University of South Florida Scholar Commons Digital Collection - Science Fiction & Fantasy Digital Collection - Science Fiction & Fantasy Publications 6-1-2006 SFRA ewN sletter 276 Science Fiction Research Association Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/scifistud_pub Part of the Fiction Commons Scholar Commons Citation Science Fiction Research Association, "SFRA eN wsletter 276 " (2006). Digital Collection - Science Fiction & Fantasy Publications. Paper 91. http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/scifistud_pub/91 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Digital Collection - Science Fiction & Fantasy at Scholar Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Digital Collection - Science Fiction & Fantasy Publications by an authorized administrator of Scholar Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. #~T. April/llay/June J006 • Editor: Christine Mains Hanaging Editor: Janice M. Boastad Nonfiction Reriews: Ed McKniaht Science Fiction Research Fiction Reriews: Association Philip Snyder SFRA Re~;e", The SFRAReview (ISSN 1068-395X) is published four times a year by the Science Fiction ResearchAs­ I .. "-HIS ISSUE: sodation (SFRA) and distributed to SFRA members. Individual issues are not for sale; however, starting with issue SFRA Business #256, all issues will be published to SFRA's website no less than 10 weeks Editor's Message 2 after paper publication. For information President's Message 2 about the SFRA and its benefits, see the Executive Meeting Minutes 3 description at the back of this issue. For a membership application, contact SFRA Business Meeting Minutes 4 Treasurer Donald M. Hassler or get one Treasurer's Report 7 from the SFRA website: <www.sfra.org>. SFRA would like to thank the Univer­ sity of Wisconsin-Eau Claire for its as­ SFRA 2006 White Plains sistance in producing the SFRAReview. Grad Student Award 8 Mary Kay Bray Award 9 SUBMISSIONS The SFRAReview encourages all submis­ Thomas D. Clareson Award 1 1 sions, including essays, review essays that Pioneer Award 12 cover several related texts, and inter­ Pilgrim Award I 2 views. If you would like to review non­ fiction or fiction, please contact the respective editor. Non Fiction Reviews Hollow Earth 1 5 Christine Mains, Editor Box 66024 Lovecraft in Popular Culture 16 Calgary,AB TIN I N4 Prehistoric Humans I 7 <[email protected]> Star Wars Posters I 8 Janice M. Bogstad, Managing Editor SF Quotations 19 239 Broadway St. Eau Claire WI 54703-5553 <[email protected]> Fiction Reviews Can't Catch Me I 9 Ed McKnight, Nonfiction Editor I 13 Cannon Lane Glasshouse 21 Taylors SC 29687 Game of Perfection 24 <[email protected]> Numbers Don't Lie 25 Philip Snyder, Fiction Editor WebMage 26 109 Northumberland Road Old Twentieth 26 Rochester NY 14618 <[email protected]> Solstice Wood 27 Red Lightning 29 SFRA BUSINESS ) Editor's lIessaae Christine Mains News Items: This issue of the SFR4 ReJ.'ieJlJ is a coming out a little later thml the sched­ The Octavia E. Butler Memorial ule would call for, but we do have a good reason: we needed to delay publication Scholarship Fund has been estab­ until after the July 10 deadline for late nominations for the upcoming election. lished to provide a scholarship for However, no new candidates presented themselves for consideration, so dlere are writers of color to attend the Clarion no new candidates' statements to add to those published in issue #275. Ballots Writers Workshop, where Butler got for the election should be arriving in your mailboxes later this summer. The her start. The scholarship will be membership directory will also be out later this summer, reflecting membership administered by the Carl Brandon registrations as of July 15,2006. Society, which earlier this year es­ In this issue, we have, in addition to reviews of fiction and nonfiction, dle tablished the Parallax Award and the speeches of award presenters and winners from the recent awards banquet at the Kindred Award. conference in \V'llite Plains. We're not quite publishing the speeches in the order in which they were given, and we're not able to provide a food course between every RobertJ.Sawyer's Mindscan is the win­ other speech, but you can use your imaginations to add in the carrot cake widl ner of the John W. Campbell Me­ blueberries and the glasses of wine. morialAward for Best Novel ofthe \\le're a little light on nonfiction reviews in tllis issue; those of you with Year, becoming one of only seven books to reVIew, consider yourself gendy nagged. And remember, you don't need writers who have won all three of to wait for Ed or Phil to request reviewers for books they've received from pub­ the field's top awards. lishers; if you've received a book that would interest SFRA members, or if you've heard of a forthcoming title that you'd like to review, please