PAGE A2 ■ MAY 7, 2012 ■ THE STATE JOURNAL ■ FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY OBITUARIES COMMUNITY Supermoon lights CALENDAR Grocery. Mrs. Burke was a OBITUARY POLICY member of Leestown Gospel Church. The State Journal publishes brief Mrs. Burke is survived SCHOOLS death notices at no charge. by her children, Robert Wil- TODAY This notice includes name, age, liam Burke, Charles L. Burke, up Frankfort skies Franklin County Board of Education date and place of death, funeral Homer Alton Burke, John N. home, memorial contributions, meets at 4:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. at Cen- Triplett and Kathy Jane Bar- tral Office, 916 E. Main St. visitation, spouse name, services nett; brothers, John Doug- and a photo. Families who want las Dean, Larry Dean, Ben- TUESDAY additional information published ny Dean; sisters, Pansie Al- Early Learning Village School Council may do so for a charge based on dovers, Betty Jean Mefford; length, $7.50 per column inch meets at 4:45 p.m. in the school 11 grandchildren, 19 great library (7 lines of text per inch). Pictures grandchildren and four may be submitted with any great-great grandchildren. NARCOTICS paid obituary. Obituaries are She was the widow of Rev. accepted only from funeral H.L. Burke and was preceded ANONYMOUS homes. Obituaries also appear in death by a son, Frederick TUESDAYS on www.state-journal.com. Burke; a daughter, Beulah Ann Burke; her parents, El- Narcotics Anonymous meets at St. mer Dean, Sr. and Kather- Paul’s United Methodist Church, 1800 ine D. Dean; brothers, Floyd Louisville Road, from 7-8 p.m. Glenn A. Dean and Elmer Dean, Jr. and sisters, Florence Baxter OVEREATERS Burger and Louise White. ANONYMOUS Services for Glenn A. Burg- Pallbearers will be Bobby er, 39, of Lawrenceburg, will G. Burke, Bobby G. Burke II, TUESDAYS be Wednesday, May 9, 2:00 Christopher Burke, Richard 6:30 p.m., First Baptist Church at the p.m. at Church of the Ascen- D. Lennon, Jonathan Burke Singing Bridge, 201 Saint Clair St. sion - Episcopal. Father Wil- and Kathy Barnett. liam J. Neat will officiate. In lieu of flowers, expres- ALCOHOLICS Burial will follow at Frank- sions of sympathy are sug- fort Cemetery gested to Leestown Gos- ANONYMOUS A Frankfort native, he was pel Building Fund, 980 MONDAYS Wilkinson Blvd., Frankfort, the son of Jennifer L. and Wil- Frankfort Group, 300 Strathmore KY 40601 or Hospice of the liam C. Burger II. He died un- Drive, open discussion at 11:30 a.m.; Bluegrass, 663 Teton Trail, expectedly Friday morning. CHIPS Group, Bridge Street, closed Glenn was a graduate of Frankfort, KY 40601. discussion at noon; CHIPS group, old Franklin County High School Arrangements are un- fashioned lead meeting at 6:30 p.m.; and worked as a building der the direction of Harrod contractor. He was an out- Brothers Funeral Home. Frankfort Group, 300 Strathmore door enthusiast who espe- Condolences may be shared Drive, open discussion at 8 p.m. cially loved boating, camp- via the online guestbook at Upstairs at Completely Kentucky, 237 ing and skiing. His greatest www.harrodbrothersfuner- W. Broadway St., from 5:15-6:15 p.m. joy was spending time with alhome.com. TUESDAYS his children. In addition to his par- Frankfort Group, 300 Strathmore ents, he is survived by three Walter Harding Drive, open discussion/non smoking daughters, Jordan Elisabeth, at 11:30 a.m.; Chips Group, Bridge Chairity Faith and Rebekah Harley Street, open discussion/non smoking Jaden Burger; a son, Justin LAWRENCEBURG – Ser- at 6:30 p.m.; Frankfort Group, 300 Alexander Burger, Frankfort; vices for Walter Harding Strathmore Drive, open discussion at 8 two brothers, Shiloh Thomas Harley, 90, husband of Alpha p.m.; Chips Group, Bridge Street, open Burger, Lexington and Jona- Blakeman Harley, will be 1 beginner’s meeting at 8 p.m. p.m. Wednesday at Gash Me- than Lee Burger, Frankfort; Upstairs at Completely Kentucky, 237 morial Chapel. four nieces and one nephew. W. Broadway St., from 5:15-6:15 p.m. Visitation will be Tuesday He died Sunday at his home. 5-8 p.m. at LeCompte-John- AL-ANON son-Taylor Funeral Home. Visitation will be 5-8 p.m. Guestbook can be found at Tuesday. Saturday’s “supermoon” was the closest and therefore the biggest and MONDAYS ljtfuneralhome.com. brightest full moon of the year. At 11:34 p.m., the moon was about 221,802 New Hope, 111 ½ Bridge St. (upstairs), Charles Roy non-smoking at 6:30 p.m. miles from Earth. That’s about 15,300 miles closer than average. Beulah Burke Monroe TUESDAYS Beulah Dean Burke, age Tuesday’s Serenity, 1st Christian Services for Charles 97, passed away Saturday, Church, Prayer Room on 1st floor, 316 Roy Monroe, 30, are pend- PHOTO SUBMITTED BY TRICIA SPAULDING May 5, 2012, at her home. ing at Clark Legacy Center, Ann St. at noon; O.D.A.T., 300 