THE GANNON KNIGHT A student-edited weekly newspaper VOL.41,MO. 3 GANNON UNIVERSITY, ERIE, PA SEPTEMBER 25, 1965 7th St. alternatives sought by Mirk Wnukowakl Tullio said that he plans to con- the reversal of traffic around While it is unlikely lhai Ihe sult Gannon officials about the Perry Square." reversal of traffic around Perry proposal immediately. Currently, Scottino believe! Square will bring about an im- The actual closing of 7th St. has that the closing of 7th St. is still mediate closing of West 7th bet- been pursued by Gannon in Ihe feasible, but admits that it will not ween Peach And Sassafras streets, past, however nothing is currently happen immediately. the creation of a safer crossing being done on the part of the "The people studying the traf- seems imminent. university to further the closing of fic pattern originally believed that "I doubt very much that we'd the street, according to Gannon it would be desirable to close 7th ever be able to close 7th St. entire- President Dr. Joseph Scottino. St. in order for the plan to work. ly," said Erie Mayor l.ouis Tullio However, since the traffic reversal "Three years ago, we attempted in a recent telephone interview. "I has been completed without the don't think City Council could to have trie street closed, but we closing, they will probably wait to were opposed by area businesses. seriously consider that mainly see what the effect of the changes The Erie Chamber of Commerce because there would be opposition already in place have before they from both motorists and area (of which Gannon is a member) make further changes," Scottino sided with these businesses businesses." said. without even allowing us to fully Tullio added however that it City Engineer Wasinder explain our position." Scottino might be possible for Gannon to Mokha, who organized the rever- obtain an above-ground catwalk said. sal of the traffic flow around virtually cost-free. Discussion of the matter was Perry Square, said that it is up to "Herb Sweeney has such a cat- then postponed, and interest in Gannon to make a proposal if the walk linking two of his buildings pursuing it further subsided, Scot- university wants 7th St. closed. (the former Erie Resistor tino said. In the Oct 13th, 1982 "If they were to submit a pro- Buildings located near 12th and issue of the Knight Scott inn was posal, we would be willing to con- Poplar) that he's interested in quoted as saying, "We don't sider it," Mokha said. "All they'd donating to the city. Personally, believe 7th St. can be closed until have to do is show their nttd for I'd like to see that catwalk install- the traffic flow around Perry the closing and what they propose INTERSTATE TTH STREET - Attempting to cross 70s Street at the ed across West 7th between Gan- Square is changed . The whole to do with it if it is closed." crosswalk between Zarn aad Russell kails can sometimes be a non buildings," Tullio noted. idea of closing 7th St. is linked to dangerous chaUeage. pt*w t> Tiaa Daw* Benji goes to college Canine star hounded during Gannon visit by Bill DeBus "Benji has been called the kind of guy who could tell you Benji was on this show for seven hospitals, such as those for crippl- A typically calm and unexciting 'America's Most Huggable Hero'- a thousand tales about how he years, a Hollywood producer ask- ed children. This brings personal Wednesday afternoon at Gannon a cross between Burbank and sailed the Seven Seas, what he'll ed Inn about having the dog star satisfaction not only to the last week was temporarily inter- Hollywood," said Frank Inn, actually tell you are a thousand in a motion picture. The movie children, but to Benji's master as rupted wlien Hollywood movie Benji's brawny, bearded trainer stories about the famous animals was made, Benji became an ins- well. star Benji the Dog made a surprise who wears an authentic sea- he's trained for television and tant star, and Inn, who had "I have great feeling for people guest appearance on campus. captain's cap. movies. His roster of former previously been thinking of retire- who have to spend their life in a No, the furry four-legged Despite the dog's "show biz" pupils includes such greats as ment, changed his plans. "It gave wheelchair," said Inn, who was superstar was not here to do on- image, Benji actually seemed Lassie. Rin-Tin-Tin, and Roy my career a whole new shot in the nearly crippled in an auto accident localion filming for an upcoming rather shy as he sat on the arm," he said. many years ago. "Benji Goes To College" movie. sidewalk at West 7th and Peach "The dog has dons