NEWSLETTER THE CHINA INSTITUTE VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 MARCH 1, 2010 ministration, and plan to de- Director’s Message: velop new joint degree pro- grams in math, education, and Dear Members and Friends of tourism management in the the China Institute, new year. More than 300 Chi- nese students and scholars are Welcome to the Chinese now studying in various de- New Year of the Tiger and partments and colleges across another edition of our newslet- CSUN, as well as in the Inten- ter. First of all, on behalf of sive English Program. The the China Institute Executive Chinese Student Association Committee, I wish to express has organized numerous cul- our compassion, share our tural gatherings and activities, solidarity and show our sup- most notably the “Chinese port for all those who have Cultural Night – Dreaming been suffering beyond words back to Tang Dynasty”, with and imagination during the beautiful costumes and fash- devastating earthquakes that ion shows created by Chinese Dr. Justine Su (left front) with Chinese Education Consuls and Visiting Scholars at CSUN rocked Haiti and Chile this students themselves. Mean- year, as we remember the while, two groups of young jing and enjoyed the tremen- CSUN Faculty has been similar earthquake in Sichuan, leaders from Shanghai gov- dous 6oth Anniversary Nation- very active in promoting ex- China that destroyed hun- ernment came to CSUN for al Day celebration activities. change and collaboration with dreds of schools and killed leadership training last year, Danielle Cabello, a graduate Chinese scholars last year. thousands of people in the and they were mentored by of CSUN’s English program, is Dr. Dmitry Rachmanov from spring of 2008. We encour- our faculty in public admin- learning Chinese at Northeast the Dept. of Music, a recipient age all of you to support inter- istration, business administra- Normal University, participat- of China Institute Faculty De- national and national efforts tion, education administration, ed in the famous Ice Festival in velopment Grant, visited six aimed at helping Haiti and health administration, political Harbin, and has just been in- cities including Taiwan, Chile to recover and rebuild, science, urban planning, fi- vited to teach English at the Shanghai, Nanjing and Beijing as you did for the Chinese nance, law, sociology, cinema university! Susan Tang, a last summer, as a cultural am- earthquake survivors. and TV arts. In addition to graduate student in Health bassador for CSUN. He pre- Last year, we continued studies on campus, they visit- Administration, is busy with sented lectures and master to advance the mission of the ed many of our local social, study and research at the Cen- classes to Chinese faculty and China Institute and renewed cultural, political and educa- tral China University of Sci- students and staged piano our MOUs with the China Edu- tional institutions, in order to ence and Technology and Don recitals at several major cation Association for Interna- broaden their perspectives Duprez, a graduate student in universities in China. tional Exchange, Shanghai and to gain insight into the anthropology, is learning Chi- Normal University, and Nan- American society. All of the nese and exploring research HIGHLIGHTS jing University of Science and young leaders have returned at Wuhan University of Sci- Technology, when the leaders to Shanghai to assume im- ence and Technology. Some of these Chinese institutions portant leadership positions, of them are already making CSUN—CHINA FACULTY & 2-22 visited CSUN and met with our just in time for the start of a plans to stay in China for an- STUDENT EXPERIENCES most exciting year in Shanghai other year for further studies, administrators and faculty. 22-24 We have expanded our 2+2 as the World Expo will open research, and work. Our stu- AWARD PROGRAMS programs with Chinese uni- there in May. dents have also visited China versities from finance to art, on short-term study tours. CHINESE DELEGATIONS TO 25 Thanks to the strong engineering, and health ad- During spring break last year, CSUN support from the Chinese Dr. Zhong-Guo Zhou again led Consulate General in L.A. and 26 a group of business students CSUN SCHOLARS IN CHINA China Scholarship Council, to China on an 11-day study four more CSUN students have tour that took them to Shang- CHINESE SCHOLARS AT 27-28 received the prestigious full hai, Beijing, and a cruise down CSUN Chinese government scholar- the Yangtze River to see the ships to study in China during 29 beautiful Three Gorges. All CSUN MENTORS FOR the current academic year. students expressed strong CHINESE SCHOLARS & Lisa Farber from the Dept. of STUDENTS interests in visiting China Theatre is studying at the Cen- again and one is already in 30 tral Theatre Academy in Bei- ART, MUSIC AND LECTURES China on scholarship study. PAGE 2 THE CHINA INSTITUTE (Continued from page 1) Consumer Science. Moreo- in interactive discussions with ceived the largest student