Software Releases 2021 © 2019-2021 InnovMetric Software Inc. All rights reserved. PolyWorks® is a registered trademark of InnovMetric Software Inc. InnovMetric, PolyWorks|Inspector, PolyWorks|Modeler, PolyWorks|Talisman, PolyWorks|Reviewer, IMAlign, IMMerge, PolyWorks|DataLoop, PolyWorks|PMI+Loop, PolyWorks|AR, PolyWorks|ReportLoop, "The Universal 3D Metrology Software Platform", "The Smart 3D Metrology Digital Ecosystem", and "Interconnecting Hardware, Software and People" are trademarks of InnovMetric Software Inc. SmartGD&T is a trademark of Multi Metrics Inc. NX is a trademark or registered trademark of Siemens Digital Industries Software Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and in other countries. Teamcenter is a trademark or registered trademark of Siemens Digital Industries Software Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and in other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. This manual, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. The content of this document is furnished for informational use only, and is subject to change without notice. InnovMetric Software Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document. Except as permitted by such license, reproduction in whole or in part in any way without written permission from InnovMetric Software is strictly prohibited. PolyWorks Acknowledgments 2021/07/06 PolyWorks® 2021 Contents 6 Introduction 7 General acknowledgments 8 List of open source libraries 8 PolyWorks Metrology Suite software programs 8 Boost C++ Library versions 1.76, 1.72 and 1.71 8 C++ Mathematical Expression Toolkit Library version 1.0 12 cxx_recursive_shared_mutex version 1 12 CivetWeb version 1.6 12 Dapper.StrongName version 1.50.5 12 Detours version 4.0.1 12 fmt version 6.2.1 12 FreeType version 2.1.9 15 FTGL version 1.0 15 GeometricTools WildMagic version 5.13 15 InteractiveDataDisplay.WPF version 1.1.0 15 Java SE 6 version 6.0.130 (32-bit) and 7.0.150 (64-bit) 20 JsonCpp version 0.6.0-rc 20 libgmp-10.dll version 5.0.1 21 Libjpeg version 9.0 22 libmpfr-4.dll version 3.0.0 22 Libtiff version 1.0 23 log4net version 2.0.8 23 Magic Enum version 0.6.6 23 Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server version 26 MVVM Light version 5.4.1 26 NamedType version 1.1.0 26 Nanodbc version 2.12.4 26 Newmat version 11 27 Newtonsoft.Json (Json.NET) version 9.0.1 27 OpenCV version 3.4.0 27 OpenSSL versions 1.0.1 and 1.1.1g 29 POCO C++ Libraries version 1.9.0 30 protobuf version 3.8.0 30 Quricol QR code generator library version 2.0 30 Quricol QR code generator library \ Libjpeg version 8.3 32 Quricol QR code generator library \ Libpng version 1.5.4 34 Quricol QR code generator library \ QRencode version 3.4.2 40 Quricol QR code generator library \ Zlib version 1.2.5 41 RapidJSON version 1.1.0 43 Scintilla version 4.1.3 43 Serial Library for C++ version 1.0 43 SQLite3 ODBC Driver version 0.9996 PolyWorks Metrology Suite 2021 - PolyWorks Acknowledgments 3 44 System.Reactive version 4.0.0 44 TR - OpenGL Tile Rendering Library version 1.3 44 Zlib version 1.2.11 44 zpp serialiazer version 0.4 45 PolyWorks|AR™ for HoloLens 45 Google Noto Fonts version 2.002 45 Google Noto Sans version 1.04 45 HoloLensCameraStream version 0.3.0-beta 45 MixedRealityToolkit-Unity versions 2.6.1 and 2.4.0 45 SimpleJSON version 2017.11.29 46 PolyWorks Collaborative Suite software programs 46 Angular-Fancy-Modal version 0.1.4 46 Angular-cookies.js version 1.4.7 46 AngularJS version 1.7.5 46 AngularJS version 1.4.7 46 angularjs-slider version 7.0.0 46 Angular-pdfjs-viewer version 0.8.1 46 angular-pinch-zoom version 0.2.1 47 Apache log4net version 2.0.8 47 Apache Xerces version 2.7.0 47 AspNetKatana (Microsoft.Owin) version 4.0.1 47 blockUI version 2.70 47 Boost C++ Library version 1.72 48 Bootstrap version 3.3.7 48 Bootstrap version 3.3.6 48 Bootstrap (angular-ui) version 2.5.0 48 Bootstrap (angular-ui) version 0.14.0 48 Chart.js version 2.5.0 48 ChartJS-Plugin-Annotation version 0.5.5 48 ChartJS-Plugin-stacked100 version 0.4.4 48 Charts version 3.5.0 49 DataTables version 1.10.20 49 Font Awesome Free versions 5.0.10 Free and 4.4.0 Free 50 Google Fonts \ Noto Sans (some) 50 ICU version 3.4.1 51 jQuery version 3.3.1 51 jQuery version 1.11.3 51 jQuery.ui version 1.12.1 52 jquery-validation version 1.17.0 52 jquery-validation-unobtrusive version 3.2.9 52 Json.NET version 6.0.4 52 js-cookie version 2.0.3 52 Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi version 5.2.3 55 Microsoft.Net.Compilers version 2.2.0 58 Newtonsoft.Json versions 13.0.1 and 10.0.3 PolyWorks Metrology Suite 2021 - PolyWorks Acknowledgments 4 58 NLog version 4.4.11 58 OBJLoader2 version 