8ATUBDAT MAT. f^d, IMS T f f l (Ca r o l i n a f liiES FABB fTVB Red Caps Defeat Detroit Black Sox SPORTING WORLD Xavier to Battle Peinrie View at ^skegee CSncionati Ethiopian NEW NEGRO MAJOR fiASEBALL LOOP Abe Simon, 250 I k I C. SMITH NETTERS DEFEAT Coach Harris Names Conmnmity SoftbiB Clowns To Meet TO GET UNDER WAY SUNDAY. MAY 17 Will Retire From AGGIE RACOiitTiiERS, 5 To 1 A & T Students Who Leag^ Held F ^ -y - Competition io the new Negro both in the pitching and fun de­ Greensboro.—The A. and T. Col Ft. Knox Ml-Pros Ring Due to Ailment team in the loop—so they figured. Will Get Awards Meeting Monday Major Baseball League of Ameri­ partments, and they’ll be even bet­ ege racqueteers fell to an invading —T— All of this high powered plan­ jirciii-ihoro,— Archie H arrii ati- ca will get under way officially ter fortified on May 6 w^en Lou Johnson C. Smith tennis team on ning turned into a flim sy bubble tiDurii-f'-i for the Depiirtnintit of Sunday afternoon, May 17, with a Montgomery, the all-around foot­ New York, —(C)— Abe Simon, the Aggies ’ courts^ last week by a ^ White Rwri rmmera op-last se»- Cineinnati, Ohio.— A peruHal of last Sunday. Nothing th a t .losh^ Henlth'nffd PhvHical K*lti<-ation of fanfare of fitting eeremonies. Ma­ ball and baseball sCar from Boston whose o^stasdisg- characteristics 5-1 tally. ‘ ’* n n are aho ready fo r the pl-ijr un­ the personnel of the Cincinnati Buck, Ches Williams, Vic H|irri.H iind T. n d leg e last week the jor R. R. Jackson of Chicago, pres­ College,, joina the cluB. are that he weighs 250 pounds and The results: der a new manager, Donglaa C. EItfaiopi«ii Clowns, the se&siitional ■flv 8Hy other jrlayer did could b^ nanif' of student.s who have par- ident, and Fritz Pollard, Sr., of Henry, of Detroit, is high on has fought Joe Louis twice, has Russell (Smith) defeited Boyer, Raye, who is succeeding hia broth­ ball players and showmen, whose called a redeeming act. The whole ticif ntcd on the intram ural and in- New Ywk, vFce jniesident, an­ his club, particularly Pitchers retired from the ring, according o 3-6, 6-0, 6-3; Loritts (Sm ith) de­ er Johnson Ray who wag called for itinerary takes them into Parkway team was out of gear, and seemed tercdliegiate field?, and who “will his manager, Jinmy Johnson. This active service in the (7. S. armcA Field, Louisville, this Sffnday nounce plans being completed that UlyssM Evans, *|fed Alexander, feated Anders^, 6-2, .3-6, 6-0; receive aw.ards before the close of wiH make these openers memorable Barnett Higdon and Vernon move was made upon the advice Horne (A, and T.) defeated Wel»b, satisfied to operate that way. The forces. Team.s entered are: (May 3) 'for r donMe header a- attitude was wrong and the spirit the college year for their outstand­ in the annals of X«ee'basebftll. Smith; Catcher Ralph Christopher; of his phytician when it was re­ 6-4, 2-6, 6-1; Johns (Sm ith) de­ W hite Rock, Done^lfs C. R ayj gainst the Fort Knox All-Profes­ was absent. And, that is what the ing :ichievements. The first openers will have the Infielders John Britton and Syl­ vealed that should he continue to feated Guest, 6-l,7-5; Russell and Kast End, Earlie Thprpe; Mo* sional Stars—and wh<f are carded front office men are sore about. Awards fcCftck -Jwd intramu­ Cincinnati Clowns against Balti­ fight, he might seriously impair his Loritts (Smith) defeated Boyer hawks, Arthur Smith; E. D, against the original House of Da­ vester Snead, and Outfielders Os­ ral .'ioftball andfttcnni^ wiW be an- more'at the latter’s Edgewater car Tyson, Robert Mack and health. Simon has been suffering and Horne, ^-3, 6-1; Horne and After a conference, startinar ear­ Giants, B. Williams; Elites, Jr., vid (white) club at Badtn, N. C. ly last Monday morning and last-j nonnred by ^lay 23. StiKleritii who Park at Sparrows Point, Md., and George Crum. with a chronic back ailment ahd Johns (Sinith) defeated Gist and Otis MeCullof^h:- Ink Spots, Wil­ and the Griffith Stadium, Char­ ing well into the night, the front ' have been called to service in the the Chicago Brown Bombers ag­ The Bombers,' having as their has for sevei^l y^ars complained Hilliard, 6-3, 6-3. lie <Hbson; Tiger?, George Moore; lotte, N. C.» next Wednesday after­ offiee men decided that the Home- i army will receive the iiwar.l* bv ainst the Detroit Black Sox at nucleus the former Palmer Bouse of severe headaches. -------------V------------- Walltown, Don Love; AB-Star«. noon and night respectively (May stead Grays must show .