ver, Dr. Peter Edmunds of universities students at a performing group – 230 He also gave a lecture on biology received National Town Hall meeting in Shang- young students from Shen- Beethoven music at the fa- Science Foundation funds to hai. President Obama recog- zhen, China, who presented a mous National Center for the continue the joint research nized the importance of edu- most beautiful Chinese New Performing Arts in Beijing. projects with scholars in Tai- cational and cultural ex- Year Concert with ballet, Another China Institute Facul- wan, and Profs. Annie and change between the U.S. and kungfu, singing and dancing ty Development Grant recipi- Barry Cleveland of theatre China, and promised to send to a fully packed and appre- ent, Dr. Robert Gustafson, were awarded grants from 10,000 American students to ciative audience of CSUN fac- went to Shanghai in Novem- the Fulbright Commission study in China in the next few ulty, students and friends from ber to plan the cooperative and the China Institute Facul- years. CSUN is already lead- the local community. The efforts of the Xie Jin Film and ty Development Program to ing the nation in this direc- Chinese students also advo- TV Arts College and the Mike teach and work on collabora- tion. cated the World University Curb College of Arts, Media, tive projects in Taiwan and Student Sports Games to be We have continued our and Communication for the Shanghai. held in Shenzhen in the Year efforts in bringing colorful Shanghai 2010 World Expo. 2011 and welcomed Ameri- From the College of Chinese cultures to CSUN and More than 20 faculty and stu- can university students to visit Education, Dr. Bronte Reyn- our local community. In Octo- dents from CSUN’s Depts. of Shenzhen at that time. We olds of Educational Leader- ber last year, Ms. Peipei Jiang, Theatre and Cinema & TV firmly believe that the more ship and Policy Studies was faculty of Shanghai Opera Arts will participate with their the young peoples in the U.S. invited to make a keynote Academy, presented a special Shanghai counterparts in vid- and China communicate and speech at the international workshop on Beijing Opera at eo presentations and live interact with each other, the education conference in Han- CSUN. In addition to lectures performances of a joint- better the U.S.-China relation- dan, China in April last year. on the history, characteriza- written/produced play at the ships will be and the better In November, Dr. Beverly tion, performance styles and American Pavilion. Other the world will become. We Cabello, Associate Dean of stage settings, Ms. Jiang invit- CSUN faculty who visited Chi- will work towards this goal in the College of Education and ed students to participate in na to attend international con- the New Year with the “Tiger” Dr. Justine Su of Educational special exercises and learn to ferences and to develop col- spirit and courage, and we Leadership were invited to perform an episode that they laborative projects last year sincerely welcome you to join give presentations at two im- had just learned from the include Dr. Louis Rubino of us in our efforts! portant international forums presentation. Her workshop Health Sciences, Dr. Yifei Sun in Beijing and Shanghai, at was enthusiastically received of Geography, Dr. Victor Justine Su, Ph.D. the same time when President by CSUN faculty and students. Shaw of Sociology, Dr. Ming- Professor & Director of Obama climbed up the Great Just before the Chinese New fang Li of Management, and China Institute Wall in Beijing and engaged Year’s Day this year, we re- Dr. Wei Cao of Family and COLLABORATIVE PROJECTS FOR WORLD EXPO (BY ROBERT GUSTAFSON, CINEMA & TV ARTS) Shanghai Normal University and the Shanghai Media Group; James Li, Pro- Mike Curb College of Arts, Media, and ducer, ICS; and Steven Weathers, host, Communication at California State Uni- “Expo Connection.” Gustafson also versity, Northridge for the Shanghai gave guest lectures at SHNU and cele- 2010 World Expo. Seventeen students brated the 5th anniversary of friendship from the departments of Theatre and and cooperation between the two col- Cinema & Television Arts will partici- leges. pate with their Shanghai counterparts in video presentations and live per- formances of a joint-written/ pro- duced play at SHNU and the American Pavilion. The students will also be featured in the television program Dr. Gustafson at SNU “Expo Connection” to be produced at the Expo by Chinese television chan- Through the generous Faculty nel ICS (International Channel Shang- Development Grant from the China In- hai.) Dr. Gustafson solidified joint stitute, Dr. Robert Gustafson went to plans for the Expo with Dean Zhao, Shanghai from Nov. 25-Dec. 7, 2009 to Executive Dean, Xie Jin Film and TV plan the cooperative efforts of the Xie Art College; Yong “Leon” Li, Vice Jin Film and Television Arts College of President, Research & Development, Dean Zhao and Dean Li welcome Dr.
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