0 5 /171 Volume XXVIII Houghton College, Houghton, N. Y, June 12, 1936 Number 30 ALUMNI APPROVE $100,000 GIFT STORY Ah[) PICTURE ON PAGE THREE Pulitzer Prize Sixty Received Degrees at the Annual Winner Hired f Commencement Exercises on june Bth 4 RECENT ELECTIONS Dr. Herman Cooper of State TO HONOR SOCIETY Department Gives Rousing As instructor <siL Seniors Bestow Address on Youth First Time in 23 Years That, Chosen by a r. o·thirds vote of the College Mantle facult because of their "high schol- Judges Have Awarded This arship, general culture, and breadth Dr Herman Cooper, Assistant Scholarship to a Girl of interest, ' the following members Commissioner for the Teacher Edu- IMbair On Junior Class of the class of 1936 were elected to carton and Certification Dnnsion of the Houghton College Honor Soct- the State of New York, addressed Next year Houghton students will et> James Bedford, Ivone Wright, the college and senunary graduates at hake the prmlege of study:ng art f i The Class Day exercises of the col- Glenn Donelson, Harriet Sartwell, the forty-eighth annual graduation under the supervision of Miss At- lege were held Saturday morning m Marvin Goldberg, and Lena Hunt exercises of Houghton College on leen Ortlip, recent Pulitzer prize win- the chapel, which was beautifully Claur Carey, of the class of 1926 Monday, June 8 ner Besides the regular classes m decorated with ferns and wild roses was also elected instruct in cours- Sixty srudwrs were graduated from art, Miss Orthp will L Following the invocation by Dr es m art appreciation and history of Ten per cent of a graduating class the College *rid tilirteen from the Stephen W Paine, Marvin Goldberg may be elected ro the Society To Semmary Twelve were awarded art AILEEN RTLIP dellvered the class salutatory Mr Miss Ortlip comes to us from Fort secure entrance, one must have an a. Theological diplomas Lee, New Jersey Her parents, Mr Goldberg briefly reviewed the past erage grade point mdex of not less The procession of candidates and and Mrs H Willard Ortlip, are four years of the class, mentioning than 225 for the entire four >ears faculty entered the college chapel in fact that Ellis year's class was the ok college double file to the strams of the 'War both artists of international repute first to graduate under the accredi College Evening the P:CE..5 on Pdge Eight March of the Pnests", by Mendel- Often their work has been exhibited system - HC - in museums throughout thts and ssohn, led by Elizabeth Tilm.n and A mixed quarter, composed of Est- other countries, and has been used Wililam Foster, junior class repre- her Brewer, Florence Chssold, Laur. as cover designs by such papers as Classes Popular Housing Facilities sentatives ence Anderson, and Alton Shea, sang he Literdry Digest Howe,er, it was The Rev Dean Bedford opened die 1 two numbers "Meditation", by No- l Will be Taxed by exercises with prayer He was fol- their twenty-three-year-old daughter- A N,ght School, compristng scken bel Cam, and "As Torrents in Sum lowed by Miss Ivone Wright, who pupil who brought home the coveted , clasxs, has been instituted in Hough- mer", by Edward Elgar "bacon"-the Pulitzer art prize, a plaped a wolm solo ton College Harold Boon m his class oration, scholarship ,alued at 81500 This Large Enrollment After an mrroductton by President .. Those groups who ha. e been ob aiscu.bed the wurh prob[em of for 15 the first time in t. ent> thrie years , Luckn, Dr Cooper addressed the that the Judges ha.e awar ded the , ar ser,rooms id gatheredon certain m i,enings one ot the in theSeminimphast. eign lands to the and opportunities of America, await- givtng This last ear. in the final reg*=- graduates Dr Cooper had chosen scholarship to a girl In a similar .et< constitute this group The tien. there aere listed 117 freshmen as his topic, "Youth Marches On", contest sneral % ears ago she recei% ed classes and their teacher. follow ing organized i outh m this countq 78 sophomores, and 58 luntors-a to- and under this title gave a very clear secon d prize, the sum of 0100 Histor>, Miss Winona Carttr, H.4 piano sole. "Liehestraume-No tai ot 243 At the pre registration and comprehensM picture of the With thi Pulitzer scholarship she Mathematic. Methods. Mrs Zola b, Li.zr, .as admirably render- period m May, over 225 of these. problems