iHmirlteatcr Fair e» P&ir with diminishing W t A I H t n winds tonight/Details on page 2. • Since 1081 • 20n I Vol. C. No. 37 — Manchester, Conn., Wednesday, November 12, 1980 »OI K HOMETOtriS yEWSHAFEK Iran receives U.S. resporise ALGIERS, Algeria (U PI) — Laingen, the highest-ranking hostages are being held: "I'm tine. Algeria today turned over to Iran the American hostage held in Iran, told a We're anxious to leave, hopeful." U.S. reply to conditions for release of Seattle radio station by telephone he Iran's Central Bank head told a the 52 American hostages, but the is out of touch with the latest Middle East business magazine formal transmittal was preceded by negotiations for release of the 52 cap- published in London that in addition warnings in Tehran and Algiers it lives but knows of Ronald Reagan's to the four conditions set last month would not lead to a speedy end to election as president and wishes him by the Iranian government the their captivity. well. United States will have to pay in- “ We don't anticipate an early Laingen, the embassy charge d'aff- terest on the Iranian assets it froze, response from Tehran," said an faires told station KAYO Tuesday deliver the military spare parts Iran authoritative source in Algeria, night from the Foreign Ministry in already has paid for. and soften its named by the Iranian government to Tehran, where he and two other tone in dealing with Iran. act as intermediary. “The I r a n i a n ___ ' _ _ _ authorities may need some time ___ 1 * 1 ■ ___ ® ® I ,. out where to slash |17 billion from the federal before formulating their answer." I If 1 I | I fl I l^^ll pep. Robert Giaimo, I>Conn., chairman The source described failure of the ^ of the House Budget Committee, makes a budget. Listening are Rep. Stephen Solarz, D- U.S. reply to meet Iran's four M. ‘ ^ point before the committee agreed to give N.Y. (center), and Rep. Bill Nelson, D-Fla. demands unconditionally as a reason • president-elect Ronald Reagan the 2 percent (UPI photo) spending cut he wants and to let him figure '“rj’i'rs'jr’.x. at least years newspaper Financial Times quoted W t x 50 Central Bank Governor Alt Rez . , ^ ^ . ic Nobari as saying the responses “do HARTFORD (UPI) — Convicted professional burglar for the last 15 not really meet Iran’s four con- cop k ille r G e ra rd ’G ary years and said he had been far more Lame duck Congress ditions.” Castonguay today was sentenced to successful than most in avoiding But in another interview printed in 50 years to life in prison for the 1977 arrest and conviction. London today. Nobari said the United killing of Plainville policeman Castonguay. 34, wearing a tan ':uit, States could meet Iranian conditions Robert Holcomb. showed no emotion as the judge im- for release of the hostages in four Judge David M. Shea rejected the posed the sentence, doesn’t expect much days if it wanted to. state’s attempt to have Connecticut’s I feel it is a case which calls for The Iranian bank director said he new death penalty applied to the case the imposition of the maximum WASHINGTON lUPli - The lame majority — the first time the GOP Means. Rep. James Corman. chair­ believes those Iranian leaders who retroactively. penalty the law allows. Shea said^ duck congressional session — a cur­ has had control of the Senate since man of the campaign committee; once opposed solving the hostage But he said because of the He noted Ih^ crime for which tain call on the political stage for the 1954 Democrats still hold control of and Rep. Harold Johnson, chairman issue now want to settle it and “there "heinous nature of the crime he had Castonguay was convicted originally defeated and the retiring — is begin­ the House. of Public Works. is no longer a political impediment to no choice but to im pose the was intended to carry the death ning^ with little expectation that The drama in this month's session An immediate tax cu(, backed by finding a solution.” m axim um s e n te n c e a g a in s t penalty anything significant can be ac­ comes in the return, for the final Reagan and Senate leaders, appears The Algerian ambassador to Iran. Castonguay Shea had struck down a portion of complished. time, of 13 senators and 38 con­ doomed in the House Abdelkarim Gheraieb. carried the Castonguay was convicted of two Connecticut s death penally earlier A fiscal IM l budget, trimmed to gressman who were defeated in the Baker said a tax cut was "entirely bulky presentation documents of the counts of murder in Holcomb s in the Castonguay case and the reflect Ronald Reagan's promise to primaries or in last week's election in the realm of possibility," but American response to