r e .: µ'. ,, . J·~ th-SL Broad & Gle~ha~ Sts. VOL. XIX, NO. 22 PROVIDENCE, R. I., FRIDAY,========-==---=----=-- AUGUST 11, 1944 5 CENTS--- _-THE_-_-_- _-COPY_-_--_ Arthur J. Levy Present:ed Attempt Made on Wit:h Sixth "Roger" Award Life of MacMichael Arthur J. Levy, prominent in Was on Way to communal affairs in Rhode Island, was presented - with the sixth Farewell Function "Roger" award of the Providence JERUSALEM, - Sir Harold Journal Company last Sunday af­ MacMichael, retiring British High. ternoon at Rorer Williams Park Commissioner of Palestine and · during the weekly prr-gram known Trans-Jordan, ,vas slightly injured as Sun~ay-in- Park. this week when an unsuccess:fu.1 llfr. Levy, chairman of the Prov­ attempt ~a~ made on bis life idence Council of Social Agencies, while lie was traveling along the aud chairman of the Providence J<!rusalem-Telaviv highway. Community Fund's Edueiation Com­ MacMichael's private secretary · mittee, was cited ·for his "outstand­ also was injured slightly but de­ ing community service." The tails of the assassination attempt text of the citation, signed by G. were not immediately a"\ailable. Pierce Metcalf, and read by Jack Lady MacMichael, traveling with Martin, was as follows: her husband, was not injured. " Arthur Joseph Levy' is one It was believed the attempt was whom i'Ood citizenship has beeome made by Sternists--extreme Zion . Form Group to Locate a habit. It was his habit before ists.Ljust before MacMjchael was t he fervor for doing our bit ar­ scheduled t o depart from Pales­ rived again with the war and the tine. He is to be succeeded by Persons Displaced by 1f ar least of us began to make his ARTHUR J. WY'· ; Fieid Marshal Yiscount Gori. ~EW YORK - The establish- member'agencies or their affiliated contribution to the aggregate her- justice and by obv1olis. '11ec.e#.Y­ Gort was in Vatican City this ment of the Central Location In- and cooperating organization$ oism of the Nation. Service is the "But look also to ~ maJY'~li•J week where he was granted a 20 · d~x, Inc., as a channel through throughout the United States if common lot and honorable today, accepts civic respon's~liti,es 111 minute audience with Pope Pius which seven nationally known or- they have not previously done so. made easy by the w:gency of band normal times, when the ·limelight XII. ganizations will seek-to locate per- The member agencies in turn will music, by posters, radio, and head- Ii s dim and the victory t~ bi on The attempt caused "\\;de indig­ sons displaced by war and whose register the names with the Cen­ lines, by the vog'!e, by obvious (Continued on Page _2) ~ nation throughout Palestine among wher eabouts are unknown, was tral Location Index for clearance, both Arabs and Jews. Police wer~ announced here this week by al'ter which the extensive oversea.; Unite Against reported carrying out a ,-igorous Moses A. Leavitt, president of the facilities of the mem ber agencies, Only 80,000 Jews 1 Radio "Quackery" search for the assassins. newly created agency. of the International Red Cross and CHICAGO - Protestants, Cath­ The Briti1h radio said that ~iac­ Mr. .Leavitt stated that the Cen- of public and semi-public bodies, Left olics :ind J ewish groups are organ- Michael, with his \\ife and secre­ tral Location Index, wbich will be will be enlisted in the location of in Poland 80,000 izing with the major air networks tary and staff members. was mo­ housed in New York City, will displaced people as rapidly as NEW YORK - Only to prevent "quacker~T" in relig ious toring to a farewell function when serve as a channel f0r clearance changing conditions permit. J ews survive in Poland and they 1 radio programs, Fred Eastmans the car, under police escort, was of the names of hundreds of thou- Central Location Index will not are concentrated in Lodz, and ir. professor of biography and drama ambushed. Fire was opened on th0 sands of persons who are now be­ undertake any personal message the vicinities of Bendin, Cracow, of the University of Chicago's fed­ car by assassins along the side t")f ing soughL by relativ~~n~-i:en«.l-3 serviei! to <persons in occupied and L_ublin, _a~cording to informa­ erated theological faculty, told the the road. The broadcast said that in this country. The Index, Mr. countries. This service is being tion received by the World Jewish Past ors· Institute and Educational two members of MacMkhaePs Leavitt emphasized, will not deal given by the American Red Cross Congress from Anselm Reiss, Pol­ Conference staff were seriously injured. directly with individual applicants. which agency also receives inquir. ish Jewish leader in London who Persons