1.3.0 58 ocLazyLoad version 1.1.0 58 PDF.js version 1.6.210 58 PDF.js version 1.6.210 \ bcmaps 59 POCO C++ Libraries version 1.9.0 59 PullUpController version 0.8.0 59 RapidJson version 1.1.0 61 Remotion.Linq version 2.2.0 61 SharpZipLib version 1.2 61 SideMenu version 6.5.0 61 SignalR versions 2.4.0 and 2.1.2 62 SignalR-Client-Swift version 0.7.0 62 Source Sans Pro version 2.0.21 62 Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger version 5.4.1 62 ThickRedLine version 2018.09.02 62 Three.js version r123 62 Three.js version r85 \ helvetiker_regular.typeface.json version 1.00 2004 63 ui-select version 0.19.0 63 ui-sortable version 0.19.7 63 Y14.5M-2009.ttf font version 001.001 64 PolyWorks|ReportLoop™ for Excel 64 BouncyCastle version 1.8.2 64 Excel-DNA version 1.1.1 64 MimeKit version 64 Newtonsoft.Json version 12.0.1 64 SuperSocket.ClientEngine version 0.10.0 64 WebSocket4net version 65 Appendix 65 Referenced license terms 65 Apache License, Version 2.0 67 BSD-3-Clause License 68 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 68 CC BY 4.0 License 73 GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 75 MIT License 75 SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1 77 ZLib License 78 Other information 78 List of copyrights in Boost C++ Library PolyWorks Metrology Suite 2021 - PolyWorks Acknowledgments 5 Introduction About this document This document provides general acknowledgments and open source library acknowledgments that cover all PolyWorks software programs. They may or may not apply, depending on the software program. General acknowledgments © 1995, © 1998-2000 National Research Council of Canada This work contains software owned by Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. © 1986-2013. Teamcenter is a trademark or registered trademark of Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and in other countries. Portions of this software are owned by Spatial Corp. © 1986-2019 Spatial Corp. All rights reserved. This distribution contains PDF3D software copyright Visual Technology Services Ltd., all rights reserved. This distribution contains a driver owned by Pantec Engineering AG. Refer to its user license for more details. When using Renishaw scanning probes, a Renishaw-supplied calibration algorithm is used. When using the Renishaw PH10-iQ range of motorized heads, a Renishaw-supplied calibration algorithm is used. PolyWorks Acknowledgments 7 List of open source libraries PolyWorks® software programs may use or incorporate the following open source libraries, in whole or in part, and are therefore subject to the copyrights included in the subsections that follow. PolyWorks Metrology Suite software programs This subsection includes open source libraries distributed within one of the following software programs; PolyWorks|Inspector™, PolyWorks|Modeler™, PolyWorks|Reviewer™, PolyWorks Metrology Suite IMMerge™ Agent, PolyWorks Metrology Suite license server, and PWSF add-ins. Boost C++ Library versions 1.76, 1.72 and 1.71 Multiple copyrights and authors. https://www.boost.org/ See List of copyrights in Boost C++ Library. Licensed under the Boost Software License - Version 1.0. C++ Mathematical Expression Toolkit Library version 1.0 Copyright © Arash Partow (1999-2016) Free use of the C++ Mathematical Expression Toolkit Library is permitted under the guidelines and in accordance with the most current version of the Common Public License. http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php Terms of the CPL-1.0 License - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE ACCOMPANYING PROGRAM IS PROVIDED UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS COMMON PUBLIC LICENSE ("AGREEMENT"). ANY USE, REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM CONSTITUTES RECIPIENT'S ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. 1. DEFINITIONS "Contribution" means: a) in the case of the initial Contributor, the initial code and documentation distributed under this Agreement, and b) in the case of each subsequent Contributor: i) changes to the Program, and ii) additions to the Program; PolyWorks Acknowledgments 8 where such changes and/or additions to the Program originate from and are distributed by that particular Contributor. A Contribution 'originates' from a Contributor if it was added to the Program by such Contributor itself or anyone acting on such Contributor's behalf. Contributions do not include additions to the Program which: (i) are separate modules of software distributed in conjunction with the Program under their own license agreement, and (ii) are not derivative works of the Program.
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