Tehran, slaying and Shea imposed maximum Legislature this year changed the cut waste, and a catchall ap­ — swept aside in the conservative added he saw "almost no likelihood" Sources in Algiers said differences terms of 25 years to life on each procedures for handing down such a propriations bill to keep departments wave. President Carter would sign a tax cut within the faction-rfdden government count, ordering them to run con- penalty as the result of his ruling, and agencies operating until the 97th Among the Senate luminaries bill if it passes Congress. could send the affair back the Iranian secutively. Assistant State s Attorney Rowrt Congress convenes may be the only bowing out involuntarily are Warren And Wright said the House would parliament, which formally enun- Holcomb was shot four times in a Meyers appealed to Shea before major pieces of legislation to emerge ' Magnuson of Washington, chairman reject tax legislation even if it passes dated the release conditions Nov. 2. Plainville field as he pursued a house sentencing to make the new death Deputy Secretary of State Warren burglar on foot Testimony -in penalty retroactive to Castonguay s from the session that opens today of the Appropriations Committee, the Senate. "It's my view we should do as little Frank Church of Idaho, chairman of Christopher and the delegation that Castonguay s trial said he had shot case .. ^ » »u Revenue sharing, -enforcement of accompanied him to explain legal Holcomb once as he fled and then But Shea said he had come to the as possible in the lame duck the Foreign Relations Committee; fair housing laws, a revision of the session," said Senate Republican Herman Talmadge of Georgia, chair­ and financial complexities of the rep- shot him three more times as the conclusion the state s newly enacted criminal code, a fund to clean up oil ly returned to Washington, apparent- wounded officer lay on the ground statute does not apply to a pending Leader Howard Baker man of the Agriculture Committee; spills and the Alaska lands bill plus Although no length has been set for and Jacob Javits of New York, ly after being advis^.by Algerian of- The final shot was fired into case such as this one numerous other bills also are still ficials there was no point in standing Holcomb's back from 3 inches away Defense attorneys had asked Shea the session. Baker and House ranking Republican on Foreign waiting action by in Algiers for an answer. It was not merely the excitement to give Castonguay a sense of hope Democratic Lcader*Jim Wright of Relations Texas both expressed hope Tuesday , And coming on stage for the final Meeting a day in advance of the Delayed by mechanical trouble in of the moment or an attempt to es- in sentencing Congress could adjourn by lime in the House are Rep John session, the House Budget Com­ Shannon. Ireland. C hristopher cape, ’ Shea said in imposing the All of us are entuled to ho^,^ Thanksgiving Brademas of Indiana, the mittee voted a 2 percent cut in fiscal declined to say anything more than sentence. "There is every reason to said defense attorney Thomas Clil- than talks with the Algerians had think it was the deliberate taking of a ford of Hartford . 'The court, in The 97th Congress that convenes in Democratic whip; Rep A1 Ullmanof ^^1981 spending — the amount Reagan been useful and that “ we are grateful human life' whatever sentence it imposes, shpul January will have a 53-47 Republican Oregon, chairman of Ways and proposed for Ih^ir help ' as go-betweens. The judge described the slightly at least extend to Gary this sense of As Christopher flew home, Bruce built, auburn-hairod ( aslonguav as a hope LA. Big winds Lake Charlatl Town shifts stance, M organ v ''/T NNaw a w Orleans /•' City whip state FLA. m Gulf of Mexico Tam p^;, HARTFORD (UPfl — Strong winds whipping Connec­ reinstates policeman ticut for three days have buffet^ auto^brought down large trees, caused power outageWndJea to at least two II \1 A H T I\ K K .\H \S . tlial Beeler s pusUUun.avai- ju»(—14y5-iil (he..American Federation of deaths. ^ “ jeopardized bv (tie inve.slipalnm a S tale. County and M unicipal IIiTuld Keporier charge whieli (he union tl.iily F.mployees. Ihis morning said (he un- The National Weather Service reported that winds ’JEANNE” Tuesday gusted to 49 mph in Bridgeport and 46 mph at M W C IIES ri-'.H — The town ubjeeted to Today's ai-tion reu-rsed ion w.is satislied with the town ac- Brainard Airport in Hartford and more of the same was tixlay reinstated a police officer who the town s position non 'Wc rc very happy to get this -2 5 expected today.
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