very At this time, however, Benji As for the near future. Inn said However, the owners of Benji, St., unaffected by the many spec- well for me." - was already 10 years old, so Inn another Benji movie is presently Frank and Juanita Inn of Sun tators seeking a lick, a pawshake, Frank Inn began training Benji's look-alike being planned, but filming will Valley, California, are the uncle or maybe even an autograph. for future films. This next- not start until next year. Inn also and aunt of Gannon student While Benji would not ac- Roger's horse Bullet, to name a generation star has since starred in noted that according to figures George Librandi, a junior bio- comodaie the "autograph few. "Love of Benji," "The from Mulberry Square Produc- chemistry major. Since the Inns hounds," Inn did hand out pic- Another fact some people may Phenomenal Benji," "Benji at tions, Benji movies have so far had been visiting l.ihrandi's fami- tures to anyone who asked. not realize is that the Benji of ac- Work," and "Oh Heavenly Dog" grossed over $100 million. ly in New Castle, Pa., they decid- To understand the story of how ting fame today is actually a (in which Benji teamed with "The dog hat done very well ed to journey northward and have Benji got into movies, it's impor- second-generation Benji. The Chevy Chase). for me," Inn said, while glancing George show then the Gannon tant to know two things. Benji's original Benji began his career on In addition to movies, the appreciatively at the canine star campus. And Benji came along, master and trainer it a profes- the 'Petticoat Junction' television beloved Benji also makes charity basking in the hot sunshine. too. sional. Although Inn looks like serin during the 1960s After appearances at children's Benji had no comment. D Have a whale of a time with Greenpeace, see page 3 D Bill Doan shines, onstage and off, see Features, page 7 D Knights kick their way into championship arenas, see page 10 SEPTEMBER 28, IMS NEWS THE CUNNON KNIGHT Gannon purchases computer Campus ministry plans byKw KevinVaawln SullivanC.,IIIU_- ■._ - 1979. It will be used to handle ad- Burger Pernod, director of the A more modern computer ministrative work on a greater computer center and member of sexuality, workshop system wu recently added lo the by Milch Radalla level than its predecessor, and is the board of the Computer Steer- Gannon University Computer Oannon s Campus Ministry and the Student Government Associa- the second such series employed at ing Committee who, along with Center in order to more fully han- tion are co-sponsoring the "Recognizing and Integrating Human Oannon. Another 750 currently Volpe, co-chaired the joint plann- dle administrative needs. Sexuality" workshop, which will take place Friday and Saturday services the academic needs of the ing committee, also saw the need According to Kevin Quinn. vice Sept. 27 and 28. The workshop will begin Friday at 7 p.m. and run university. foe a new system. "A lot of con- president of business affairs, the until 10:30 p.m. Saturday's session will be from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Quinn explained that the new cerns were surfacing about ad- Comprehensive Computer Plan Associate Campus Minister Sr. Rose Marie Radomski said 750 is actually a one-year-old ministrative processing," he said. Committee met during the sum- registration will be accepted up until the night of the workshop, but model. "We did not immediately "The 350"s growth had outstrip- mer to discuss the purchase of a she would like students to register by Thurs., Sept. 26. The registra run out and purchase the most ex- ped its capacity." new computer, since they had pensive unit we could find. We tion fee, to help cover costs, is II. Students can register at the Cam- determined that the current Prime Pernod revealed that the arrival pus Ministry office on the first floor of the Student Services Center took our time, and as a result were 550 series was no longer able to of the newer 750 has also been ad- or at the SGA office in the Student Activities Center. able to locate a perfectly good vantageous to the older 750 handle the growing needs of the computer at a very feasible The workshop will have discussion sessions and lectures by Gan- administrative workload. model. "We brought in the new price." The cost of the new non faculty and staff members including Bonnie Belcastro, the Rev. "The 350 wu becoming ob- model to advance administrative Charles Drexler, Tom Leonardi, Tim Pilewski, Radomski, Dr. machine was $50,000.
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