contact memo Greg Bear and Jack Williamson will SFRA BUSINESS receive the 2006 RobertA. Heinlein President's lIessaae Award, to be presented at the Society's annual dinner held in con­ David G. Mead junction with Worldcon in LA. SFRA 2006 was a great success. I was delighted to see so many of our The Bram Stoker Award in horror members in \'Olite Plains, to hear some terrific presentations, and to get to meet fiction, were announced by the Hor­ members whom I have known only as names in the Directory until now. The rorWritersAssociation at their ban­ conference guests were terrific, and fully engaged in the program, and dle program quet in Newark, NJ. Novel (tie): was full of interesting panels and discussions. Creepers, by David Morrell and Dread "nlanks are owed to a great many persons for dle success of tllis year's in the Beast, by Charlee Jacob; First meeting. First, to Tom ;,Iorrissey and Oscar De Los Santos, the conference co­ Novel: Scarecrow Gods, by Weston chairs who madc it all happen. And to their many helpers, includingJJ Sargent Ochse; Long Fiction:"Best New Hor­ and ,-\rlene l\Iorrissey. Thanks also to Joe Berlant and Dave Hartwell for their work ror," by Joe Hill; Short Fiction: "We in the book room. SFR.,·\ owes all these folks a great debt of gratitude for the Now Pause for Station Identification;' countless hours of work they put in! by Gary Braunbeck; Fiction Collec­ Next year we will meet in I"':'ansas City, July 5-8, in conjunction with the tion: Twentieth Century Ghosts, by Joe Heinlein Ccntennial. \\le are inviting guest authors now; I hope to be able to Hill; Anthology: Dark Delicacies, ed­ announce their names soon. TIle meeting will bc held in the Crown Center. For ited by Del Howison & Jeff Gelb; more information about the venue and Centennial plans, take a look at Non-Fiction: Horror:Another 100 Best wwwheinleinccntennial.com. Start planning your paper and saving your pennies. Books, edited by Stephen Jones & Kim Our officer elections for 2007-2008 will be held soon. Ballots will be mailed Newman; Poetry (tie): Freakcidents, by III .\ugus t. Please look for yours, and be sure to vote. \\le have a wonderful slate of Michael A. Arnzen and Sineater, by candidatcs, whose candidate statements were pnnted in the last S}<l{A RnieIJ'. Charlee Jacob; Lifetime Achievement: I assume that I will get another chance to writc a President's l\Icssage Peter Straub; Specialty Press Award: beforc I go out of officc. But ifI don't, I want to thank you for giving me another Necessary Evil Press; Richard chance to be Premlent of the .-\ssoCiation. "-\nd to acknowledge Peter Brigg, Bruce Laymon (President's Award): Lisa Rockwood, \\'arren Rochelle, :Vlack Ilass!c.:r, (:hri~sic: Mains,Jill Bogstad, and all Morton. the: award, COmlTIlttee members who kept me In J[n making a complete mess of It alL 111cI" dId the: \vork. (-----------------------------------------) ( SFRA BUSINESS Minutes: Executive Committee Meeting Warren Rochelle The LocusAwards, selected by the readers of the magazine, were pre­ Call to Order: The J\[eeting of the Executive Committee was convened at sented at the Science Fiction Mu­ approximately 9:30 p.m., on June 22, 2006, in David ,',[ead's room, the Crowne seum in Seattle, Washington. Best Plaza Hotel, 'W1lite Plains, NY Science Fiction Novel:Accelerando, Present: Bruce Rockwood, !\[ack Hassler, Christine l\[ains, David '\[ead, by Charles Stross; Best Fantasy \Varren Rochelle. Novel:Anansi Boys, by Neil Gaiman; OFFICER and SFR-4 REVIEIVEDITOR REPORTS: Best First Novel: Hammered/ PRESIDENT, DAVE l\[EAD Scardown/Worldwired, by Elizabeth The meeting began with the President's report on the upcoming 2007 Bear; Best Young Adult Book: Pay SFRA conference, which is to be held in Kansas City, in conjunction with the the Piper, by Jane Yolen & Adam Heinlein Society Centennial. Stemple; Best Novella: "Magic for He also discussed the membership of the various award committees. Beginners;' by Kelly Link; Best Nov­ Dave noted that the Pilgrim Award Committee currently has 2 members: David elette: "I, Robot," by Cory Hartwell and Charles Brown (of Lo(l/J magazine), and that a third member was Doctorow; Best Short Story:"Sun­ needed. He felt the third member should not be a US citizen, and suggested Pavel. bird," by Neil Gaiman; Best Maga­ TREASURER, ,\;LKK R\SSLER: zine: The Magazine of Fantasy and Mack noted the organization currently has 310 members. I-Ie added that Science Fiction; Best Publisher:Tor; SF StudieJ is raising its rates, due to printing costs. The actual changes should BestAnthology: The Year's Best Fan­ come to a $1 for individuals and $2 for institutions, and will be effective in 2007. tasy and Horror: Eighteenth Annual \\!hen asked if Mack felt we should raise our dues, j\[ack said no.
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