Strath- Services for Mrs. Burke Versailles Road. more Drive at 6:30 p.m. will be 10:30 a.m. Wednes- He died Sunday. day, May 9, 2012, at George Lindsey, known as TV’s Goober Pyle, dies THE STATE Leestown Vivian G o s p e l C h u r c h O’Banion BY TRAVIS LOLLER 1964 to 1968 and its succes- best script construction- JOURNAL w i t h ASSOCIATED PRESS sor, “Mayberry RFD,” from ist I’ve ever been involved Services for Vivian 1968 to 1971. He played the with. And you have to lift Rev. Tim NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) Ann Dix Maenza, Publisher O’Banion, 88, of Owenton same jovial character on your acting level up to his; J u m p p are pending at Rogers Fu- — George Lindsey, who 227-4556, ext. 232 “Hee Haw” from 1971 until he’s awfully good.” [email protected] officiat- neral Home. made a it went out of production in In a statement released Carleton L. West, Editor ing. Buri- She died Saturday. TV ca- al will fol- reer as 1993. through the funeral home, 227-4556, ext. 250 [email protected] low i n a grin- “America has grown up Griffith said, “George Lind- Frankfort Cemetery. Visita- Robert Victor ning ser- with me,” Lindsey said in sey was my friend. I had Ron Herron, Opinion Editor tion will be 4:00 p.m. until vice sta- an Associated Press inter- great respect for his talent 227-4556, ext. 260 8:00 p.m. Tuesday at Harrod Stucker tion at- view in 1985. “Goober is and his human spirit. In re- [email protected] Brothers Funeral Home. tenda nt every man; everyone finds cent years, we spoke often Services for Robert Victor Lloyd Lynch, Advertising Manager A native of Franklin Coun- n a m e d something to like about ol’ by telephone. Our last con- Stucker, 84, are pending at Linda Roberts, Prepress Manager ty, she was born April 5, 1915. Rogers Funeral Home. G o o b e r Goober.” versation was a few days ago ... I am happy to say Stephen D. Estes, Press Foreman She retired from Grimes He died Sunday. on “The George Lindsey He joined “The An- A n d y dy Griffith Show” in 1964 that as we found ourselves Michael Veno, Systems Administrator Gr i f f it h when Jim Nabors, portray- in our eighties, we were not Rick Kuiper, Circulation Manager Show” and “Hee Haw,” has ing Gomer Pyle, left the afraid to say, ‘I love you.’ Subscribe to NEWS died. He was 83. program. Goober Pyle, who That was the last thing George and I had to say to Keren Henderson, 227-4556, ext. The State Journal The Marshall-Donnelly- had been mentioned on the 261 [email protected] 227-4556 each other. ‘I love you.’” Combs Funeral Home in show as Gomer’s cousin, re- Jordan Smith, 227-4556, ext. 259 Nashville said Lindsay died placed him. Although he was best [email protected] early Sunday morning after “At that time, we were known as Goober, Lind- Katheran Wasson, 227-4556, ext. 253 a brief illness. the best acting ensemble sey had other roles during [email protected] �������� Lindsey was the beanie- on TV,” Lindsey once told a long TV career. Earlier, Kevin Wheatley, 227-4556, ext. 254 wearing Goober on “The an interviewer. “The scripts he often was a “heavy” and [email protected] Andy Griffith Show” from were terrific. Andy is the once shot Matt Dillon on Kayleigh Zyskowski, 227-4556, ext. 255 ��������� “Gunsmoke.” [email protected] His other TV credits in- Lauren Hallow, 227-4556, ext. 252 Attention State Employees cluded roles on “MASH,” [email protected] ���������� ‘’The Wonderful World of Disney,” ‘’CHIPs,” ‘’The SPECTRUM Glen Campbell Goodtime Spectrum, 227-4556, ext. 258 ����������������� [email protected] Hour,” ‘’The Real McCoys,” Phil Case, 227-4556, ext. 258 ����������� ‘’Rifleman,” ‘’The Alfred [email protected] ������������ Hitchcock Hour,” ‘’Twilight Zone” and “Love American SPORTS ����������������� Style.” Linda Younkin, 227-4556, ext. 257 Reflecting on his career, [email protected] ����������������� he said in 1985: “There’s a residual effect of knowing PHOTOGRAPHER ������������������ I’ve made America laugh. Hannah Reel, 227-4556, ext. 251 �������� I’m not the only one, but [email protected] I’ve contributed some- ������������������ thing.” The Associated Press is exclusively entitled ������������� He had movie roles, too, to the use of publication of all news ������� dispatches credited to it or not otherwise appearing in “Cannonball credited to the paper, and also the local Run II” and “Take This Job news published therein. ������������������� and Shove It.” His voice ���������� THE STATE JOURNAL was used in animated Walt (USPS 520-160) is published daily, Monday Disney features including through Friday afternoon and on Sunday �������������� mornings by the Frankfort Publishing Co., “The Aristocats,” ‘’The Res- 1216 Wilkinson Blvd., Frankfort, Kentucky, ���������������� cuers” and “Robin Hood.” 40601.
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