and needs of the present h as enabled to study at the Sorbonne f·ancher, Music Methods Prof 41 d by Franc.. Hor.hkiss after „ htch Mr. Bam .rate., enrolled tor courses He was smcerely appreclame of the Unt,ersin in Pam u here she com- ron M Cronk, Hi,tori ot Edu.a- thi tradmonal \!intle oration was dur:ng the first semester ot the year conmbutions made by the small pleted her studies with honors The non. 411.. Bess M Fan.h.r. School glun 6 1 ime. I3edford In pbs- 1 936.35* The abo,e hgures do nor Chrisrian college and emphasized the x oung arti,t has hon other prizes, Admint.tration, Prot 1 \V She3. ing rh. \Iantl. ro thi .liss ot 1937 ho„eur. include the Bible School or ,alue to the student and to the world medals and honorable mention T , rher, „int with it thi obligarion to spern[ ,rudents ot a Christian college such as Hough- WICC English Lit,ratur. and Ad'ancia the Iational Academy of Design Composition, 411.. Editl, Il)'IL uph,Ad .h. rish ind propagit. the Ir will b. remmb. r.d that lair ton pres.nt,d her uith the award of 3100 The Night SLhool 1, not i,t.n.ion ,ideal, ot th. colligi In h,5 response I Itir -h. Houhron College student Dr Cooper's address was evidentiv L aurend Saile Mid that a. Elijah of bod; imr. 1.ed 3 p.r .ent wer the tor oil paintings sork but a s.parate di,1.„n Wht.h well prepared and well thought our lot only B she outstanding in the old .,st his mantle on thi trusted E- r,gi.rrition for the pr.ceding year- glii. regu|ar .ol|eg,. .redit Th, f lan, striking and forceful truths held of art, but also, in 1928, at the cia,s ar. held on zIonda, \\ td It.in, e too,.ould the doss ot '36 th, larg..r in.r.a.e ot al! college. m „ere pre.ented Among other things age of strteen, she was graduated ca.r ir. mantle upon rhe class ot '37, the ,rat. ha,ing an .nroll'nent greit nisda> and Thursdiv evening,. Sit ot .alue he said thar no generation kno,ing that rhe obligation woull be er rhan 200.tud.nt. As turthe- e, had an, right to spend ercesslie|V ruLfand va]53»rtnhooof' 2rhr urdai morning, and one English Lit tull, reilized iden ot our continued gro,ith as a erature, on Siturdai atterroon and run into debt ar the expense of Atter graduation she spent a year in In his vii.dicton, Glenn Donel. college, the registrar reports that the The cia.... irt gen.ra'li ,mall and an oncoming generation Furope and at the age of sepenteen ,on igain .,pre.ed rhe appreciation registration tor the incoming fresh- informal in m.thod Daci,sion rip, Folio„ ing rhe address, Dr James „ a. enrolled ar the National Acaa- ok rl i .lis, ro its Alm. Alater and man ciali. 15 25 per ,int in al. ance :f t. aching is used S Lucke presented diptomas to the ems of Art m New York its tacultr He summed up the class of la.r ,ear's at this time That the 1% e are indeed most fortunate m Tho.e taking the 'Vight Schoollspirit m thi „ords .al, ation >acri. cla,s ot 194111 ill be much geater Seminar, and Theological graduates, and A B and B S degrees to the .eduring this talented Foung artist horl ire mainlk teachers in service I hce and er, ke and said that al- than rhe class of '39 is assured college Seniors as i member of the faculty of Some are po.t graduara, others are, though rhe class ould be lea,ing Although an addition ts being made Re.ter of Studenes on P.ge TA Houghton College undergraduates working for an AB, mo,·r thinc., ir would n.wr forsake to the girl's dormiton rhts .ummer - HC - , - HC - 3.gret Seural ok the latter ha,e the armospher. ot Houghron That rh. problem ok hou.in< the .rudents 1.111 be iu.t a. bertom a. last pear FACULTY PICNIC Recognition Given to decidid to complete their courses at would rimain fore,er Houghron's Night and Summer 4. president „t the class, CI,Xord Nea.15 211 rhe rooms both new and Houghton during Year Schools rathlr than aMend a State neber presented the das glft-an old, are aireadp engaged Since there ONCAMP GROUND Teacher's Training Institution Ea.[man ulrra modern morton picture is buch a shortage. no rooms .iN be President Luckey's unfailing ef- The Houghton teachers .[ati that projector Atter the response ot kept tor old students i. ho tail o re It was ram,ng so hard in the :ar|v fort to secure scholastic recognition tne> cnlow reaching rhe Night S.hool Praid.nt Lu.ke the program con.
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