- First Mardi Gras The Thresher sent a reporter to dition, the Rice Engineering Show, interview the pickets picketing the by Beverly Brooks protesting circles at two gates to the construction site of the new sta- is rapidly gaining momentum in the new stadium—with the following On December 30, 1949, Mrs. Luo- dium. They've been there every new year. The outstanding event! At Coliseum results. lin S. Altenburgh, a fellow in Biol- workday since January third. They for Rice Institute in 1950 will be ogy at Rice Institute presented a E.B. Wade, a 62-year-old carpen- were put there by the Houston the revival of Rice's bi-annual open Next Month paper to the American Association ter, had this to say: "We crafts- Building and Construction Trades house. In 1940, the last year in for the Advancement of Science, On February 17, 1950, Hous- men have built almost the whole Council, which is defying Brown & which the show was held, over describing a possible virus-detec- ton will have its first annual city of Houston. All we are trying Root, the building contractors when 40,000 people from Houston and all tion test which she has developed. Mardi Gras, to be held at the to do is to get Mr. Brown to rec- have agreed to construct the sta- parts of the nation flooded over the Awarded a pre-doctorate research Sam Houston Coliseum. There ognize the Building Trades Coun- dium at cost. Rice campus to view the displays cil." The major point of difference fellowship by the Atomic Energy will be a King—it is hoped that Tuesday, Richard J. Gray, pres- •of Rice's scientific equipment and between the Council (an AF of L Commission in 1948, Mrs. Alten- Bob Hope will preside—and Queen, ident of the Building and Construc- work and to enjoy the technical organization) and Brown & Rot burg is now in the second year of surrounded by a Court selected from tion Trades Department of the Am- horseplay, such as the Alchemist's is, according to Mr. Wade, the rec- her work. With the pi-esentation of Houston's loveliest co-eds at Rice erican Federation of Labor, arrived den where medieval scientists per- ognition of carpenters, electricians, her theory last year, Mrs. Alten- Institute, University of St. Thomas, in Houston. The Houston Council is formed spectacular chemical mar- etc., as craftsmen. In other words, burg stole a lap on four other large University of Houston and South affiliated with the AFL group, Mr. vels. the union objects to carpenters do- schools throughout the United Texas College. The famous young Gray stated that the object of his This article introduces a weeicly ing any other type of work except States, and who were looking for star from Hollywood, Ann Blyth, trip was to confer with Houston series in which the progress of the carpentry, electricians doing other the same answers that she was, will reign as Honorary Queen. Council members about non-union development, of the Review will be than electrical work, etc. Viruses cause smallpox, influen- conditions which exist here. "I refer summarized for your information. This will be a charity affair spon- za, poliomyelites and many other Another picket, who refused to specifically to Brown & Root," he This week the plans of the chemis- sored by the University of St. human diseases, but because of their give his name, complained that said. try department will be outlined. The Thomas to raise money for scholar- Brown & Root was importing out- small size they cannot be seen un- department manager for the chem- ships for worthy and talented stu- der the ordinary microscope, and The dispute resulting in the pick- of-state labor. "Check those li- eting of the Rice Institute is an istry department is J.S. Binford, dents of all denominations, so that cense plates," he said, pointing to- so it is difficult for the doctor to senior chemistry major. t many more may be fitted to pre- diagnose a suspected virus disease, old one. The AFL has been trying wards a row of cars parked near the for years to organize Brown & Root, The chem department is to fol- serve the Christian ideals and the or for the research worker to de- construction. "Most of them are one of the nation's largest "hold- low custom in devoting the major American way of life. tect viruses for study in the labor- from out of state." " outs". The Rice Stadium dispute portion of its work to the portrayal There will be dancing to. the mu- atory. Mrs. „Altenburg began her Questioned about Brown & Root started with a request from the of the serious work of the depart- sic of Carman Cavallero and his experiments in the hope of finding a pay scales, the picket said, "The union that Brown & Root hire union (Continued on Page 2) band; there will be a parade of method of detecting suspected vir- men working on that job are get- labor exclusively. Brown & Root floats, sponsored by various civic uses by means of radioactive phos- ting higher wages because of the phorus. refused, and the union began pick- organizations; there will be a Car- unions. Why doesn't Brown & Root Using eggs, Mrs. Altenburg in- eting. Then the Supreme Court up- nival Midway. Many valuable priz- pay the (union) scale? Why do they jects radioactive phosphorus which held enforcement of the so-called All-Conference es have been donated. Among them pay starvation wages.?" "right-to-work" law, which forbids are a 7-day all-expense trip for two the viruses need to grow, 18 of the Asked if he knew what wages discrimination in hiring against to New York City, with accomo- eggs having a virus added, and 6 Squad Selected Brown & Root pay, he replied "No." either union or non-union labor. So dations at the Plaza Hotel; an all- without. After a period of time the Both men said they had never the union changed its grievance to This year, or rather last year, expense trip for two to Mexico radio-activity of the eggs, with the worked for Brown & Root. the complaint that Brown and Root the sports editors of the seven Con- City; and a 4-year scholarship to added virus, is considerably higher 1 Both pickets carried signs read- than that of the non-treated eggs, doesn't observe proper craft dis- ference schools, under * the leader- the University of St. Thomas, trans- tinctions, that is, that carpenters do ship and tabulating of Chuch" Ca- ferable to any friend or relative, ing "This job unfair. Houston because the virus itself causes ra- Building Trades Council AFL." (Continued on Page 3)t electricians' jobs, etc. It is on this baniss of the Texas A&M "Battal- and with no time limit. basis that the dispute is being fought ion", picked an All-Conference at the present time. team. The balloting for nominations, In addition to this, Tuesday, Mr. at least, was based on individual Gray said that the Brown & Root game performances. Rice manageod Decline of West is Forum Topic wage scale was under union stan- to get six spots on the first teams, (Continued on Page 3) printed below. Sonny Wyatt made By Dewey Gonsoulin civilizations grow or decline by the He said, "If western civilization de- 0 ± the second offensive team, Carl j. Tuesday evening three Forum nature of their responses to chal- clines it will be a consequence of Schwarz and Gerald Weatherly got speakers grappled with a problem lenge. Dr. Dix's thesis maintained our intellectual laziness. We have honorable mention on offense, and which has intrigued, baffled, and that Western civilization is meeting the resources necessary to find a Firms Advertise Schwarz, and S. J. Roberts made discouraged men for many years: the challenge of industrialism, as solution to the problem." He con- honorable mention on defense. This "Is Western Civilization Declining?" is shown by the progress in factory cluded ' by pointing out that he In Review Program was the only All-Conference selec- The speakers were Dr. William Dix, working conditions achieved in the agreed with Dr. Dix's test to de- Ed Kaiser, Senior Civil Engineei-, tion made after the season was Librarian and assistant professor last 110 years. termine the state of advancement jhas been appointed Advertising completed—on the basis of all the of English, Dr. Lyle, assistant pro- Dr. Dix concluded his address by of civilization. He emphasized the Manager of the Rice Institute Re- games. fessor of German, and Mr. Jim propounding the idea that it is pos- importance of the freedom for the view of Science and Arts. He is OFFENSIVE FIRST TEAM Smith, former president of the Tex- sible to measure the decline or ad- individual to grow. charged with the responsibility of E—James Williams, Rice; J. D. as University student body and ob- vancement of civilization by the de- Dr.
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