■^oniothing mail. S<?eaters will be given to fi. ) r eveala nlnsa all th^ w ay down Motor Speedway Park in the Auto team that twice captured Illinois Simon has been in the game for Claude Willia;^s; Hillside, W. H» besidp?f th eir TrnrrnriTR iiext those w 1h > pftltieipated iir in»i-r^ t’ityi Flag-raising, bands and other state semi-pro honors, have looked more than 7 years and accumulat­ Sun- Austin. the line. | Hoo^tead Grays In day when they meet the younj; <olIcf;iate sports and to th> cheer features will be on the program at very good to ‘ ‘Bingo^ De Moss, in ed a fortune “ approximately $oO,- — Some -one. always expects Eagles again in Newark. .Jersey leatlers. ■' both places. their Southern games and are sore 000, says Johnston. He gained spe­ this of the great Clowns, who as- fan* are all worked up about how The intram ural awa.r«k are: one The Clowns will start their home to be ■ threat foplhe leagne title. cial. prominence when he lasted 13 Bad Spot When Aces Senators Nyct And ^hded to the national aemipro the Manley inspired youn<!:.stors large }>eTpetual trophy for the col­ seae^ at Crosley Field« Cincinnati, ------------- V------------- rounds with Joe Louis in Detroit. championship by winning the big have been performing. They have lege champions in basketbRll Reynolds Enc^rse where they drew 30j000 fans ia 3 They met again last month, hut Denver tournament last summer, Fail To Show Form gone so far that the aged and fee«;‘ (North Dorm.), tine small individ­ appearances last Summer, on May this time he could only go 6 ses­ New Mag-azine but this season—partly in antici- ble are planning to eome nut to ual trophy for outstanding player i - i 24, which also will be & gala day. sions. Incidentally, Dr. S. Good- Pittsburg, Pa.w—When the New­ pa'fibn of making Croiley Field in Hampton Meets St. Ruppert Stadium next Sunday and (Charles W ashington), =mnll Thie Boston Royal Giants plan to hart, brain specialist, says Simbn Washington.—Senators N«y"(R. Cincinnati their home basfe foi* Ne­ ark Eagles blanked Homestead see the show. Manley’s kids ave basketballs for Aggie League get started in league action on Dec- did not suffer any ill-effeets froni ND) and Reynolds (D-NC) said to­ gro Major League competition, Grays 9-0 in Richmond, Va., on told it all over town that they are fhampions, 12 small basketballs 'oration Day. Lexing^ton Park, the Paul, Virginia State his last encounter with Ijouis. day they had endorsed a new where they are scheduled to open April 5th, the defeat was charged going to do it again—beat Home­ for Tech League champion.^, one American Association bailiwick at ------------- V — monthly- magazine, “ Th* CroM OB Sunday,. M ay 24—ithe Clowns to cold weather and improper con­ small trophy f«r ten­ St. Paul, has allotted a total of stead Grays, and btat them bad. And The Flag,” pabli^faed by have outdone themselves in as­ Track May 2nd dition of players. But when the --- -V----- ^, nis champion, two small trophies ten Sunday and night dates to the Gerald L. K. Smith o f Detroit. sembling a wonder ag^egation. same outfit dropped a double bill for men’s doubles tennis cham­ Major League, the first scheduled Reynolds, chainuan. of the. Sen­ Boasting an'' outstanding mana- |Iampton Institute, Va.—Hamp­ Xavier and Prarie to Newark again on April 12th in Man Believed To Have pions and 1.* .small keys for college for May 31. ate Military Committee, said he gcr in McKinley *^Bunn.y” Downs, ton Institute’s cinder • stars will Washington, D. C„ 13-8 and 9-4,^ ta c k e d 80 Womeii softball ehampion.s. :i. Meanwhile, alt th e elttbg Hare" - -had^ a past master in teaching great Incef'th'e track teams of St.“Fau Tfr^rttie^ the home oMee reJiseJ to accept FoUf M onths Officials of the .4.’and T.,Col­ shaping up well. Good reports eome hut rather the principles he stood baseball and showmanship, the Polytechnic Institute, Lawrenee- the same excuse. It was reveajed lege Health and Physieol Ednca- from the South on the Clowns, New York.—A man described by for. arf powerful at every po- ville, Va., and Virginia State Col­ that Newark had trained only two tiofl Department are R. K. Bern­ whom Manager “ Bnnny” Downs Honors at Tusk^ra police as a sex maniac, %vho they “After looking over Mr. Smith's ■sition and zanier than ever lege, Petersburg, on Friday, days longer in Richmond under al­ ard, director, Archie Harris.
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