desiring to apply for ies regarding persons in occupie.i quoted a representative of the location service can do so through countries. Polish Underground just arrived in Britain. (Lublin has been liber­ Irving Berlin, Back Home, ated by the Red Army, since this Accuse N. Y. School Heads report was released.) Proud of Talk Tf ith Pope There are no Jewish sunTivors :--IE\\" YORK - Irving Berlin, 300.000 troops in all. in Eastern Galicia, according to of Glossing Over Racialism back in the U. S. after four months They received a citation ir0 1~ the same report. The number cf of playing "This Is the Army" for )lark Clark, Comm.anding G.enera! :--:EW YORK - Charging that Icharges, Superintendent of Schools J ews in hiding is very small. Th,,, the spread of religious intolerance J ohn E. \Vade referred the matter American and British troops in of the Fifth Army for "haYing con­ majority of the survivors are slave Italy, told reporters this week tha;_ tributed materially to the morale and false racial ideas are "glosse<l to the local school board which laborers. over" in our (New York City) rec0mmended only that the teacher his ; udience with the Pope was of Fifth ...\ rmy troops." Berlin and the troug;e ga"\'e their schools, Johanna M. Lindlof, edu- be transfer~ed and reprimanded. one of the memorable experiences of his tour. show twice a day. and Berlin al90 cator and New York Post colum- " Unless Dr. Wade follows Death "In Absentia" l<J'm ,·ery proud of that.,'' he managed to find time for daily im­ nist, referred to the case of Mrs. through as requested oy the par- For Antonescu Fn'end Gladys La ubenheimer, a teaC'her ents," writes Mrs. Lindlof, "the said at a press conference, "be­ promptu engagements at hospitals, walking through wards to enter­ in a Brooklyn public school who Laubenheimer case will be another LONDON - Max Auschnitt, an cause I got a chance to thank him was accused by the Parents Asso- example in which the failure to apostate Jew, close friend of Nazi for the fine work he has done to tain bed-rdden soldiers two and ciation of Public School 25 of act by school heads vitiates the Puppet Premier of Romania Gen­ help t be Jewish people. three at a time. " I was nervous at first. but I The civilian population in Rome spreading prejudice and intoler­ excellent and extensive program eral Antonescu, was sentenced to had heard how the Pope had ex­ saw ·'This Is t he Army'' soon after ance upon her pupils. Ignoring de­ intended to increase inter-racial death in absentia by a court-mar­ tended refuge and wonderful help mands of the Parents Association anci religious tolerance." tial after fleeing Romania in a sto­ its first performance for soldiers in to the o-ppress-ed Jews of Rome-and the city on J une 15. Althougi1 to try Mrs. Laubenheimer on those Several weeks ago, in reply to len bomber, the Nazi .Transkon­ complaints by Jewish parents that tinent news agency reports. Aus­ I wanted to thank him for my (Continued on Page 5) anti-Semitic gangs were beating chnitt, described by the German3 people." Willkie's $2,000 up Jewish children in The Bronx, as "a big Jewish industrialist," The popular songwriter, who ha-.. ]ewi.sh Leader Dr. Wade advised to kee,:, the chil­ had been interned in a Hungarian entertained troops t hrough two dren indoors after 8 p. m. concentration camp. wars, and the 160 enlisted men l\amed Ul\ RRA To Fight Bias who comprise the cast of " This Is WASHINGTON, D. C. - A the Army," performed before some Liaison Officer grant of $2,000 from the Wendell Henry Ford Denies Having TORO:-iTO - Saul Hayes, na­ E . Willkie fund to the National Refugee Board tional e.-...: ecutive director of the Committee A~ainst the Persecu­ Talked Tfith Fascist Pelley Canadian Jewish Congress, was tion of J ews, for t he purpose of WASHINGTON - Among the ever seen Pelley. The Silver Shirt­ one o! six representati,·es of Can­ combatting anti-Semitism in this exhibits introduced by the prose­ er was ejected from the Ford office Gets Horthy Offer adian social work organizations count ry, was announced by U. S. cution at the mass sedition trial building in Dearborn, Michigan, WASHINGTON - The w a) named to the executive of the Supreme Court Justice Frank here, was n letter from \V illiam when he attempted "to obtain Refugee Board is in receipt of Re . Council of Canadian \'oluntary Murphy, chairman of the organi­ Dudley Pelley tn Major General funds for his uefarious organiza­ gent Nicholas Horthy's offer to Agencies to assist KRRA. The zation. which was organized by and George Van Horn Moseley, retired tion," the spokesman said.
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