University of New Hampshire University of New Hampshire Scholars' Repository Doctoral Dissertations Student Scholarship Spring 1969 VARIABILITY IN ACANTHOCEPHALUS BUFONIS FOUND IN AMPHIBIANS FROM TAIWAN FRANCELLA ALICE WOODS Follow this and additional works at: https://scholars.unh.edu/dissertation Recommended Citation WOODS, FRANCELLA ALICE, "VARIABILITY IN ACANTHOCEPHALUS BUFONIS FOUND IN AMPHIBIANS FROM TAIWAN" (1969). Doctoral Dissertations. 900. https://scholars.unh.edu/dissertation/900 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Scholarship at University of New Hampshire Scholars' Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Doctoral Dissertations by an authorized administrator of University of New Hampshire Scholars' Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. This dissertation has been microfilmed exactly as received 70-2080 WOODS, Francella Alice, 1927- VARIABILITY IN ACANTHOCEPHALUS BUFONIS FOUND IN AMPHIBIANS FROM TAIWAN. University of New Hampshire, Ph.D., 1969 Zoology University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan VARIABILITY IN ACANTHOCEPHALUS BUFONIS FOUND IN AMPHIBIANS FROM TAIWAN * auCe FRANCELLA WOODS B. S ., U n iv e rsity of Nev Hampshire 1951 M, S,, University of Nev Hampshire 1952 A THESIS Submitted to the University of Nev Hampshire in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for the Degree of Dootor of Philosophy Crraduate Sohool Department of Zoology May, 1969 This thesis has been examined and approved m & L , R . U r r l J L . OhJMLu)^ U~ ^H/d$X<A iC ^< d$ 4 c C c ___ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Deep appreciation Is expressed to Professor Wilbur Bullock for his generous use of time and patienoe in guiding me in the pursuit of this problem. Dr, Bullock also made it possible for me to secure * Government-sponsored research grant under Navy Contract 168-3762 as well as selecting me for a project assistant for National Science Re­ search Grant GB-6408 "The Morphology and Taxonomy o f the Acantho- oephala, 11 For this assistance I would like to acknowledge my thanks, I am indebted to Dr. Robert Kuntz for supplying materials and for help in securing the above Navy contract. I would like to express thanks to Dr, John Cross and the Parasitology staff of NAMRU 2, Taipei, Taiwan, for the use of the facilities, as well as help and encouragement while working on this p ro jec t, I would like to express appreciation to Mr, F, F, Mlddleswart of Wilmington, Delaware, for his assistance and advice in the statistical study and for a ll the computer analysis done at Dupont, Finally, I would like to say thank you to my brother-in-law, Mr. Robert Costantino, for his assistance in the preparation of illustra­ tio n s . 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES.......................................................................................... v LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS........................................................................... v i I . INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................. 1 I I . LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................... 3 1. H isto ry .................................................... 3 2. The genus Aoanthocephalus .............................. 7 3. Morphology. ............ 8 h, Aoanthocephala found in amphibians ................ 11 5. Aoanthocephala found in amphibians from the Far East.. ih I H . MATERIALS AND METHODS........................................................................... 21 1. Definitive hosts,.... ................................................................... 21 2. Zoogeography...................................................................................... 25 3. Preparation of speaimens ......................... 26 Jf. Morphological study ....................................................................... 27 5. A study in variation. .................................................. 27 IV. OBSERVATIONS AND RESULTS..................................................................... 29 1. Body sise - length and width. .................................................. 29 Comparison of males and females - length.,,, 29 Length of specimens from one location - Tounan,... 32 Observations on length ......................................................... 3h Width ............................................................................................ 36 D iscussion ................................................................................. 37 2. Proboscis i length and width .......................... h i Range and mean from one loo at ion - Tounan ................. h i Comparison of three hosts t B, melanostiotus. B, bankorensis. and Rana. ............................ h3 D iscussion o f proboscis s i s e ........................ h 6 3. Variation in the maximum sise of the proboscis hooks., h7 Sexual dimorphism ................................................................... h7 Host-associated variation ............................................. h7 Location differences ............................................................. 51 Discussion of maximum hook sise ...................................... 51 i i 4. Hook arrangement.. ......................................................................... 53 Variation in the number of longitudinal rows of hooks................ 53 Variation in the number of hooks per longitudinal row ..... ........................................................ 58 Combination of the number of longitudinal rows and the number of hooks per row .................................... 61 Discussion on hook arrangement.. ............................. 62 5. The lem nisei ........................ 64 Size of the lemnisei compared to the size of the proboscis receptacle .................................................. 64 Size of the lemnisei in comparison to each other,... 69 Discussion of the lemnisei .................................................... 70 6. Length of the proboscis receptacle............................ 72 7. Variation in cement glands. ........................................ 72 Number of cement glands ................................................. 72 Form and shape ........................................... 75 Discussion of cement glands ....................... 78 8. Variation in the testes .................... 80 Range and mean fo r th e a n te rio r and p o ste rio r t e s t e s . , , , ............................................................................... 80 Discussion of the testes ..................................................... 81 9. Variation in the eggs ...................................................................... 81 S tru c tu re ...................... 81 Size comparison .................... 86 Discussion of the eggs............................................... 86 10, The female genitalia. ........................................... 93 V, DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS OF MORPHOLOGICAL VARIATION FOUND IN ADULT ACANTHOCEFHALANS FROM AMPHIBIANS ON TAIWAN................. 94 1. Discussion ............... 95 2. The Coefficient of Variation, ............................................. 96 3. The Coefficient of Difference ................. 99 4. The Nt” test ......................................................................................... 101 5. Pearson's Correlation Coefficient .............. 105 6. Point Bl-serlal Correlation Coefficient, ........................ 108 7. A Nested Analysis of Variance ..................................................... 109 8. Other statistical techniques used ............... I l l Two-Variable Scatter Plots .................................................... I l l Cluster Analysis .................................................................... 112 i l l M u ltl-v ariate Cla s sific a tio n Technique............................ 112 P rin c ip a l Component An aly sis. ........... 113 VI. CONCLUSIONS.................................................................................................. 115 LITERATURE CITED........................................................................................ 117 APPENDICES.................................................................................................... 123 iv LIST OF TABLES Number Page I, Comparison of body length by classes from various hosts .......................... 30 II, Comparison of bod$r sise ,. .......................... 31 III, The range and mean of body length for Tounan specimens - grouped by Individual hosts ............................ 33 IV, Length and width of the proboscis of parasites from one location ..................... * ................... 41 V, The range and mean of the proboscis length of female specimens from Tounan, grouped by host ...................................... 42 VI, Comparison by host of the proboscis length ............... 44 VII, Comparison by host of the proboscis width ............................ 4-5 VIII, Sexual dimorphism demonstrated in the maximum sise of proboscis hooks of specimens from Bufo. ................................ 48 II, Host-associated variation of the maximum hook sise .............. 50 X, Length of the proboscis receptacle,,.,....................................... 72 XI, Variation in the number of cement glands ................................... 75 X II, Range and mean fo r th e a n te rio r and p o ste rio r te s te s 80 XIII, Size comparison of the anterior and posterior testes 81 XIV, Ranges in egg and embryo sise
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